comparative constitutional law

洋書 Wojciech Sadurski Paperback, Constitutional Justice, East and West: Democratic Legitimacy and Constitutional Courts in Post-Communist Europe in a Comparative Perspective (Law and Philosophy Library)Constituting Equality Gender Equality and Comparative Constitutional Law【電子書籍】Constitutional Law and Regionalism A Comparative Analysis of Regionalist Negotiations【電子書籍】 Vito BredaComparative Matters The Renaissance of Comparative Constitutional Law【電子書籍】 Ran HirschlFederalism and Constitutional Law The Italian Contribution to Comparative Regionalism【電子書籍】Asian Comparative Constitutional Law, Volume 1 Constitution-Making【電子書籍】Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law【電子書籍】Comparative Federalism Constitutional Arrangements and Case Law【電子書籍】 Professor Francesco PalermoThe Oxford Handbook of Comparative Constitutional Law【電子書籍】Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Critical Comparative Analysis of Constitutional Review in the United States, Germany and Mexico【電子書籍】 Alfredo Narv ez Med cigoThe Wheel of Law India 039 s Secularism in Comparative Constitutional Context【電子書籍】 Gary Jeffrey JacobsohnLegitimacy Gap Secularism, Religion, and Culture in Comparative Constitutional Law【電子書籍】 Vincent DepaigneAn Inquiry into the Existence of Global Values Through the Lens of Comparative Constitutional Law【電子書籍】【中古】【未使用 未開封品】The U.s. Constitution and Comparative Constitutional Law: Texts, Cases, and Materials (University Casebook)洋書 Paperback, Reconsidering Constitutional Formation I National Sovereignty: A Comparative Analysis of the Juridification by Constitution (Studies in the History of Law and Justice)Sub-State Governance through Territorial Autonomy A Comparative Study in Constitutional Law of Powers, Procedures and Institutions【電子書籍】 Markku Suksi【中古】【未使用 未開封品】The Foundations and Traditions of Constitutional Amendment (Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law)Weak Courts, Strong Rights Judicial Review and Social Welfare Rights in Comparative Constitutional Law【電子書籍】 Mark TushnetHuman Dignity, Judicial Reasoning, and the Law Comparative Perspectives on a Key Constitutional Concept【電子書籍】The Cambridge Companion to Comparative Constitutional Law【電子書籍】


  • *** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムから自動保留します。カタカナで記載が必要な場合はカタカナ変わりローマ字で記載してください。 ・お名前またはご住所が法人・団体名義(XX株式会社等)、商店名などを含めている場合、または電話番号が個人のものではない場合、税関から法人名義でみなされますのでご注意ください。 ・転送サービス会社への発送もできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 *** ・注文後品切れや価格変動でキャンセルされる場合がございますので予めご了承願います。 ・当店でご購入された商品は、原則として、「個...


  • <p>Constituting Equality addresses the question, how would you write a constitution if you really cared about gender equality? The book takes a design-oriented approach to the broad range of issues that arise in constitutional drafting concerning gender equality. Each section of the book examines a particular set of constitutional issues or doctrines across a range of different countries to explore what works, where, and why. Topics include: governmental structure (particularly electoral gender quotas); rights provisions; constitutional recognition of cultural or religious practices that discriminate against women; domestic incorporation of international law; and the role of women in the process of constitution making. Interdisciplinary in orientation and global in scope, the book provides a menu for constitutional designers and others interested in how the fundamental legal order might more effectively promote gender equality.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。...


  • <p>This topical book analyses the practice of negotiating constitutional demands by regional and dispersed national minorities in eight multinational systems. It considers the practices of cooperation and litigation between minority groups and central institutions in Australia, Britain, Canada, New Zealand, Italy, Spain, and the U.S. and includes an evaluation of the implications of the recent Catalan, Puerto Rican and Scottish referenda. Ultimately, the author shows that a flexible constitution combined with a versatile constitutional jurisprudence tends to foster institutional cooperation and the recognition of the pluralistic nature of modern states</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Comparative study has emerged as the new frontier of constitutional law scholarship as well as an important aspect of constitutional adjudication. Increasingly, jurists, scholars, and constitution drafters worldwide are accepting that 'we are all comparativists now'. And yet, despite this tremendous renaissance, the 'comparative' aspect of the enterprise, as a method and a project, remains under-theorized and blurry. Fundamental questions concerning the very meaning and purpose of comparative constitutional inquiry, and how it is to be undertaken, are seldom asked, let alone answered. In this path-breaking book, Ran Hirschl addresses this gap by charting the intellectual history and analytical underpinnings of comparative constitutional inquiry, probing the various types, aims, and methodologies of engagement with the constitutive laws of others through the ages, and exploring how and why comparative constitutional inquiry has been and ought to be pursued by academics and juris...


