
50 Intermediate Everyday English Dialogues English Conversation / B1-B2【電子書籍】 Zigzag EnglishEveryday English Expressions A Guide【電子書籍】 Veronica PecheanuRelative Clauses Structure and Variation in Everyday English【電子書籍】 Andrew Radford50 more Intermediate Everyday English Dialogues English Conversation - Intermediate / B1 - B2【電子書籍】 Zigzag EnglishEveryday English current topics to read an (リーダーズフォーラム)50 Easy Everyday English Dialogues English Conversation / A2 - B1【電子書籍】 Zigzag EnglishMaple Leaf Publishing Everyday English 3 Teacher 039 s Guide CD-ROM and DVD (英語版/日本語版)Input‐Output A Handbook of Everyday English Communication 楽しく話せる英会話 / 柳瀬実佳 【雑誌】THE SCREWTAPE LETTERS IN EVERYDAY ENGLISH C.S. Lewis 039 s classic - Letters from a Senior to a Junior Devil【電子書籍】 David HarrisonMERE CHRISTIANITY IN EVERYDAY ENGLISH An easy-to-read version of a C.S. Lewis 039 s literary classic【電子書籍】 David Harrison送料無料!【Everyday English Home Study DVD Set 】Maple Leaf Publishing Everyday English 2 Home Study DVD Set (2 DVDs)日常英会話をマスターするための新学習法「EVERYDAY ENGLISH PHRASES」【送料無料】English for Everyone Everyday English Learn and Practice Over 1,500 Words and Phrases【電子書籍】 DKWH26-032 エブリデイ出版 英語 EVERYDAY ENGLISH エブリデイイングリッシュ 2013 CD12枚付 28S4BWB03-035 エブリデイ出版 EVERYDAY ENGLISH/Listening master 未使用品 2014 計2冊 CD-ROM2巻/CD3巻付 90M1D【英会話教材】【送料無料】英語が苦手な人にオススメ!約2週間で「話せる 通じる」英会話がラクにマスターできる!【EVERYDAY ENGLISH PHRASES 初級編】〜エブリディ イングリッシュ フレージーズ 初級編〜【英会話教材】【送料無料】世界に通用する「恥ずかしくない英語」を最短1ヶ月で!プライベートからビジネスまでOK!1ランク上の英語力を身につけたいなら EVERYDAY ENGLISH PHRASES 中上級編【エブリディ イングリッシュ フレージーズ 中上級編】JOHN BUNYAN 039 S - THE PILGRIM 039 S PROGRESS IN EVERYDAY ENGLISH A 17TH CENTURY CLASSIC IN 21ST CENTURY LANGUAGE【電子書籍】 David Harrison【中古】Easy everyday English through sentence p 構文から学ぶやさしい日常英語/南雲堂/小中秀彦(単行本)


  • <p><strong>Do you want to improve your English conversation?</strong></p> <p>This book is designed to help intermediate learners understand and speak informal, colloquial English - as spoken by native speakers.</p> <p>The 50 dialogues cover a huge variety of everyday topics. They’re fun, as well as good for your English. Every dialogue includes a vocabulary list and comprehension questions with answers.</p> <p>Topics include: I need a holiday, Talking politics, Schoolwork, Hotel bill, Discussing books, Party, Asking for help, University costs, Buying a car, Working from home, and 40 more!</p> <p>Written by an experienced teacher of English as a foreign language from the UK.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>"Everyday English Expressions" is a comprehensive handbook designed to help learners master the nuances of conversational English effortlessly. Written by seasoned language experts, this indispensable guidebook delves into the heart of daily interactions, unveiling the richness of colloquial language and its cultural significance.</p> <p>Unlocking the secrets of everyday English, this book offers a treasure trove of commonly used expressions, idioms, and phrases, meticulously organized for easy reference. From casual chitchat to professional exchanges, readers will discover how to navigate diverse social scenarios with confidence and finesse.</p> <p>Structured for both beginners and advanced learners alike, "Everyday English Expressions" provides:</p> <p>A vast collection of frequently used phrases and idiomatic expressions, accompanied by clear explanations and contextual examples.</p> <p>Practical tips for integrating expressions seamlessly into conversations,...


