
Waiting for Godot A Tragicomedy in Two Acts【電子書籍】 Samuel BeckettBeginning Game Development with Godot Learn to Create and Publish Your First 2D Platform Game【電子書籍】 Maithili DhuleGodotかんたん入門 図解と画面で直感体得【電子書籍】 勝村友博Waiting for Godot A Tragicomedy in Two Acts【電子書籍】 Samuel BeckettGodot from Zero to Proficiency (Intermediate) Godot from Zero to Proficiency, 3【電子書籍】 Patrick FeliciaGodot Engineではじめるゲーム制作 オープンソースのゲームエンジン (I/O books) 天沢らせんGodot 3D Game Development 2D Adventure Games, 3D Maths and Physics, Game Mechanics, Animations, and 3D Game Development (English Edition)【電子書籍】 Marijo Trkuljaゴドーを待ちながら / 原タイトル:EN ATTENDANT GODOT 本/雑誌 (白水uブックス) (新書) / サミュエル ベケット/著 安堂信也/訳 高橋康也/訳Aspettando Godot di Samuel Beckett (Analisi del libro) Analisi completa e sintesi dettagliata del lavoro【電子書籍】 Alexandre RandalはじめてのゲームエンジンGodot 酒井雅裕Waiting for Godot Character Studies【電子書籍】 Dr Paul LawleyAspettando Godot Cittadinanza e diritti LGBTQ in Italia【電子書籍】 Beatrice GusmanoProcedural Generation in Godot Learn to Generate Enjoyable Content for Your Games【電子書籍】 Christopher PittMastering Godot: A Comprehensive Guide to Game Development【電子書籍】 Kameron HussainWaiting for Godot: A Tragicomedy in Two Acts WAITING FOR GODOT (Beckett, Samuel) Samuel BeckettGodot Engine Game Development Projects Build five cross-platform 2D and 3D games with Godot 3.0【電子書籍】 Chris BradfieldGodot Engine Game Development in 24 Hours, Sams Teach Yourself The Official Guide to Godot 3.0【電子書籍】 Ariel ManzurGodot from Zero to Proficiency (Advanced) Godot from Zero to Proficiency, 1【電子書籍】 Patrick FeliciaGodot from Zero to Proficiency (Foundations) Godot from Zero to Proficiency, 1【電子書籍】 Patrick FeliciaGodot from Zero to Proficiency (Proficient) Godot from Zero to Proficiency, 5【電子書籍】 Patrick Felicia


  • <p>Subtitled 'A tragicomedy in two Acts', and famously described by the Irish critic Vivien Mercier as a play in which 'nothing happens, twice', <em>En attendant Godot</em> was first performed at the Th??tre de Babylone in Paris in 1953. It was translated into English by Samuel Beckett, and <em>Waiting for</em> <em>Godot</em> opened at the Arts Theatre in London in 1955.<br /> 'Go and see <em>Waiting for Godot</em>. At the worst you will discover a curiosity, a four-leaved clover, a black tulip; at the best something that will securely lodge in a corner of your mind for as long as you live.' Harold Hobson, 7 August 1955<br /> 'I told him that if by Godot I had meant God I would have said God, and not Godot. This seemed to disappoint him greatly.' Samuel Beckett, 1955</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Learn the fundamentals of Godot by diving headfirst into creating a 2D platformer from scratch. This book is a hands-on, practical guide to developing 2D games using the Godot Engine 3.2.3/3.3, with the help of GDScript.</p> <p>Author <strong>Maithili Dhule</strong> begins by explaining some basic tools and techniques used to make games, the factors that need to be considered while choosing a game engine, and pointing out the benefits of using Godot. She then walks you through downloading the engine and guides you as you explore key features of its interface. Next, you’ll receive a concise introduction to the basics of GDScript, the main scripting language used in Godot, before moving on to essential topics such as Godot’s node-scene architecture, the interaction of various physics bodies, the creation of game scenes, and writing scripts. As the book progresses, you’ll learn how to create and animate your game character, design the game world, add enemies, and implement...


