fist of war

遊戯王 FIGA-EN053 真竜戦士イグニスH Ignis Heat, the True Dracowarrior (英語版 1st Edition シークレットレア) Fists of the GadgetsWeapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War【電子書籍】 United States Department of DefenseWeapon of Choice U.S. Army Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan: Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War【電子書籍】 United States Department of DefenseWeapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War【電子書籍】 Combat Studies InstituteWeapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War【電子書籍】 United States Department of Defense【新品】オールク ウォークラン:アイアンジョー 『ゴルクの拳骨』ゴルドラック / メガボス (モウクラッシャ騎乗) ウォーハンマー:エイジ オヴ シグマー (Orruk Warclans:IRONJAWZ Gordrakk, Fist of Gork / ORRUK MAW-KRUSHA) (Warhammer Age of Sigmar)【あす楽対応】The X-Wing Series: Star Wars Legends 10-Book Bundle Rogue Squadron, Wedge 039 s Gamble, The Krytos Trap, The Bacta War, Wraith Squadron ,Iron Fist, Solo Command, Isard 039 s Revenge, Starfighters of Adumar, Mercy Kill【電子書籍】 Michael A. StackpoleBattlefront Miniatures British Armoured Fist Unit and Command Cards Bundle North Africa Flames of Warロケットモデルズ FIST OF WAR No.09 1/72 E100ゼクスフースラーレーゲンストーム【中古】 PTM FIST OF WAR(フィスト オブ ウォー) 1/72 E-100 ゼクスフースラー型 レーゲンストーム プラモデル(47009) ロケットモデルズ(20181207)Weapon of Choice U.S. Army Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan: Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War【電子書籍】 Combat Studies InstituteFist From the Sky Japan 039 s Dive-Bomber Ace of World War II【電子書籍】 Peter C. Smithロケットモデルズ FIST OF WAR No.33 1/35 兜改Weapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War【電子書籍】 United States Department of Defenseロケットモデルズ|Rocket Models 1/72 FIST OF WAR No.14 ドイツ軍E-100ゼクスフースラー型 改装B型砲塔“ラインの守り作戦1947年1月”ロケットモデルズ FIST OF WAR No.20 1/35 Sdkfz553ビエラフースラーカイザーキーフWeapon of Choice U.S. Army Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan: Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War【電子書籍】 United States Department of Defenseロケットモデルズ|Rocket Models 1/72 FIST OF WAR No.9 ドイツ軍 E-100 ゼクスフースラー型“レーゲンストーム”Weapon of Choice U.S. Army Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan: Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War【電子書籍】 United States Department of Defenseロケットモデルズ FIST OF WAR No.14 1/72 E100Bラインの守り作戦


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  • <p>Within the pages of 'Weapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan,' readers are invited into the multifaceted world of military operations, strategy, and the raw human elements at play in modern warfare. This anthology, through a series of detailed narratives, analyses, and firsthand accounts, explores the broad spectrum of activities undertaken by the U.S. Army Special Forces. It does so by weaving together diverse literary styles from rigorous academic research to compelling narrative storytelling thereby highlighting the complexity and multifarious aspects of military operations in a war-torn region. The depth and diversity of the content underscore the significance of unconventional warfare tactics in the global arena. The collection stands out for its comprehensive coverage of the subject, presented from a variety of perspectives. The contributors, hailing from the United States Department of Defense and the Combat Studies Institute, bring wi...


  • <p>The anthology 'Weapon of Choice' offers an unparalleled exploration into the multifaceted nature of warfare, through a compilation that showcases a diverse range of literary styles, from analytical essays to firsthand combat narratives. This collection stands out for its deep dive into the technological, psychological, and strategic dimensions of military tools and tactics across different historical periods and conflicts. The variance in literary forms enriches the anthology, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of the complex relationship between warfare and societal evolution, making it a significant contribution to military literature. The authors, hailing from the United States Department of Defense and the Combat Studies Institute, bring a wealth of experience and insight to the collection. Their backgrounds in strategic studies, military history, and active-duty experiences offer authentic and varied perspectives on the theme of the anthology. Collectivel...


