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  • HEALING THE SOUL OF A WOMAN Joyce Meyer FAITHWORDS2019 Paperback English ISBN:9781455560257 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion


  • <p><strong>In this extraordinary book, USA Today Bestselling author Marion Kummerow weaves a story of strength, heartbreak, and coming of age in the Third Reich.</strong></p> <p>17-year-old Lotte is headstrong and stubborn, impulsive and outspoken, and an avowed enemy to injustice. In Nazi Germany, this can cost you your life.</p> <p>Sent to the countryside by her mother to escape the worst of the war, Lotte longs to return to Berlin. Bored and lonely, she seeks an escape from the tedious daily routine of her remote hamlet.</p> <p>When four Jewish children turn to her for help, she finally finds a purpose: protect the children and help them to escape. Her act of humanity will cost her and those she loves, dearly.</p> <p>Because there are worse things than boredom. There is the concentration camp in Ravensbr?ck.</p> <p><strong>In the notorious concentration camp, girls die. Only women survive.</strong></p> <p><em>"...a wonderfully engaging tale of ...


  • <p><strong>A GREAT GROUP READS Selection of the Women’s National Book Association and National Reading Group Month</strong></p> <p><strong>A GOODREADS Best of the Month Selection</strong></p> <p><strong>“A powerful, poignant novel.”<br /> ー<em>In Touch,</em> Grade A</strong></p> <p><strong><em>From the internationally bestselling author of</em> The Orphan Collector comes <em>a beautifully written and moving tale of family secrets and the importance of a mother’s loveーand how it can shape a lifeーeven in the most shocking ways. A painful saga of strength and reinvention perfect for fans of Jojo Moyes and Lisa Wingateーset in two different times, as two young women come of age and uncover the mysteries of their families, and find their own ways in the world…</em></strong></p> <p>On a summer evening in 1931, Lilly Blackwood glimpses circus lights from the grimy window of her attic bedroom. Lilly isn’t allowed to explore the meadows arou...


  • <p><strong>A life-affirming, poignant story of two women with nothing in common except their friendship - from Number One bestselling author Roisin Meaney.</strong><br /> <strong>Perfect for readers of Cathy Kelly and Sheila O'Flanagan.</strong></p> <p>The friendship starts with a letter . . . from aspiring writer Sarah to blunt but witty journalist Helen, complaining about Helen's most recent book review. And there begins a correspondence that blossoms into a friendship which spans over two decades.</p> <p>As the years pass, the women exchange details of loves lost and found, of family joys and upheavals. Sarah's letters filled with thoughts on her outwardly perfect marriage and her aching desire for children, and Helen's on the struggle of raising her young daughter alone.</p> <p>But little do they realise that their story began long before Sarah penned that first letter - on one unforgettable afternoon when Sarah changed the course of Helen's life forever....


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  • <p><strong>You've been through it all - the gaslighting, the manipulation, the constant belittlement.</strong></p> <p>It's time to break free from the clutches of narcissistic abuse and reclaim your power as a black woman. In this book, you will find the tools and knowledge to recognize and escape abusive situations, heal from the trauma, and embrace a future filled with self-love and empowerment.</p> <p>You deserve to live a life free from the chains of narcissistic abuse.</p> <ul> <li>Gain a deep understanding of narcissism and its impact on black women</li> <li>Uncover the connection between childhood trauma and vulnerability to narcissistic abuse</li> <li>Recognize the signs and tactics employed by narcissists</li> <li>Learn effective strategies for leaving abusive relationships and reclaiming your life</li> <li>Discover the healing power of self-love, self-care, and setting healthy boundaries</li> <li>Find resources and support to aid you...


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  • <p><strong>The Art of Assertive Communication for Black Women</strong></p> <p><em><strong>Have you ever wondered why no one wants to listen to you? Do you envy a friend that everyone enjoys listening to and paying absolute attention to?</strong></em></p> <p>Assertive communication is actually a skill that can be learned and perfected along the way. Clear, authentic self-expression and active listening are key ingredients of this course.</p> <p><strong>IT'S TIME FOR YOU TO BE SEEN, BE HEARD, AND TO GET WHAT YOU DESERVE.</strong> <em><strong>Only then will you be able to find real balance in your life. While they can coexist, assertiveness doesn't mean being aggressive or loud.</strong></em></p> <p>In this book, you will discover a <strong>STEP-BY-STEP ACTION PLAN</strong>, taking you on a transformative journey towards building more confidence that's rooted in a polite and kind contact with the people around you</p> <p><em><strong...


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