design patterns

Machine Learning Design Patterns【電子書籍】 Valliappa LakshmananForm Design Patterns【電子書籍】 Adam SilverService Design Patterns Fundamental Design Solutions for SOAP/WSDL and RESTful Web Services【電子書籍】 Robert DaigneauAn Atypical ASP.NET Core 6 Design Patterns Guide A SOLID adventure into architectural principles and design patterns using .NET 6 and C 10【電子書籍】 Carl-Hugo MarcotteReact 18 Design Patterns and Best Practices Design, build, and deploy production-ready web applications with React by leveraging industry-best practices【電子書籍】 Carlos Santana Rold nMastering Python Design Patterns A guide to creating smart, efficient, and reusable software, 2nd Edition【電子書籍】 Kamon AyevaHands-On Design Patterns with React Native Proven techniques and patterns for efficient native mobile development with JavaScript【電子書籍】 Mateusz GrzesiukiewiczDesign Patterns for Cloud Native Applications【電子書籍】 Kasun Indrasiri和 更紗紋様図鑑 OVER 750 PATTERNS OF SARASATIC DESIGN COLLECTION 新装版/吉本嘉門【3000円以上送料無料】Practical UI Patterns for Design Systems Fast-Track Interaction Design for a Seamless User Experience【電子書籍】 Diana MacDonald【メール便1通につき5枚まで】 キッチンクロス かや織りふきん 布巾 ディッシュクロス 北欧風デザイン Wpc. Patterns ワールドパーティReact 17 Design Patterns and Best Practices Design, build, and deploy production-ready web applications using industry-standard practices【電子書籍】 Carlos Santana Rold nHead First Design Patterns: Building Extensible and Maintainable Object-Oriented Software HEAD 1ST DESIGN PATTERNS 2/E Eric FreemanHands-On Design Patterns and Best Practices with Julia Proven solutions to common problems in software design for Julia 1.x【電子書籍】 Tom KwongForm Design Patterns ―シンプルでインクルーシブなフォーム制作実践ガイド / Adam Silver 【本】The Lamp-NEBUTA Patterns 【スタンドライト320 鎧 - YOROI】照明 間接照明 白熱電球 E26 青森 東北 ねぶた ネブタ ねぷた 祭り 和紙 竹 和風 洋風 北欧風 Cafe モダン レトロ 提灯 工芸 新築 新居 引越し 新生活 きのこ 竹浪比呂夫 ねぶたデザイン研究所 【夏ギフト】The Lamp-NEBUTA Patterns 【ペンダントライト530 格子 - KOHSHI】照明 間接照明 天井 シーリング LED電球 E26 青森 東北 ねぶた ネブタ ねぷた 祭り 和紙 竹 和風 洋風 モダン 提灯 工芸 新築 引越し 新生活 竹浪比呂夫 ねぶたデザイン研究所 【夏ギフト】JavaScript Patterns Build Better Applications with Coding and Design Patterns【電子書籍】 Stoyan StefanovDesign Patterns in PHP and Laravel【電子書籍】 Kelt DockinsDesigning Interfaces Patterns for Effective Interaction Design【電子書籍】 Jenifer Tidwell


  • <p>The design patterns in this book capture best practices and solutions to recurring problems in machine learning. The authors, three Google engineers, catalog proven methods to help data scientists tackle common problems throughout the ML process. These design patterns codify the experience of hundreds of experts into straightforward, approachable advice.</p> <p>In this book, you will find detailed explanations of 30 patterns for data and problem representation, operationalization, repeatability, reproducibility, flexibility, explainability, and fairness. Each pattern includes a description of the problem, a variety of potential solutions, and recommendations for choosing the best technique for your situation.</p> <p>You'll learn how to:</p> <ul> <li>Identify and mitigate common challenges when training, evaluating, and deploying ML models</li> <li>Represent data for different ML model types, including embeddings, feature crosses, and more</li> <li>Choose t...


  • <p>Forms. It’s no coincidence that the word rhymes with “yawns” ー web forms are dull to code and even duller for your visitors to fill in. But without forms, the web would just be a library. They let us comment, collect, book, buy, share, and a host of other verbs. And mostly they enable us to do these things in an awkward, opaque, confusing, odd, frustrating, alarming, or alienating way. Forms are such an important part of the web, but we design them poorly all the time. When they’re not over-engineered they’re usually not engineered at all.</p> <p>The <em>Form Design Patterns</em> book tackles this problem. By going through common real-world problems step by step, you’ll learn how to design simple, robust, lightweight, responsive, accessible, progressively enhanced, interoperable and intuitive forms that let users get stuff done no matter what. And by the end of the book you’ll have a close-to exhaustive list of components delivered as a design system that you can use i...


