economics of development

Economics of Unconventional Shale Gas Development Case Studies and Impacts【電子書籍】The Economics of Industrial Development【電子書籍】 John WeissEconomics in the Twentieth Century The History of its International Development【電子書籍】 Theo Suranyi-Unger「革新と発展」の開発経済学 Innovations for Development: A New Perspective of Development Economics / 大塚啓二郎 【本】【中古】 Contextual Development Economics A Holistic Approach to the Understanding of Economic Activity in Low-Income Countries Matthias P. Altmann / Matthias P. Altmann / Sprin ハードカバー 【メール便送料無料】【あす楽対応】【中古】 The economics of development assistance 開発援助の経済学 の英訳 / 西垣昭 下村恭民 / / ハードカバー 【メール便送料無料】【あす楽対応】Development Economics and Social Justice Essays in Honour of Ian Livingstone【電子書籍】 John ThoburnMillennial Keynes The Origins, Development and Future of Keynesian Economics【電子書籍】 Bruno Ventelou洋書 Vector Calculus in Regional Development Analysis: Comparative Regional Analysis Using the Example of Poland (Contributions to Economics)Development Economics in Action A Study of Economic Policies in Ghana【電子書籍】 Tony KillickToward a Better World Memoirs of a Life in International and Development Economics【電子書籍】 Gerald (Gerry) Helleiner政策評価のための因果関係の見つけ方 ランダム化比較試験入門 / 原タイトル:HANDBOOK OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS.Volume 4の抄訳 本/雑誌 / エステル デュフロ/著 レイチェル グレナスター/著 マイケル クレーマー/著 小林庸平/監訳 解説 石川貴之/訳 井上領介/訳 名取淳W. Arthur Lewis and the Birth of Development Economics【電子書籍】 Robert L. TignorApplied Economics: Public Financial Management and Development 60 countries and 50 years of experience【電子書籍】 John ShortEconomics Of Development And Change【電子書籍】 Reeta Kumari BhagatEssentials of Development Economics, Third Edition【電子書籍】 Travis J. LybbertHandbook on Post-War Reconstruction and Development Economics of Ukraine Catalyzing Progress【電子書籍】Macroeconomics and Development Roberto Frenkel and the Economics of Latin America【電子書籍】THE THEORY OF THE LEISURE CLASS: An Economic Study of American Institutions and a Social Critique of Conspicuous Consumption Development of Institutions That Shape Society and Influence the Livelihood of Citizens: Based on Sociological 【電子書籍】Economics Of The Middle East: Development Challenges【電子書籍】 Julia C Devlin


  • <p>This book examines the economics and related impacts of unconventional shale gas development. While focusing on the Marcellus and Utica Shales in the Mid-Atlantic region, additional insights from other regions are included to provide a broader view of these issues. Shale gas development in recent years has changed the energy discussion in the US, as existing reserves of natural gas coupled with horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing make exploitation of these reserves economically feasible. The importance of natural gas is seen as likely to continue to expand over the coming years, and is expected to increase even further with environmental considerations, such as greenhouse gas emissions. Horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing producing natural gas from deposits such as the Marcellus Shale is making the US a net producer of natural gas. Previous studies have examined the economic impact of exploration and production in the region. Other studies have addressed legal...


  • <p>The spread of the manufacturing industry is an important part of economic development, creating jobs, new products and trade and investment links between countries. Understanding this process is an important part of understanding how countries develop and how they are affected by current globalization. The economic geography of the world has been changing significantly in the last few decades with old established industrial centres in the developed countries in decline, and new centres emerging in countries that were once thought of as poor and still developing. However, this process has been very uneven with some parts of the developing world still largely non-industrial.</p> <p>This book aims to explain this process from the perspective of developing countries. It charts current trends in industrial development drawing on available statistics and explores different perspectives on the role the manufacturing industry can play.</p> <p>The book covers topics including:<...


  • <p>This book discusses the history of economic theories, drawing largely from periodical literature, which is often hard to obtain. The book is divided into sections along linguistic lines (German, Romance and English speaking countries).</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • 出荷目安の詳細はこちら内容詳細アジア10カ国、アフリカ8カ国で40年以上にわたり綿密な現地調査を行い、徹底的な事例研究を積み上げて、ここに一つの「開発戦略」を作り上げた。大塚「開発」経済学の集大成。目次 : 貧困問題の解決を目指す開発経済学/ 第1部 農業の特性(農家規模と生産性/ 所有権・小作契約・生産性)/ 第2部 製造業の特性(産業集積の発展パターン/ 適正な技術と産業の選択:戦前期の日本の工業化から学ぶ)/ 第3部 技術移転と農業発展(アジアの緑の革命:稲作技術の国際移転/ アフリカの緑の革命:アジアの稲作技術をアフリカに/ 契約栽培と高付加価値農業)/ 第4部 技術移転と工業化(産業集積の飛躍的発展:アジアの事例/ 産業集積の崩芽的発展:アフリカの事例/ 海外直接投資と開発途上国の経済発展)/ 第5部 結論(「革新と発展の経済学」を目指して)


  • 著者:Matthias P. Altmann出版社:Springerサイズ:ハードカバーISBN-10:1441972307ISBN-13:9781441972309■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで48時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■メール便は、1冊から送料無料です。※宅配便の場合、2,500円以上送料無料です。※あす楽ご希望の方は、宅配便をご選択下さい。※「代引き」ご希望の方は宅配便をご選択下さい。※配送番号付きのゆうパケットをご希望の場合は、追跡可能メール便(送料210円)をご選択ください。■ただいま、オリジナルカレンダーをプレゼントしております。■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。最短翌日配送、手数料298円から■まとめ買いの方は「もったいない本舗 おまとめ店」がお買い得です。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済は、クレジットカード、代引き等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品画像に「帯」が付いているものがありますが、中古品のため、実際の商品には付いていない場合がございま...


