culture map

找到人生方向的一頁夢想地圖 把夢想拆解成「七個目標」,畫出來就能實現!【電子書籍】 柳時泉Organizational Culture Mapping the Terrain【電子書籍】 Joanne Martin地圖力:掌握權力和財富的祕密 , (The Power of Map)【電子書籍】 金伊財( )The Culture Map De Nederlandse Editie【電子書籍】 Erin Meyer心靈地圖I(新版):追求愛和成長之路 The Road Less Traveled:A New Psychology of Love, Traditional Values and Spiritual Growth【電子書籍】 史考特.派克The Culture Map (INTL ED) Decoding How People Think, Lead, and Get Things Done Across Cultures【電子書籍】 Erin MeyerThe Emotional Elevator and Taking Ownership A Guide to Control and Map the Emotional Mind【電子書籍】 Stuart A. HunterThe Culture Map: Breaking Through the Invisible Boundaries of Global Business CULTURE MAP Erin Meyer目的思維:用最小努力,獲得最大成果的方法 (附「思考提問地圖」, 助 改變視野 掌握問題全貌)【電子書籍】 望月安迪The Right-Brain Business Plan A Creative, Visual Map for Success【電子書籍】 Jennifer Lee2030轉職地圖:成為未來10年不被淘汰的國際人才【電子書籍】 Sandy Su(蘇盈如)The Desire Map: A Guide to Creating Goals with Soul DESIRE MAP Danielle LaporteSTTS: Professional Image-Your Road Map to Success Your professional journey to enhancing your status and career by looking, sounding and behaving professionally【電子書籍】 Pang Li KinThe New Map Energy, Climate, and the Clash of Nations【電子書籍】 Daniel Yergin暢玩一人公司 用個人品牌創造理想的工作方式及事業地圖【電子書籍】 于為暢CULTURE MAP,THE(B) ERIN MEYERThe New Global Road Map Enduring Strategies for Turbulent Times【電子書籍】 Pankaj GhemawatThe New Global Road Map: Enduring Strategies for Turbulent Times NEW GLOBAL ROAD MAP Pankaj GhemawatThe Age of Diversity The New Cultural Map【電子書籍】 Jean-Louis Roy心靈地圖II(新版):探索成熟與自由之旅 Further Along the Road Less Traveled:The Unending Journey Towards Spiritual Growth【電子書籍】 史考特.派克


  • <p><strong>?很會安排旅遊行程,</strong></p> <p><strong>為什麼卻不會規劃人生?</strong></p> <p>?年都想著明年一定要更精進自己,變得更好、更痩或更健康,</p> <p>可是,??總是虎頭蛇尾,或是走一?算一?,最後只能暗自懊悔。</p> <p>看著身邊的人都奮力地朝向夢想前進,好像只有自己不知道該往?邊努力……</p> <ul> <li><strong>給沒有方向、毫無計劃,卻已經在路上的?</strong></li> <li>還不太清楚自己未來想做或能做什麼的學生</li> <li>初入職場生存叢林的社會新鮮人</li> <li>一上班就想下班,唯一夢想是辭職的老鳥上班族</li> <li>想要好好「生活」,而不只是求「生存」的?……</li> </ul> <p>作者是韓國知名大學資訊設計教授,他發現很多人沒有夢想,</p> <p>即使出社會多年也不?得如何規劃未來,</p> <p>但是決定人生成功或失敗的關鍵要素,就是「夢想」。</p> <p>為了強調夢想的重要性,他透過真實經?、心理學研究、腦科學理論等,</p> <p>找出夢想對我們的真正意義及尋找的方法,</p> <p>例如利用書中提供的「三個自我提問」,就能找出夢想,並且設定人生方向。</p> <p><s...


