
How the Leopard Changed Its Spots The Evolution of Complexity【電子書籍】 Brian GoodwinAdvances in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Complexity: The PAAMS Collection 16th International Conference, PAAMS 2018, Toledo, Spain, June 20 22, 2018, Proceedings【電子書籍】Critical Systems Thinking and the Management of Complexity【電子書籍】 Michael C. Jacksonクルマが先か?ヒコーキが先か?(Mk.5) a great deal of complexity 岡部いさくWorlds Hidden in Plain Sight The Evolving Idea of Complexity at the Santa Fe Institute, 1984-2019【電子書籍】 David C. KrakauerSix Simple Rules How to Manage Complexity without Getting Complicated【電子書籍】 Yves MorieuxComputational Complexity A Modern Approach【電子書籍】 Sanjeev AroraNoun Phrase Complexity in English【電子書籍】 Eva BerlageGreen Behaviors in the Workplace Nature, Complexity, and Trends【電子書籍】 Virginie Francoeurクルマが先か?ヒコーキが先か?(mk.4) a great deal of complexity 岡部いさくOne Page Talent Management, with a New Introduction Eliminating Complexity, Adding Value【電子書籍】 Marc Effron【中古】【輸入品 未使用】Convex Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity (Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning)クルマが先か ヒコーキが先か a great deal of complexity Mk.4/岡部いさく【3000円以上送料無料】Complexity and Organizational Reality Uncertainty and the Need to Rethink Management after the Collapse of Investment Capitalism【電子書籍】 Ralph D. Staceyクルマが先か ヒコーキが先か a great deal of complexity Mk.5/岡部いさく【1000円以上送料無料】Hands-On Domain-Driven Design with .NET Core Tackling complexity in the heart of software by putting DDD principles into practice【電子書籍】 Alexey ZimarevThink Simple How Smart Leaders Defeat Complexity【電子書籍】 Ken SegallEnergy, Complexity and Wealth Maximization【電子書籍】 Robert AyresCross-Domain Deterrence Strategy in an Era of Complexity【電子書籍】A Wealth of Common Sense Why Simplicity Trumps Complexity in Any Investment Plan【電子書籍】 Ben Carlson


  • <p>Do genes explain life? Can advances in evolutionary and molecular biology account for what we look like, how we behave, and why we die? In this powerful intervention into current biological thinking, Brian Goodwin argues that such genetic reductionism has important limits.</p> <p>Drawing on the sciences of complexity, the author shows how an understanding of the self-organizing patterns of networks is necessary for making sense of nature. Genes are important, but only as part of a process constrained by environment, physical laws, and the universal tendencies of complex adaptive systems. In a new preface for this edition, Goodwin reflects on the advances in both genetics and the sciences of complexity since the book's original publication.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>This book constitutes the proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, PAAMS 2018, held in Toledo, Spain, in June 2018.</p> <p>The 20 regular and 19 demo papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 57 submissions. They deal with the application and validation of agent-based models, methods, and technologies in a number of key applications areas, such as: energy and security; engineering and tools; evaluation and ethics; negotiation and organisations; personalization and learning; simulation applications; simulation platforms; social networks and humans. The book also contains two invited talks in full paper length.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>From the winner of the INCOSE Pioneer Award 2022</strong></p> <p>The world has become increasingly networked and unpredictable. Decision makers at all levels are required to manage the consequences of complexity every day. They must deal with problems that arise unexpectedly, generate uncertainty, are characterised by interconnectivity, and spread across traditional boundaries. Simple solutions to complex problems are usually inadequate and risk exacerbating the original issues.</p> <p>Leaders of international bodies such as the UN, OECD, UNESCO and WHO ー and of major business, public sector, charitable, and professional organizations ー have all declared that systems thinking is an essential leadership skill for managing the complexity of the economic, social and environmental issues that confront decision makers. Systems thinking must be implemented more generally, and on a wider scale, to address these issues.</p> <p>An evaluation of different system...


