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  • <p>Esiste un’intima relazione tra la filosofia, l’arte, la scienza e lo spirito di comunit? che delinea all’orizzonte i caratteri di una Repubblica del Mondo. Alle spalle ci? che avremmo potuto essere ma non abbiamo voluto, davanti a noi ci? che potremmo ancora essere qualora lo volessimo, in qualit? di esseri umani al bivio tra dissoluzione per indolenza e integrazione in nome di una legge di convivenza in grado di regolare un nuovo modo di stare al mondo per unire ci? che oggi ? sostanzialmente diviso. In questo saggio Gerace invita a considerare centrale l’esigenza di riporre intelligenza nella specializzazione come in politica, a porci domande sul presente e sul futuro, sulla presunta prevedibilit? e sull’imprevedibilit? della nostra natura, su come ci siamo indeboliti e potremmo irrobbustirci, sui ricostituenti che ci permetterebbero di sviluppare qualche anticorpo in pi? in termini di civilt?, partendo proprio dal farne una ragione di libert?, di reciproco rispetto e di prog...


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  • <p>This compelling young adult graphic memoir, based on real events, tells the story of Gricelda, a fifteen-year-old Mexican girl who attempts to cross the border into America with her mother and younger brother in search of a better life. Their treacherous journey, filled with both heartbreak and hope, begins in Tijuana, where they are transported from house to house by strangers. Here they meet the mysterious smuggler el G?ero, who promises to lead the young family through the mountains and the scorching heat of the desert and beyond. Can he prove himself by keeping them safe during the crossing? Will America be the country of dreams like they imagined? Or will adjusting to their new life in California be another type of struggle for Gricelda and her family?</p> <p>With captivating illustrations inspired by the graffiti and stencil art prevalent during the 2006 political uprising in Oaxaca, as well as local textiles and embroidery, <em>Traves?a</em> is Gricelda’s first-p...


  • <p>Caro lettore, stai leggendo la quarta di copertina di un libro poco saggio. Se non vuoi agitarti, mettere in discussione qualche punto di vista e essere chiamato a condividere una piccola parte di responsabilit?, faresti prima e molto bene a rimetterlo dove lo hai trovato. Se hai iniziato a sfogliarlo, vuol dire che hai accettato l’invito e hai scelto di assecondare una precisa volont?. Ti sei messo in gioco, ti sei compromesso e cos? facendo hai permesso che queste pagine possano attendere il proprio preciso compito: proseguire, forti della tua complicit?, la ricerca delle nostre radici, di italiani e di europei, della nostra identit?, della nostra idea di Europa. Questo libro ti riguarda.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>This book offers new interpretations of Tennyson’s major poems along-side contemporary geology, and specifically Charles Lyell’s <em>Principles of Geology</em> (1830-3). Employing various approaches ? from close readings of both the poetic and geological texts, historical contextualisation and the application of Bakhtin’s concept of dialogism ? the book demonstrates not only the significance of geology for Tennyson’s poetry, but the vital import of Tennyson’s poetics in explicating the implications of geology for the nineteenth century and beyond. Gender ideologies in <em>The Princess</em> (1847) are read via High Miller’s geology, while the writings of Lyell and other contemporary geologist, comparative anatomists and language theorists are examined along-side <em>In Memoriam</em> (1851) and <em>Maud</em> (1855). The book argues that Tennyson’s experimentation with Lyell’s geology produced a remarkable ‘uniformitarian’ poetics that is best understood via Bakhti...


  • <p>Rebeccas' work as a boudoir photographer was fun, like any job it had its challenges but the rewards far outweighed them. Rebecca loved how it made women feel special and beautiful. She loved watching woman have fun with their sexuality and try things that they may never have had the courage to do before. She also loved hearing the stories afterwards of what happened when their partners saw the images for the first time. The stories she heard, gave her ideas for fantasies that in her wildest dreams would be amazing as erotic novels, they certainly worked for her. She had even had a go at writing a few down."... So what happens when her partner Tim reads one of her stories for the first time... You will have to read Awakening Fantasy, book one in the Awakening Series to find out... The erotic adventures of Rebecca and her new friends...</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックし...


