before they pass away

Questions You Should Ask Your Loved Ones Before They Pass Away An Easy Workbook for Preserving the Legacy of Your Loved Ones【電子書籍】 T. A. Ridge彼らがいなくなる前に / 原タイトル:BEFORE THEY PASS AWAY 本/雑誌 / ジミー ネルソン/写真 神長倉伸義/日本語版翻訳【中古】 写真集 BEFORE THEY PASS AWAY 彼らがいなくなる前に/ジミー ネルソンQuestions You Should Ask Your Loved Ones Before They Pass Away An Easy Workbook for Preserving the Legacy of Your Loved Ones【電子書籍】 T. A. Ridge


  • <p>It will happen one day; your family will have an older loved one like a grandfather or grandmother that suddenly passes away. Then after time has gone by, you'll discover that when the younger generations of your family start asking questions about the life and times of those past cherished relatives, you and rest of your family members won't have the answers to questions like:</p> <p><em>Where did my grandfather propose to my grandmother?</em></p> <p><em>What was life like when my grandmother was a child?</em></p> <p><em>What was the first movie that my grandfather saw when he was a kid?</em></p> <p>I understand, life with all its responsibilities keeps you so busy, to where you feel you don't have the time to just slow down and come up with the important questions concerning your loved ones' lives.</p> <p>To solve this common problem, T. A. Ridge wrote a book called: <em>Question You Should Ask Your Loved Ones Before They Pass Away</em>.</...


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  • ジミー・ネルソン販売会社/発売会社:パイインターナショナル発売年月日:2016/12/01JAN:9784756247964


  • <p>One day you and the rest of your close relatives will lose a dear close and important family member like your mother, grandmother or that uncle or aunt that was so loving, entertaining and supportive.</p> <p>And like so many time after they pass away the generations of your family, especially the young family members, will ask you questions about the personal details of their lives in which you won't have answers for like:</p> <p>When she was a child, what was the location of grandma's home and what did the house looked like?</p> <p>When my uncle fought in the war what battles did, he fought in and what happened?</p> <p>What fun things or activities did grandad and his siblings do together?</p> <p>WHat were some of the great stories that your grandparents told you about their lives?</p> <p>Mother, what was the first movie you saw and what did you think of it?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いし...
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