  • <p>ゲームエンジンは2D/3Dグラフィックスやゲーム制作はもちろん、AR/VR開発も効率化できることから、医療、教育、エンタメ、エンジニアリング等の分野でも活用されるようになりました。その中で最近、がぜん注目度を高めているのが「Godot」です。</p> <p>それには以下の利点があるからです。</p> <p>(1)UnityやUE4と異なり、商用フリーのMITライセンス。しかもエンジン自体の拡張性が高く、必要な機能の自作も可能。</p> <p>(2)UIや操作がシンプルで、エディタも内蔵。多少のプログラミング経験があれば簡単に習得できる。</p> <p>(3)GitHubをはじめ世界中でコミュニティ活動が活発。2020年末にフェイスブック(現メタ)が支援を発表したことが、ますますの追い風に。</p> <p>(4)2023年3月リリースのVer.4.0では、レンダリングエンジンが大幅に強化され、グラフィックス品質も向上。</p> <p> 本書の著者は5年以上にわたり、ゲームエンジンを使ったプログラミング教育を実践してきました。本書ではその経験を活かし、図解や画面をふんだんに例示しながら、初学者がつまずきやすい点をフォローしていきます。</p> <p>●対象読者</p...


  • <p>From an inauspicious beginning at the tiny Left Bank Theatre de Babylone in 1953, followed by bewilderment among American and British audiences, <em>Waiting for Godot</em> has become of the most important and enigmatic plays of the past fifty years and a cornerstone of twentieth-century drama. As Clive Barnes wrote, “Time catches up with genius … <em>Waiting for Godot</em> is one of the masterpieces of the century.”</p> <p>The story revolves around two seemingly homeless men waiting for someoneーor somethingーnamed Godot. Vladimir and Estragon wait near a tree, inhabiting a drama spun of their own consciousness. The result is a comical wordplay of poetry, dreamscapes, and nonsense, which has been interpreted as mankind’s inexhaustible search for meaning. Beckett’s language pioneered an expressionistic minimalism that captured the existential post-World War II Europe. His play remains one of the most magical and beautiful allegories of our time.</p>画面が切り替わり...


  • <p><strong>Get started with Godot and game programming fast without the headaches</strong><br /> Godot is a great software to create video games; however, it includes so many options and features that getting started can feel overwhelming. Without my book, most people spend too long trying to learn how to use Godot and GDScript the hard way. This is the only book that will get you to learn GDScript fast without wasting so much time. It is the third book in the series "Godot from Zero to Proficiency" where you will learn to code fast and be able to create your own video games with Godot in no time.</p> <p><strong>What you will learn</strong></p> <ul> <li>After completing this book, you will be able to:</li> <li>Learn intermediate GDScript concepts including timers, ray-casting, templates, co-routines, match structures, functions, loops, classes, enums.</li> <li>Create intelligent robots that target and shoot at the player.</li> <li>Create a weapon ma...


  • オープンソースのゲームエンジン I/O books 天沢らせん 工学社ゴドー エンジン デ ハジメル ゲーム セイサク アマサワ,ラセン 発行年月:2015年11月 ページ数:207p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784777519224 天沢らせん(アマサワラセン) 1984年東京都生まれ。大学卒業後にプログラマーとして、「WEB」「SI」「組み込み」「ゲーム」など、さまざまな種類のプロジェクトに関わる。現在は3DーCGについて気づいたことを細々と記録していく、中級者向けのブログを運営中(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 第1章 基本(概要説明/ダウンロード・インストール ほか)/第2章 2Dゲームの作り方(Hello World/キャラクター ほか)/第3章 3Dゲームの作り方(「2D」との違い/2Dの要素を3D化する)/第4章 スクリプトの使い方(スクリプトの使い方/日本語を使う ほか) 本 パソコン・システム開発 プログラミング その他


  • <p>The impressive Godot game engine allows any programmer to start making 2D and 3D games without any specialized language requirements. In addition, this game engine makes it simple to design video games, create interactive and animated applications, and utilize them in advertising campaigns. The book starts with the fundamental aspects of game production. The book explains how games are made firsthand by interacting with several real-world projects. This book teaches you the basics of game development, which includes how to make a 2D platformer, point-and-click, or adventure game. Later, the book will help you progress to more challenging and complicated games like 3D platformers and 3D role-playing adventures. The book provides practical guidance on a wide range of topics, including gaming design patterns, advanced design methodologies, and the underlying principles of a 3D game. If you're making a game to promote a digital or physical product, the Godot engine will make it sim...