  • <p><strong>Organizational Culture</strong> provides a sweeping interdisciplinary overview of the organizational culture literature, showing how and why researchers have disagreed about such fundamental questions as: What is organizational culture? What are the major theoretical perspectives used to understand cultures in organizations? How can a researcher decipher the political interests inherent in research that claims to be political neutral -- merely "descriptive"?</p> <p>Expert author Joanne Martin examines a variety of conflicting ways to study cultures in organizations, including different theoretical orientations, political ideologies (managerial, critical, and apparently neutral); methods (qualitative, quantitative, and hybrid approaches), and styles of writing about culture (ranging from traditional to postmodern and experimental). In addition, she offers a guide for those who might want to study culture themselves, addressing such issues as: What qualitative, qu...


  • <p>全世界菁英都在學習地圖力!</p> <p>英國、美國,靠著地圖探索世界、建立霸權;</p> <p>星巴克善用地圖開發門市,成功搶占市場;</p> <p>Netflix設計麻煩地圖,創新?品需求。</p> <p>運用空間知識、決策及預測分析事物,</p> <p>就能改變企業命運,?轉人生賽局!</p> <p>不管是從紙本地圖到Google Map</p> <p>?無法想像自己有多依頼地圖</p> <p>從讀?地圖到培養地圖力,進而掌握世界政治、經濟、技術潮流的變化,有利於搶占錢潮的路口,預見世界未來的模樣。</p> <p>何謂地圖力?</p> <ol> <li> <p>解讀地圖,即使在陌生之地也能設定方向與動線的能力。</p> </li> <li> <p>憑地理想像力掌握成功機會,用空間決策改變命運的能力。</p> </li> <li> <p>運用空間策略來解決問題,從多重尺度展望世界、地區、國家、城市的能力。</p> </li> </ol> <p>地圖力即為地理想像力。</p> <p>地理想像力在連結個人的私地理與公地理,或做出空間決策時,實為非常有用的工具。運用地理想像力,在各種尺度將特定主題地圖化,就能一眼看出自己與地區、國家、世界是如何連結的。不僅如此,即便是相同的問題,「...


  • <p>H?t internationale handboek op het gebied van cultuurverschillen. Erin Meyers voorbeelden en strategie?n worden gecombineerd met advies voor meer succes in de geglobaliseerde zakenwereld. ‘The Culture Map’ van Erin Meyer is het handboek om cultuurverschillen binnen de internationale zakenwereld te begrijpen en hiermee om te gaan. Nederlanders komen direct ter zake, Amerikanen zeggen altijd drie vriendelijke dingen voordat ze met iets negatiefs komen en Chinezen zullen nooit openlijk kritiek geven. Latijns-Amerikanen en Aziaten zijn zeer hi?rarchisch ingesteld; Scandinavi?rs vinden juist dat de beste baas niet boven zijn medewerkers staat. Geen wonder dat samenwerking tussen verschillende nationaliteiten soms tot chaos leidt. In deze tijd van globalisering en virtuele netwerken is het essentieel dat je kunt omgaan met cultuurverschillen. Erin Meyer is je gids op dit subtiele en soms verraderlijke terrein. In ‘The Culture Map’, dat internationaal uitgroeide tot h?t handboek op di...


  • <p>☆當代精神導師派克醫師關於親情、愛情、生命、信仰最真摯的書寫</p> <p>☆締造美國出版史紀?,連續十年高踞《紐約時報》暢銷書排行榜</p> <p>☆全美讀者票選為最具影響力的書</p> <p><strong>人生唯一真正的安全感,來自充分享受人生中的不安全感。</strong></p> <p><strong>──獻給 默默在人跡稀少的心靈成長之路上行走的?</strong></p> <p>我們對現實的種種看法,交織成一張心靈地圖。</p> <p>要安然走完人生中美好卻又艱辛的長路,</p> <p>最大的挑戰在於要不斷修訂這張地圖。</p> <p>然而修訂的工作往往艱苦,令人卻?……</p> <p>派克醫師陪?走一?心靈成長的朝聖之旅,</p> <p>並為?指出通往完整人生的方向。</p> <p>★看了看、聽了聽、想了想,這不就是立在我書櫃上長達十多年的書??</p> <p>從架上拿下來,翻開?頁,一眼看到上面寫了密密麻麻的筆記,</p> <p>還有貫穿整本書的?藍紅色線條,這時,我的眼光即刻駐留在那些筆記上,</p> <p>超想回溯派克醫師這本書曾經帶給我的?發和影響。<strong>──頼佩霞,身心靈導師</strong></p> <p><strong>?走一條人少的路 ?</strong></p> <p>...