  • a great deal of complexity 岡部いさく 二玄社クルマ ガ サキ カ ヒコーキ ガ サキ カ オカベ,イサク 発行年月:2011年03月 ページ数:222p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784544400502 岡部いさく(オカベイサク) 軍事評論家。1954年1月埼玉県は浦和市(現さいたま市)に生まれる。学習院大学仏文学科卒業後、月刊『エアワールド』編集部、月刊『シーパワー』編集長などを経てフリーランスになる(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 第16章 「スピードに恋い焦がれて」(「まだ若かったころ」ー本気で競争してみたら…/「一瞬の光芒」ー異形のレーサーで完全制覇なるか/「ラグナ・セカからの離陸」ーリアウィング誕生の直前に ほか)/第17章 「つくらずにいられない」(「ウィンドスクリーンからの風」ー軽快さは空の風から/「それでもやっぱりクルマは売れず」ー倒産を繰り返してサー/「スポンサーからひとこと」ー20世紀の2大発明、広告とヒコーキ ほか)/第18章 「クルマとヒコーキの兄弟愛」(「ヒコーキが偉いのか?クルマは気がいいのか?」ークルマとヒコーキの力関係/「最後のきらめき??」ー翼のイメージ フォート編/...


  • <p>Over the last three decades, the Santa Fe Institute and its network of researchers have been pursuing a revolution in science.</p> <p>Ignoring the boundaries of disciplines and schools and searching for novel fundamental ideas, theories, and practices, this international community integrates the full range of scientific inquiries that will help us to understand and survive on a complex planet.</p> <p>This volume collects essays from the past thirty years of research, in which contributors explain in clear and accessible language many of the deepest challenges and insights of complexity science.</p> <p>Explore the evolution of complex systems science with chapters from Nobel Laureates Murray Gell-Mann and Kenneth Arrow, as well as numerous pioneering complexity researchers, including John Holland, Brian Arthur, Robert May, Richard Lewontin, Jennifer Dunne, and Geoffrey West.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願い...


  • <p><strong>New tools for managing complexity</strong></p> <p>Does your organization manage complexity by making things <em>more</em> complicated? If so, you are not alone.</p> <p>According to The Boston Consulting Group’s fascinating Complexity Index, business complexity has increased sixfold during the past sixty years. And, all the while, organizational complicatedness-that is, the number of structures, processes, committees, decision-making forums, and systems-has increased by a whopping factor of thirty-five. In their attempt to respond to the increasingly complex performance requirements they face, company leaders have created an organizational labyrinth that makes it more and more difficult to improve productivity and to pursue innovation. It also disengages and demotivates the workforce.</p> <p>Clearly it’s time for leaders to stop trying to manage complexity with their traditional tools and instead better leverage employees' intelligence. This book show...


  • <p>This beginning graduate textbook describes both recent achievements and classical results of computational complexity theory. Requiring essentially no background apart from mathematical maturity, the book can be used as a reference for self-study for anyone interested in complexity, including physicists, mathematicians, and other scientists, as well as a textbook for a variety of courses and seminars. More than 300 exercises are included with a selected hint set. The book starts with a broad introduction to the field and progresses to advanced results. Contents include: definition of Turing machines and basic time and space complexity classes, probabilistic algorithms, interactive proofs, cryptography, quantum computation, lower bounds for concrete computational models (decision trees, communication complexity, constant depth, algebraic and monotone circuits, proof complexity), average-case complexity and hardness amplification, derandomization and pseudorandom constructions, a...


  • <p>This book explores noun phrase (NP) complexity in English, showing that it is best accounted for both by a linear and a hierarchical parameter: its length and its type of postmodifier(s). The study is methodologically unique in that it combines univariate and multivariate analyses in an investigation of four different syntactic variables. Drawing on more than three billion words of British and American data, Eva Berlage shows that the length and the structure of the NPs, along with language-external factors such as the regional variety of English, work as powerful determinants of the variation. On a theoretical level, the book reveals that the structural complexity of NPs cannot be sufficiently captured by (phrasal) node counts but that we need to incorporate the degree to which NPs are sentential. The book is designed for researchers and students interested in syntax, language variation, sociolinguistics, structural complexity and the history of English.</p>画面が切り替わり...


  • <p>This book examines the spectrum of green behaviors in organizational settings, focusing on the contribution that employees make through their environmental engagement. The authors provide an overview of green behaviors while clarifying the meaning of the concept and its critical importance to greening employees. By distinguishing between voluntary (e.g., encouraging colleagues to express their ideas about environmental issues), prescribed (e.g., having an obligation to implement environmental policies), and counterproductive (e.g., not caring about water or electricity consumption) behaviors, the book rethinks sustainable development, placing the psychological and environmental dimensions on a par.</p> <p>Aimed at researchers in human resource management, organizational behavior, organizational change, and psychology, this interdisciplinary study proposes a novel approach to sustainability by assessing employee behaviors at work.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待...


