enlightenment 2.0

【遊戯王 英語版】Enlightenment Paladin(25thS)(覚醒の魔導剣士)◇Enlightenment 2.0【電子書籍】 Joseph Heath遊戯王 MP20-EN046 フライアのリンゴ Apple of Enlightenment (英語版 1st Edition ノーマル) 2020 Tin of Lost MemoriesMonkey King 039 s Amazing Adventures A Journey to the West in Search of Enlightenment【電子書籍】 Wu Cheng 039 enセール SALE ポーラー POLER エンライトメント コーチ ジャケット ENLIGHTENMENT COACH JACKET ジャケット アウター 241MCV0001 メンズThe Twilight of the American Enlightenment The 1950s and the Crisis of Liberal Belief【電子書籍】 George Marsden◇ ◎ ENLIGHTENMENT エンライトメント ウエストリボン付き 長袖 ロング ワンピース サイズ1 ブラック レディース 【中古】Enlightenment Now The Case for Reason, Science, Humanism, and Progress【電子書籍】 Steven PinkerWings of The Phoenix: Walking the Sacred Path Leading to Joy, Mindfulness Enlightenment【電子書籍】 Cagri Dorter啓蒙思想2.0 政治 経済 生活を正気に戻すために / 原タイトル:ENLIGHTENMENT 2.0 本/雑誌 (ハヤカワ文庫 NF 587) / ジョセフ ヒース/著 栗原百代/訳セール SALE POLER ポーラー エンライトメント コーチ ジャケット ENLIGHTENMENT COACH JACKET ジャケット アウター 241MCV0001 メンズThe Permanent Now Exceptionally Accurate Guidance to Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment, Crafted by a Living Buddha【電子書籍】 FritzHUF ハフ × JENKEM ジェンケム コラボ DEEP ENLIGHTENMENT 半袖 Tシャツ メンズ 【 送料無料 】 hufworldwide プリント ショートスリーブ クルーネック ストリート系 ファッション ブランド スケーター スケート スケートボード 黒 ブラック M L XLPOLeR ENLIGHTENMENT TEE Tシャツ 3色 ポーラーセール SALE ポーラー POLER エンライトメント コーチ ジャケット ENLIGHTENMENT COACH JACKET ジャケット アウター 241MCV0001 メンズ當下的力量(三版):通往靈性開悟的指引 The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment【電子書籍】 艾克哈特.托勒(Eckhart Tolle)POLER ENLIGHTENMENT 2.0 TEE ティーシャツ 夏 プリント おしゃれ 正規品 【送料無料】The Color of Equality Race and Common Humanity in Enlightenment Thought【電子書籍】 Devin J. Vartija【中古】2ーdelight Enlightenment エンライトメント 村上隆 Composite Press コンポジット プレス 2000年【中古】エンライトメント サイバネティクス いきなりゴール!超強運へのパラレルJUMP /ヒカルランド/光一(単行本(ソフトカバー))


  • ジャンル(MP23)2023TINレアリティカード種類シンクロモンスター品番TN23-EN010


  • <p><strong>The co-author of the internationally bestselling <em>The Rebel Sell</em> brings us "slow politics": promoting slow thought, slow deliberation and slow debate.</strong></p> <p>Over the last twenty years, the political systems of the western world have become increasingly divided--not between right and left but between crazy and non-crazy. What’s more, the crazies seem to be gaining the upper hand. Rational thought cannot prevail in the current social and media environment, where elections are won by appealing to voters’ hearts rather than their minds. The rapid-fire pace of modern politics, the hypnotic repetition of daily news items and even the multitude of visual sources of information all make it difficult for the voice of reason to be heard.</p> <p>In <em>Enlightenment 2.0</em>, bestselling author Joseph Heath outlines a program for a second Enlightenment. The answer, he argues, lies in a new “slow politics.” It takes as its point of departure re...


