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Alice Wilde: The Raftman 039 s Daughter, A Forest Romance【電子書籍】 Metta Victoria Fuller VictorAlice Wilde The Raftsman 039 s Daughter. A Forest Romance【電子書籍】 Metta Victoria Fuller VictorAlice Wilde The Raftsman 039 s Daughter. A Forest Romance【電子書籍】 Metta Victoria Fuller Victor【中古】 5つの恋と夢の時間 MIRA文庫/アンソロジー(著者),アリスゲインズ(著者),トレイシーウルフ(著者),リリアンフィースティ(著者),ヴィクトリアジャンセン(著者),アンカルフーン(著者),早川麻百合(訳者),藤峰みちか(訳者),小長光弘美(訳者),西江


  • <p>That ar' log bobs 'round like the old sea-sarpint, muttered Ben Perkins to himself, leaning forward with his pole-hook and trying to fish it, without getting himself too deep in the water. "Blast the thing! I can't tackle it no how;" and he waded in deeper, climbed on to a floating log, and endeavored again to catch the one which so provokingly evaded him. Ben was a "hand" employed in David Wilde's saw-mill, a few rods farther up the creek, a young fellow not without claims to admiration as a fine specimen of his kind and calling. His old felt-hat shadowed hair as black as an Indian's, and made the swarthy hue of his face still darker; his cheeks and lips were red, and his eyes blacker than his hair. The striped wammus bound at the waist by a leather belt, and the linen trowsers rolled up to the knees, were picturesque in their way and not unbecoming the lithe, powerful figure. Ben had bobbed for saw-logs a great many times in his life, and was a person too quick and dextrous t...


  • <p>In 'Alice Wilde' by Metta Victoria Fuller Victor, the readers are taken on a captivating journey through the intricacies of society in 19th-century America. The book combines elements of romance, mystery, and social commentary, making it a truly engaging read. Victor's literary style is marked by rich descriptions and strong character development, drawing the reader in from the very first page. Set against the backdrop of New York City, the novel provides a nuanced look at the societal norms and expectations of the time, shedding light on the complexities of class and gender relations. 'Alice Wilde' stands out as a compelling work of fiction that offers a window into the past while remaining relevant to contemporary readers. Metta Victoria Fuller Victor, a prolific writer and social reformer, was known for her progressive views on women's rights and abolitionism. Her experiences and beliefs undoubtedly influenced the themes explored in 'Alice Wilde,' adding depth and authentici...


  • <p>Metta Victoria Fuller Victor's novel, 'Alice Wilde', offers a compelling exploration of societal norms and gender roles in 19th-century America. Victor's literary style is characterized by vivid descriptions, intricate plot developments, and well-developed characters. Set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing society, 'Alice Wilde' delves into the struggle for personal identity and autonomy in a world that often seeks to confine individuals to predefined roles. The novel's nuanced portrayal of the protagonist's journey towards self-discovery is both thought-provoking and emotionally resonant. Victor's keen insights into human nature and her ability to capture the essence of the times make 'Alice Wilde' a poignant and engrossing read. Metta Victoria Fuller Victor, a prolific writer and prominent figure in American literature, drew inspiration from her own experiences and observations to craft this timeless tale. Her deep understanding of human psychology and social dynamics...


  • アンソロジー(著者),アリスゲインズ(著者),トレイシーウルフ(著者),リリアンフィースティ(著者),ヴィクトリアジャンセン(著者),アンカルフーン(著者),早川麻百合(訳者),藤峰みちか(訳者),小長光弘美(訳者),西江璃子(訳者)販売会社/発売会社:ハーパーコリンズ・ジャパン発売年月日:2016/12/15JAN:9784596916983
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