  • <p><strong>An international business expert helps you understand and navigate cultural differences in this insightful and practical guide, perfect for both your work and personal life.</strong></p> <p>Americans precede anything negative with three nice comments; French, Dutch, Israelis, and Germans get straight to the point; Latin Americans and Asians are steeped in hierarchy; Scandinavians think the best boss is just one of the crowd. It's no surprise that when they try and talk to each other, chaos breaks out.</p> <p>In <em>The Culture Map</em>, INSEAD professor Erin Meyer is your guide through this subtle, sometimes treacherous terrain in which people from starkly different backgrounds are expected to work harmoniously together. She provides a field-tested model for decoding how cultural differences impact international business, and combines a smart analytical framework with practical, actionable advice.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご...


  • <p>Have you ever wondered why when you have an argument, you bring up every past argument, and it is as fresh as it was the day you had it? Then read this book. Taking ownership will help resolve and dissolve situations to help lead a more peaceful and fulfilled life. Experiencing a major setback a few years ago, Stuart discovered that life doesn’t always go as planned. As he was temporarily unable to change his course at the time, he in turn headed for the road of self-destruction and isolation. Forced to take a really good, hard look at himself, he slowly reconstructed from the ground up. Stuart poured himself into reading and learning many a different way to overcome the hurdles put before him. He discovered that part of who he is and who he was meant to be was to help others feel good about themselves - even if that meant cracking a corny dad joke to get a smile. Stuart studies life, philosophy, martial arts, and is on a quest to have a better experience and quality of living....


  • CULTURE MAP Erin Meyer PUBLICAFFAIRS2014 Hardcover English ISBN:9781610392501 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics


  • <p>目的,是策略思考的準則<br /> 也是解決問題的起點</p> <p>前日本臉書代表董事 長谷川晉:<br /> 「當我只是一個公司員工,到後來接任CEO、創業時,<br /> 我首先思考的都是目的。」</p> <p>★Amazon商業、MBA榜TOP1!<br /> ★上市當月狂銷10,000+本,一年加印四次的話題書!<br /> ★麥肯錫、BCG之外的新選擇:「徳勤」集團的思維訓練</p> <p>◇眼前有很多方案,猶豫很久還是無法做出決定<br /> ◇試了很多方法,但問題一直沒解決<br /> ◇為了達標,必須執行一堆繁瑣的?驟<br /> ◇找不到人分擔工作,最後全部自己攬下來做<br /> 如果?遇過這些問題,<br /> 那麼?一開始設定的工作「目的」,<br /> 很有可能根本就是錯的。</p> <p>努力很重要,但確實掌握目的才能「用對力」,<br /> 把這些事做對、做好:<br /> ◇鎖定該解決的問題<br /> ◇迅速判斷解決方案的優先順序<br /> ◇採取直接通往目的的行動<br /> ◇對上對下溝通有?服力,有效動員團隊</p> <p>【達到目的最好的工具:三層金字塔流程】<br /> 本書作者任職於「日本徳勤諮詢」(DTC),<br /> DTC是全球四大會計師事務所「徳勤」集團(Deloitte)的子公司。<...


