essentials of early english

Essentials of Early English: Introduction To Old,Middle and Early Modern English ペーパーバック Smith,Jeremy J.Essentials of Early English An Introduction to Old, Middle, and Early Modern English【電子書籍】 Jeremy J. Smith


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  • <p>The third edition of this successful textbook has been fully revised and updated.</p> <p><em>Essentials of Early English</em> is a practical and highly accessible introduction to the early stages of the English language: Old English, Middle English, and Early Modern English.</p> <p>Designed specifically as a handbook for students beginning the study of Early English language, whether for linguistic or literary purposes, it presumes little or no prior knowledge of the history of English.</p> <p>Features of this new edition include:</p> <ul> <li>Comprehensive updating of the contents to take account of new developments in the subject</li> <li>Newly added sample texts and accompanying notes</li> <li>Links to images of many of the illustrative texts</li> <li>An updated annotated bibliography.</li> </ul> <p>A contextual introduction of the history of English is provided, which includes an outline of English in relation to its origins. A deeper...
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