
Chupacabra【電子書籍】 Roland Smith101 Ways AI Can Benefit Your Business【電子書籍】 Cecilia ShorttSophienlust 294 Familienroman Am Ende siegt die Liebe【電子書籍】 Susanne SvanbergHow to Land a Top-Paying Rotary derrick operators Job: Your Complete Guide to Opportunities, Resumes and Cover Letters, Interviews, Salaries, Promotions, What to Expect From Recruiters and More【電子書籍】 Ingram FrancesHolographic Interferometry A Mach Zehnder Approach【電子書籍】 Gregory R. TokerIl Potere della Tua Visione - Manifesta ci che vuoi con il Potere dell 039 Intenzione e dell 039 Immaginazione【電子書籍】 David De AngelisProsast cke【電子書籍】 Robert WalserSlow Pandemics Reshaping everyday life in the upcoming age of illness【電子書籍】 Stephan SigristFalling Dusk【電子書籍】 Jennifer R. Povey


  • <p>Monsters of legend come to life! The third thrilling title in Roland Smith's popular Cryptid Hunters series. A mysterious creature, a missing girl, and danger at every turn . . . CHUPACABRA, the riveting sequel to TENTACLES and CRYPTID HUNTERS, reunites Marty and his unusual uncle, cryptozoologist Travis Wolfe, as they search the world for Wolfe's daughter, Grace. Grace has been kidnapped by her grandfather, the ruthless and dangerous Noah Blackwood, who has also stolen the two dinosaur hatchlings Wolfe was raising in secrecy. Now, with word that the mysterious creature known as Chupacabra has been sighted again, Wolfe is torn between his obsession with finding cryptids and his desperate need to rescue his daughter. With trouble at every turn and a dangerous journey ahead, will Marty and Wolfe come face-to-face with the mythic monster? Even more frightening, will they reach Grace before it's too late?</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品...


  • <p>"100 Ways Artificial Intelligence Can Benefit Your Business" is an indispensable guidebook for any business leader or entrepreneur seeking to harness the power of AI to drive innovation, efficiency, and growth.This comprehensive book covers a wide range of AI applications, from natural language processing and image recognition to predictive analytics and robotic process automation.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Diese beliebte Romanserie der gro?artigen Schriftstellerin Patricia Vandenberg ?berzeugt durch ihr klares Konzept und seine beiden Identifikationsfiguren: Denise von Schoenecker verwaltet das Erbe ihres Sohnes Nick, dem sp?ter einmal, das Kinderheim Sophienlust geh?ren wird. "Wartet doch mal", schrie Vicky und sprang von ihrem Fahrrad. Aufgeregt schwenkte sie den rechten Arm durch die Luft. "Immer diese M?dchen", maulte Nick, der gro?e dunkelhaarige Junge, der die kleine Kolonne anf?hrte. "St?ndig wollen sie Rast machen. Da kommt man doch ?berhaupt nicht voran. Was ist denn jetzt schon wieder? Wenn das so weitergeht, erreichen wir heute die Burg nicht mehr." Der h?bsche Junge mit den ausdrucksvollen dunklen Augen wendete sein Rad, rollte langsam den Weg zur?ck. Fabian, Henrik, Irmela und Angelika, die hinter ihm fuhren, hielten ebenfalls an, drehten sich um. "Was gibt's?" fragte Nick, der sich verantwortungsbewu?t stets um die J?ngeren k?mmerte. Er selbst besuchte bereits die O...


  • <p>For the first time, a book exists that compiles all the information candidates need to apply for their first Rotary derrick operators job, or to apply for a better job.</p> <p>What you'll find especially helpful are the worksheets. It is so much easier to write about a work experience using these outlines. It ensures that the narrative will follow a logical structure and reminds you not to leave out the most important points. With this book, you'll be able to revise your application into a much stronger document, be much better prepared and a step ahead for the next opportunity.</p> <p>The book comes filled with useful cheat sheets. It helps you get your career organized in a tidy, presentable fashion. It also will inspire you to produce some attention-grabbing cover letters that convey your skills persuasively and attractively in your application packets.</p> <p>After studying it, too, you'll be prepared for interviews, or you will be after you conducted the practi...


