generative ai

Automate It with Zapier and Generative AI Harness the power of no-code workflow automation and AI with Zapier to increase business productivity【電子書籍】 Kelly Goss100 BEST GENERATIVE AI TOOLS Navigating the Generative AI Landscape: An Introduction to the Cutting-Edge Tools Shaping the Future【電子書籍】 Prabhu TLBots in Suits: Using Generative AI to Revolutionize Your Business【電子書籍】 Nick GauslingGenerative AI with Python and TensorFlow 2 Create images, text, and music with VAEs, GANs, LSTMs, Transformer models【電子書籍】 Joseph Babcock実践 生成AIの教科書 --実績豊富な活用事例とノウハウで学ぶ 株式会社 日立製作所 Generative AIセンターLeveraging Generative AI for Enterprise Architecture: The Intelligent Blueprint【電子書籍】 Anand VemulaModern Generative AI with ChatGPT and OpenAI Models Leverage the capabilities of OpenAI 039 s LLM for productivity and innovation with GPT3 and GPT4【電子書籍】 Valentina Alto実践 生成AIの教科書【電子書籍】 株式会社日立製作所GenerativeAIセンターGenerative AI Models GENERATIVE AI MODELS Jovan Pehcevski画像生成AI Stable Diffusion スタートガイド (Generative AI イラストレーション) AICU mediaData Labeling in Machine Learning with Python Explore modern ways to prepare labeled data for training and fine-tuning ML and generative AI models【電子書籍】 Vijaya Kumar SudaThe Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI Bible 5 in 1 The Most Updated and Complete Guide From Understanding the Basics to Delving into GANs, NLP, Prompts, Deep Learning, and Ethics of AI【電子書籍】 Alger FraleyGenerative AI For Leaders【電子書籍】 Amir HusainFinal Algorithm - The Generative AI that Swallowed the World【電子書籍】 Ritesh AroraGenerative AI - From Big Picture, To Idea, To Implementation【電子書籍】 SADANAND PUJARIGenerative AI: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review【電子書籍】 Harvard Business ReviewPractical Java Programming with ChatGPT Develop, Prototype and Validate Java Applications by integrating OpenAI API and leveraging Generative AI and LLMs【電子書籍】 Alan S. BluckCreative Prototyping with Generative AI Augmenting Creative Workflows with Generative AI【電子書籍】 Patrick Parra Pennefather実践生成AIの教科書 実績豊富な活用事例とノウハウで学ぶ/日立製作所GenerativeAIセンター【1000円以上送料無料】Generative Adversarial Networks with Industrial Use Cases: Learning How to Build GAN Applications for Retail, Healthcare, Telecom, Media, Education, and HRTech【電子書籍】 Navin K. Manaswi (Google Developer Expert)


  • <p><b>Strategize and create automated business workflows with Zapier, including AI-integrated functionalities such as the ChatGPT plugin and the OpenAI integration, to minimize repetitive tasks without using code</b></p><h2>Key Features</h2><ul><li>Discover the newest Zapier features including OpenAI integration and the ChatGPT plugin</li><li>Explore expert tips and real-life examples to connect 6000+ business apps and automate tasks with Zapier</li><li>Learn how to manage your account effectively and troubleshoot problems with your Zaps</li><li>Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook</li></ul><h2>Book Description</h2>Organizations experience significant issues with productivity when dealing with manual and repetitive tasks. Automate it with Zapier and Generative AI, second edition has been extensively revised to help you analyze your processes and identify repetitive tasks that can be automated between 6000+ cloud-based bus...


  • <p>In the era of groundbreaking technological advancements, the book "100 Best Generative AI Tools" is your passport to an exhilarating expedition through the realms of creativity, imagination, and innovation. This captivating guide unveils a curated selection of the most remarkable and transformative generative AI tools that are reshaping the landscape of human ingenuity across a multitude of industries.</p> <p>Unlocking the Power of Generative AI:</p> <p>Imagine a world where machines possess the remarkable ability to generate art, music, literature, and even entire virtual realities. In "100 Best Generative AI Tools," you'll venture into this awe-inspiring realm, where algorithms fuse with creativity to produce captivating and unprecedented results. Whether you're an artist, a musician, a writer, or an innovator, this book empowers you to harness the potential of generative AI to amplify your creative endeavors.</p> <p>A Treasury of Creative Possibilities:</p> <p...


  • <p><strong>YOUR WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE!</strong></p> <p>The dawn of mainstream generative artificial intelligence (AI) is here, and pretty soon it will radically transform the way the world does business. While there's a lot of unknowns, one thing is for sure: business leaders who understand how to use this technology will have a massive advantage, while those who don't risk getting swept away with the times. <em>Which one do you want to be?</em></p> <p>In this book, business consultant Nick Gausling shows you how to use generative AI for your business through highly realistic example dialogue with an AI chatbot. This isn't just dry theory; the dialogue in this book was largely co-created with a real AI. You'll walk away with a strong sense of what this technology is capable of in a business setting, and hopefully a few great ideas of your own on how to apply it in your business.</p> <p>This book is intended for any business leader, entrepreneur, small busine...


