サレンダー マイケル

The Surrender Experiment My Journey into Life 039 s Perfection【電子書籍】 Michael A. Singerサレンダー 自分を明け渡し 人生の流れに身を任せる / 原タイトル:THE SURRENDER EXPERIMENT 本/雑誌 / マイケル A シンガー/著 菅靖彦/訳 伊藤由里/訳The Life Surrender Experiment - Based On The Teachings Of Michael Singer A Radical Journey To Inner Freedom【電子書籍】 Metabooks LibraryThe Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life 039 s Perfection SURRENDER EXPERIMENT Michael A. Singer【中古】 ドント サレンダー 進撃の要塞/ブルース ウィリス,ジェシー メトカーフ,チャド マイケル マーレイ,ケリー グレイソン,エリック ウェスト,シャナン ドハーティー,ジェームズ カレン ブレザック(監督),ティム ジョーンズ(音楽)【中古】 ネバー サレンダー 肉弾突撃/テッド デビアス,マイケル ルーカー,テムエラ モリソン,ロエル レーヌ(監督),トレヴァー モリス(音楽)【中古】 ドント サレンダー 進撃の要塞(Blu-ray Disc)/ブルース ウィリス,ジェシー メトカーフ,チャド マイケル マーレイ,ケリー グレイソン,エリック ウェスト,シャナン ドハーティー,ジェームズ カレン ブレザック(監督),テNever Surrender: A Novel of Winston Churchill NEVER SURRENDER Michael Dobbsサレンダー 自分を明け渡し 人生の流れに身を任せる / マイケル A シンガー 【本】I Surrender【電子書籍】 Michael R. Springston【中古】DVD▼ネバー サレンダー 肉弾英雄 レンタル落ちNever Surrender Your Soul Your Very Essence 【電子書籍】 Brian Michael GoodBIBLICAL SURRENDER【電子書籍】 Michael A SummersThe Surrender Experiment My Journey into Life 039 s Perfection【電子書籍】 Michael A. SingerUnconditional Surrender, Demobilization and the Atomic Bomb Illustrated Edition 【電子書籍】 Dr. Michael D. PearlmanNever Surrender【電子書籍】 Michael Dobbs臣服實驗:從隱居者到上市公司執行長,放手讓生命掌舵的旅程 The Surrender Experiment: My Journey into Life 039 s Perfection【電子書籍】 麥克 辛格( Michael A. Singer)Never Surrender--Never Retreat A Novel of Medical Politics in Texas【電子書籍】 Michael Liebermanサレンダー 自分を明け渡し 人生の流れに身を任せる マイケル A.シンガーThe Power of Surrender【電子書籍】 Michael Catt


  • <p><strong><em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER ? From the author of <em>The Untethered Soul</em> and <em>Living Untethered</em> comes the astonishing true-life story about the spiritual harmony and personal happiness he found when he just let go.</strong></p> <p><strong>“With his hallmark precision and clarity Michael Singer reveals how everyday life, doing business in the world, and spiritual practice can be synchronized to carry us into the heart of life’s unimaginable perfection.”ーJack Canfield, co-author of <em>The Success Principles</em> and co-creator of the Chicken Soup for the Soul? series</strong></p> <p>In <em>The Surrender Experiment,</em> Michael A. Singer tells the extraordinary story of what happened when, after a deep spiritual awakening, he decided to relinquish his personal fears and desires and simply let life unfold before him. Singer shares how this pivotal decision to embrace the flow of life led him to extraordinary success...


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>世俗的なことと、スピリチュアルなことを分ける考えが消えた。流れに任せると、人生はひとりでに花開いた。<収録内容>イントロ 人生の流れに身を任せる第1部 目覚め第2部 偉大な実験が始まる第3部 孤独から奉仕へ第4部 宇宙の流れに委ねるビジネス第5部 お金では得られないもの第6部 自然な成長の力第7部 暗黒の雲が虹になるとき第8部 爆発的な拡大第9部 トータル・サレンダー<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-1986933Maikeru a Singer / Cho Kan Yasuhiko / Yaku Ito Yuri / Yaku / Sarenda Jibun Wo Jinsei No Nagare Ni Mi Wo Makaseru / Original Title: the SURRENDER EXPERIMENTメディア:本/雑誌重量:380g発売日:2016/08JAN:9784938939861サレンダー 自分を明け渡し、人生の流れに身を任せる / 原タイトル:THE SURRENDER EXPERIMENT[本/雑誌] / マイケル・A・シンガー/著 菅靖彦/訳 伊藤由里/訳2016/08発売