  • <p>Using novel examples from live, unscripted radio/TV broadcasts and the internet, this path-breaking book will force us to reconsider the nature of everyday English and its complex interplay of syntactic, pragmatic, sociolinguistic and psycholinguistic factors. Uncovering unusual types of non-standard relative clauses, Andrew Radford develops theoretically sophisticated analyses in an area that has traditionally hardly been touched on: that of nonstandard (yet not clearly dialectal) variation in English. Making sense of a huge amount of data, the book demonstrates that some types of non-standard relative clauses have a complex syntactic structure of their own in which the relation between the relative clause and its antecedent is either syntactically encoded or pragmatic in nature, while others come about as a result of hypercorrection, and yet others arise from processing errors.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします...


  • <p><strong>Do you want to improve your English conversation?</strong></p> <p>This book is designed to help upper-intermediate and advanced learners understand and speak informal, colloquial English ? as spoken by native speakers.</p> <p>The 50 dialogues cover a huge variety of everyday topics. They’re fun, as well as good for your English. Every dialogue includes a vocabulary list and comprehension questions with answers.</p> <p>Topics include: Fear of flying, At the dentist’s, London Underground, Renting, Sightseeing, Road rage, Shakespeare, Neighbour problems, Facebook, Getting a haircut, In the news, Flight to Chicago, Breakdown, Customer Services, Promotion, and 35 more!</p> <p>Written by an experienced teacher of English as a foreign language from the UK.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • current topics to read an リーダーズフォーラム 南雲堂エブリデイ イングリッシュ 発行年月:2016年01月 ページ数:72p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784523178033 本 語学・学習参考書 語学学習 英語


  • <p><strong>Do you want to improve your English conversation?</strong></p> <p>This book is designed to help elementary and lower-intermediate learners understand and speak informal, colloquial English - as spoken by native speakers. Every dialogue includes a word list and comprehension questions and answers.<br /> The 50 dialogues cover a huge variety of everyday topics. They’re fun, as well as good for your English.<br /> Topics include: Getting a bus, Ordering a meal, Asking someone out, New house, Too hot, Asking the way, At the pub, Holiday photos, A boss problem, and 41 more!<br /> Written by an experienced teacher of English as a foreign language from the UK.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • -------------------------------------------------------------- 画像はイメージです。 ※ PC環境により実際の色味や質感と異なって表示される場合がございます。 ※ 部品・パーツなどの一部の商品では本体の商品画像を使用しております。 ※ 製品の仕様・画像・パッケージは、メーカー側から予告なく変更される場合があります。 -------------------------------------------------------------- * この商品はCD-ROMとDVDのみです。Everyday English3は、5〜9歳を対象に、新しい手段で英語を教えるコースブックです。子ども達が英語に興味を持ち、楽しく習得できるよう、歌、アクティビティー、TPR(全身反応教授法)をベースに盛り込まれています。【CD-ROM内容】* 48回分(各40分)のレッスンを英語と日本語で紹介。* レッスンに関連した、印刷可能なゲーム・アクティビティ・フラッシュカードなどが入っています。【DVD内容】* 実際のクラスにビデオをセッティングして歌やゲームが使われている様子を収めています。Everyday English 1: 5-7歳向けEveryday English 2: 6-8歳向けEveryday English 3: 7-9歳向け 【#192】


  • 出荷目安の詳細はこちら内容詳細初級生から中・上級生を対象に、沢山のインプットと楽しいアウトプットを行う構成で、英語でコミュニケーションができるようになる。目次 : (Warming Up‐1)Classroom English/Listening Strategies/Reading Strategies/ (Warming Up‐2)Grammar Focus/ Conversation Strategies/ Personalities/Compliments/Congratulating/Thanking‐1/ Dating/ Emotions/Sports/ Telephone Conversations/Invitations(Politeness)/ Suggestions/Planning Details/ Review/ Ordering/Requesting‐1〔ほか〕