  • <p>In 'Weapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan,' readers are presented with a meticulously curated anthology that offers a panoramic view of modern warfare and strategic military operations. This collection showcases a variety of literary styles from analytical essays to detailed military reports, offering a comprehensive insight into the complexities of U.S. Army Special Forces' roles in Afghanistan. The anthology highlights critical operations and tactical maneuvers, underlining the dynamic and adaptive nature of modern warfare within the geopolitical tapestry of the early 21st century. The contributing authors, drawn from the elite echelons of the Combat Studies Institute and the United States Department of Defense, bring an unparalleled depth of practical experience and academic analysis to the collection. Collectively, their backgrounds in military strategy and operations research contribute significantly to our understanding of counterinsu...


  • <p>In 'Weapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan,' readers are offered a multifaceted examination of modern warfare and counterinsurgency efforts from a scholarly vantage point. This collection encapsulates a broad spectrum of analyses, varying from tactical appraisals to strategic considerations, underlining the complexity and diversity of military operations in a challenging geopolitical landscape. It stands as a significant contribution to military literature, particularly highlighting the adaptability and strategic importance of the U.S. Army Special Forces in contemporary conflicts, without focusing on a single narrative, thus providing a comprehensive insight into the operational ethos and effectiveness of these elite units. The anthology benefits from the authoritative expertise of its contributors, comprising seasoned analysts from the United States Department of Defense and the Combat Studies Institute. Their collective backgrounds, deepl...


  • 【新品未開封のメーカー正規品です】 アイアンジョーの喧騒と怒号、そして咆哮の中で、たった一人の声が支配している。 この大声で威勢のいいオルクこそ、『ゴルクの拳骨』ゴルドラックであり、誰もが認めるボス中のボス、絶対破壊の止められない力、次のグレート・ワーグ!の前触れとして知られています。 『ゴルクの拳骨』ゴルドラックはその獰猛さと狡猾さで知られ、スマシャとクンニンの2本の斧を振るう。 かつてワールドチョッパと呼ばれる1本の大斧の一部であったが、 より使いやすくするために2つに折られたもので、好戦的で殺意に満ちたモウクラッシャに乗る。 このマウクラッシャ、ビグテーフは、『ゴルクの拳骨』ゴルドラックの膨大な残虐性から切り出されたとオルクの伝説では言われている。 このマルチパーツプラスチックキットは『ゴルクの拳骨』ゴルドラックを作るために必要なパーツを含んでいます。 戦いの傷跡に覆われたゴルドラックは、巨大な金属製のティーフ、欠けた目、 そして戦いのトロフィー(ストームキャストのエターナルを殺すのが好きなようです)を満載した、 大げさなモデルとなっています。 このキットは63パーツで構成され、シタデル製160...


  • <p>The X-wing/Wraith Squadron adventures comprise one of the most popular series in the <em>Star Wars</em> Legends universe, and now these ten thrilling novels are together in one convenient ebook bundle. Featuring galactic intrigue, hair-raising dogfights, and a diverse group of pilots determined to fight the good fight, this riveting collection includes the following titles:</p> <p><strong>ROGUE SQUADRON by Michael A. Stackpole</strong><br /> <strong>WEDGE’S GAMBLE by Michael A. Stackpole</strong><br /> <strong>THE KRYTOS TRAP by Michael A. Stackpole</strong><br /> <strong>THE BACTA WAR by Michael A. Stackpole</strong><br /> <strong>WRAITH SQUADRON by Aaron Allston</strong><br /> <strong>IRON FIST by Aaron Allston</strong><br /> <strong>SOLO COMMAND by Aaron Allston</strong><br /> <strong>ISARD’S REVENGE by Michael A. Stackpole</strong><br /> <strong>STARFIGHTERS OF ADUMAR by Aaron Allston</strong><br /> <strong>MER...


  • Battlefront Miniatures コレクション・おもちゃ おもちゃ British Armoured Fist Unit and Command Cards Bundle North Africa Flames of War■ご注文の際は、必ずご確認ください。※こちらの商品は海外からのお取り寄せ商品となりますので、ご入金確認後、商品お届けまで3から5週間程度お時間を頂いております。※高額商品(3万円以上)は、代引きでの発送をお受けできません。※ご注文後にお客様へ「注文確認のメール」をお送りいたします。それ以降のキャンセル、サイズ交換、返品はできませんので、あらかじめご了承願います。また、ご注文をいただいてからの発注となる為、メーカー在庫切れ等により商品がご用意できない場合がございます。その際には早急にキャンセル、ご返金いたします。※海外輸入の為、遅延が発生する場合や出荷段階での付属品の箱つぶれ、細かい傷や汚れ等が発生する場合がございます。※商品ページのサイズ表は海外サイズを日本サイズに換算した一般的なサイズとなりメーカー・商品によってはサイズが異なる場合もございます。サイズ表は参考としてご活用ください。Battlefront Miniatures コレクション・おもちゃ おもちゃ British Armoured Fist Unit...


