exponential organizations

The Starfish and the Spirit: Unleashing the Leadership Potential of Churches and Organizations STARFISH THE SPIRIT (Exponential) Lance FordExponential Organizations Il futuro del business mondiale【電子書籍】 Salim Ismail指數型組織:企業在績效 速度 成本上勝出10倍的關鍵 Exponential Organizations: Why new organizations are ten times better, faster, and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it)【電子書籍】Exponential Organizations 2.0 The New Playbook for 10x Growth and Impact【電子書籍】 Salim IsmailJourney of the Future Enterprise How to compete in the age of moonshot leadership and exponential organizations【電子書籍】 Jorge CalvoExponential Organizations Why new organizations are ten times better, faster, and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it)【電子書籍】 Salim Ismail洋書 Exponential Organizations: Why new organizations are ten times better, faster, and cheaper than yours (and what to do about it)


  • STARFISH & THE SPIRIT Exponential Lance Ford Rob Wegner Alan Hirsch ZONDERVAN2021 Paperback English ISBN:9780310098379 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion


  • <p>In passato ci volevano vent’anni per creare un business da un miliardo di dollari. Groupon l’ha fatto in diciotto mesi. Quella che abbiamo davanti ? una nuova tipologia di aziende: le ≪organizzazioni esponenziali≫, che polverizzano i tempi di crescita mediante le tecnologie, riducendo i costi in modo esponenziale. Se nel business la performance ? la chiave principale di valutazione, negli ultimi cinque anni queste realt? emergenti hanno sconvolto i parametri abituali: operano online con accesso a banda larga, immensi capitali in crowdfunding, il cloud computing, la stampa 3D, i sensori, la biologia sintetica, e sfruttano complessi algoritmi elaborati attraverso l’Intelligenza artificiale e i Big Data. Non acquistano asset, ma fanno leva sulle idee e le iniziative delle community che le sostengono. Sono innovatori e cambiano le regole, al proprio interno come all’esterno, rivoluzionando interi mercati. Integrando il contributo dei partecipanti e dei membri della comunit? della S...


  • <p>【業界熱烈好評,組織學必讀新趨勢】</p> <p>★《彭博社》2015年最佳商業書籍</p> <p>★《財星》雜誌2015年五大商業書籍</p> <p>★亞馬遜書店組織學類百大暢銷書籍</p> <p>★Frost & Sullivan顧問公司2014年「成長、創新與領導」年度最佳書籍</p> <p>★聯合利華(Unilever)高階主管必讀書籍</p> <p>★高階主管讀書會(C-Suite Book Club)搶眼選書</p> <p>★全球最大商業書摘網站getAbstract強烈推薦</p> <p>★Goodreads書評網700人5星推薦</p> <p>★亞馬遜讀者超過200人5星推薦</p> <p>★Google與NASA合?、全球最聰明大學「奇點大學」指定用書</p> <p>【在加速化的年代,?的組織需要轉變為「指數型組織」】</p> <p>歡迎來到指數時代,在這個加速化的年代中,?要如何掌控這一切??要如何吸引人才,建立起一家在速度、專業和創新能力上都能與指數時代相配合的企業??答案是要建立「指數型組織」!</p> <p>指數型組織是指一個組織在使用了新型槓桿化加速技術後,其影響力或?出比同行有不成比例的巨大ーー至少必須十倍大。</p> <p>Google、Amazon、阿里巴巴、蘋果、特斯拉、GE……無論是新創、網路業或傳統?業,它們的業績...


  • <p>The Playbook for 10X Growth and Impact</p> <p>In a world of accelerating technologies, three visionary pioneers-Salim Ismail, Peter H. Diamandis, MD, and Michael S. Malone-bring you a playbook to ride on top of the exponential curve. This is a compelling sequel to <em>Exponential Organizations</em>, which quickly became one of the most successful business books globally, being used by leaders, organizations, and even countries to create transformation across nearly every industry and geography.</p> <p><em><strong>Exponential Organizations 2.0</strong></em> outlines the 11 ExO Attributes-the shared DNA of the most dynamic and forward-thinking organizations in the world today-providing a comprehensive guide and the critical tools required to transform your business into an exponential powerhouse.</p> <p>Explode your growth by harnessing the ExO attributes, including:</p> <ul> <li>aMassive Transformative Purpose (MTP)</li> <li>5 External Attribute...


  • <p>Moonshot leaders like Elon Musk or Jeff Bezos aspire to bringing about massive transformations. These visionaries seek radical solutions to big problems through enabling technologies that are easily scalable and yield increasing returns with decreasing marginal costs that in many cases approach zero. In his book Journey of the Future Enterprise, Jorge Calvo explains what the disruptive change of the Fourth Industrial Revolution consists of, what moonshot leadership is and what exponential organizations (ExOs) are, and having set out the conceptual framework, explains how to gear companies toward the new economy. In short, this resource-packed book is written for those who want to be part of this change, for those who are suffering the impact of this radical transformation, for those who feel lost as a result of the complexity and speed of the changes that are taking place, and for those who want to better understand the drivers of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.</p>画面が切...


  • <p><em>Frost & Sullivan's 2014 Growth, Innovation, and Leadership Book of the Year</em></p> <p>"EXPONENTIAL ORGANIZATIONS should be required reading for anyone interested in the ways exponential technologies are reinventing best practices in business." ーRay Kurzweil, Director of Engineering at Google</p> <p><strong>In business, performance is key. In performance, how you organize can be the key to growth.</strong></p> <p>In the past five years, the business world has seen the birth of a new breed of companyーthe Exponential Organizationーthat has revolutionized how a company can accelerate its growth by using technology. An ExO can eliminate the incremental, linear way traditional companies get bigger, leveraging assets like community, big data, algorithms, and new technology into achieving performance benchmarks ten times better than its peers.</p> <p>Three luminaries of the business worldーSalim Ismail, Yuri van Geest, and Mike Maloneーhave researched th...


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