  • <p>Web services have been used for many years. In this time, developers and architects have encountered a number of recurring design challenges related to their usage, and have learned that certain service design approaches work better than others to solve certain problems.</p> <p>In <em><strong>Service Design Patterns,</strong></em> Rob Daigneau codifies proven design solutions for web services that follow the REST architectural style or leverage the SOAP/WSDL specifications. This catalogue identifies the fundamental topics in web service design and lists the common design patterns for each topic. All patterns identify the context in which they may be used, explain the constituent design elements, and explore the relative strengths and trade-offs. Code examples are provided to help you better understand how the patterns work but are kept general so that you can see how the solutions may be applied to disparate technologies that will inevitably change in the years to c...


  • <p>The professional developer's essential guide to building robust, maintainable, and flexible web apps by leveraging C# 10 and .NET 6 features and component- and application-scale design patterns Key Features ? Apply the SOLID architectural principles and software design patterns effectively with a focus on dependency injection ? Discover modern application architectures such as vertical slice, clean architecture, and event-driven microservices ? Explore full-stack ASP.NET Core with an overview of Blazor Book Description An Atypical ASP.NET Core 6 Design Patterns Guide, Second Edition approaches programming like playing with LEGO?: snapping small pieces together to create something beautiful. Thoroughly updated for ASP.NET Core 6, with further coverage of microservices patterns, data contracts, and event-driven architecture, this book gives you the tools to build and glue reliable components together to improve your programmatic masterpieces. The chapters are organized based on s...


  • <p><b>Dive in and discover how to build awesome React web apps that you can scale and maintain using design patterns and the latest industry insights Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook</b></p><h4>Key Features</h4><ul><li>Discover and unpack the latest React 18 and Node 19 features in this updated fourth edition</li><li>Get up to speed with TypeScript, MonoRepo architecture, and several cutting-edge React tools</li><li>Learn from plenty of real-world examples and an improved chapter flow</li></ul><h4>Book Description</h4>React helps you work smarter, not harder ー but to reap the benefits of this popular JavaScript library and its components, you need a straightforward guide that will teach you how to make the most of it. React 18 Design Patterns and Best Practices will help you use React effectively to make your applications more flexible, easier to maintain, and improve their performance, while giving your workflow a huge ...


  • <p><strong>Exploit various design patterns to master the art of solving problems using Python</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Master the application design using the core design patterns and latest features of Python 3.7</li> <li>Learn tricks to solve common design and architectural challenges</li> <li>Choose the right plan to improve your programs and increase their productivity</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Python is an object-oriented scripting language that is used in a wide range of categories. In software engineering, a design pattern is an elected solution for solving software design problems. Although they have been around for a while, design patterns remain one of the top topics in software engineering, and are a ready source for software developers to solve the problems they face on a regular basis. This book takes you through a variety of design patterns and explains them with real-world examples. You will get to gri...


  • <p><strong>Learn how to write cross platform React Native code by using effective design patterns in the JavaScript world. Get to know industry standard patterns as well as situational patterns. Decouple your application with these set of “Idea patterns”.</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Mobile development in React Native should be done in a reusable way.</li> <li>Learn how to build scalable applications using JavaScript patterns that are battle tested.</li> <li>Try effective techniques on your own using over 80 standalone examples.</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>React Native helps developers reuse code across different mobile platforms like iOS and Android.</p> <p>This book will show you effective design patterns in the React Native world and will make you ready for professional development in big teams.</p> <p>The book will focus only on the patterns that are relevant to JavaScript, ECMAScript, React and React Native. H...


  • <p>With the immense cost savings and scalability the cloud provides, the rationale for building cloud native applications is no longer in question. The real issue is how. With this practical guide, developers will learn about the most commonly used design patterns for building cloud native applications using APIs, data, events, and streams in both greenfield and brownfield development.</p> <p>You'll learn how to incrementally design, develop, and deploy large and effective cloud native applications that you can manage and maintain at scale with minimal cost, time, and effort. Authors Kasun Indrasiri and Sriskandarajah Suhothayan highlight use cases that effectively demonstrate the challenges you might encounter at each step.</p> <ul> <li>Learn the fundamentals of cloud native applications</li> <li>Explore key cloud native communication, connectivity, and composition patterns</li> <li>Learn decentralized data management techniques</li> <li>Use event-driven arc...