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  • <p>Are fairies real? What if I told you that our physical world isn't all that there is? This is the story of two lost little girls who stumbled into a world that they thought was just make-believe. Elaina, the woodland fairy who watches over the woods near Shayla and Summer's new home, finds herself in a dilemma. Should she reveal herself to them and help the lost girls find their way back home? This story begins a new chapter in Elaina's life and a new love for the humans that she shares her woods with.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>Addiction is the Biblical plague of our time, and the battle against it is up to each one of us. Although it may seem hopeless, every single person can take actions to fight this scourge that is killing an American every five minutes. This book offers real, hands-on answers about what can be done, what works and what does not, and how Americans can regain a sense of control over the addiction epidemic. This practical guide is for parents and grandparents, school personnel, employers, faith leaders, elected officials and policy makers, and others who want to make a difference against this cruel blight. The answers were gained through the long and painful experiences of a mother whose son died as a result of his opioid addiction. The story told here is a dramatic, page-turning, and real account, with heart-stopping fear, cliff-hanging rescues, periods of despair and respites of relief and joy that the son and his mother shared. Their love for each other was strong, but the mother...


  • <p>Page of</p> <p>Sometimes fairy stories say best what needs to be said.</p> <p>--C. S. Lewis</p> <p>Kelly, a mother who has been estranged from her daughters for three long years, is about to find help from a very unexpected place!</p> <p>Her constant prayers for her two daughters, Shayla and Summer, have finally reached Heaven, and the creatures of the woods near her cottage home have been called in by the Great One to help fight the battle for her daughters' souls.</p> <p>Fairies and owls, alongside the angels, formulate a plan to free the two college students and two college campuses from the demons that hold them and endeavor to bring the two girls back home to Him and to the mother who loves them.</p> <p>Page of</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>An unexpected call gives Lea Ives the out she’s been looking for, the chance to be the one to call a break to her lackluster on again, off again affair with boyfriend, Scott Harshberger.<br /> Monsieur De Michel, legal representative for her late aunt Louisa Bauldelaire, quickly captures Lea’s most desirable man of the year award as he takes her under his wing showing her the best (and worst) France has to offer.<br /> In a fairy tale version of The Beverly Hillbillies, Lea brings home spun simplicity to the elite of France, is caught up in the glamour of the Riviera as Monsieur De Michele introduces her to his world, a world life hasn’t prepared her for.<br /> Finding herself thrown into the realm of butlers and maids, of decision making, feeling threatened and alienated, she seeks out devoted companionship in the form of three sweet dogs.<br /> Monsieur De Michele reacts strongly and tests her by throwing convention to the wind and the battle is on. Running to the sea...


  • <p>When Jessica's parents go away on a trip and her brother invites his best friend, and her crush, over. She's been in love with Shane since she was 12. It's been a little while since they've seen each other... and Shane has grown into one hunk of a man!</p> <p>But when Jessica's brother goes to bed, and his best friend comes to check on her and make sure she's okay Jessica sees a side of Shane that she never thought he had.</p> <p>When they share a kiss she can't stop thinking about she knows there has to be more- but is he the nice guy she sees, or is he the bad boy she was worried about?</p> <p><strong>Note: The cover story is a sweet & sexy 8,000 word (1 hour read) stand alone, with no cliffhangers, and a happily ever after!</strong></p> <p><strong>This book contains spicy love scenes, colorful language, and bonus stories for 18+ readers.</strong></p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り...


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  • MICHEL LEGERミッシェルレジェの黒い取り外し可能なショルダーストラップのついた斜め掛け可能なバッグの出品です。サイズは本体がW26H14,5cmで幅2cmのショルダーの長さは最長130cmで斜め掛け可能です。収納部分は正面がホック、中央がファスナー式、後ろ側がホック式で無傷の新品同様品ですのでお勧め品です。管理番号○C12-380-4


  • DESIGNーYOURーGARDEN TOOLKIT Michelle Gervais STOREY PUB2018 Paperback English ISBN:9781612129228 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Gardening
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