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  • <p>Gary the Handyman is called in to repair flood damage to the lower area of a house. The couple that live theIr have a young daughter of 19 named Bonnie.</p> <p>Bonnie feels that she is not worth being taken seriously. She has had several boyfriends for short periods of time, who she feels simply used her and tossed her aside. She decides that perhaps it is the age group that is the problem when she meets Gary. Maybe an older man, who isn’t so immature would take her more seriously.</p> <p>Gary recognizes Bonnie as an untrained, self-debasing submissive instantly. Her lack of self-confidence has yet to cause her serious problems at this point in her life, but will be a problem less than a decade from now. He decides to take her on as his submissive if she is willing.</p> <p>Bonnie is unsure about what Gary is asking of her. Her first impression is that Gary is not taking her seriously either, that he just wishes to have weird sex with her, and then discard her like a...


  • 商品詳細 商品 子供サイズ BENMAマスク 250枚セット (1箱50枚入り×5箱) 特徴 数量:一箱50枚×5箱のセット サイズ:145×90mm(女性・子ども用サイズ) 飛沫ウイルス・花粉を99%カットする高密度フィルター 製造販売:クローバー株式会社 特徴 ・3層構造・超極細繊維フィルター。 ・バクテリア飛沫、微粒子、ウイルス飛沫、花粉、ハウスダストに。 ・形がくずれにくい形状保持の高いノーズフィットワイヤー使用。 ・口元ゆったり、空間キープ! ・耳が痛くなりにくいやわらかゴムで長時間も着用をサポート! ・やわらかい肌触り口元にこだわりのやわらか素材を使用。 ※マスクは感染(侵入)を完全に防ぐものではありません。 製品詳細 ■素材 本体フィルター:ポリプロピレン、ポリエチレン 耳かけ部:ポリエステル ノーズワイヤー部:ポリエチレン ■マスクの着用方法 1.プリーツを伸ばし、マスクが立体になるように広げます。 ※ノーズワイヤーが付いている方が上側です。 2.顔に当てて、ノーズワイヤーを鼻のカーブに合わせます。 ※ゴムひもが付いている面を外側にしてください。 3.マスクをおさえた状態で耳ゴムを掛けます。 ※口元に、より空間をもたせたい場合は センターワイ...


  • <p>Jill is going to have her home office being redone. There are some laws about home offices, such as they need a dedicated point of entry and things like that in order to be used as a tax write off. Gary's job is to add a new doorway, knock down a wall so that the room is bigger, and so forth.</p> <p>Jill's problem is that she feels that men reject her far too often. The story will begin after she makes a pass at Gary, and Gary is a little forward in telling her that he isn't interested. She becomes upset, and blurts out 'why do men reject me?'</p> <p>This will interest Gary, because she is very attractive, and he will press her to find out if this was just a heated response or if this is a serious problem for her.</p> <p>This turns out, of course, to be something she often deals with. Gary knows that the reason he was rejecting her is that she felt ungenuine to him. That she was lacking realism in her advance. She's faking something and it comes across in her action...


  • 商品詳細 商品 子供サイズ BENMAマスク 250枚セット (1箱50枚入り×5箱) 特徴 数量:一箱50枚×5箱のセット サイズ:145×90mm(女性・子ども用サイズ) 飛沫ウイルス・花粉を99%カットする高密度フィルター 製造販売:クローバー株式会社 特徴 ・3層構造・超極細繊維フィルター。 ・バクテリア飛沫、微粒子、ウイルス飛沫、花粉、ハウスダストに。 ・形がくずれにくい形状保持の高いノーズフィットワイヤー使用。 ・口元ゆったり、空間キープ! ・耳が痛くなりにくいやわらかゴムで長時間も着用をサポート! ・やわらかい肌触り口元にこだわりのやわらか素材を使用。 ※マスクは感染(侵入)を完全に防ぐものではありません。 製品詳細 ■素材 本体フィルター:ポリプロピレン、ポリエチレン 耳かけ部:ポリエステル ノーズワイヤー部:ポリエチレン ■マスクの着用方法 1.プリーツを伸ばし、マスクが立体になるように広げます。 ※ノーズワイヤーが付いている方が上側です。 2.顔に当てて、ノーズワイヤーを鼻のカーブに合わせます。 ※ゴムひもが付いている面を外側にしてください。 3.マスクをおさえた状態で耳ゴムを掛けます。 ※口元に、より空間をもたせたい場合は センターワイ...


  • <p>“Fixated” is an erotic romance story that will move all your emotion.” It’s a life’s journey for the main character Mary.</p> <p>Mary is the daughter of two doctors and is away at college. Mary is studying to be a doctor much like her parents that is until the day she meets Gary. Mary is a shy submissive type raised by parents that demanded her behavior to fit into a social class she didn’t always except, yet she played the role to stay in the good graces of her parents.</p> <p>By the end of her freshman year she had grown to person with more control of her life and action, she was not rebellious but was more independent now that ever. She was home for the traditional summer break from college when life as she know would change forever.</p> <p>Gary was a local handyman her father had hired to renovate the basement, but to Mary he became more. Soon the two of them were embraced in an erotic romance that not only fulfilled her sexual desires, but would change her life...
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