
Knock Knock An addictive and unmissable thriller with a KILLER twist 【電子書籍】 Michelle Teahanガラス 花型小付 単品 皿 銘々皿 器 小皿 ガラス 結婚祝い 出産祝い 内祝い 御祝 新生活 仏事 誕生日 プレゼント アウトレット【単品】【sps】 10PJoschka Fischer and the Making of the Berlin Republic An Alternative History of Postwar Germany【電子書籍】 Paul Hockenos


  • <h3><strong>CAN YOU EVER REALLY KNOW THE PEOPLE NEXT DOOR?</strong></h3> <p>Cowerworth is the picture perfect neighbourhood.<br /> Its manicured lawns and low crime rates make it the ideal place to raise a family.</p> <p>But in a quiet suburb, someone is always watching.<br /> And all eyes are on the couple who have just moved in.</p> <p>Marcus and Gina are everything you could want in neighbours: polite and friendly.<br /> They seem to be the perfect fit.</p> <p>Except Marcus has a secret.<br /> And you're his next victim.</p> <p><strong>Irreverent, dark and addictive, KNOCK KNOCK is a nail-biting, spine-tingling and thrilling ride, with a KILLER twist.</strong></p> <p><strong>---</strong></p> <p><strong>Readers are hooked on Michelle's debut, GO SEEK:</strong></p> <p><strong>'? ? ? ? ?</strong> If I could give this book 6 stars I would. It was an absolutely thrilling ride and I LOVED IT**'**</p> <p><strong>'? ? ? ...


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  • <p>Over the course of his long and controversial career, Joschka Fischer evolved from an archetypal 1960s radical--a firebrand street activist--into a shrewd political insider, operating at the heights of German politics. In the 1980s he was one of the first elected Greens and went on to become Germany's foreign minister from 1998 to 2005. His famous challenge to Donald Rumsfeld's case for invading Iraq--"Excuse me, I am not convinced"--won him worldwide recognition, and the Bush administration's contempt. Here is both a lively biography of Joschka Fischer and a gripping history 'from below'of postwar Germany. Paul Hockenos begins in the ruins of postwar Germany and guides us through the flashpoints of the late sixties and seventies, from the student protests and the terrorism of the Baader-Meinhof group to the evolution of Europe's premier Green party, and brings us up to the present in the united Germany. He shows how the grassroots movements that became the German Greens challe...
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