21st century monetary policy

21st Century Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve from the Great Inflation to Covid-19 21ST CENTURY MONETARY POLICY Ben S. Bernanke21世紀の金融政策 大インフレからコロナ危機までの教訓 / 原タイトル:21ST CENTURY MONETARY POLICY 本/雑誌 / ベン S バーナンキ/著 高遠裕子/訳Summary of Ben S. Bernanke 039 s 21st Century Monetary Policy【電子書籍】 Everest MediaThe Impacts of Monetary Policy in the 21st Century Perspectives from Emerging Economies【電子書籍】21st Century Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve from the Great Inflation to COVID-19【電子書籍】 Ben S. Bernanke21st Century Guide to the Federal Reserve System: Purposes and Functions - Detailed Look at the Structure, Responsibilities, and Operations of the Fed, Monetary Policy, America 039 s Central Bank【電子書籍】 Progressive Management21ST CENTURY MONETARY POLICY(H) BEN S. BERNANKE柏南克談聯準會:二十一世紀貨幣政策 21st Century Monetary Policy: The Federal Reserve from the Great Inflation to COVID-19【電子書籍】 柏南克


  • 21ST CENTURY MONETARY POLICY Ben S. Bernanke W W NORTON & CO2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781324064879 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>大インフレ、バブル、世界金融危機、低インフレ・低金利、そして、ゼロ金利の解除、金融不安定化、インフレへの対応、中央銀行としての独立性の確保—。連邦準備制度(Fed)は雇用の最大化、物価の安定を二大責務としつつ、いかにして経済・金融の変化に対処し、現在の姿にたどり着いたのか?そして、これから先に何が待ち受けているのか?連邦準備理事会(FRB)議長を務め、ノーベル経済学賞を受賞したベン・バーナンキが、自らの議長時代を含む過去70年間のFedの政策立案の歴史を解き明かす。あわせて経済環境が劇的に変化するなかで、21世紀におけるFedの金融政策の手段、枠組み、コミュニケーション戦略の劇的な変化、そして新たな課題を示す。また、量的緩和、フォワード・ガイダンスなど、世界の中央銀行の中でイノベーティブな政策を次々と先駆的に打ち出した日本銀行の政策についての評価も行う。<収録内容>第1部 20世紀の金融政策—インフレの上昇と低下(大インフレバーンズとボルカーグリーンスパンと1990年代のブーム)第2部 21世紀の金融政策—世界金融危機と大不況(新しい世紀、新しい課題世界金融危機新たな金融政策の枠組...


  • <p>Please note: This is a companion version & not the original book. Sample Book Insights: #1 The United States had a populist tradition that was hostile to concentrations of power in finance and government, and this was reflected in the country’s lack of a well-established central bank until the Federal Reserve was established in 1913. #2 The Federal Reserve System was created in 1913, and is made up of a Board of Governors in Washington with general oversight powers and up to twelve regional Federal Reserve Banks, each with considerable autonomy. #3 The Great Depression was caused by the international gold standard, which was reinstated following World War I. As countries returned to the gold standard, it became clear that there was not enough gold to support the prices of goods and services at their new, higher levels. #4 The Federal Reserve’s role in the Great Depression was both positive and negative. Its interest-rate increases in the 1920s, aimed at cooling speculation in t...


  • <p>Since the turn of the 21st century, the global economy has faced several significant financial crises such as the monetary mismanagements of the EURO Zone countries struggling with sovereign debt problems, the Global Financial Crisis between 2007 and 2009 preceded by the housing market collapse, and the Quantitative Easing Policies used by the US Central Bank. <em>The Impacts of Monetary Policy in the 21st Century: Perspectives from Emerging Economies</em> explores and analyses how monetary authorities have handled and continue to confront these issues of economic crises at both a global and country-specific level.</p> <p>The book establishes the effect of monetary policies upon economic indicators during the 21st Century at the global, regional, group or country levels, with an emphasis upon emerging economies such as India. In looking at the effects of globalization, demonetization and inflation targeting through the use of panel regression models, unit root tests and...


  • <p><strong><em>21st Century Monetary Policy</em> takes readers inside the Federal Reserve, explaining what it does and why.</strong></p> <p>In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Reserve deployed an extraordinary range of policy tools that helped prevent the collapse of the financial system and the U.S. economy. Chair Jerome Powell and his colleagues lent directly to U.S. businesses, purchased trillions of dollars of government securities, pumped dollars into the international financial system, and crafted a new framework for monetary policy that emphasized job creation.</p> <p>These strategies would have astonished Powell’s late-20th-century predecessors, from William McChesney Martin to Alan Greenspan, and the advent of these tools raises new questions about the future landscape of economic policy.</p> <p>In <em>21st Century Monetary Policy</em>, Ben S. Bernankeーformer chair of the Federal Reserve and one of the world’s leading economistsーexp...


  • <p>This official Federal Reserve System Publication, The Federal Reserve System, Purposes and Functions, Ninth Edition, issued by the Board of Governors in Washington, DC provides a detailed look at the structure, responsibilities, and operations of the Fed. Contents include: Overview of the Federal Reserve System; Background; Structure of the System; Board of Governors; Federal Reserve Banks; Federal Open Market Committee; Member Banks; Advisory Committees; Monetary Policy and the Economy; Goals of Monetary Policy; How Monetary Policy Affects the Economy; Limitations of Monetary Policy; Guides to Monetary Policy; Monetary Aggregates; Interest Rates; The Taylor Rule; Foreign Exchange Rates; The Implementation of Monetary Policy; The Market for Federal Reserve Balances; Demand for Federal Reserve Balances; Supply of Federal Reserve Balances; Controlling the Federal Funds Rate; Open Market Operations; Composition of the Federal Reserve's Portfolio; The Conduct of Open Market Operati...


  • BEN S. BERNANKE W.W. NORTON & COMPANY (USA).2022 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9781324020462 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics


  • <p><strong>?不是不?經濟,而是沒弄?危機中的聯準會!</strong></p> <p><strong>張忠謀、陳南光等重量級人士 聯袂推薦</strong></p> <p><strong>2022年諾貝爾經濟學獎得主、</strong></p> <p><strong>聯準會前主席柏南克,探討二十一世紀貨幣政策 最新力作!</strong></p> <p><strong>\\解答全球最受關注的央行動向與決策//</strong></p> <p>  自上世紀大通膨,到本世紀金融危機與新冠疫情,</p> <p>  全世界都在看,聯準會的下一?會怎麼做?</p> <p>  但不斷跨越政策紅線的聯準會,真的還有能力穩定經濟??</p> <p>  柏南克從?史的視角檢視聯準會,</p> <p>  從1960年代寫起,期間聯準會主席從馬丁?遞到鮑爾,</p> <p>  中間?經伏克爾、葛林斯潘、葉倫,以及柏南克等人,</p> <p>  政策方針、工具與操作手法已顯著改變。</p> <p>  這些改變深受這段時期的通膨走勢變化、自然利率長期下降,以及金融不穩定風險増加的影響。</p> <p>  柏南克以其諾貝爾獎學者與聯準會前主席身分,討論這期間經濟與金融上的重大議題,以及聯準會如何因應這些挑戰。</p> <p>  聯準會...
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