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  • 商品について ※商品は画像にあるものがすべてとなります。【仕様】  ブランド:ミズノ タイプ:半袖 プラクティスシャツ IGNITUS ソーラーカット 対象:メンズ 型番:62HP31001 カラー:ホワイト x ブラック 身幅:約50cm 着丈:約72cm 【状態】  未使用品


  • 商品について ※商品は画像にあるものがすべてとなります。【仕様】  ブランド:ミズノ タイプ:半袖 プラクティスシャツ IGNITUS ソーラーカット 対象:メンズ 型番:62HP31001 カラー:ホワイト x ブラック 身幅:約50cm 着丈:約72cm 【状態】  未使用品


  • <p>Peterio Ignitus is Earth born but he has traveled throughout the Universe to unique places such as those peculiar planets in the Andromeda Galaxy. His field of science is the study of Human colonization in faraway planets.</p> <p>Peterio is a space-time traveler who works with Force. He brings home to Earth his news of Earthlings who settled in exoplanets in the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy. On several surprising visits to Andromeda and Triangulum, Peterio makes a discovery about Force and the Homo sapiens species that is shocking. It remains a worrisome puzzle for him to solve. Together with his students, Alfred and Andreus, Peterio work on mapping their travels, and modeling the pathway of the evolution of Humans from Earth.</p> <p>In his travels, Peterio ponders over his encounters with the Humans from the past. As an anthropologist, he delights in studying the evolution of the Human condition. But living in 26th Century AD, he attained knowledge of all ...
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