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  • <p>Juneau, Alaska is an integral part of the United States, yet offers up the feeling that’s it’s a world away from the Lower 48. Juneau holds the unique title of being not only the largest capital city by land mass but one of the most remote as well. Inaccessible by land, Juneau is a city that requires visitors to make the trek by sky or sea when the siren call of Alaska rings out loud and clear. While some are called in the pursuit of a wild adventure in the heart of nature, others make their way unassuming by cruise ship, only to get caught up in the unexpected beauty and grace this island city provides. Whether it’s glaciers, bear, whales or the charm of a downtown dotted with boutique shops that appeal to the adventurer in you, Juneau is worth a visit.</p> <p>Rich in history and culture, this is a city that provides a look at a native past that’s delicately balanced against an ever-growing hub of tourism. Learn to let go of expectations when you arrive in Juneau. It’s a c...
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