
R gimes minceur sans contrainte TOME 3 : La phase de consolidation【電子書籍】 Danielle GARDET GENDREAspects of Multilingual Aphasia【電子書籍】Working with Global Aphasia Theory and Practice【電子書籍】 Sharon Adjei-NicolLa phase de recherche en web design N°9【電子書籍】 Erika Hall洋書 Paperback, 37th Clinical Aphasiology Conference: A Special Issue of Aphasiology (Special Issues of Aphasiology)The Assessment of Bilingual Aphasia【電子書籍】 Michel Paradis【送料無料】ホビー 模型車 バイク レーシングカー ハシェットフィアットマルチプラフェーズグレーメタルボールカートンsolido hachette fiat multipla phase 2 2004 grey metal cardboard cartonClinical Aphasiology Future Directions: A Festschrift for Chris Code【電子書籍】Mommy 039 s Lap Has Room for Two MOMMYS LAP HAS ROOM FOR 2 Marti BetzThe Research of Bilingual Aphasia and Its Contribution to the Study of Multiple Languages in One Brain【電子書籍】 Theresa WeisenseeConceptual Aphasia in Black Displacing Racial Formation【電子書籍】 Patrice DouglassTranscortical Aphasias【電子書籍】 Marcelo L. Berthier


  • <p>Bienvenue dans le troisi?me et dernier tome de notre s?rie d?di?e <strong>aux r?gimes sans se ruiner et sans se priver</strong> !</p> <p>Je suis heureuse de vous pr?senter ce dernier volet, consacr? ? la phase de consolidation de votre parcours vers une <strong>alimentation ?quilibr?e et durable</strong>.</p> <p><strong>Ce tome final est con?u pour vous accompagner dans la consolidation de vos nouvelles habitudes alimentaires acquises au cours des deux premiers tome</strong>s.</p> <p>Nous mettrons ensemble l'accent sur la stabilisation de votre poids, le maintien de votre ?nergie et la pr?servation de vos r?sultats ? long terme.</p> <p><strong>La phase de consolidation est cruciale pour transformer vos changements temporaires en un mode de vie sain et ?quilibr?.</strong></p> <p>Je vous guiderai ? travers des conseils pratiques, des strat?gies de gestion des d?fis courants et des astuces pour maintenir votre motivation.</p> <p>Dans ce livr...


  • <p>This volume provides a broad overview of current work in aphasia in individuals who speak more than one language. With contributions from many of the leading researchers in the field, the material included, both experimental work and theoretical overviews, should prove useful to both researchers and clinicians. The book should also appeal to a broader audience, including all who have an interest in the study of language disorders in an increasingly multicultural/multilingual world (e.g. students of speech-language pathology and linguistics). The areas of multilingual aphasia addressed in this collection include assessment and treatment, language phenomena (e.g. code-switching), particular language pairs (including a bidialectal study), and the role of cultural context.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Global aphasia is the most severe and disabling form of aphasia, yet it has had the least attention within aphasia research and rehabilitation. This practical book provides the reader with a comprehensive understanding of the topic based on both clinical observations and the literature to date. Uniquely, it covers not only the severe language impairments observed in global aphasia but also the co-occurring cognitive impairments that often present an additional challenge when working with this population.</p> <p>This book offers:</p> <ul> <li>A comprehensive understanding of the clinical characteristics of global aphasia illustrated with real case examples</li> <li>A theoretical overview of the domains of cognition and discussion of the role cognitive deficits play in the clinical presentation of people with global aphasia</li> <li>Critical analysis of the research evidence on global aphasia</li> <li>An exploration into the strengths and limitations of comm...