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  • <p><strong>Discover the thrilling exploits of this unlikely hero in China's most famous traditional novel.</strong></p> <p>This classic Chinese epic tells the story of the Monkey King, his incredible origin and downfall, and his epic quest to redeem himself with his trusted companions, as they face fantastic foes, demons, and monsters and during their travels to the Western paradise.</p> <p>The talented, wily Monkey King was used to getting what he wanted--unimaginable strength, eternal life, even a position in the Celestial Realm with the gods. But his mischief gets him into trouble, the Monkey King finds himself wanting to be good and strong enough to help the monk Xuanzang on his mission to bring Buddhist Scriptures--and enlightenment--to China.</p> <p>Readers will thrill to Timothy Richard's retelling of the Monkey King's exploits, whether in the Dragon King's underwater castle, the Halls of the Dead, or the palace of Buddha himself. Featuring a detailed introd...


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  • <p>In the aftermath of World War II, the United States stood at a precipice. The forces of modernity unleashed by the war had led to astonishing advances in daily life, but technology and mass culture also threatened to erode the country's traditional moral character. As award-winning historian George M. Marsden explains in <em>The Twilight of the American Enlightenment</em>, postwar Americans looked to the country's secular, liberal elites for guidance in this precarious time, but these intellectuals proved unable to articulate a coherent common cause by which America could chart its course. Their failure lost them the faith of their constituents, paving the way for a Christian revival that offered America a firm new moral vision -- one rooted in the Protestant values of the founders.</p> <p>A groundbreaking reappraisal of the country's spiritual reawakening, <em>The Twilight of the American Enlightenment</em> shows how America found new purpose at the dawn of the Col...


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  • <p>**INSTANT <em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> BESTSELLER<br /> A <em>NEW YORK TIMES</em> NOTABLE BOOK OF 2018<br /> ONE OF <em>THE ECONOMIST'S</em> BOOKS OF THE YEAR</p> <p>"My new favorite book of all time." --Bill Gates</p> <p>If you think the world is coming to an end, think again: people are living longer, healthier, freer, and happier lives, and while our problems are formidable, the solutions lie in the Enlightenment ideal of using reason and science. By the author of the new book, <em>Rationality</em>.**</p> <p>Is the world really falling apart? Is the ideal of progress obsolete? In this elegant assessment of the human condition in the third millennium, cognitive scientist and public intellectual Steven Pinker urges us to step back from the gory headlines and prophecies of doom, which play to our psychological biases. Instead, follow the data: In seventy-five jaw-dropping graphs, Pinker shows that life, health, prosperity, safety, peace, knowledge, an...


  • <p>“They did not give you the opportunity to be yourself...<br /> And you refrained from being yourself, your entire life…</p> <p>The traditions, customs, beliefs, habits, obsessions and taboos lived through you; but only ‘you’ yourself, did not…<br /> Isn’t it the moment to break free?<br /> Isn’t it the time to born anew from your ashes?”</p> <p>“Wings of the Phoenix” is the first book of a series that treats wisdom, mind yoga, meditation, enlightenment, sacred teachings, root of all religions, Sufism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Zen, Shamanism, philosophical doctrines, spirituality, new age & self-development from an inter-disciplinary perspective, explaining the core teaching that is at the heart of all while providing a map of the path that leads the individuals, who are in search of their own truth, to their deepest roots...</p> <p>*</p> <p>“Wings of the Phoenix” is the narrative of an individual who ?just like everyone he knows? w...


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  • <p>The Permanent Now provides exceptionally accurate guidance to spiritual Awakening and enlightenment, crafted by a living buddha ? an Awaken.</p> <p>A buddha who has already accomplished what you are looking to accomplish can only give accurate guidance to spiritual Awakening and enlightenment.</p> <p>Use The Permanent Now to broaden and deepen your internal self-Awareness and come to the direct experience and realization of The Permanent Now, literally Wake Up, spiritually Awaken and unveil your natural state of existence is enlightenment and Pure Awareness-Bliss.</p> <p>The Permanent Now’s practical application writing style guides you through, past and out of self-identification with and attachment to Time and all the illusions living in Time and into spiritual Awakening and enlightenment and the timeless Permanent Now.</p> <p>The Permanent Now is a simply stated and comprehensive guide helping you integrate more Awareness into your life and therefore broaden ...