  • a great deal of complexity 岡部いさく 二玄社クルマ ガ サキ カ ヒコーキ ガ サキ カ オカベ,イサク 発行年月:2011年01月 ページ数:215p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784544400496 本 科学・技術 工学 機械工学


  • <p><strong>A radical approach to growing high-quality talent--fast</strong></p> <p>You know that winning in today's marketplace requires top-quality talent. You also know what it takes to build that talent--and you spend significant financial and human resources to make it happen. Yet somehow, your company's beautifully designed and well-benchmarked processes don't translate into the bottom-line talent depth you need. Why?</p> <p>Talent management experts Marc Effron and Miriam Ort argue that companies unwittingly add layers of complexity to their talent-building models--without evaluating whether those components add any value to the overall process. Consequently, simple activities like setting employee performance goals become multipage, headache-inducing time wasters that turn managers off and fail to improve results.</p> <p>Effron and Ort introduce a simple, powerful, scientifically proven approach to increase your ability to develop better leaders faster: One ...


  • 【中古】【輸入品・未使用】Convex Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity (Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning)【メーカー名】Now Pub【メーカー型番】【ブランド名】Now Publishers【商品説明】Convex Optimization: Algorithms and Complexity (Foundations and Trends in Machine Learning)当店では初期不良に限り、商品到着から7日間は返品を 受付けております。こちらは海外販売用に買取り致しました未使用品です。買取り致しました為、中古扱いとしております。他モールとの併売品の為、完売の際はご連絡致しますのでご了承下さい。速やかにご返金させて頂きます。ご注文からお届けまで1、ご注文⇒ご注文は24時間受け付けております。2、注文確認⇒ご注文後、当店から注文確認メールを送信します。3、配送⇒当店海外倉庫から取り寄せの場合は10〜30日程度でのお届けとなります。国内到着後、発送の際に通知にてご連絡致します。国内倉庫からの場合は3〜7日でのお届けとなります。 ※離島、北海道、九州、沖縄は遅れる場合がございます。予めご了承下さい。お電話でのお問合せは少人数で運営の為受け付けておりませんので、メールにてお問合せお願い致しま...


  • 著者岡部いさく(著)出版社二玄社発売日2011年01月ISBN9784544400496ページ数215Pキーワードくるまがさきかひこーきがさき クルマガサキカヒコーキガサキ おかべ いさく オカベ イサク9784544400496内容紹介人類の速さへの飽くなき探求は蒸気から始まって電気、ガソリン、ディーゼル、ジェットを経て2つを載せて「ハイブリッド」へ!マーク4ではついに燃料電池搭載の潜水艦までが殴り込み!!。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次第12章 「世界名車(機)物語」(「出自のハナシ」 初心に返って初級編/「国はじけてバブルカー」 焼け跡に浮かんで消えた泡 ほか)/第13章 「クルマとヒコーキの間で」(「スタンフォード大卒の自慢」 ガスタービンをビートルに/「堅実な新奇」 真面目が“デビュー”するとき ほか)/第14章 「夢とロマンの果てに」(「ダイマクションのD」 進歩しすぎた独創性/「レヤの夢」 動力のロスをプロペラでカバー ほか)/第15章 「動力のいろいろ」(「湯気を立てて、走る!飛ぶ!!」 蒸気はクルマが先だった/「今では一幕物」 大統領専用の今昔 ほか)


  • <p>Approaches to leadership and management are still dominated by prescriptions ? usually claimed as scientific ? for top executives to choose the future direction of their organization. The global financial recession and the collapse of investment capitalism (surely not planned by anyone) make it quite clear that top executives are simply not able to choose future directions. Despite this, current management literature mostly continues to avoid the obvious ? management’s inability to predict or control what will happen in the future. The key question now must be how we are to think about management if we take the uncertainty of organizational life seriously.</p> <p>Ralph Stacey has turned to the sciences of uncertainty and complexity to develop an understanding of leadership and management as the ordinary politics of daily organizational life. In presenting organizations as a series of complex responsive processes, Stacey’s new book helps us to see organizational reality for ...