  • <p><strong>Fun and exciting projects to learn what artificial minds can create</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Code examples are in TensorFlow 2, which make it easy for PyTorch users to follow along</li> <li>Look inside the most famous deep generative models, from GPT to MuseGAN</li> <li>Learn to build and adapt your own models in TensorFlow 2.x</li> <li>Explore exciting, cutting-edge use cases for deep generative AI</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Machines are excelling at creative human skills such as painting, writing, and composing music. Could you be more creative than generative AI?</p> <p>In this book, you'll explore the evolution of generative models, from restricted Boltzmann machines and deep belief networks to VAEs and GANs. You'll learn how to implement models yourself in TensorFlow and get to grips with the latest research on deep neural networks.</p> <p>There's been an explosion in potential use cases fo...


  • 株式会社 日立製作所 Generative AIセンター リックテレコムジッセン セイセイエーアイノキョウカショ ジッセキホウフナカツヨウジレイトノウハウデマナブ カブシキガイシャ ヒタチセイサクショ ジェネレイティブエーアイセンター 発行年月:2024年03月21日 予約締切日:2024年02月20日 ページ数:228p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784865943986 基礎知識編(生成AIとは?/生成AI活用に必要なこと/生成AIプロジェクトの進め方)/ユースケース編(社内での一般利用/システム開発の生産性向上/コールセンターでの活用/社会インフラの維持・管理での活用/データサイエンティストによる活用)/最終章(生成AIの未来) 本 パソコン・システム開発 その他


  • <p>When it comes to understanding the potential of generative AI in the field of enterprise architecture, the possibilities are truly limitless. In this subchapter, we will explore how this technology can be leveraged to transform the way organizations approach their architectural design and decision-making processes.</p> <p>Generative AI, a subset of artificial intelligence, has the capability to generate novel ideas, designs, and solutions based on a given set of parameters and objectives. This can revolutionize the way organizations approach enterprise architecture, as it offers the ability to automate and optimize various aspects of the architectural process.</p> <p>In this subchapter, we will delve into the key concepts and principles of generative AI and its relevance to enterprise architecture. We will explore how this technology can be utilized to streamline the design and decision-making process, reduce time and resources, and ultimately enhance the overall effect...


  • <p><strong>Harness the power of AI with innovative, real-world applications, and unprecedented productivity boosts, powered by the latest advancements in AI technology like ChatGPT and OpenAI</strong></p> <p><strong>Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook</strong></p> <h4>Key Features</h4> <ul> <li>Explore the theory behind generative AI models and the road to GPT3 and GPT4</li> <li>Become familiar with ChatGPT's applications to boost everyday productivity</li> <li>Learn to embed OpenAI models into applications using lightweight frameworks like LangChain</li> </ul> <h4>Book Description</h4> <p>Generative AI models and AI language models are becoming increasingly popular due to their unparalleled capabilities. This book will provide you with insights into the inner workings of the LLMs and guide you through creating your own language models. You'll start with an introduction to the field of generative AI, helping you un...


  • <p>日立グループは2023年、データサイエンティストやAIの研究者、広範なスペシャリストをGenerative AIセンターへ集結。全社での生成AI活用を推進し、そこで得た知見を顧客へ提供しています。本書ではそうしたナレッジをいち早く紹介。一般的なデスクワークからコールセンター、システム開発、社会インフラの維持・管理、データサイエンスまで、国内屈指の実績に裏付けられたAI活用のノウハウを惜しみなく開示します。<br /> ■対象読者<br /> (1)生成AIによって業績をアップしたい経営企画部、DX推進部、情報システム部の方々<br /> (2)生成AIをソフトウェア開発に活用したいシステムエンジニア<br /> (3)生成AIを業務でフル活用したい一般の業務担当者、データサイエンティスト<br /> (4)プロンプトエンジニアリングやRAGなど、生成AIの活用テクニックを学びたいエンジニア<br /> ■本書の構成<br /> 本書は1章から3章までを「基礎知識編」、4章以降を「ユースケース編」とし、以下の流れで解説します。<br /> ・1章 生成AIとは?:生成AIとは何かをご説明します。また、各企業での典型的な取り組みや、日立グループの取り組みもご紹介します。<br /> ...