  • <p>Millions of artists entrepreneurs crafters and solopreneurs dream of making a living doing what they love. But turning their vision into a viable business plan can feel like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole. Jennifer Lee knows what its like to make the entrepreneurial leap and how to do it successfully. The key is showing creative types how to use rather than stifle the imagination and intuition that make them creative in the first place. Lees illustrated colorful worksheets and step-by-step instructions are playful yet practical enabling readers to get down to the essential business of defining their vision and nailing down plans for funding marketing networking and long-term strategy. Both budding and seasoned business owners will benefit from Lees wonderfully original approach.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>  <strong>【第1本為臺灣工作者量身打造的轉職專書?】</strong></p> <p>**  職場上的?是否──**<br /> **  ?低薪瞎忙 ?找不到天職 ?老是換工作 ?面臨中年危機 ?想到海外發展</p> <p>  10大關鍵技能+8大軟性技能+32則真人職涯路徑,<br />   國際獵頭教?跳?框架,漂亮轉職!**</p> <p>  人人都在問:「未來工作在?裡?」?是不是也經常自我懷疑:「再不換工作我就沒機會了!」即使心有疑慮,仍舊舉棋不定,深不知自己早已列為職場上即將被淘汰的高危險群……</p> <p><strong>【獵頭觀點1:搭上國際趨勢,才能?到好位置】</strong></p> <p>  ? 「我是不是該轉職了?」──掌握去留的時機,保持隨時可加入新東家的?態<br />   1 關注業界競爭對手的人事動向。<br />   2 設定停損點,檢視自己的成長與資方的承諾。<br />   3 ?二年將個人履?放到就職市場上測試水?。</p> <p>  ? 「我的下一?該怎麼走?」──善用領英的轉職計畫<br />   1 經常更新個人?案。<br />   2 主動向獵頭、業界人士建立關係,拓展「#專業人脈網」。<br />   3 研究並?效業界好手們的轉職路徑。</p> <p>  ? 「...


  • DESIRE MAP Danielle Laporte SOUNDS TRUE INC2014 Paperback English ISBN:9781622032518 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) SelfーHelp


  • <p>Experience and paper credentials are often not enough in today’s highly competitive workforce. One’s image is an often-overlooked aspect in the workforce, but when considered, many limit one’s image to that of mere appearance. However, one’s professional image is about much more than just looking the part, but also behaving and sounding it. In this book, you will understand how your dressing can impact your superiors and subordinates perception of you, and how your behavior and personality can affect the impression that you want project. Learn to communicate in a fashion that reinforces and not undermines your authority or capability. Pick up tips on how to put your best foot forward and promote yourself in a manner that will get you remembered and going places. Let Pang Li Kin, a Certified Image Professional (CIP), show you how to evaluate your current image, how to decide on the characteristics to project and how to be consistent. She is the vice-president/president elect on ...


  • <p>**A <em>Wall Street Journal</em> besteller and a <em>USA Today</em> Best Book of 2020</p> <p>Named Energy Writer of the Year for <em>The New Map</em> by the American Energy Society</p> <p>*“*A master class on how the world works.” ーNPR</p> <p>Pulitzer Prize-winning author and global energy expert, Daniel Yergin offers a revelatory new account of how energy revolutions, climate battles, and geopolitics are mapping our future**</p> <p>The world is being shaken by the collision of energy, climate change, and the clashing power of nations in a time of global crisis. Out of this tumult is emerging a new map of energy and geopolitics. The “shale revolution” in oil and gas has transformed the American economy, ending the “era of shortage” but introducing a turbulent new era. Almost overnight, the United States has become the world's number one energy powerhouse. Yet concern about energy's role in climate change is challenging the global economy and way of ...