  • 【必ずご確認ください】・商品画像はサンプルです。・こちらは未組み立て、ランナー袋未開封の中古商品となります。・基本的には新品と同等とお考え下さい。・外箱に軽度な擦れや、汚れ等がある場合がございます。・以上をご了承の上、是非ご検討ください。【商品状態特記事項】--------------------【基本情報】■タイトル:FIST OF WAR(フィスト・オブ・ウォー) 1/72 E-100 ゼクスフースラー型 レーゲンストーム プラモデル(47009) ロケットモデルズ■機種:プラモデル■発売日:2018/12/07■JAN/EAN:4589462470096■登場作品:FIST OF WAR(フィスト・オブ・ウォー)■サイズ:1/72スケール■商品形態:組立て式プラスチックキット■メーカー:ロケットモデルズ【商品説明】ゼクスフースラー型(6脚)の車体に、クルップ社製溶接砲塔と380mm臼砲を搭載。「レーゲンストーム」(暴風雨)の名を冠したこの戦車は、本来固定式戦闘室でのみ搭載可能であった巨大臼砲とその弾薬を旋回可能な砲塔内に収め、6脚による高機動性と相まって直接照準による砲撃すら可能にした。巨大な車体を生かした15名の兵員輸送能力とその攻撃力により前線における強力な歩兵支援兵器となり、とりわけ1946年の「ラ...


  • <p>"Weapon of Choice" presents a history of the U.S. Army special operations forces in Afghanistan from 11 September 2001 to 15 May 2002, during America's global war on terrorism. The purpose of the book is not to resolve Army special operations doctrinal issues, to clarify or update military definitions, or to be the "definitive" history of the continuing unconventional war in Afghanistan. The purpose is to demonstrate how the war to drive the Taliban from power, help Afghan people, and assist the Afghan Interim Authority (AIA) rebuild the country afterward was successfully accomplished by majors, captains, warrant officers, and sergeants on tactical teams and aircrews at the lowest levels. Contents: Prelude to Terror Awakening the Giant "Subdue Without Fighting" Developing the SOF Campaign Top Draft Choices Committed to Middle East Exercises Civil Affairs to Islamabad, Pakistan Site Coordination With the Uzbeks at Karshi Kanabad Uncorking the Bottled Airlift Toppling the Taliban...


  • <p>Fascinating look from the Japanese side at Pearl Harbor and the Battle of Midway</p> <p>Fully authorized account including contemporary interviews with those that flew with Lt. Cdr. Egusa</p> <p>Lieutenant Commander Takashige Egusa was one of the Imperial Japanese Navy's most skillful and influential dive-bomber pilots. He led an attack force against Pearl Harbor, calmly circling his special flame-red Aichi dive bomber before selecting his target. Assaults on the deadly gun batteries of Wake Island followed, as well as air support for the invasion of Ambon. Badly burned at Midway, Egusa returned to duty, only to be killed on his final mission. As one Japanese officer said, "He was the 'God of Dive-Bombing.'" Fully placed in historical context and backed by a wealth of detail from archives, family records, photographs, and memories of contemporaries, the full story of Egusa's bravery, leadership qualities, and illustrious career comes to life.</p>画面が切り替わりますの...


  • <p>This eBook edition of "Weapon of Choice: The Operations of U.S. Army Special Forces in Afghanistan" has been formatted to the highest digital standards and adjusted for readability on all devices. "Weapon of Choice" presents a history of the U.S. Army special operations forces in Afghanistan from 11 September 2001 to 15 May 2002, during America's global war on terrorism. The purpose of the book is not to resolve Army special operations doctrinal issues, to clarify or update military definitions, or to be the "definitive" history of the continuing unconventional war in Afghanistan. The purpose is to demonstrate how the war to drive the Taliban from power, help Afghan people, and assist the Afghan Interim Authority (AIA) rebuild the country afterward was successfully accomplished by majors, captains, warrant officers, and sergeants on tactical teams and aircrews at the lowest levels. Contents: Prelude to Terror Awakening the Giant "Subdue Without Fighting" Developing the SOF Camp...