  • <p>This volume examines the relationship between central government and local institutions, taking Italy as a case study to present a comparative perspective on how the Italian experience has influenced the global developments of federal and regional states.</p> <p>As the country with the longest standing regional system, Italy has a lot to tell countries that are dealing with similar issues in present times. Adopting a theoretical/analytical approach coupled with comparative analysis, this volume critically reflects on the changes brought to the Italian system of government by the reform of Title V of the Italian constitution, the reasons why further decentralisation has been resisted and offers a comparative overview of the place and contributions that the Italian experience has brought to the global debate on regionalism and federalism. The book is divided into two parts: Part I distils the essence of the evolution of Italian regionalism and the respective debate before and...


  • <p><strong>This is the first in a 4-volume set that provides the definitive account of the major issues of comparative constitutional law in 19 Asian jurisdictions.</strong></p> <p>Volume 1 explores the process and contents in the making of a new constitution. The book provides answers to questions on the causes, processes, substance and implantation involved in making new constitutions such as;<br /> - What are the political, social, and economic factors that drive the constitution-making?<br /> - How are constitutions made, and who makes them?<br /> - What are the substantive contents of constitution-making?<br /> - What kinds of legislation are enacted to implement constitutions?<br /> - How do courts enforce constitutions?</p> <p>The book considers the impact of decolonisation, globalisation and social-political dynamics which have led to the enactment of numerous independent constitutions in Asia including Vietnam (2013), Nepal (2015) and Thailand (2017)...


  • <p>Buddhism and Comparative Constitutional Law offers the first comprehensive account of the entanglements of Buddhism and constitutional law in Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Tibet, Bhutan, China, Mongolia, Korea, and Japan. Bringing together an interdisciplinary team of experts, the volume offers a complex portrait of “the Buddhist-constitutional complex,” demonstrating the intricate and powerful ways in which Buddhist and constitutional ideas merged, interacted and co-evolved. The authors also highlight the important ways in which Buddhist actors have (re)conceived Western liberal ideals such as constitutionalism, rule of law, and secularism. Available Open Access on Cambridge Core, this trans-disciplinary volume is written to be accessible to a non-specialist audience.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>This is the first comprehensive book that explores the subject of federalism from the perspective of comparative constitutional law, whilst simultaneously placing a strong emphasis on how federal systems work in practice. This focus is reflected in the book's two most innovative elements. First, it analyses from a comparative point of view how government levels exercise their powers and interact in several highly topical policy areas like social welfare, environmental protection or migrant integration. Second, the book incorporates case law boxes discussing seminal judgments from federal systems worldwide and thus demonstrates the practical impact of constitutional jurisprudence on policymakers and citizens alike.</p> <p>“This is simply the best analysis of contemporary federalism currently available. It is comprehensive in its coverage, thorough in its analysis, and persuasive in its conclusions. Every student of federalism, from novice to expert, will find benefit from th...


  • <p>The field of comparative constitutional law has grown immensely over the past couple of decades. Once a minor and obscure adjunct to the field of domestic constitutional law, comparative constitutional law has now moved front and centre. Driven by the global spread of democratic government and the expansion of international human rights law, the prominence and visibility of the field, among judges, politicians, and scholars has grown exponentially. Even in the United States, where domestic constitutional exclusivism has traditionally held a firm grip, use of comparative constitutional materials has become the subject of a lively and much publicized controversy among various justices of the U.S. Supreme Court. The trend towards harmonization and international borrowing has been controversial. Whereas it seems fair to assume that there ought to be great convergence among industrialized democracies over the uses and functions of commercial contracts, that seems far from the case i...