  • 著者岡部いさく(著)出版社二玄社発売日2011年03月ISBN9784544400502ページ数222Pキーワードくるまがさきかひこーきがさき クルマガサキカヒコーキガサキ おかべ いさく オカベ イサク9784544400502内容紹介マスタングにロールス・ロイスのエンジンを載せて…しかもそれは、ヒコーキのハナシなんです!ヒコーキとクルマの知られざる関係を解き明かす人気シリーズ、いよいよ完結編。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次第16章 「スピードに恋い焦がれて」(「まだ若かったころ」—本気で競争してみたら…/「一瞬の光芒」—異形のレーサーで完全制覇なるか/「ラグナ・セカからの離陸」—リアウィング誕生の直前に ほか)/第17章 「つくらずにいられない」(「ウィンドスクリーンからの風」—軽快さは空の風から/「それでもやっぱりクルマは売れず」—倒産を繰り返してサー/「スポンサーからひとこと」—20世紀の2大発明、広告とヒコーキ ほか)/第18章 「クルマとヒコーキの兄弟愛」(「ヒコーキが偉いのか?クルマは気がいいのか?」—クルマとヒコーキの力関係/「最後のきらめき??」—翼のイメージ フォート編/「過ぎたるヒコーキっぷり」—翼のイメージ 空軍編 ほか)


  • <p><strong>Solve complex business problems by understanding users better, finding the right problem to solve, and building lean event-driven systems to give your customers what they really want</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Apply DDD principles using modern tools such as EventStorming, Event Sourcing, and CQRS</li> <li>Learn how DDD applies directly to various architectural styles such as REST, reactive systems, and microservices</li> <li>Empower teams to work flexibly with improved services and decoupled interactions</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Developers across the world are rapidly adopting DDD principles to deliver powerful results when writing software that deals with complex business requirements. This book will guide you in involving business stakeholders when choosing the software you are planning to build for them. By figuring out the temporal nature of behavior-driven domain models, you will be able to build leane...


  • <p><strong>Simplicity is arguably the most potent weapon in businessーattracting customers, motivating employees, helping outthink competitors, and creating new efficiencies. Yet rarely is it as simple as it looks.</strong></p> <p>Ken Segall’s first book, <em>Insanely Simple</em>, was based on observations gained from twelve years working as Steve Jobs’s advertising agency creative director, first with NeXT and then with Apple. He saw firsthand that Jobs looked at everything through the lens of simplicity. His obsession with simplicity was not just visible in Apple’s products. You could see it in the way the company organized, innovated, advertised, sold at retail, and provided customer service.</p> <p>In practice, simplicity was Jobs’s most powerful business weapon. It helped Apple distinguish its products and create entirely new product categories, and it put distance between Apple and its competitors. But, while Apple is a terrific example of a company that has ...


  • <p>This book is about the mechanisms of wealth creation, or what we like to think of as evolutionary "progress." The massive circular flow of goods and services between producers and consumers is not a perpetual motion machine; it has been dependent for the past 150 years on energy inputs from a finite storage of fossil fuels. In this book, you will learn about the three key requirements for wealth creation, and how this process acts according to physical laws, and usually after some part of the natural wealth of the planet has been exploited in an episode of "creative destruction." Knowledge and natural capital, particularly energy, will interact to power the human wealth engine in the future as it has in the past. Will it sputter or continue along the path of evolutionary progress that we have come to expect? Can the new immaterial wealth of information and ideas, which makes up the so-called knowledge economy, replace depleted natural wealth? These questions have no simple answ...


  • <p>The complexity of the twenty-first century threat landscape contrasts markedly with the bilateral nuclear bargaining context envisioned by classical deterrence theory. Nuclear and conventional arsenals continue to develop alongside anti-satellite programs, autonomous robotics or drones, cyber operations, biotechnology, and other innovations barely imagined in the early nuclear age. The concept of cross-domain deterrence (CDD) emerged near the end of the George W. Bush administration as policymakers and commanders confronted emerging threats to vital military systems in space and cyberspace. The Pentagon now recognizes five operational environments or so-called domains (land, sea, air, space, and cyberspace), and CDD poses serious problems in practice. In <em>Cross-Domain Deterrence</em>, Erik Gartzke and Jon R. Lindsay assess the theoretical relevance of CDD for the field of International Relations. As a general concept, CDD posits that how actors choose to deter affects th...


  • <p><strong>A simple guide to a smarter strategy for the individual investor</strong></p> <p><em>A Wealth of Common Sense</em> sheds a refreshing light on investing, and shows you how a simplicity-based framework can lead to better investment decisions. The financial market is a complex system, but that doesn't mean it requires a complex strategy; in fact, this false premise is the driving force behind many investors' market "mistakes." Information is important, but understanding and perspective are the keys to better decision-making. This book describes the proper way to view the markets and your portfolio, and show you the simple strategies that make investing more profitable, less confusing, and less time-consuming. Without the burden of short-term performance benchmarks, individual investors have the advantage of focusing on the long view, and the freedom to construct the kind of portfolio that will serve their investment goals best. This book proves how complex str...
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