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  • <p>Vibe har altid v?ret alene med sin datter L?rke, der nu er fire ?r. Gennem ?rene har Vibe pr?vet at finde sig tilpas i livet som enlig mor, hun vil gerne v?re en st?rk, selvst?ndig kvinde. Men det er bare, som om der mangler noget. Eller: Der mangler nogen. Vibes l?ngsel bliver st?rkere i takt med, at hendes veninder begynder at sl? sig til ro med mand og barn.<br /> Vibe arbejder i kommunikationsafdelingen p? et teater i Aarhus og vil gerne selv en gang skrive et teaterstykke for b?rn om dr?mmest?vet, der bestemmer, hvad man dr?mmer. Men kan Vibe selv acceptere sine egne st?vede dr?mme?<br /> En dag m?der hun Adam. Han er faktisk den perfekte mand. Da de har v?ret k?rester et stykke tid, arrangerer han en dejlig ferie for dem alle tre: en uge p? et l?kkert hotel i Egypten med kids’ club, spa-afdeling og det hele. Vibe tager af sted med en velpakket kuffert og h?je forventninger, ikke mindst til sig selv. Og til sin fire?rige datter, men L?rke gider ikke sidde p?nt ved bord...


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  • <p>In today's world, many people struggle to achieve balance. With the constant demands of work, family, and other responsibilities, finding time for self-care and relaxation can be challenging. As a result, many people suffer from stress, anxiety, and other negative emotions that can impact their overall health and well-being.</p> <p>Finding balance is crucial for our emotional and physical health. When balanced, we feel calm, focused, and in control of our lives. However, achieving balance is easier said than done. It requires self-awareness, self-regulation, and a commitment to self-care.</p> <p>Self-regulation, or managing our emotions and behaviors, is essential to finding balance. It involves recognizing our emotions, understanding their triggers, and managing them healthily. This includes mindfulness, meditation, exercise, and other stress-reducing techniques.</p> <p>Emotional well-being is another important aspect of finding balance. Our emotions play a signifi...


  •     ファイナルファンタジーVI アドバンス (FF6) の詳細 メーカー: スクウェア・エニックス 機種名: ゲームボーイアドバンス ジャンル: ロールプレイング 品番: AGBPBZ6J カナ: ファイナルファンタジー6アドバンス 発売日: 2006/11/30 関連商品リンク : ゲームボーイアドバンス スクウェア・エニックス


  • <p><strong>"People don't resist change. They resist <em>loss</em>."</strong> ーMarty Linsky and Ronald Heifetz</p> <p>When facing losses, even the best teammates can start pushing back. As teams wrestle with uncertainty, leaders need to chart a steady course. Join Tod Bolsinger as he teaches unexpected skills for engaging resistance and moving the mission forward.</p> <p>In this essential Christian leadership resource, you'll find:</p> <ul> <li>Wisdom on leading communities past losses with courage and empathy</li> <li>Practical advice from experienced Christian leader and bestselling author Tod Bolsinger</li> <li>Brief and accessible chapters sprinkled with colorful illustrations</li> <li>Real-life case studies and balcony time exercises for teams</li> </ul> <p>The Practicing Change Series from Tod Bolsinger offers an engaging introduction to how we process organizational change and come through with renewed mission and vision. Each of the ...


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  •     ファイナルファンタジーVI アドバンス (FF6) の詳細 メーカー: スクウェア・エニックス 機種名: ゲームボーイアドバンス ジャンル: ロールプレイング 品番: AGBPBZ6J カナ: ファイナルファンタジー6アドバンス 発売日: 2006/11/30 関連商品リンク : ゲームボーイアドバンス スクウェア・エニックス


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  • <p><strong>This sexy tycoon has everything . . . so why is he searching for a baby? “Ferocious dangerous action, smart, edgy, and charming characters, and ardent romance.” ー<em>Books & Spoons</em></strong></p> <p>To Chief Deputy Suzy Simmons, James Callahan is the sexy-as-hell millionaire from her past. But despite his megacharm and killer body, Suzy deeply distrusts him when he draws her into his investigation of a criminal’s murder. The dark-haired Air Force veteran is trying to untangle a mystery involving a baby in this small Alabama town he moved into a few years back.</p> <p>The courageous beauty is determined to get answers, not come-ons. As they race against time, James and Suzy face unseen danger with their caseーand heartsーheating up . . .</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>When her father dies, lawyer Sarah Curtis returns to her hometown of Bolton to wind up his law practice. She plans to leave as soon as she can but when Gerry, a family friend, goes missing and his family receive death threats, she agrees to help his wife move to a safe location and find out what’s behind Gerry’s disappearance.</p> <p>Gerry is one of a group of ex-Bolton Wanderers footballers, who have fallen on hard times since their careers ended. When Sarah learns that another player was recently shot dead at his home, she realises the danger she is in, with threads tracing back to the highest level of organised crime.</p> <p>With only a down-at-heel private investigator to help her tackle a gang of professional criminals, Sarah soon finds herself in too deep to back out and is forced into a desperate race against time to find Gerry before it’s too late.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらな...


