history of japan

Brief History of Japan SAMURAI,SHOGUN AND ZEN:TH ジョナサン クレメンツA History of Japan From Stone Age to Superpower【電子書籍】 K. HenshallSUN SURF(サンサーフ) RAYON HAWAIIAN SHIRT “HISTORY OF THE ISLANDS” Lot No. SS38792-119)BLACK Made.In Japan「冒険 探検」というメディア 戦後日本の「アドベンチャー」はどう消費されたか (Social History of Japan 1) 高井 昌吏To Stand with the Nations of the World Japan 039 s Meiji Restoration in World History【電子書籍】 Mark RavinaHistory of National Curriculum Standards Reform in Japan Blueprint of Japanese citizen character formation 本/雑誌 (単行本 ムック) / KatsutoshiMizuhara/〔著〕History of Japan: From Early History to the Present Day【電子書籍】 Viktoria NiebuhrHistory of Modern Japan In Search of a Nation: 1850 to the Present【電子書籍】 Christopher Harding書籍 吹奏楽「昭和の資料集」 吹奏楽の歩み: 初期から成熟期にかけて 【秋山紀夫著】【10,000円以上送料無料】(History of Wind Orchestra,1900s in Japan -Initial Stage to Maturity Stage- by Toshio ...)日本の200年 徳川時代から現代まで 下 / 原タイトル:A MODERN HISTORY OF JAPAN 原著第3版の翻訳 本/雑誌 (単行本 ムック) / アンドルー ゴードン/〔著〕 森谷文昭/訳A Concise History of Japan【電子書籍】 Brett L. WalkerShowa 1926-1939: A History of Japan SHOWA 1926-1939 (Showa: A History of Japan) Shigeru MizukiThe Political History of Modern Japan Foreign Relations and Domestic Politics【電子書籍】 Kitaoka ShinichiThe Untold History of Ramen How Political Crisis in Japan Spawned a Global Food Craze【電子書籍】 George SoltBrief History of Japan Samurai, Shogun and Zen: The Extraordinary Story of the Land of the Rising Sun【電子書籍】 Jonathan ClementsThe Religions of Japan, from the Dawn of History to the Era of M iji【電子書籍】 William Elliot Griffis【中古】 History of EXTASY 15th Anniversary/CD/EXC-020 / THE HATE HONEY, DEEP, ラヴィアンローズ, TOKYO YANKEES, media youth, オムニバス, YOUTHQUAKE, LADIES ROOM, HYPERM∀NIA, Zi÷KILL, X JAPAN / エ CD 【宅配便出荷】Epitome of the Ancient History of Japan【電子書籍】 Nicholas McLeodA History of Popular Culture in Japan From the Seventeenth Century to the Present【電子書籍】 Dr. E. Taylor AtkinsHistory of Japan Revised Edition【電子書籍】 Richard Mason


  • SAMURAI,SHOGUN AND ZEN:TH ジョナサン・クレメンツ タトル出版ア ブリーフ ヒストリー オブ ジャパン クレメンツ,ジョナサン 発行年月:2017年05月 ページ数:304p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784805313893 本 語学・学習参考書 語学学習 英語 人文・思想・社会 歴史 日本史