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>田舎道。一本の木。夕暮れ。エストラゴンとヴラジーミルという二人組のホームレスが、救済者ゴドーを待ちながら、ひまつぶしに興じている。そこにやってきたのは...暴君ポッツォとその召使いラッキー、そして伝言をたずさえた男の子!不条理演劇の最高傑作として名高い、ノーベル文学賞作家ベケットを代表する傑作戯曲。<アーティスト/キャスト>高橋康也(演奏者) サミュエル・ベケット(演奏者)<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-1515905Samuel Beketto / Cho Ando Shinya / Yaku Takahashi Koya / Yaku / Godo Wo Machinagara / Original Title: EN ATTENDANT GODOT (Shirozu U Bukkusu)メディア:本/雑誌重量:167g発売日:2013/06JAN:9784560071830ゴドーを待ちながら / 原タイトル:EN ATTENDANT GODOT[本/雑誌] (白水uブックス) (新書) / サミュエル・ベケット/著 安堂信也/訳 高橋康也/訳2013/06発売


  • <p>Cosa dobbiamo imparare da Aspettando Godot, l'opera principale del teatro dell'assurdo? Trovate tutto quello che c'? da sapere su quest'opera in un'analisi completa e dettagliata.</p> <p>In questa scheda troverete:<br /> - Un riassunto completo<br /> - Una presentazione dei personaggi principali come Vladimir ed Estragone<br /> - Un'analisi delle specificit? dell'opera: l'assurdo, il linguaggio, i temi della ripetizione e dell'attesa, il tragico e il comico.</p> <p>Un'analisi di riferimento per comprendere rapidamente il significato dell'opera.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • 酒井雅裕 カットシステムハジメテ ノ ゲーム エンジン ゴトー サカイ,マサヒロ 発行年月:2022年07月 予約締切日:2022年07月06日 ページ数:211p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784877835200 酒井雅裕(サカイマサヒロ) 1962年生まれ。神奈川工科大学情報学部准教授。専門はITの異分野応用。画像理解、機械学習、教育工学など(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) ゲームエンジンを学ぶ目的:得点類型の実装/Godotのインストールとデプロイ/Godotのサンプルを通じたPython言語に似たGDScriptの最低限のあらまし/イチから2D衝突検出(コリジョン)サンプルを作る/タイルマップと物理ノード/動的なシーンの設計手法/3Dゲームの基礎:3Dノードのコリジョン/Godotにおける3DCGのファイル形式とBlenderからのエクスポート/アニメーションが複数含まれるデータのコントロール/背景としての3Dモデル/3DのGridmap/技法のまとめと本書で扱えなかったこと 便利なツールを利用してどんどん成果物を作ることで無理なくプログラミングに馴染もう!より本格的なゲームエンジンに取り組む足掛かりとしても最適です。 本 パソコン・システム開発 その他


  • <p>This book provides an introductory study of Beckett's<br /> most famous play, dealing not just with the four main<br /> characters but with the pairings that they form, and<br /> the implications of these pairings for the very idea of<br /> character in the play. After locating Godot within the<br /> context of Beckett's work, Lawley discusses some of<br /> the play's puzzles and difficulties-including the<br /> absent "fifth character", Godot himself.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Aspettando Godot ? una famosa opera teatrale di Samuel Beckett, ma anche una calzante metafora dello stato di salute delle politiche sulla cittadinanza sessuale e intima delle persone LGBTQ+ in Italia. Cambiamenti sociali che sembrano imminenti, ma che alla fine non arrivano mai, dando vita a uno scenario di politiche LGBTQ+ perennemente incompiute, in bilico tra spinte di cambiamento e venti di restaurazione. L’obiettivo del libro ? fornire una bussola che combini prospettive teoriche e dati di ricerca empirica per capire le ragioni dell’attuale configurazione, identificando possibili leve di cambiamento. ? pensato come testo introduttivo per student* nell’ambito delle scienze politiche e sociali, operator* dei servizi e persone interessate a comprendere i meccanismi ? contemporaneamente normativi, politici e sociali ? che limitano il pieno accesso alla cittadinanza delle donne lesbiche, degli uomini gay e delle persone trans e queer.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお...


  • <p>Learn the tricks of simple procedural generation and how various genres, such as racing simulators, platformers, and roguelikes, can all benefit from these techniques.</p> <p>In this book, you'll learn how to combine hand-crafted content with algorithms to create immersive and beautiful environments. You'll learn how to create a seeding system, so that you can replay great levels with your friends. We'll cover how to create good tilesets, how to use the tilemap editor effectively, and how to inject just the right amount of logic into an otherwise automated machine that is your own personal procedural content generation engine.</p> <p>We will use 2D examples to demonstrate the concepts covered throughout the book. By the time you complete this book, you’ll have a good handle on how to add procedural generation to your games.</p> <p><strong>What You Will Learn</strong></p> <ul> <li>Learn to set up the perfect content generation system</li> <li>Master the...