  • 著者:出版社:サイズ:ハードカバーISBN-10:4924971057ISBN-13:9784924971059■通常24時間以内に出荷可能です。※繁忙期やセール等、ご注文数が多い日につきましては 発送まで48時間かかる場合があります。あらかじめご了承ください。 ■メール便は、1冊から送料無料です。※宅配便の場合、2,500円以上送料無料です。※あす楽ご希望の方は、宅配便をご選択下さい。※「代引き」ご希望の方は宅配便をご選択下さい。※配送番号付きのゆうパケットをご希望の場合は、追跡可能メール便(送料210円)をご選択ください。■ただいま、オリジナルカレンダーをプレゼントしております。■お急ぎの方は「もったいない本舗 お急ぎ便店」をご利用ください。最短翌日配送、手数料298円から■まとめ買いの方は「もったいない本舗 おまとめ店」がお買い得です。■中古品ではございますが、良好なコンディションです。決済は、クレジットカード、代引き等、各種決済方法がご利用可能です。■万が一品質に不備が有った場合は、返金対応。■クリーニング済み。■商品画像に「帯」が付いているものがありますが、中古品のため、実際の商品には付いていない場合がございます。■商品状態の表記につきまし...


  • <p>Professor Ian Livingstone is one of a small group of British development economists who have achieved international renown and recognition. The objective of this book is to pay tribute to his life's work, particularly those aspects which related to key but challenging development issues. These issues include, at a broad level, the understanding of the economic forces determining the development of low income economies, more detailed micro work on agricultural development (irrigation in particular), decentralisation and local government finance, small scale enterprises, and large scale manufacturing development. Themes running through his work relate to his over-riding concern for rigour and for socio-economic justice. Ian Livingstone consistently used the traditional tools of economic analysis as a means to increase understanding of development issues - in a way which was, itself, just as radical as the contributions of political scientists and sociologists. This volume has bee...


  • <p>Both a grounding in the origins and development of Keynesian economics, this study also looks at the ongoing significance of his work. It examines the different interpretations of Keynsian thought on economics as a discipline and the schools of thought that provided these interpretations.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>First published in 1978, Development Economics in Action is a renowned study of policies in Ghana, one of Africa’s most closely watched economies. In this new edition three additional chapters provide a detailed account of 1978-2008.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><em>Toward a Better World</em> describes the life, times and perspectives of Gerry Helleiner, a Canadian activist and university-based economist, who worked for roughly 40 years with developing countries and international organizations. In his memoir, <em>Toward a Better World</em>, Helleiner, recounts the profound early experiences in Africa that propelled him into a rewarding career devoted to research, advice and teaching in international economics, economic development and global poverty reduction.</p> <p>Describing himself as privileged, <em>Toward a Better World</em> recounts his early life as a young academic, having first landed in Africa in the 1960s for the purpose of research for Yale University. Detailing both successes and setbacks, frustrations and hopes, Helleiner, conveys his often difficult, yet transformative, experiences in Nigeria and Tanzania, missions in Uganda and South Africa, and witnesses the wavering efforts being made towards poverty ...


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明><収録内容>第1章 はじめに第2章 なぜランダム化が必要なのか?第3章 調査設計におけるランダム化比較試験の導入第4章 サンプルサイズ、実験設計、検出力第5章 実際の調査設計と実施にあたっての留意事項第6章 「完全なランダム化」が行われない場合の分析第7章 推論に関する問題第8章 外的妥当性とランダム化比較試験から得られた結果の一般化解説 エビデンスに基づく政策形成の考え方と本書のエッセンス<アーティスト/キャスト>石川貴之(演奏者)<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2386563Ester De Furo / Cho Rei Cheru Gure Na Star / Cho Maikeru Claimer / Cho Kobayashi Isao Taira / Kanyaku Kaisetsu Ishikawa Takayuki / Yaku Inoe Ryo Kai / Yaku Natori Atsushi / Yaku / Seisaku Hyoka No Tame No Inga Kankei No Mitsuke Kata Run Dam Ka Hikaku Shiken Nyumon / Original Title: HANDBOOK of DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS. Volume 4 No Shoyakuメディア:本/雑誌重量:340g発売日:2019/07JAN:9784535559349政策評価のための因果関係の見つけ方 ランダム化比較試験入門 / 原タイトル:HANDBOOK OF DEVELOPMENT ECONOMICS.Vo...


