
Follow me I Will Lead You Letters of a BEF Battalion Leader, 1914 1915【電子書籍】 George Brenton Laurie『数量限定!送料無料!』 george ジョージ daisy lead デイジーリード 中大型用Lサイズ レッドGlobal Economic System, The How Liquidity Shocks Affect Financial Institutions and Lead to Economic Crises【電子書籍】 George ChackoA Leader After God 039 s Own Heart: 15 Ways to Lead with Strength LEADER AFTER GODS OWN HEART Jim GeorgeBecoming a Rare Find How Jagged Resumes Lead to Great Jobs--a Companion Guide to The Rare Find (A Pen guin Special from Portfolio)【電子書籍】 George AndersThe Innovator 039 s Mindset Empower Learning, Unleash Talent, and Lead a Culture of Creativity【電子書籍】 George Couros『2024年春新発売!!』 GEORGE ジョージ 小中型犬用Sサイズ ブラック BLACK CORDURA SHORT LEAD ブラックコーデュラショートリード しつけ用 トレーニング 長さ2段階調整式【おかげ様で信頼の23周年!】【安心の年中無休!】『2024年春新発売!!』 GEORGE ジョージ 全犬種用サイズ ブラック BLACK CORDURA VERY SHORT LEAD ブラックコーデュラベリーショートリード しつけ用 トレーニング用【おかげ様で信頼の23周年!】【安心の年中無休!】Prisoners of Their Premises How Unexamined Assumptions Lead to War and Other Policy Debacles【電子書籍】 George C. Edwards III『2024年春新発売!!』 GEORGE ジョージ 中大型犬用Lサイズ ブラック BLACK CORDURA SHORT LEAD ブラックコーデュラショートリード しつけ用 トレーニング 長さ2段階調整式【おかげ様で信頼の23周年!】【安心の年中無休!】正規品 本物保証 新品 ロンハーマン Ron Herman DOG LEAD リード S GEORGE ジョージ 別注 直営店限定 ブランド ロゴ 刺繍 オシャレ スタイリッシュ 愛犬 愛犬家 ハーネス セット 犬具 ペットグッズ ペット用品 散歩 お出かけ 小型犬 中型犬 大型犬 犬 プレゼント ギフト『数量限定!送料無料!』 george ジョージ daisy lead デイジーリード 中大型用Lサイズ ネイビーBreaking Free of Bonkers How to Lead in Today 039 s Crazy World of Organizations【電子書籍】 George BinneyLead Greece Well Or Die Horribly【電子書籍】 George Saoulidis『数量限定!送料無料!』 george ジョージ daisy lead デイジーリード 小中型用Sサイズ ネイビー『数量限定!送料無料!』 george ジョージ daisy lead デイジーリード 小中型用Sサイズ レッド『数量限定!送料無料!』 george ジョージ daisy lead デイジーリード 中大型用Lサイズ オリーブWhen Leaders Lead【電子書籍】 Dr. George Hill『数量限定!送料無料!』 george ジョージ daisy lead デイジーリード 小中型用Sサイズ オリーブ【中古】 George Strait / Lead In 【CD】


  • <p>'Follow me! I will lead you!' were the last words of Lt. Col. George Brenton Laurie, who commanded the 1st Battalion Royal Irish Rifles and was killed at Neuve Chapelle in March, 1915. He died with his revolver in hand while leading his men in an assault on the German lines. Laurie left behind a remarkable collection of letters, which provide us with a privileged insight into the day to day experience of a battalion commander and his struggles to make sense of the developing madness of trench warfare.Leading his battalion amidst the constant mud, shelling, sniping and waterlogged trenches of Flanders occupied every waking moment of the life of Lt. Col. Laurie, from the moment the battalion was deployed in November, 1914 through to his death in March, 1915.His surviving letters give a clear sense of the ever present danger from the bullets, and shells, and the miserable squalorendured by the men who fought the early trench battles during the first winter of the Great War. Laurie...


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  • <p>Written for financial professionals, the authors thoroughly explain the modern global credit system; the roles of banks, hedge funds, insurers, central banks, mortgage markets, and other participants; and the credit-related instruments they rely on. In particular, the authors illuminate the crucial importance of liquidity, and show why liquidity failures have been the key cause of all major market crashes for the past several decades. <em><strong>The Global Financial System</strong></em> thoroughly examines economic environments in which slow de-leveraging leads to prolonged sluggish growth, and compares today's environment to other periods of deleveraging, such as the Great Depression and the Japanese economic meltdown of the '90s and '00s. It predicts potential pathways for the current crisis, and offers essential guidance to both policymakers and investment decision-makers.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願い...


  • LEADER AFTER GODS OWN HEART Jim George HARVEST HOUSE PUBL2012 Paperback English ISBN:9780736937009 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion


  • <p>Why don’t employers take a more optimistic view of people’s potential? Why is there such a fixation on a few bullet-point highlights of candidates’ r?sum?s, to the point that most applicants are quickly cast aside as “not good enough”? Why is there such unwillingness to get to know what job seekers are all about? What if you could change the rules? What if you could capture the attention of employers who should be hiring you, persuading them to see you on your terms?</p> <p><em>Becoming a Rare Find</em> will show you how to approach job hunting in ways that play to your strengths. If you are a natural project manager, then develop a project plan. If you like marketing, build a marketing campaign that centers on reasons why employers should want you. Whatever approach you settle onーand no matter what job you wantーyou will get a better chance to “show your fire.” You will escape the clutter of job-posting stampedes, where the odds of winning even a barista’s job can be ...