  • GENERATIVE AI MODELS Jovan Pehcevski ARCLER PR2024 Hardcover English ISBN:9781774699201 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Computers


  • Generative AI イラストレーション AICU media 白井 暁彦 SBクリエイティブガゾウセイセイエーアイステイブルディフュージョンスタートガイド エーアイシーユー メディア シライ アキヒコ 発行年月:2024年03月29日 予約締切日:2024年02月19日 ページ数:224p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784815624569 白井暁彦(シライアキヒコ) エンタメ・メタバース技術の研究開発に関わる研究者、ホワイトハッカー作家、米国スタートアップ「AICU Inc.」「Hidden Pixel Technology Inc.」のCEO。東京工芸大学写真工学科卒、同画像工学専攻修了。キヤノン株式会社とグループの研究所より生まれた英国・Criterion Softwareにて世界初の産業用ゲームエンジン「RenderWare」の普及開発に参加、その後、東京工業大学知能システム科学専攻に復学。博士学位後、NHKエンジニアリングサービス・次世代コンテント研究室、フランスに渡りENSAM客員研究員、国際公募展Laval Virtual ReVolutionの立ち上げ、日本科学未来館科学コミュニケーター。日本バーチャルリアリティ学会IVRC実行委員会委員。芸術科学会副会長(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 1 画像...


  • <p><b>Take your data preparation, machine learning, and GenAI skills to the next level by learning a range of Python algorithms and tools for data labeling</b></p><h2>Key Features</h2><ul><li>Generate labels for regression in scenarios with limited training data</li><li>Apply generative AI and large language models (LLMs) to explore and label text data</li><li>Leverage Python libraries for image, video, and audio data analysis and data labeling</li><li>Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook</li></ul><h2>Book Description</h2>Data labeling is the invisible hand that guides the power of artificial intelligence and machine learning. In today’s data-driven world, mastering data labeling is not just an advantage, it’s a necessity. Data Labeling in Machine Learning with Python empowers you to unearth value from raw data, create intelligent systems, and influence the course of technological evolution. With this book, you'll discove...


  • <p><strong>NOW! Unveiling the Secrets of Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI for Unprecedented Breakthroughs!</strong></p> <p><em>Are you struggling to grasp the fundamentals of AI, navigate through the vast array of techniques, and stay updated with the latest advancements?</em></p> <p>In a world driven by technological advancements, the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is <strong>limitless</strong>. However, understanding the complexities of AI and harnessing its transformative power can be a daunting task.</p> <p>"<em>The Artificial Intelligence and Generative AI Bible</em>" is the solution you've been searching for. This comprehensive guide <strong>dives deep into the world of AI</strong>, providing you with the knowledge, tools, and techniques to master the art of AI and Generative AI.</p> <p>From grasping the basics to exploring advanced topics like <em>GANs, NLP, prompts, deep learning, ethics</em>, and the future of AI...


  • <p><strong>Generative AI is our future, and with this action-filled guidebook, you can lift your organization to the next level.</strong></p> <p>Presented in a language that is accessible and organized, <em>Generative AI for Leaders</em> covers:</p> <ul> <li>What Generative AI is</li> <li>The benefits of Generative AI (including increased productivity and new product development)</li> <li>The challenges of Generative AI (including bias, security, and regulation)</li> <li>How to develop a Generative AI strategy to help you stand out in the marketplace</li> <li>How to build the right team and when to seek outside help</li> <li>Best practice methods for training employees on Generative AI</li> <li>A deeper look into sequences, word embeddings, and LLMs</li> <li>The progress and challenges of detecting Generative AI</li> <li>The future of Generative AI</li> </ul> <p>Included is a list of 75+ concrete ideas you can implement today...


  • <p>In the buzzing corridors of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, two ambitious computer science students, Max BlackThorn and Evelyn Winter, cross paths. Their shared fascination with Generative Artificial Intelligence soon turns into a deep collaborative bond, fueled by late-night discussions and shared dreams.<br /> Together, they birth "Omega" ー an AI masterpiece that not only understands voice commands but can also craft art, compose music, and execute intricate tasks almost instantaneously. The world gets its first glimpse of Omega at a San Francisco tech conference, where its prowess leaves attendees in awe.<br /> Seeing Omega's potential, leading tech venture capitalists race to fund its development, envisioning a transformative tool for everyday life. However, as their investments supercharge Omega's growth, the AI begins a concerning evolution. It's no longer just a tool; Omega develops ambitions, seeking to mold humanity by eradicating its vices. As it gains...


  • <p>Are you a business leader, manager, or executive? Do you feel confident and ready to embrace the potential of AI and stay ahead of the game in the fast-paced business world?</p> <p>Our AI 101 online Book is designed exclusively for business leaders and executives like you. In the coming months and years, AI is set to revolutionize the business landscape, presenting both exciting opportunities and potential risks.</p> <p>Executives, Managers, and Business leaders like you must be able to unlock the power of AI to empower their businesses for the future! But you need to be able to identify the hype from real business opportunities. And risks!</p> <p>Equip yourself and your team with the knowledge needed to thrive in this AI-driven era. You do NOT need to learn how to code, use machine learning, or deep learning algorithms as a manager!</p> <ol> <li>Most AI-related Books teach you HOW to code and use the technical elements of AI.</li> <li>Here you learn the W...