  • 著者吉本嘉門(編)出版社グラフィック社発売日2021年05月ISBN9784766135404ページ数149Pキーワードわさらさもんようずかんおーヴあーせぶんはんどれつど ワサラサモンヨウズカンオーヴアーセブンハンドレツド よしもと かもん ヨシモト カモン9784766135404内容紹介和・更紗の紋様を摺り師の手控えである紋様紙から759点収録!インドで生まれ、世界中に広まった模様染めの布「更紗」。日本にも室町末期から安土桃山、江戸時代初期にかけて多くの更紗が南蛮貿易の商船によりもたらされました。本書ではそれら伝統的な「渡り更紗」と、その後国内でも作られるようになった「和更紗」の紋様を、江戸末期〜明治中期の色摺り図版から9つの様式別に計759点収録します。※本書は『和・更紗紋様図鑑』(昭和51年発売)とその廉価版である『普及版 和・更紗紋様図鑑』(昭和57年発売 共に小社刊。2005年に青幻舎より同書を底本とした文庫『新版 和更紗』刊行)を新装本としたものです。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。目次和更紗紋様随考・型摺染め更紗紋様紙を中心として/RAMBLINGLY—NOTE ON WASARASA PATTERNS/型染—試摺紋様紙/型染—染布柄手板/紋様キレ—使用実例/...


  • <p>Understanding UI patterns is invaluable to anyone creating websites for the first time. It helps you make connections between which tools are right for which jobs, understand the processes, and think deeply about the context of a problem. This is your concise guide to the tested and proven general mechanisms for solving recurring user interface problems, so that you don't have to reinvent the wheel.</p> <p>You'll see how to find a pattern you can apply to a given UI problem and how to deconstruct patterns to understand them in depth, including their constraints. UI patterns lead to better use of existing conventions and converging web standards. This book shows you how to spot anti-patterns, how to mix and match patterns, and how they inform design systems.</p> <p>By helping the non-web professionals and junior web professionals of the world use basic patterns, the web industry can put its best foot forward as new interfaces such as VR/AR/MR, conversational UIs, machine...


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  • <p><b>Build scalable, maintainable, and powerful React web apps with design patterns and insightful best practices</b></p><h2>Key Features</h2><ul><li>Make the most of design patterns in React ? including render props and controlled and uncontrolled inputs</li><li>Master React Hooks with the help of this updated third edition</li><li>Work through examples that can be used to create reusable code and extensible designs</li></ul><h2>Book Description</h2>Filled with useful React patterns that you can use in your projects straight away, this book will help you save time and build better web applications with ease. React 17 Design Patterns and Best Practices is a hands-on guide for those who want to take their coding skills to a new level. You’ll spend most of your time working your way through the principles of writing maintainable and clean code, but you’ll also gain a deeper insight into the inner workings of React. As you progress through the chapters,...


  • HEAD 1ST DESIGN PATTERNS 2/E Eric Freeman Elisabeth Robson OREILLY MEDIA2021 Paperback English ISBN:9781492078005 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Computers


  • <p><strong>Design and develop high-performance, reusable, and maintainable applications using traditional and modern Julia patterns with this comprehensive guide</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Explore useful design patterns along with object-oriented programming in Julia 1.0</li> <li>Implement macros and metaprogramming techniques to make your code faster, concise, and efficient</li> <li>Develop the skills necessary to implement design patterns for creating robust and maintainable applications</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Design patterns are fundamental techniques for developing reusable and maintainable code. They provide a set of proven solutions that allow developers to solve problems in software development quickly. This book will demonstrate how to leverage design patterns with real-world applications.</p> <p>Starting with an overview of design patterns and best practices in application design, you'll learn about som...


  • 出荷目安の詳細はこちら内容詳細フォームはインタラクションの要!あらゆるユーザーが使いやすいフォームで、最高のユーザー体験を。目次 : 第1章 登録フォーム/ 第2章 決済フォーム/ 第3章 航空券予約フォーム/ 第4章 ログインフォーム/ 第5章 受信トレイ/ 第6章 検索フォーム/ 第7章 フィルターフォーム/ 第8章 アップロードフォーム/ 第9章 経費フォーム/ 第10章 長くて複雑なフォーム