  • <p>?tape trop souvent n?glig?e par les web designers, le travail de recherche pr?alable ? la conception d’un site web est pourtant un ?l?ment cl? de la r?ussite de ce dernier. Une recherche fructueuse n?cessite de poser les bonnes questions et de porter un regard critique sur les r?ponses obtenues, en impliquant tous les acteurs du projet. Erika Hall, responsable de la recherche dans une agence web, vous livre ici toute son exp?rience en la mati?re, en vous apprenant ? reconna?tre vos avantages concurrentiels, ? identifier vos partis pris et pr?jug?s, pour ensuite comprendre et exploiter au mieux les r?sultats obtenus. En suivant ses conseils, vous gagnerez du temps et de l’argent, en r?duisant le nombre d’inconnues et en posant des bases solides ? votre travail de cr?ation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>The <em>Bilingual Aphasia Test</em> is a comprehensive language test designed to assess the differential loss or sparing of various language functions in previously bilingual individuals. The individual is tested, separately, in each language he or she previously used, and then in the two languages simultaneously. The testing is multimodal -- sampling hearing, speaking, reading, and writing; and multidimensional -- testing various linguistic levels (phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical, and semantic), tasks (comprehension, repetition, judgment, lexical access and propositionizing), and units (words, sentences, and paragraphs). The BAT is structured as follows:</p> <p>* To test a bilingual aphasic, you will need the following testing elements: the stimulus books for each of the languages in which the individual was formerly fluent, the single-language tests for each of these languages, as well as the bilingual test that links them. For example, if you are test...


  • solido hachette fiat multipla phase 2 2004 grey metal cardboard cartonハシェットフィアットマルチプラフェーズグレーメタルボールカートン※注意※NYからの配送になりますので2週間前後お時間をいただきます。人気の商品は在庫が無い場合がございます。ご了承くださいませ。サイズの種類の商品は購入時の備考欄にご希望のサイズをご記載ください。 携帯メールでの登録ですと楽天からのメールが届かない場合がございます。


  • <p>This book presents a collection of cutting edge work from leading researchers and clinicians around the world on a range of topics within Clinical Aphasiology. However, more than this, the volume is also a tribute to Chris Code, one of the foremost scholars in the field. Professor Code has made a galvanizing impact on the field: as a savant, a motivator and an impresario of trends which have resulted in several significant developments in the field. In the first chapter of this book the editors outline the considerable contributions Chris Code has made to the area.</p> <p>The remaining contents have been divided into three main approaches to the study of aphasia, reflecting Professor Code’s own interests. First are the contributions that fall under the heading of <em>Conceptual Considerations</em>. These are mainly interdisciplinary in nature, spanning linguistics, phonetics, psychology and neurology, as well as social aspects of communication disorders. The second sect...


  • MOMMYS LAP HAS ROOM FOR 2 Marti Betz BALBOA PR2018 Board Books English ISBN:9781504393461 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction


  • <p>Seminar paper from the year 2007 in the subject English Language and Literature Studies - Linguistics, grade: 1.0, Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, language: English, abstract: At present, approximately two thirds of the world's population is bilingual. Globalisation, migration and decreasing gaps between different cultures and countries make the ability to speak two or more languages necessary, and, consequently, the number of bilingual people increases steadily. The ever-increasing, significant number of people speaking two or more languages has caused high interest, among psychologists, educators and also psycholinguists, in the cognitive and cerebral study of the bilingual. An important part of the research is the study of bilingual aphasia, meaning the loss of the capability to comprehend and/or speak a language, either totally or in part, which is a result of brain injuries often caused by diseases, such as strokes or tumours, war injuries or car accidents (cf. Myers-Sco...


  • <p>This book presents a metacritique of racial formation theory. The essays within this volume explore the fault lines of the racial formation concept, identify the power relations to which it inheres, and resolve the ethical coordinates for alternative ways of conceiving of racism and its correlations with sexism, homophobia, heteronormativity, gender politics, empire, economic exploitation, and other valences of bodily construction, performance, and control in the twenty-first century. Collectively, the contributors advance the argument that contemporary racial theorizing remains mired in antiblackness. Across a diversity of approaches and objects of analysis, the contributors assess what we describe as the conceptual aphasia gripping racial theorizing in our multicultural moment: analyses of racism struck dumb when confronted with the insatiable specter of black historical struggle.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いし...


  • <p>Transcortical aphasias is the term used for syndromes in which the ability to repeat language is relatively preserved despite marked disturbances in other linguistic domains. Although there are a number of well-known reference texts on language disturbances after acquired brain damage that uncover the classical syndromes of aphasia (e.g. conduction aphasia) in a comprehensive fashion, this monograph is unique in its coverage of the different clinical, linguistic, and neuroanatomical aspects of transcortical aphasias.<br /> This book offers a comprehensive, contemporary and scholarly account of transcortical aphasias by combining valuable information upon cognitive neuropsychology, neuroimaging and functional localization of residual repetition and other language functions among patients with transcortical aphasias.<br /> The book covers: historical aspects; assessment of language deficits from a clinical and psycholinguistic perspective; clinical phenomenology, aetiology, n...
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