  • <p>This book, which originated from the broadly held view that there is a lack of Rule-of-law in Mexico, and from the emphasis of traditional academia on cultural elements as the main explanation, explores the question of whether there is any relationship between the system of constitutional review ー and thus the ‘law’ as such ー and the level of Rule-of-law in a given state. To do so, it elaborates a theoretical model for achieving Rule-of-law and compares it to the constitutional review systems of the United States, the Federal Republic of Germany, and Mexico. The study concludes that the two former states correspond to the model, while the latter does not. This is fundamentally due to the role each legal system assigns to ordinary jurisdiction in carrying out constitutional review. Whereas the US and Germany have fostered the policy that constitutional review regarding the enforcement of basic rights is the responsibility of ordinary courts, Mexico has relied too heavily on th...


  • <p>How can religious liberty be guaranteed in societies where religion pervades everyday life? In <em>The Wheel of Law</em>, Gary Jacobsohn addresses this dilemma by examining the constitutional development of secularism in India within an unprecedented cross-national framework that includes Israel and the United States. He argues that a country's particular constitutional theory and practice must be understood within its social and political context. The experience of India, where religious life is in profound tension with secular democratic commitment, offers a valuable perspective not only on questions of jurisprudence and political theory arising in countries where religion permeates the fabric of society, but also on the broader task of ensuring religious liberty in constitutional polities.</p> <p>India's social structure is so entwined with religion, Jacobsohn emphasizes, that meaningful social reform presupposes state intervention in the spiritual domain. Hence Indi...


  • <p>This book provides an account and explanation of a fundamental dilemma facing secular states: the 'legitimacy gap' left by the withdrawal of religion as a source of legitimacy. Legitimacy represents a particular problem for the secular state. The 'secular' in all its manifestations is very much linked to the historical rise of the modern state. It should not be seen as a category that separates culture and religion from politics, but rather as one that links these different dimensions. In the first part of the book, Depaigne explains how modern constitutional law has moved away from a 'substantive' legitimacy, based in particular on natural law, towards a 'procedural' legitimacy based on popular sovereignty and human rights. Depaigne examines three case studies of constitutional responses to legitimacy challenges which articulate the three main sources of 'procedural' legitimacy (people, rights, and culture) in different ways: the 'neutral model' (constitutions based on the 'di...


  • <p>The world appears to be globalising economically, technologically and even, to a halting extent, politically. This process of globalisation raises the possibility of an international legal framework, a possibility which has gained pressing relevance in the wake of the recent global economic crisis. But for any international legal framework to exist, normative agreement between countries, with very different political, economic, cultural and legal traditions, becomes necessary.<br /> This work explores the possibility of such a normative agreement through the prism of national constitutional norms. Since 1945, more than a hundred countries have adopted constitutional texts which incorporate, at least in part, a Bill of Rights. These texts reveal significant similarities; the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, for instance, had a marked influence on the drafting of the Bill of Rights for South Africa, New Zealand and Hong Kong as well as the Basic Law of Israel. Similarly...


  • 【中古】【未使用・未開封品】The U.s. Constitution and Comparative Constitutional Law: Texts, Cases, and Materials (University Casebook)【メーカー名】【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】【商品説明】The U.s. Constitution and Comparative Constitutional Law: Texts, Cases, and Materials (University Casebook)【注意】こちらは輸入品となります。当店では初期不良に限り、商品到着から7日間は返品を 受付けております。こちらは当店海外ショップで一般の方から買取した未使用・未開封品です。買取した為、中古扱いとしております。他モールとの併売品の為、完売の際はご連絡致しますのでご了承ください。ご注文からお届けまで1、ご注文⇒ご注文は24時間受け付けております。2、注文確認⇒ご注文後、当店から注文確認メールを送信します。3、当店海外倉庫から当店日本倉庫を経由しお届けしますので10〜30営業日程度でのお届けとなります。4、入金確認⇒前払い決済をご選択の場合、ご入金確認後、配送手配を致します。5、出荷⇒配送準備が整い次第、出荷致します。配送業者、追跡番号等の詳細をメール送信致します。6、到着⇒出荷後、1〜3日後に商品が到着します。 ※...


  • *** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムから自動保留します。カタカナで記載が必要な場合はカタカナ変わりローマ字で記載してください。 ・お名前またはご住所が法人・団体名義(XX株式会社等)、商店名などを含めている場合、または電話番号が個人のものではない場合、税関から法人名義でみなされますのでご注意ください。 ・転送サービス会社への発送もできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 *** ・注文後品切れや価格変動でキャンセルされる場合がございますので予めご了承願います。 ・当店でご購入された商品は、原則として、「個...