  • <p>C.S. Lewis' classic book, The Screwtape Letters in Everyday English.</p> <p>When I read Mere Christianity for the first time, I was left wondering if the average North American reader would be able to follow along without having an English-to-‘English’ dictionary at their side. Even I had to Google the meaning of some of Lewis’ 1940’s colloquialisms. Lewis himself makes reference to the changes in language and word usage over time. This led me to rework the book into Mere Christianity in Everyday English. Never did I expect such a positive response to my efforts, with a seventy percent five-star rating on Amazon. This success has led me to tackle The Screwtape Letters which Lewis had written in the year before Mere Christianity. It is hoped that The Screwtape Letters in Everyday English will likewise enable it to be enjoyed by a broader audience.</p> <p>Clive Staples Lewis was a Professor of English at Oxford University and authored many famous novels including The Chro...


  • <p>77% of Amazon purchasers have left a 5-star review.</p> <p>This book has been created for all those who said, "I tried to read it but couldn't make my way through it."</p> <p>When I first read Mere Christianity, I couldn’t help but wonder if the average North American reader could fully grasp the essence of this book without an English-to-“English” dictionary at their side. Even I, though born and raised in England, found myself Googling the meaning of some of Lewis’s colloquialisms from the 1940s. Lewis himself acknowledges the shifting nature of language and word usage over time, and I’ve taken the liberty to present you with an original paragraph of his work, alongside my own “simple English” interpretation.</p> <p>Original text:<br /> A gentleman, once it has been spiritualized and refined out of its old coarse, objective sense, means hardly more than a man whom the speaker likes. As a result, gentleman is now a useless word. We had lots of terms of approval a...


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  • -------------------------------------------------------------- 画像はイメージです。 ※ PC環境により実際の色味や質感と異なって表示される場合がございます。 ※ 部品・パーツなどの一部の商品では本体の商品画像を使用しております。 ※ 製品の仕様・画像・パッケージは、メーカー側から予告なく変更される場合があります。 -------------------------------------------------------------- Everyday English 2 Home Study DVDは、2枚組のDVD。 Everyday English 2 のテキストと共に使うように構成されていますが、他の子供向けコースの補助教材としても使用可能です。1ユニット約15分、全4ユニットの構成。歌、フラッシュカード、フォニックス、生活の中により簡単に英語を取り入れられるシンプルなスキットを収録。食べ物、職業、家族、前置詞、時間、月、季節などのトピックを扱っています。収録時間:Disc 1 = 36分Disc 2 = 35分ご注意: 一部の家庭用DVDプレイヤーやポータブルDVDプレイヤーで再生できない場合がございます。お手持ちのプレイヤーの再生可能形式をご確認ください。 【#192】


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  • <p><strong>Take your speaking skills to the next level with this easy-to-use, visual guide to conversational English.</strong></p> <p>Tired of textbook English? Keen to converse like a local? Need some help getting there? Then this book is for you! With more than 1,500 of the most useful words and phrases, <em>English for Everyone: Everyday English</em> is the perfect companion to help take your English from the classroom into day-to-day life. With this book, you'll not only learn what to say, but how to say it, when to say it, and who to say it to!</p> <p>This accessible self-study guide covers a wide range of real-life topics and scenarios, from going to the supermarket and asking directions to making small talk at your neighbour’s party and saying thank you (in at least five different ways!)</p> <p>Each unit includes authentic dialogues brought to life by clear, engaging visuals, followed by exercises to put into practice what you’ve learned and build the sk...


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  • <p>When I read Mere Christianity for the first time, I was left wondering if the average North American reader would be able to follow along without having an English-to-’English’ dictionary at their side. Even I had to Google the meaning of some of Lewis’ 1940’s colloquialisms. Lewis himself makes reference to the changes in language and word usage over time.<br /> This led me to rework the book into Mere Christianity in Everyday English. Never did I expect such a positive response to my efforts, with a better than seventy percent five-star rating on Amazon.<br /> Now, if the English language can change so significantly in the seventy years or so since Lewis wrote many of his books, imagine how much the language has changed in the 360 years, or so, since Bunyan wrote The Pilgrim’s Progress. Does anyone know what a ‘slough’, ‘tinker’ or ‘similitude’ is?<br /> John Bunyan’s life is a fascinating story of transformation and dedication. Born in 1628 in Elstow, near Bedford, Eng...


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