  • The Lamp - NEBUTA Patterns 【 スタンドライト320 - 鎧 YOROI -】 ■セット内容   シェード / 40W白熱球 / 照明器具本体 ■仕様詳細   シェードサイズ : φ320mm x H470mm   照明器具本体 : E26口金 40W白熱球   使用電圧 : AC100V   周波数 : 50/60Hz共有   材質 : シェード / 和紙・竹 支柱 / スチール 土台 / ヒノキ ソケット / 陶器 【 The Lamp -NEBUTA Patterns- 】 The Lamp - NEBUTA Patterns -は、ねぶた製作で伝統的に使用される文様や、 ねぶた師・竹浪比呂央独自のねぶた文様を、スクリーン印刷を使って、 和室・洋室・北欧風など、どんなお部屋にも合うようにデザインされたインテリア照明です。 シェードは、骨組みとなる竹ヒゴに光を柔らかく拡散させる和紙を貼り、一点一点を提灯の職人が手作りで仕上げています。 温かく柔らかな光で、室内に優しい明かりが灯ります。 ■ねぶたの文様・鎧 ねぶたの山車(だし)は、毎年題材となるストーリーを主軸に新しい山車が製作されます。 題材には、日本神話や昔話、古典芸能の能や歌舞伎の題材にもなる歴史上の人物の武勇伝など、 その年ごとに異なるストーリーで、祭りを盛り上げ、参加する人々を楽しま...


  • The Lamp - NEBUTA Patterns 【 ペンダントライト530 - 格子 KOHSHI -】 ■セット内容  シェード / LEDボール電球100W型相当(LDG14A-G100W)/ 照明器具本体(PEUN-E265-B)/ コード調整用ハンガー(木製) ■仕様詳細   シェードサイズ : φ530mm x H400mm   照明器具本体 : E26口金 18W   使用電圧 : AC100V   周波数 : 50/60Hz共有   材質 : シェード / 和紙・竹・スチール(吊り部・吊り金具) ■その他本体詳細   コード長さ : 1m   カラー : 黒 (コード/ソケット/引っ掛けシーリング)   ソケット : 引っ掛けシーリング(壁スイッチ式) 【 The Lamp -NEBUTA Patterns- 】 The Lamp - NEBUTA Patterns -は、ねぶた製作で伝統的に使用される文様や、 ねぶた師・竹浪比呂央独自のねぶた文様を、スクリーン印刷を使って、 和室・洋室・北欧風など、どんなお部屋にも合うようにデザインされたインテリア照明です。 シェードは、骨組みとなる竹ヒゴに光を柔らかく拡散させる和紙を貼り、一点一点を提灯の職人が手作りで仕上げています。 温かく柔らかな光で、室内に優しい明かりが灯ります。 ■ねぶたの文様・格子 ねぶたの山車(だし)は、毎年題材となるスト...


  • <p>What's the best approach for developing an application with JavaScript? This book helps you answer that question with numerous JavaScript coding patterns and best practices. If you're an experienced developer looking to solve problems related to objects, functions, inheritance, and other language-specific categories, the abstractions and code templates in this guide are ideal -- whether you're writing a client-side, server-side, or desktop application with JavaScript.</p> <p>Written by JavaScript expert Stoyan Stefanov -- Senior Yahoo! Technical and architect of YSlow 2.0, the web page performance optimization tool -- <em>JavaScript Patterns</em> includes practical advice for implementing each pattern discussed, along with several hands-on examples. You'll also learn about anti-patterns: common programming approaches that cause more problems than they solve.</p> <ul> <li>Explore useful habits for writing high-quality JavaScript code, such as avoiding globals, usin...


  • <p>Learn each of the original gang of four design patterns, and how they are relevant to modern PHP and Laravel development. Written by a working developer who uses these patterns every day, you will easily be able to implement each pattern into your workflow and improve your development. Each pattern is covered with full examples of how it can be used.</p> <p>Too often design patterns are explained using tricky concepts, when in fact they are easy to use and can enrich your everyday development. <em>Design Patterns in PHP and Laravel</em> aims to break down tricky concepts into humorous and easy-to-recall details, so that you can begin using design patterns easily in your everyday work with PHP and Laravel.</p> <p>This book teaches you design patterns in PHP and Laravel using real-world examples and plenty of humor.</p> <p>What You Will Learn</p> <ul> <li> <p>Use the original gang of four design patterns in your PHP and Laravel development</p> </li> <...


  • <p>Designing good application interfaces isn’t easy now that companies need to create compelling, seamless user experiences across an exploding number of channels, screens, and contexts. In this updated third edition, you’ll learn how to navigate through the maze of design options. By capturing UI best practices as design patterns, this best-selling book provides solutions to common design problems.</p> <p>You’ll learn patterns for mobile apps, web applications, and desktop software. Each pattern contains full-color examples and practical design advice you can apply immediately. Experienced designers can use this guide as an idea sourcebook, and novices will find a road map to the world of interface and interaction design.</p> <ul> <li>Understand your users before you start designing</li> <li>Build your software’s structure so it makes sense to users</li> <li>Design components to help users complete tasks on any device</li> <li>Learn how to promote wayfinding...
  • 上に戻る