  • <p><strong>THE LIFE SURRENDER EXPERIMENT - A RADICAL JOURNEY TO INNER FREEDOM</strong></p> <p><strong>BASED ON THE TEACHINGS OF MICHAEL SINGER</strong></p> <p><strong>BOOK CONTENT:</strong></p> <p>The Call to Surrender</p> <p>Unveiling the Inner Observer</p> <p>The Dance of Inner Energy</p> <p>Letting Go of Emotional Baggage</p> <p>Embracing the Power of Presence</p> <p>The Freedom of Non-Resistance</p> <p>Living Beyond Fear and Anxiety</p> <p>Opening the Heart's Portal</p> <p>The Art of Conscious Release</p> <p>Surrendering to the Flow of Life</p> <p><strong>ABOUT THIS BOOK:</strong></p> <p>This book is rooted in the profound teachings of Michael Singer, a renowned authority in his field. It has been meticulously expanded upon to enhance comprehension and accessibility for a wider audience.</p> <p>Through this expanded text, we endeavor to share the wealth of knowledge pioneered by Michael Singer and insp...


  • SURRENDER EXPERIMENT Michael A. Singer HARMONY BOOK2015 Paperback English ISBN:9780804141109 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Biography & Autobiography


  • ブルース・ウィリス,ジェシー・メトカーフ,チャド・マイケル・マーレイ,ケリー・グレイソン,エリック・ウェスト,シャナン・ドハーティー,ジェームズ・カレン・ブレザック(監督),ティム・ジョーンズ(音楽)販売会社/発売会社:AMGエンタテインメント(株)(アメイジングD.C.)発売年月日:2023/01/06JAN:4988166200464


  • テッド・デビアス,マイケル・ルーカー,テムエラ・モリソン,ロエル・レーヌ(監督),トレヴァー・モリス(音楽)販売会社/発売会社:20世紀フォックスホームエンターテイメントジャパン(株)(20世紀フォックスホームエンターテイメントジャパン(株))発売年月日:2010/04/02JAN:4988142772329海兵隊員のジョーは妻と高級リゾート地で休暇を楽しく過ごしていた。しかしその夜、パーティー会場を謎のテロリスト集団が占拠した。非情な連中に怒ったジョーは、ひとりで戦いを挑むことに……。WWEレスラー、テッド・デビアス主演のアクション。


  • ブルース・ウィリス,ジェシー・メトカーフ,チャド・マイケル・マーレイ,ケリー・グレイソン,エリック・ウェスト,シャナン・ドハーティー,ジェームズ・カレン・ブレザック(監督),ティム・ジョーンズ(音楽)販売会社/発売会社:AMGエンタテインメント(株)(アメイジングD.C.)発売年月日:2023/01/06JAN:4988166203946暗号通貨企業のCEOポールは、元公務員の父・ロバートの面会のため老人ホームを訪れていた。しかし、ポールの車には追跡装置がついており、保養所は巨大闇組織の武装集団に占拠される。しかし、一味の姿をみたとたん老いたロバートは豹変。瞬時に銃撃で迎撃したのだ。実はこの保養所、元CIA工作員たちの引退後の住処であり、要塞だったのだ!CIA工作員として長年闇組織と戦い、命を狙われ続けていたロバート。ポールは、父の正体を知り驚愕する。闇組織の狙いは、要塞心臓部の占拠と仮想通貨6億ドル。そして、因縁の敵であるロバ—トの命だ。今、老練なる兵士が最前戦に復活する!


  • NEVER SURRENDER Michael Dobbs SOURCEBOOKS INC2007 Paperback English ISBN:9781402210440 洋書 Fiction & Literature(小説&文芸) Fiction


  • 出荷目安の詳細はこちら内容詳細世俗的なことと、スピリチュアルなことを分ける考えが消えた。流れに任せると、人生はひとりでに花開いた。目次 : イントロ 人生の流れに身を任せる/ 第1部 目覚め/ 第2部 偉大な実験が始まる/ 第3部 孤独から奉仕へ/ 第4部 宇宙の流れに委ねるビジネス/ 第5部 お金では得られないもの/ 第6部 自然な成長の力/ 第7部 暗黒の雲が虹になるとき/ 第8部 爆発的な拡大/ 第9部 トータル・サレンダー