  • <p>Transparent in the visible range, phase objects can be studied in the optical range using holographic interferometry. Typically, the holograms are recorded on high-resolving-power holographic photo materials, but a lower spatial resolution is sufficient for successful research in many scientific applications. <strong>Holographic Interferometry: A Mach?Zehnder Approach</strong> offers practical guidance to research scientists and engineers using Mach?Zehnder holographic interferometry methods to study phase objects in the laboratory. The Mach?Zehnder approach allows the use of standard photographic film and electronic CCD/CMOS sensors with low resolving power, making it a simpler and more affordable option for testing many types of phase objects.</p> <p>This book demonstrates how to use standard photographic film for the optical recording and reconstruction of Mach?Zehnder holograms. It also illustrates techniques for using CCD/CMOS cameras to digitally record Mach?Zehnd...


  • <p>Questo piccolo ma potente manuale ? una piccola gemma di luce che ti permetter? di illuminare e di accendere il tuo Cammino nella Vita. Ognuno di noi ha il pieno diritto di realizzarsi e di raggiungere i propri segreti desideri.<br /> I desideri del cuore sono quelli ai quali la nostra anima aspira e per i quali siamo nati.<br /> Questo libro vuole ispirarti a trovare dentro di te cosa ti fa battere il cuore e a seguirlo con Passione e Fiducia, sapendo che da qualche parte ti porter?, anche se in questo momento non sai come e non vedi la fine della "strada".<br /> Una delle cose pi? grandi nella vita ? quella di riconoscere e abbracciare la propria Visione e di seguirla con Passione ed Entusiasmo. Questo piccolo ma prezioso libro ti sveler? come utilizzare potenti strumenti e "poteri", quasi sconosciuti alla massa delle persone, la cui coscienza ? addormentata davanti alla tv e alle innumerevoli distrazioni della vita. Il Potere dell'intenzione e dell'Immaginazione per in...


  • <p>In seinem Werk 'Prosast?cke' pr?sentiert Robert Walser eine Sammlung von literarischen Texten, die eine Mischung aus Kurzgeschichten, Betrachtungen und Reflexionen darstellen. Sein literarischer Stil zeichnet sich durch eine pr?zise Sprache und eine introspektive Erz?hlweise aus, die den Leser dazu einl?dt, tief ?ber die menschliche Existenz nachzudenken. Walser setzt sich in diesen Prosast?cken mit verschiedenen Themen wie Identit?t, Einsamkeit und Beziehungen auseinander, wodurch er einen einzigartigen literarischen Kontext schafft, der sowohl zeitlos als auch aktuell ist. Die Sammlung besticht durch ihre Vielfalt und Tiefe und zeigt Walser als Meister des literarischen Handwerks. Robert Walser, ein Schweizer Schriftsteller des 20. Jahrhunderts, war bekannt f?r seinen unkonventionellen Schreibstil und seine F?higkeit, durch seine Werke die Grenzen der Literatur zu erweitern. Seine eigenen Erfahrungen mit Einsamkeit und sozialer Isolation spiegeln sich in seinen Prosast?cken w...


  • <p>Medical progress and greater prosperity have helped us to not only live longer, but also to stay healthy longer. However, the downsides of ever greater convenience are now becoming apparent: the next pandemic will be characterised by lifestyle-related diseases and ? unlike the coronavirus ? will spread slowly and without much media attention. A growing number of circulatory diseases, type 2 diabetes and cancer are part of the new normal, resulting from a modern lifestyle with less exercise and more fast food. An increasing number of mental illnesses due to pressure to perform, loneliness and dependence on digital aids have become part of our daily life. Not only older people are affected but more and more young people also suffer from these symptoms. These "slow pandemics" arise in everyday life and cannot be treated by a hospital stay or a drug. They require a new healthcare system that focuses on daily life ? and the involvement of all public and private actors who shape our ...


  • <p>Anna MacKenzie was just a marketing student trying to survive in an expensive city. Until her brother is brutally murdered and she herself is saved by a handsome stranger. A stranger she assumes that she will never see again.</p> <p>But fate, and magic, have other things in mind for Anna. As much as she would like to avoid all three, and most especially the handsome Victor Prince...a being straight from Hell who is seeking a redemption he does not truly believe is possible. But the events are stirring something that sleeps within Anna too, something that will lead her into a woven web of intrigue, romance, and violence.</p> <p>She learns that the world has long been protected by the Guardians, souls reincarnated to power, but their influence has faded. Now Anna, Victor, the witch Lyssa, and the spiritworker Tag must work together in their stead to protect Washington, D.C. from an Unseelie threat.</p> <p>Content warning: Graphic violence.<br /> Romance heat level: ...
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