  • ドイツ軍ゼクスフースラー(6脚)型E-100戦車“改装B型砲塔”を再現。1946年12月、ドイツ軍はアルデンヌにてアメリカ軍に対し攻撃を開始した。精鋭約20個師団が投入されたが、東部戦線での消耗の影響は否めず、かき集めの兵器を十分な補給が可能な弾薬に合わせて改装改修するケースも見られた。その一例である改装B型砲塔は、従来のゼクスフースラー型標準武装であった150mm戦車砲を、より弾薬の補給運搬が容易な128mm砲身に換装し、防御力には定評であったB型砲塔に搭載した派生型である。実質的な攻撃力が低下した反面、軽量化による機動力と搭載弾数及び装填速度の向上は歴戦の戦車兵たちのポテンシャルを最大限に引き出し、「ラインの守り作戦」において、戦後に語り継がれる多くの伝説を生み出すこととなった。(フィスト・オブ・ウォーより)【製品仕様】■車体底面のクーゲルブリッツ砲塔は360度旋回、最大俯角約85度。■乗降ラダーは可動式で車体内部へ通ずる通路も再現。■B型砲塔には128mm戦車砲と暗視装置を装備。■脚部は付け根、膝及び足首関節が可動。■シリンダーは関節の動きに合わせて収縮可動。■水転写のドイツ軍デカールが付属。※本製品は未組立・未塗装の組立...


  • <p>In 'Weapon of Choice,' the reader is presented with an absorbing anthology that traverses the multifaceted nature of military strategy and its evolution throughout modern history. This collection distinguishes itself by melding a vast array of literary styles, from analytical essays to firsthand combat narratives, thereby encompassing the broad spectrums of warfare tactics and their implications on global and local scales. The anthology stands out not only for its comprehensive overview but also for highlighting pivotal moments where decisions in weaponry and tactics altered the course of conflicts, showcasing the intricate balance between technological advancement and strategic foresight. The contributing authors, drawn from the esteemed ranks of the United States Department of Defense and the Combat Studies Institute, bring a wealth of experience and insight, having directly engaged with or studied the ramifications of these choices in the theatre of war. Their collective exp...


  • ゼクスフースラー型(6脚)の車体に、クルップ社製溶接砲塔と380mm臼砲を搭載。「レーゲンストーム」(暴風雨)の名を冠したこの戦車は、本来固定式戦闘室でのみ搭載可能であった巨大臼砲とその弾薬を旋回可能な砲塔内に収め、6脚による高機動性と相まって直接照準による砲撃すら可能にした。巨大な車体を生かした15名の兵員輸送能力とその攻撃力により前線における強力な歩兵支援兵器となり、とりわけ1946年の「ラインの守り作戦」におけるアメリカ軍に対するエースの活躍は伝説的なものとなった。前線により、兵員輸送スペースをロケット砲弾ホルダーに置き換えて搭載砲弾数を各段に増やしたものも存在した。(フィスト・オブ・ウォーより)【製品仕様】■完全新規金型のゼクスフースラー(6脚)型ドイツ戦車は1/35スケールに匹敵する大ボリューム。■1/72スケールプラスチックモデル(組み立てには模型専用のニッパー、接着剤、ヤスリ、塗料等の模型工具が必要です)。■E-100ゼクスフースラー型車体に、クルップ型溶接砲塔の380mm臼砲を装備。6本の脚部は各関節がシリンダーと連動して可動。■兵員輸送能力を備える車体の下面には、クーゲルブリッツ砲塔と小型機銃砲塔に加...


  • <p>"Weapon of Choice" presents a history of the U.S. Army special operations forces in Afghanistan from 11 September 2001 to 15 May 2002, during America's global war on terrorism. The purpose of the book is not to resolve Army special operations doctrinal issues, to clarify or update military definitions, or to be the "definitive" history of the continuing unconventional war in Afghanistan. The purpose is to demonstrate how the war to drive the Taliban from power, help Afghan people, and assist the Afghan Interim Authority (AIA) rebuild the country afterward was successfully accomplished by majors, captains, warrant officers, and sergeants on tactical teams and aircrews at the lowest levels. Contents: Prelude to Terror Awakening the Giant "Subdue Without Fighting" Developing the SOF Campaign Top Draft Choices Committed to Middle East Exercises Civil Affairs to Islamabad, Pakistan Site Coordination With the Uzbeks at Karshi Kanabad Uncorking the Bottled Airlift Toppling the Taliban...
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