  • <p><em>Have you ever looked at the events of your life and wondered, Why is this happening to me? We all do but rarely do we stop to consider where these events are trying to lead us.</em></p> <p>Mike Springston has been a well-recognized innovator in the world of football since his 1990 team exploded on the scene with an amazing new and high-flying offensive system. Again in 2006, Mike invented the Run-Pass Option offense that has taken the football worldwide by storm. With all these innovations in football, Mike knew that there was a war going on in his spirit as winning and success never seemed to be enough. When Mike began to evaluate himself, he realized that God had a better plan for his life if he would only surrender to the plan that God had for him.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>Never Surrender Your Soul "Your Very Essence" is wriiten by a Genius, Autistic, Empath, and Savant; “a beautiful mind”.</p> <p>If you wish for personal ? spiritual growth and fulfillment in your life and less fear, it is possible! Never Surrender Your Soul unlike other religion & spirituality books, is written specifically to help you to find the encouragement, strength, and spiritual growth that you will need to change your perspective with less mind control so you can live a hopeful life that creates a path with less fear. There is hope and a way out! Help yourself by reading Never Surrender Your Soul, a guide to the afterlife, find answers and change your life for the better.</p> <p>We are taught to nurture the health of our body, mind, and soul; often they are neglected. While our health declines as each year passes, we value our soul more knowing that it is all that will remain. Rather than listening to a person with a louder voice, empower yourself by listening to...


  • <p>It is difficult to visit a bookstore without passing by shelves ripe with promises, secret keys, and new techniques for achieving happiness and spiritual success through some form of surrender. It may be one of the most overemphasized yet scarcely understood topics in the Christian life. This book does not promise new information or privileged secrets. Instead, it offers hope for the broken, truth for the wayward, and clarity for the lost from the pages of Scripture. Surrendering God's way is not glamorous or innovative. It is a visceral war on the craving of our hearts for spiritual independence. Discover the truth about Biblical surrender.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Michael A. Singer, author of <em>The Untethered Soul,</em> tells the extraordinary story of what happened when, after a deep spiritual awakening, he decided to let go of his personal preferences and simply let life call the shots. As Singer takes you on this great experiment and journey into life's perfection, the events that transpire will both challenge your deepest assumptions about life and inspire you to look at your own life in a radically different way.</p> <p>Spirituality is meant to bring about harmony and peace. But the diversity of our philosophies, beliefs, concepts, and views about the soul often leads to confusion. To reconcile the noise that clouds spirituality, Michael Singer combines accounts of his own life journey to enlightenment - from his years as a hippie-loner to his success as a computer program engineer to his work in spiritual and humanitarian efforts - with lessons on how to put aside conflicting beliefs, let go of worries, and transform misd...


  • <p>Includes The Bombing Of Japan During World War II illustrations pack with 120 maps, plans, and photos</p> <p>The calculations for bringing large-scale hostilities to an end and for establishing a favorable environment in which post-combat operations, including the occupation of the enemy’s homeland, can take place involve high-level military officers in the analysis of a wide range of considerations, many of which fall well beyond what would be traditionally recognized as strictly military in nature.</p> <p>In Unconditional Surrender Demobilization, and the Atomic Bomb, Dr. Michael Pearlman brings home this point through his shrewd assessment of the complex issues confronting U.S. officers as they debated the best course of action to follow in ending the war against Japan. Aside from the list of traditional concerns, such as the human cost of mounting an invasion of Japan, these officers had also to consider such intangibles as continued support for the war effort on th...


  • <p>Winston Churchill embarks on a battle of wills with Adolf Hitler in the run-up to Dunkirk. The compelling new historical novel from the acclaimed author of Winston’s War.</p> <p>Winston Churchill at his lowest ebb ? pitted in personal confrontation with Adolf Hitler, and with ghosts from his tormented past.</p> <p>Friday 10 May 1940. Hitler launches a devastating attack that within days will overrun France, Holland and Belgium, and bring Britain to its knees at Dunkirk. It is also the day Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister. He is the one man capable of standing in Hitler's way ? yet Churchill is still deeply mistrusted within his own Cabinet and haunted by the memory of his tortured father.</p> <p>Never Surrender is a novel about the courage and defiance that were displayed in abundance ? not just by Churchill, but by ordinary men and women over three of the most momentous weeks in British history.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入...