  • <p>The traditional system of education requires students to hold their questions and compliantly stick to the scheduled curriculum. But our job as educators is to provide new and better opportunities for our students. It’s time to recognize that compliance doesn’t foster innovation, encourage critical thinking, or inspire creativityーand those are the skills our students need to succeed. In The Innovator’s Mindset, George Couros encourages teachers and administrators to empower their learners to wonder, to exploreーand to become forward-thinking leaders.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p><strong>A timely look at the real costs of leaders not examining their assumptions.</strong></p> <p>Why do accomplished and stable leaders frequently make calamitous decisions with devastating consequences for their countriesーand other nations? We debate debacles such as the American involvement in Vietnam, seeking to understand why leaders pursued disastrous policies. In <em>Prisoners of Their Premises</em>, George C. Edwards III argues that the failure of leaders to examine their premisesーthe assumptions they make about the world and situation they are dealing withーcause them to ignore real problems or pursue policies that, in costly ways, deal with problems that are different than they think or simply don’t exist. Edwards looks at the role of premises in identifying (or ignoring) a problem in a series of case studies that range from strategic decisions in World War I and the Korean War to the wars in Vietnam and Iraq. Too often, unexamined premises color initi...


  • オーナー様がわんちゃんに引っ張られての散歩ではなく、きちんとオーナー様の足下でついて歩けることが散歩での大切なことだと僕たちは考えます。こちらは耐久性が高く、米軍でも使われている丈夫で発色がきれいなCORDURA NYLONを使用したショートリードです。わんちゃんがオーナー様の足下でしっかり歩いてくれる60cmの ショートリードです。バックル部分を外すと118cmに長くなります。2パターンの使い方が出来る使い心地抜群のリードです。内側はウェットスーツの生地なので、持った感が女性にも優しい柔らかさで、もちろん濡れても全然平気です♪店長数年愛用していますが全く壊れませんね!おススメ出来ます。 『店長より…』 このリーシュは散歩コースで草むらなどに入れたい場合、なるべく横につけたい場合と2通り考えられる場合におすすめ。そうではなく散歩コースが街中で、排尿が電柱や街路樹下など、リーシュを伸ばさずきっちり飼い主さんの横につけたい場合は、コチラではなくさらに短い長さ調整不可のベリーショートリードを使ってください。 『重要』 この犬具は散歩中犬が引っ張った時にグッと瞬間力強くクイックに引きコマンドを入れ、引っ張っちゃだめだよ!...


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  • <p><strong>IS IT JUST ME OR IS EVERYTHING AROUND HERE BONKERS?</strong></p> <p>Do you ever feel bewildered or even oppressed by what goes on in your organization? Does anything ever strike you as odd, ridiculous, inefficient or just plain bonkers? Chances are you are not alone.</p> <p>No matter what industry, sector or institution, the world of work can often seem bonkers. We can spend so much time ticking boxes, preparing plans and reports, sitting in unproductive meetings, replying to unhelpful emails and trying to deliver on misconceived, top-down initiatives that the time to do <em>real</em> work is squeezed out.</p> <p><em>Breaking Free of Bonkers</em> shows you how it is possible to make progress despite the mad and messy world of today's organizations. Against the odds, it is possible to lead effectively.</p> <p>George Binney, Phil Glanfield and Gerhard Wilke are three organization consultants from Ashridge Business School. They have an unusual v...


  • <p>Vatos has a job to do, and that job is relatively simple. He just has to keep the Prime Minister alive. But what can he do when the very system of the government is killing every Prime Minister who fails, one after another?</p> <p><strong>Do you want to know what’s next for the stoic and confused Vatos? Do you wanna meet Kallipolis? Then read this short story and get a taste of tomorrow.</strong></p> <p><strong>What is the god complex universe?</strong></p> <p>The gods are back in town. Skyscrapers pop out of nowhere all around Athens. Corporations rename themselves as Greek gods. It all started with the Greek crisis of 2009 and it will forever change the world as we know it. Some say that CEO’s have gone mad. Others, that they know damn well what they are doing. That there is something solid amongst the myth. In the day of inter-connectivity and social media admiration, can the ancient myths come back to life?</p> <p>What happens when a corporation gets...


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  • <p>When you see God's potential, you become a dreamer. When you see your own potential, you become an achiever. When you see the potential in others you become a leader. With over 40 years of leadership experience, Dr. George Hill brings a wealth of experience and a deep knowledge of the uncompromising Word of God to these quick lessons for leaders.<br /> Dr. George Stanley Hill is a modern-day apostle who along with his wife Hazel founded Victory Churches International - an apostolic and prophetic church-planting movement that has spread around the world. Victory has launched church planting organizations in many countries, along with Bible Colleges, orphanages, Christian Schools, as well as many outreaches to the poor. They formed an active Canadian political lobby and launched Canada's first ever 24-hour Christian television station. Victory Churches is a multi-generational, multi-national movement with a heart to reach the world for Jesus.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しば...


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