  • <p>W. Arthur Lewis was one of the foremost intellectuals, economists, and political activists of the twentieth century. In this book, the first intellectual biography of Lewis, Robert Tignor traces Lewis's life from its beginnings on the small island of St. Lucia to Lewis's arrival at Princeton University in the early 1960s. A chronicle of Lewis's unfailing efforts to promote racial justice and decolonization, it provides a history of development economics as seen through the life of one of its most important founders.</p> <p>If there were a record for the number of "firsts" achieved by one man during his lifetime, Lewis would be a contender. He was the first black professor in a British university and also at Princeton University and the first person of African descent to win a Nobel Prize in a field other than literature or peace. His writings, which included his book <em>The Theory of Economic Growth</em>, were among the first to describe the field of development econom...


  • <p>Applied Economics: Public Financial Management and Development is focused on economics applied to public financial management and development. It charts over 50 years of the author’s practical experience of economics and public policy in 60 countries on five continents, from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe.<br /> The book’s main focal point is on central and local government budgeting, tracing the progress of revenue aspects and expenditure allocation over time from inputs alone to matching these inputs to achieving and measuring service delivery in programmes. It also presents the assessment instruments that measure public financial management strength and weakness, with real-life illustrations of their application.<br /> All of these instruments use examples from the countries that the author has worked in, demonstrating the conditions faced ? mostly stable economic environments, but at times during periods of conflict and insecurity, as well as neighbouring geopolitical tension....


  • <p>One of the focuses of economic development is to reach out to existing businesses. This can include using fiscal intervention, such as tax breaks, to encourage existing businesses to hire more workers and help spur job growth. Another concern of development officials is the need to retain existing employers. Expanding the business base is also a goal of development professionals. Offers including local, county, or state owned land at reduced rates and tax incentives may provide the incentive necessary for businesses to expand or relocate to the area. Local officials may work with both state and regional chambers of commerce to attract new business. The book provides a bird’s eye view on the economics of development. The book is useful to the students, academicians, formulators and implementors of policies relating to development both in developed and developing economies.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り...


  • <p>Written to provide students with the critical tools and approaches used by development economists, <em>Essentials of Development Economics</em> represents an alternative approach to traditional textbooks on the subject. Compact and less expensive than other textbooks for undergraduate development economics courses, <em>Essentials of Development Economics</em> offers a broad overview of key topics and methods in the field. Its fourteen easy-to-read chapters introduce cutting-edge research and present best practices and state-of-the-art methods. By mastering the material in this time-tested book, students will have the conceptual grounding needed to move on to more advanced development economics courses.</p> <p>This new edition includes:</p> <ul> <li>updated references to international development policy process and goals</li> <li>substantial updates to several chapters with new and revised material to make the text both current and policy relevant</li> <...


  • <p>This authoritative handbook offers insights into the complexities of post-war reconstruction and development economics in Ukraine. Covering a broad spectrum of topics, from bolstering national security to fostering sustainable economic growth, it offers a comprehensive understanding of the economic dynamics, factors, and practical applications shaping policy and programs.</p> <p>The book explores the multifaceted requirements for enhancing fiscal, economic, and social aspects, including security, education, working conditions, domestic and international policies, and market conditions. Using traditional and innovative analytical tools, it unravels the complex relationship between macroeconomic and microeconomic factors in Ukraine's post-war landscape, charting a path towards economic growth. Key themes within this handbook encompass development data, statistical capacity building, research and knowledge creation, national indicators, and impact evaluation.</p> <p>An ind...


  • <p>Latin American neo-structuralism is a cutting-edge, regionally focused economic theory with broad implications for macroeconomics and development economics. Roberto Frenkel has spent five decades developing the theory's core arguments and expanding their application throughout the discipline, revolutionizing our understanding of high inflation and hyperinflation, disinflation programs, and the behavior of foreign exchange markets as well as financial and currency crises in emerging economies.</p> <p>The essays in this collection assess Latin American neo-structuralism's theoretical contributions and viability as the world's economies evolve. The authors discuss Frenkel's work in relation to pricing decisions, inflation and stabilization policy, development and income distribution in Latin America, and macroeconomic policy for economic growth. An entire section focuses on finance and crisis, and the volume concludes with a neo-structuralist analysis of general aspects of eco...


  • <p>This carefully crafted ebook: "THE THEORY OF THE LEISURE CLASS: An Economic Study of American Institutions and a Social Critique of Conspicuous Consumption" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents. The Theory of the Leisure Class is criticism of capitalism. Conspicuous consumption, along with "conspicuous leisure," is performed to demonstrate wealth or mark social status. The book is a treatise on economics and a detailed, social critique of conspicuous consumption, as a function of social class and of consumerism, derived from the social stratification of people and the division of labour, which are the social institutions of the feudal period (9th - 15th centuries) that have continued to the modern era. The book presents the evolutionary development of human institutions (social and economic) that shape society, such as how the citizens earn their livelihoods, wherein technology and the industrial arts are the creative forces of economic...


  • <p>This lecture note volume aims to introduce economic concepts and analysis to undergraduate level students, in the context of contemporary development challenges in the economics of the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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