  • <p><strong>如果?不再試圖左右自身命運的走向,而是讓生命掌舵,會怎麼樣?</strong><br /> **  <br /> 紐約時報暢銷作家的真實故事,亞馬遜讀者4.5顆星好評!**</p> <p>  <br /> 透過長達40年的親身實驗,<br /> 辛格帶?看到一個人的痛苦、糾結、探尋、發現,以及最終的綻放!<br /> ?將發現,當一個人選擇「放手」之後,人生可能出現的種種奇蹟。<br />  <br /> 一個原本只想獨自在森林裡靜心靈修的經濟學博士班學生,<br /> 如何在決定進行一場「一切由生命做主」的臣服實驗後,<br /> 不僅得到心靈平靜,也收穫了世俗意義上的幸福生活和事業成就?<br />   <br /> 「臣服」是否讓?聯想到被動、消極、曲意遷就?<br /> ?是否認為,如果不去努力爭取自己想要的,什麼事都不會發生?!<br /> 然而,臣服不是懦弱,不是委曲求全,不是消極地隨波逐流。<br /> 真正的臣服是勇敢地放開自我,全然擁抱當下的變化,<br /> 然後,我們會看見生命所安排好的、種種超乎意料的驚喜。<br />   <br /> 麥克?辛格原本在修博士學位,準備當個大學教授。然而,在經?一次深刻的靈性覺醒之後,他決定開始一項實驗:接受生命之流展現...


  • <DIV><p>Bill Morgan had everythingーor at least he did until, as chair of the board of Travis College of Medicine, he severed a seventy-year relationship between the College and its principle teaching hospital and touched off a blood feud between them. He and Dean Dan Maffit provoke a struggle with the hospital's board chair, Jimmie Rutherford, and its CEO and ex-Israeli operative, Sandy Wechsler, in which the two institutions vie for prestige and dominance and for the physicians who serve them. We follow Morgan's fate in the ensuing conflict as his ambitions bring him face to face with his inner demons and insecurities. In the wake of the turmoil the lives of physicians, administrators and board members spin out of control. This novel of medical politics asks us to consider how not-for-profit institutions make decisions and how these decisions unmoor people's lives in unpredictable ways and run the risk of violating the public trust.</p></div>画面が切り替わりますので、しば...


  • 自分を明け渡し、人生の流れに身を任せる マイケル・A.シンガー 菅靖彦 風雲舎サレンダー シンガー,マイケル・A. スガ,ヤスヒコ 発行年月:2016年08月 ページ数:334p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784938939861 シンガー,マイケル・A.(Singer,Michael A.)(シンガー,マイケルA.) 世界的ベストセラー『The Untethered Soul』(邦題『いま、目覚めゆくあなたへ』菅靖彦訳、風雲舎)の著者。フロリダ大学で経済学を専攻。大学院在学中(1971年)覚醒体験をして以降、瞑想やヨガにのめりこみ、森の中で暮らす。1975年、瞑想とヨガのセンター「宇宙寺院」を森の中に設立。クリヤ・ヨガの継承者であるパラマハンサ・ヨガナンダを師と仰ぎ、深い霊的体験を重ねる。その一方で、医療業務管理産業に革命をもたらしたソフトウェア会社の最高経営責任者になる 菅靖彦(スガヤスヒコ) 1947年、岩手県花巻市に生まれる。国際キリスト教大学(ICU)人文科学科卒業。翻訳家。日本トランスパーソナル学会顧問。自己成長や創造性開発をテーマに執筆、翻訳、講演を行なっている 伊藤由里(イトウユリ) 熊本県水俣市生まれ。青山学院短期大学英文科卒業。ウェスタン・ミシガン大学に編...


  • <p>Michael Catt, senior pastor of Sherwood Baptist Church and executive producer of hit films <em>Facing the Giants</em> and <em>Fireproof</em>, believes the word “revival” has been used in so many ways as to lose its meaning altogether.</p> <p><em><strong>The Power of Surrender</strong></em>, his third book in the ReFRESH series (after <em>The Power of Desperation</em> and <em>The Power of Persistence</em>) reminds the church that “revival” really means (1) focusing on confession and cleansing, (2) making repentence and restoration a priority, and (3) walking in the fullness of the Holy Spirit and abiding in Christ. Surrender is the key to revival which is the key to spreading the gospel.</p> <p>Catt has witnessed the fruits of these disciplines at his congregation firsthand: “We are now seeing people walk through the baptismal waters. People are being saved. Members are inviting their lost friends and unchurched neighbors. Attendance shot up. Why?...
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