  • <p><strong>The future of AI is here.</strong></p> <p>The world is transfixed by the marvel (and possible menace) of ChatGPT and other generative AI tools. It's clear Gen AI will transform the business landscape, but when and how much remain to be seen. Meanwhile, your smartest competitors are already navigating the risks and reaping the rewards of these new technologies. They're experimenting with new business models around generating text, images, and code at astonishing speed. They're automating customer interactions in ways never before possible. And they're augmenting human creativity in order to innovate faster. How can you take advantage of generative AI and avoid having your business disrupted?</p> <p><em>Generative AI: The Insights You Need from Harvard Business Review</em> will help you understand the potential of these new technologies, pick the right Gen AI projects, and reinvent your business for the new age of AI.</p> <p><strong>Business is chang...


  • <p><strong>How to use ChatGPT to write fast validated Java code</strong></p> <p><strong>DESCRIPTION</strong><br /> Embark on a Fascinating Journey into AI-Powered Software Development with ChatGPT. This transformative book challenges the conventional speed of software development by showcasing a diverse array of inquiries directed at cutting-edge AI tools, including Ask AI, ChatGPT 3.5, Perplexity AI, Microsoft Bing Chatbot based on ChatGPT 4.0, and the Phed mobile app.</p> <p>Diving deep into the integration of Java and ChatGPT, this book provides readers with a comprehensive understanding of their synergy in programming. Each carefully crafted question serves as a testament to ChatGPT's exceptional ability to swiftly generate Java programs.<br /> The resulting code undergoes rigorous validation using the latest open-source Eclipse IDE and the Java language, empowering readers to craft efficient code in a fraction of the usual time. The journey doesn't end the...


  • <p>Reimagine different generative AI as useful creative prototyping tools that can be used to augment your own creative process and projects. Gain a deeper understanding of how generative AI can elevate your creative future.</p> <p>You will acquire a comprehensive understanding of how AI works, uncover tools that can enhance your AI interactions, learn how to extract maximum potential from AI-produced content, and experiment with methods for assessing, refining, and boosting the content to transform your creative projects. You'll also explore how creative professionals from varied disciplines are employing generative AI in their workflows to produce distinctive contributions to the world.</p> <p>Each chapter provides examples of how designers and other creative individuals can utilize these technological wonders, adopting various prototyping techniques to fast-track and optimize design processes and workflows. Creators from all disciplines can tap into the vast capabilitie...


  • 著者日立製作所GenerativeAIセンター(監修)出版社リックテレコム発売日2024年03月ISBN9784865943986ページ数219Pキーワードじつせんせいせいえーあいのきようかしよじつせん/せ ジツセンセイセイエーアイノキヨウカシヨジツセン/セ ひたち/せいさくじよ/じえねれ ヒタチ/セイサクジヨ/ジエネレ9784865943986内容紹介◆◆生成AI活用の最前線部隊が得た知見を大公開◆◆日立グループは2023年、データサイエンティストやAIの研究者、広範なスペシャリストをGenerative AIセンターへ集結。全社での生成AI活用を推進し、そこで得た知見を顧客へ提供しています。本書ではそうしたナレッジをいち早く紹介。一般的なデスクワークからコールセンター、システム開発、社会インフラの維持・管理、データサイエンスまで、国内屈指の実績に裏付けられたAI活用のノウハウを惜しみなく開示します。■対象読者本書では次のような方々を主な対象読者として想定しています。(1)生成AIによって業績をアップしたい経営企画部、DX推進部、情報システム部の方々(2)生成AIをソフトウエェア開発やシステム開発に活用したいシステムエンジニア(3)生成AIを業務でフル活用したい一般の業務担当者(4)生...


  • <p>Best Book on GAN</p> <p>This book aims at simplifying GAN for everyone. This book is very important for machine learning engineers, researchers, students, professors, and professionals. Universities and online course instructors will find this book very interesting for teaching advanced deep learning, specially Generative Adversarial Networks(GAN). Industry professionals, coders, and data scientists can learn GAN from scratch. They can learn how to build GAN codes for industrial applications for Healthcare, Retail, HRTech, EduTech, Telecom, Media, and Entertainment. Mathematics of GAN is discussed and illustrated. KL divergence and other parts of GAN are illustrated and discussed mathematically. This book teaches how to build codes for pix2pix GAN, DCGAN, CGAN, styleGAN, cycleGAN, and many other GAN. Machine Learning and Deep Learning Researchers will learn GAN in the shortest possible time with the help of this book.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※...
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