  • <p><strong>一人公司不急著擴編或成長…</strong></p> <p><strong>一人公司不需要討好老?,沒有?心機的同事…</strong></p> <p><strong>一人公司不是兼職創業,而是全心投入自己的事業…</strong></p> <p><strong>新世代的自由工作者,跟著「暢」玩一人公司?!</strong></p> <p><strong>工作更少,賺得更多(Work Less, Make More)</strong></p> <p>  網路的發達改變我們的工作型態,只要將我們所有的專業知識數位化、規模化、自動化──就像魔法一般,可以創造出多種被動收入來源,點任何傳統的石頭成金。人們開始思考如何利用最精實的方式追求最大的利潤,同時將人事管理壓力控制到最小,許多「一人公司」隨之如雨後春筍般興起。</p> <p><strong>品牌變現,發展自己的個人事業</strong></p> <p>  讓上班族走進知識經濟無縫創造收入;讓網紅、社群意見領袖上手品牌變現;讓自由工作者善用數位工具穩定成長。</p> <p><strong>一起學會自媒體經營,做最好版本的自己!</strong></p> <p>本書引領?:</p> <p>?追求財富同時保有自由</p> <p>?從上班族到創業者,該如何準備?什麼是世界上最好的工作...


  • ERIN MEYER PUBLICAFFAIRS (USA).2016 English アメリカ合衆国 ISBN:9781610392761 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics


  • <p><strong>What Globalization Now Means for Your Business</strong></p> <p>Executives can no longer base their strategies on the assumption that globalization will continue to advance steadily. But how should they respond to the growing pressures against globalization? And what can businesses do to control their destinies in these times of uncertainty?</p> <p>In <em>The New Global Road Map</em>, Pankaj Ghemawat separates fact from fiction by giving readers a better understanding of the key trends affecting global business. He also explains how globalization levels around the world are changing, and where they are likely to go in the future. Using the most up-to-date data and analysis, Ghemawat dispels today's most dangerous myths and provides a clear view of the most critical issues facing policy makers in the years ahead.</p> <p>Building on this analysis, with examples from a diverse set of companies across industries and geographies, Ghemawat provides actionab...


  • NEW GLOBAL ROAD MAP Pankaj Ghemawat N. Chandrasekaran HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW PR2018 Hardcover English ISBN:9781633694040 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics


  • <p>In twenty-five years, 80% of the world population will live in Asia and Africa. What changes, culturally I particular, should be expected in this century? This is the vast and fascinating question Jean-Louis Roy tries to answer with the help of correspondents from Africa, Asia, the Americas and Europe. The author argues that shifting wealth from the West to Asia, Latin America and Africa causes the reconfiguration of the economic map. This tilting also transforms the global cultural space. The dominant cultural position occupied by the Atlantic area will not disappear overnight. However, it is important to note that emerging countries are working earnestly, well served by the tools of the digital age. For example, China is already the world leader in the art market, and Nigeria, the second in international film production after India. Diversity emerges from all sides. Welcome to the twenty-first century!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo...


  • <p>我在曠野中摸索前進,學到減輕生命旅程艱辛的訣竅,</p> <p>希望能?助?從多元化的角度思考,崇揚生命的神祕與矛盾,</p> <p>安心欣賞生命的複雜多變?。</p> <p><strong>──史考特.派克</strong></p> <p><strong>繼《心靈地圖I》自我成長的真摯書寫,</strong></p> <p><strong>派克醫師續寫《心靈地圖II》,更深入探索自我靈性的?發。</strong></p> <p>★如果要在人生旅程中選擇一個時刻,當作將來的永恆,</p> <p>在千百萬種選擇裡,?挑的是感到游刃有餘、滿足自在的一刻??</p> <p>隨著心靈的成長,人格日趨成熟,愈來愈能面對危機,</p> <p>感受愈多快樂,那一刻將近在咫尺。</p> <p>人生困難重重,人生卻也變化無窮。</p> <p>?個人都必須自己摸索人生的路,</p> <p>沒有自助手冊、公式或簡單明瞭的答案可以憑藉。</p> <p>唯一的路,是越過人生的沙漠,度過乾涸荒蕪的大地,</p> <p>一??踏入更深的意識層次。</p> <p>派克醫師選出心靈成長各階段中?得記?與分享的議題,</p> <p>如「寛恕」、「死亡」、「靈性修練」、「信仰」等觀念深入分析與探討,</p> <p>在他引領之下,讓人興起...
  • 上に戻る