  • <p>This study focuses on territorial autonomy, which is often used in different conflict-resolution and minority situations. Four typical elements are identified on the basis of the historical example of the Memel Territory and the so-called Memel case of the PCIJ; distribution of powers, participation through elections and referendums, executive power of territorial autonomy, and international relations. These elements are used for a comparative analysis of the constitutional law that regulates the position of six currently existing special jurisdictions, the ?land Islands in Finalnd, Scotland in the United Kingdom, Puerto Rico in the United States of America, Hong Kong in China, Aceh in Indonesia and Zanzibar in Tanzania. The current sub-state entities examined can be arranged in relation to Memel in a manner that indicates that Hong Kong and the ?land conform to the typical territorial autonomy, while Puerto Rico and Aceh should probably not be understood as territorial autonom...


  • 【中古】【未使用・未開封品】The Foundations and Traditions of Constitutional Amendment (Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law)【メーカー名】【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】Hart Publishing Law, Constitutional Law, Education & Reference, Paperback Store, Amazon Student ポイント還元(洋書), Amazonアプリキャンペーン対象商品(洋書), 洋書(アダルト除く) Albert, Richard: Editor; Contiades, Xenophon: Editor; Fotiadou, Alkmene: Editor【商品説明】The Foundations and Traditions of Constitutional Amendment (Hart Studies in Comparative Public Law)【注意】こちらは輸入品となります。当店では初期不良に限り、商品到着から7日間は返品を 受付けております。こちらは当店海外ショップで一般の方から買取した未使用・未開封品です。買取した為、中古扱いとしております。他モールとの併売品の為、完売の際はご連絡致しますのでご了承ください。ご注文からお届けまで1、ご注文⇒ご注文は24時間受け付けております。2、注文確認⇒ご注文後、当店から注文確認メールを送信します。3、当店海外倉庫から当店日本倉庫を経由しお届けしますので10〜30営...


  • <p>Unlike many other countries, the United States has few constitutional guarantees of social welfare rights such as income, housing, or healthcare. In part this is because many Americans believe that the courts cannot possibly enforce such guarantees. However, recent innovations in constitutional design in other countries suggest that such rights can be judicially enforced--not by increasing the power of the courts but by decreasing it. In <em>Weak Courts, Strong Rights</em>, Mark Tushnet uses a comparative legal perspective to show how creating weaker forms of judicial review may actually allow for stronger social welfare rights under American constitutional law.</p> <p>Under "strong-form" judicial review, as in the United States, judicial interpretations of the constitution are binding on other branches of government. In contrast, "weak-form" review allows the legislature and executive to reject constitutional rulings by the judiciary--as long as they do so publicly. Tu...


  • <p>This volume explores how national and international human rights courts interpret and apply human dignity. The book tracks the increasing deployment of the concept of human dignity within courts in recent decades. It identifies how human-dignity-based arguments have expanded to cover larger sets of cases: from the right to life or the right to integrity or anti-discrimination, the concept has surfaced in disputes about political and social rights and rule of law requirements, such as equality or legal certainty. The core message of the book is that judges understand, interpret, and apply human dignity differently. An inflation in the judicial recourse to human dignity can saturate the legal environment, depriving the concepts as well as human-rights-based narratives of salience, and threaten the predictability of court decisions. The book will appeal to philosophers of law, constitutional theorists and lawyers, legal comparativists, and international law specialists. While bein...


  • <p>What is the purpose of comparative constitutional law? Comparing constitutions allows us to consider the similarities and differences in forms of government, and the normative philosophies behind constitutional choices. Constitutional comparisons offer 'hermeneutic' help: they enable us to see 'our' own constitution with different eyes and to locate its structural and normative choices by references to alternatives evident in other constitutional orders. This Cambridge Companion presents readers with a succinct yet wide-ranging companion to a modern comparative constitutional law course, offering a wide-ranging yet concise introduction to the subject. Its twenty-two chapters are arranged into five thematic parts: starting with an exploration of the 'theoretical foundations' (Part I) and some important 'historical experiences' (Part II), it moves on to a discussion of the core 'constitutional principles' (Part III) and 'state institutions' (Part IV); finally it analyses forms of...
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