  • <p>'Mastering Godot: A Comprehensive Guide to Game Development' is an essential read for aspiring game developers and enthusiasts seeking to deepen their understanding of the Godot Engine. This meticulously crafted guide takes readers on an enlightening journey through the intricacies of game development using Godot, a powerful, open-source game engine known for its flexibility and user-friendly interface.</p> <p>Starting with the basics, the book introduces readers to the Godot Engine, outlining its unique features and capabilities. It provides step-by-step instructions on setting up the development environment, making it accessible even to beginners. As the guide progresses, it delves into more complex topics such as scripting, animation, and sound design, offering practical tips and techniques to enhance the reader's game development skills.</p> <p>One of the highlights of this guide is its focus on both the technical and artistic aspects of game development. It offers ...


  • WAITING FOR GODOT Beckett, Samuel Samuel Beckett GROVE ATLANTIC2011 Paperback English ISBN:9780802144423 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Drama


  • <p>Create interactive cross-platform games with the Godot Engine 3.0 About This Book ? Learn the art of developing cross-platform games ? Leverage Godot's node and scene system to design robust, reusable game objects ? Integrate Blender easily and efficiently with Godot to create powerful 3D games Who This Book Is For Godot Engine Game Development Projects is for both new users and experienced developers, who want to learn to make games using a modern game engine. Some prior programming experience is recommended. What You Will Learn ? Get started with the Godot game engine and editor ? Organize a game project ? Import graphical and audio assets ? Use Godot's node and scene system to design robust, reusable game objects ? Write code in GDScript to capture input and build complex behaviors ? Implement user interfaces to display information ? Create visual effects to spice up your game ? Learn techniques that you can apply to your own game projects In Detail Godot Engine Game Develop...


  • <p>In just 24 sessions of one hour or less, this guide will help you create great 2D and 3D games for any platform with the 100% free Godot 3.0 game engine. Its straightforward, step-by-step approach guides you from basic scenes, graphics, and game flow through advanced shaders, environments, particle rendering, and networked games. Godot’s co-creator and main contributorwalk you through building three complete games, offering advanced techniques you won’t find anywhere else.</p> <p>Every lesson builds on what you’ve already learned, giving you a rock-solid foundation for real-world success.</p> <p><strong>Step-by-step instructions</strong> carefully walk you through the most common Godot engine programming tasks and techniques</p> <p><strong>Practical, hands-on examples</strong> show you how to apply what you learn</p> <p><strong>Quizzes and exercises</strong> help you test your knowledge and stretch your skills</p> <p><strong>Notes and tips</st...


  • <p><strong>Get started with Godot and game programming fast without the headaches</strong><br /> Godot is a great software to create video games; however, it includes so many options and features that getting started can feel overwhelming.<br /> Without my book, most people spend too long trying to learn how to use Godot and GDScript the hard way. This book is the only one that will get you to learn GDScript fast without wasting so much time. It is the third book in the series "Godot from Zero to Proficiency" where you will learn to code fast and be able to create your own video games with Godot in no time.</p> <p><strong>What you will learn</strong><br /> After completing this book, you will be able to:</p> <ul> <li>Learn advanced GDScript concepts</li> <li>Create scenes fast using procedural generation</li> <li>Update and access a database from your game.</li> <li>Create a networked multiplayer.</li> <li>Create a 2D platform game with como...


  • <p><strong>Get started with Godot and game programming fast without the headaches</strong><br /> Godot is a great software to create video games; however, it includes so many options and features that getting started can feel overwhelming.<br /> Without my book, most people spend too long trying to learn how to use Godot the hard way. This book is the only one that will get you to learn Godot fast without wasting so much time. This book is the first book in the series "Godot from Zero to Proficiency" where you will learn to code fast and be able to create your own video games with Godot in no time.</p> <p><strong>What you will learn</strong><br /> After completing this book, you will be able to:</p> <ul> <li>Know and master the features that you need to create 3D environments for your games.</li> <li>Quickly create (and navigate through) realistic 3D indoors and outdoors environments.</li> <li>Create a 3D Maze with lights, walls, and textures.</li...


  • <p><strong>First Edition, Published in February 2022</strong></p> <p>In this book, the fifth book in the series, you will become comfortable with creating your own RPG. If you were ever interested in creating systems for your game to speed up your coding and create and maintain levels easily, then this book is for you.</p> <p>The book includes a list of the learning objectives at the start of each chapter, step-by-step activities, and quizzes to test your knowledge, and the content of each chapter is as follows:</p> <ul> <li><strong>Chapter 1</strong> gives an introduction to the RPG genre. You will learn the design principles that will help you to speed up your development process.</li> <li><strong>Chapter 2</strong> helps you to create and animate your main 3D character, add a camera that will follow this character as well as a mini-map. You will also learn to use Godot's built-in 3D editor to create a village.</li> <li><strong>Chapter 3</str...
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