  • 初期不良の場合は7日以内にご連絡いただいた場合のみ対応いたします。【中古】(非常に良い)ソニー ウォークマン 16GB Aシリーズ NW-A105HN : ハイレゾ対応 / MP3プレーヤー / bluetooth / android搭載 / microSD対応 タッチパネル搭載 最大26時間連続再生 360 Reality Audio再生可能モデル ブルー NW-A105HN LM【メーカー名】ソニー(SONY)【メーカー型番】NW-A105HN L【ブランド名】ソニー(SONY)【商品説明】ソニー ウォークマン 16GB Aシリーズ NW-A105HN : ハイレゾ対応 / MP3プレーヤー / bluetooth / android搭載 / microSD対応 タッチパネル搭載 最大26時間連続再生 360 Reality Audio再生可能モデル ブルー NW-A105HN LMイメージと違う、必要でなくなった等、お客様都合のキャンセル・返品は一切お受けしておりません。 商品名に「限定」「保証」等の記載がある場合でも特典や保証・ダウンロードコードは付いておりません。 写真は代表画像であり実際にお届けする商品の状態とは異なる場合があります。 中古品の場合は中古の特性上、キズ・汚れがある場合があります。 他モール併売のため、万が一お品切れの場合はご連絡致します。 当店では初期不良に限り、...


  • <p><strong>Was sind Strategien f?r technisch vernachl?ssigbare Seneszenz</strong></p> <p>SENS ist ein Akronym, das f?r ?Strategien f?r technisch vernachl?ssigbare Seneszenz“ steht und sich auf eine Gruppe von regenerativen medizinischen Behandlungen bezieht sind entweder geplant oder bereits in der Entwicklung mit dem Ziel, alle altersbedingten Sch?den am menschlichen Gewebe regelm??ig zu reparieren. Diese Behandlungen werden mit dem ultimativen Ziel entwickelt, Patienten in einem Zustand minimaler Seneszenz zu halten und das Auftreten altersbedingter Krankheiten zu verz?gern. Aubrey de Grey, ein britischer Biogerontologe, war derjenige, der urspr?nglich den Begriff SENS pr?gte.</p> <p><strong>Ihr Nutzen</strong></p> <p>(I) Erkenntnisse und Validierungen zu den folgenden Themen:</p> <p>Kapitel 1: Strategien f?r eine technisch vernachl?ssigbare Seneszenz</p> <p>Kapitel 2: Lebensverl?ngerung</p> <p>Kapitel 3: Gerontologie</p> <p>Kapitel 4: Aubrey ...


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  • <p>Contemporary fiction has never been less contemporary. Midcentury writers tended to set their works in their own moment, but for the last several decades critical acclaim and attention have fixated on historical fiction. This shift is particularly dramatic for writers of color. Even as the literary canon has become more diverse, cultural institutions have celebrated Black, Asian American, Latinx, and Indigenous novelists almost exclusively for their historical fiction.</p> <p><em>Writing Backwards</em> explores what the dominance of historical fiction in the contemporary canon reveals about American literary culture. Alexander Manshel investigates the most celebrated historical genresーcontemporary narratives of slavery, the World War II novel, the multigenerational family saga, immigrant fiction, and the novel of recent historyーalongside the literary and academic institutions that have elevated them. He examines novels by writers including Toni Morrison, Viet Thanh Ng...


  • <p><strong>What captures the essence of a narcissist better than: Enough about me. What do you think of me?</strong></p> <p>Wrecking Ball Relationships offers a guide for anyone victimized by a toxic person. There is comfort in knowing many people have had similar experiences. This book shares coping strategies, the stories of many people along with pop culture references to help you realize you're not alone. All presented with Lynn's light sense of humor.</p> <p>In this book you'll discover:</p> <p>・ The classic behaviors of a narcissist</p> <p>・ Signs your relationship is toxic</p> <p>・ What it's like being in a relationship with a narcissist</p> <p>・ How to cope with a toxic boss</p> <p>・ Are narcissists born or bred?</p> <p>・ The trademark of a covert narcissist</p> <p>・ Red flags of manipulation</p> <p>・ Stealth tactics narcissists use</p> <p>・ What gaslighting looks and sounds like</p> <p>・ Compassionate advice to...


  • <p>Your untold story may be silencing your voice, making you sick, and distancing you from those you love most in your life. But when you are able to share your story from a place of vulnerability, a safe community, and a realization that we are all part of a bigger story, you are free to take powerful steps into your future.</p> <p>Contributing author of best-selling <em>Deserts to Mountaintops: Our Collective Journey to (re)Claiming Our Voice</em>, Sue Muraida, woke up one day in her early thirties, realizing she had left the best parts of herself behind. Sibling dysfunction with her brother and sexual abuse at the hands of her uncle framed her growing-up years, and that frame became a cage in her adult life. She grew tired of holding her breath, making herself small, and avoiding connection with others. So she embarked on a healing journey of a hundred thousand steps, a rebirth coming in fits and spurts, small steps and choices towards integrating all parts of herself....
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