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  • <p><strong>歡慶《當下的力量》在台銷售突破<strong><strong>12</strong></strong>萬冊</strong><br /> <strong>繼續帶領人類邁向更高的開悟境界</strong></p> <p>★美國媒體天后歐普拉盛讚:「這是我最喜歡的一本書。」</p> <p>★《紐約時報》書籍排行榜Top1,全球超過33種語文譯本</p> <p>★知名心靈導師艾克哈特.托勒,奠定大師地位傳世經典<br /> ★身心靈作家張徳芬,專文導讀推薦</p> <p>似乎沒人知道,人之所以活在這世上,</p> <p>就是為了要經?一場深?的?在轉化?程。<br /> 是此時此地的?,讓宇宙的神聖目的得以開展,</p> <p>看看?有多重要!</p> <p>?常感到壓力很大???是否總在忙著追逐未來,讓當下淪為達成未來目標的手段?壓力來自於?身在「這裡」,心卻想要去到「那裡」;身在現在,心卻想要去到未來。如此一來,?和?的?在將分裂開來,而在這種分裂?態中生活是錯亂又瘋狂的。</p> <p>無論身處何方,請全然安住。如果?覺得「此時此地」讓?無法忍受,讓?覺得不快樂,那?有三種選擇:離開它、改變它,或接納它。如果?想為自己的人生負責,務必擇一而行,而且要在當下做出抉擇。然後,接受選擇所帶來的結...


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  • <p>The Enlightenment is often either praised as the wellspring of modern egalitarianism or condemned as the cradle of scientific racism. How should we make sense of this paradox? <em>The Color of Equality</em> is the first book to investigate both the inclusive language of common humanity and the hierarchical language of race in Enlightenment thought, seeking to understand how eighteenth-century thinkers themselves made sense of these tensions. Using three major Enlightenment encyclopedias from England, France, and Switzerland, the book provides a rich contextualization of the conflicting ideas of equality and race in eighteenth-century thought.</p> <p>Enlightenment thinkers used physical features to categorize humanity into novel "racial" groups in a discourse that was imbued with Eurocentric aesthetic and moral judgments. Simultaneously, however, these very same thinkers politicized equality by putting it to new uses, such as a vitriolic denunciation of slavery and inhum...


  • 商品名:【中古】2ーdelight Enlightenment エンライトメント 村上隆 Composite Press コンポジット・プレス 2000年jan:9784877289898コンディション:中古 - 可コンディション説明:スリーブケースにスレ、ヤケ、多少のシミ、表紙にシミ、天地小口に多少のスレ、があります。本は良好です。※注意事項※当店は実店舗・他サイトでも販売を行っております。在庫切れの場合はキャンセルさせて頂きます。■商品・状態はコンディションガイドラインに基づき、判断・出品されております。■付録等の付属品がある商品の場合、記載されていない物は『付属なし』とご理解下さい。※ ポイント消化 にご利用ください。送料:ゆうメール商品説明:出版社からのコメント これぞ、世界最新の平面表現。 エンライトメントは、有名イラストレイター、ヒロ杉山を中心とした、コンピューターを駆使したクリエイター・ユニットです。キムタクのTBCの広告で、その作風を目にした人も多いはず。これは彼らの初の作品集になります。具象と抽象の領域を軽く超える、エンライトメントの最新コンピュータ・イメージを、(株)グラフによる、極薄のコート紙を使ったハイクォリティな印刷とハードカバー、プラス...


  • ◆◆◆非常にきれいな状態です。中古商品のため使用感等ある場合がございますが、品質には十分注意して発送いたします。 【毎日発送】 商品状態 著者名 光一 出版社名 ヒカルランド 発売日 2020年11月30日 ISBN 9784864719377
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