  • <p>In a rare combination of comprehensive coverage and sustained critical focus, this book examines Japan's progress through its entire history to its current status as an economic, technological, and cultural superpower. A key factor is a pragmatic determination to succeed. Little-known facts are also brought to light, and the latest findings used.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • 商品名/品番:SUN SURF(サンサーフ) RAYON HAWAIIAN SHIRT “STATE OF HAWAII” Lot No. SS38792 Made.In Japan ■価格:13.800円(税抜き) ■色:119)BLACK ■素材:RAYON 100% 日本製 ■詳細 作品名: “STATE OF HAWAII” ヴィンテージ:HAWAIIAN TOGS 年代: 1950年代中期 素材: レーヨン羽二重(フィラメントレーヨン) プリント: 抜染プリント デザインパターン: オールオーバー・パターン ■商品説明 コレクターの心を鷲掴みにするこのチャプスイ・デザイン(ハワイ語でごちゃ混ぜという意味)は、ハワイアン・トッグス社の秀逸な作品。フラガール、キングカメハメハ、ハワイアンクレスト、アロハタワー、そしてハワイの州花であるハイビスカスが描かれている。同社はポイ・パウンダー・トッグスというブランドを有し、当時手掛けた多くのデザインが現在ではどれも歴史的価値のあるものとなっている 実 寸   商品の特性上個々にサイズ誤差があります素材:COTTON 100% (S) (M) (L) (XL) (XXL) 身幅 52.5cm前後 55.5cm前後 58.0cm前後 60.0cm前後 63.0cm前後 着丈 64.5cm前後 68.0cm前後 71.0cm前後 72.0cm前後 74.0cm前後 肩幅 45.0cm前後 48.0cm前後 51.0cm前後 54.0cm前...


  • 戦後日本の「アドベンチャー」はどう消費されたか Social History of Japan 1 高井 昌吏 法律文化社ボウケンタンケントイウメディア タカイ マサシ 発行年月:2023年12月21日 予約締切日:2023年11月09日 ページ数:310p サイズ:全集・双書 ISBN:9784589043153 高井昌吏(タカイマサシ) 1972年兵庫県生まれ。現在、東洋大学社会学部教授(社会学)(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 「日本人」は冒険・探検をどのように消費してきたかー「メディア・イベント」、「真正性」、「学術探検」、「物語」/第1部 海外渡航自由化以前の冒険・探検ー一九六四年まで(戦後日本の学術探検とマスメディアの関係ー「冒険・探検」をめぐる学術/映画/観客/政治の欲望/海外渡航解禁前(一九六四年以前)の「青年」冒険家たちー小田実と堀江謙一)/第2部 海外渡航自由化と「前人未踏の地」なき時代ー一九六四〜八〇年代(三浦雄一郎の「エベレスト大滑降」(一九七〇年)と大阪万博ー「企業」としての冒険と日本の高度成長期/「自分探し」と「メディア・イベント」の狭間でー国民的英雄・植村直己の誕生/テレビ時代のスペクタクルな冒険・探検...


  • <p>The samurai radicals who overthrew the last shogun in 1868 promised to restore ancient and pure Japanese ways. Foreign observers were terrified that Japan would lapse into violent xenophobia. But the new Meiji government took an opposite course. It copied best practices from around the world, building a powerful and modern Japanese nation with the help of European and American advisors. While revering the Japanese past, the Meiji government boldly embraced the foreign and the new. What explains this paradox? How could Japan's 1868 revolution be both modern and traditional, both xenophobic and cosmopolitan? To Stand with the Nations of the World explains the paradox of the Restoration through the forces of globalization. The Meiji Restoration was part of the global "long nineteenth century" during which ambitious nation states like Japan, Britain, Germany, and the United States challenged the world's great multi-ethnic empires--Ottoman, Qing, Romanov, and Hapsburg. Japan's leade...


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明><収録内容>Aiming for a Modern Model Person-The Establishment of Modern Schools and the 1872 Regulations for the Course of Study for Elementary SchoolsA Confucian Model Person Possessing New Knowledge-The 1881 Guidelines for the Course of study for Elementary SchoolsSubjects with Loyalty and Patriotism under the Imperial System-The Imperial Rescript on Education and Standard Outlines of the Regulations concerning the Elementary School Course in 1891The Practical Model Citizen in a Neo‐Democratic Industrial Society-The Regulations for the Enforcement of the 1900 Elementary School OrderImperial Subjects Who exerted themselves in Ascetic Cultivation and Training toward the Imperial Way-Militaristic National School Order(1941)Citizens Shouldering postwar democracy-Empiricism Course of Studies in 1947 and 1951The Diligent Citizen Striving for Economic Recovery-Systematic Curriculum of 1958・1960 RevisionThe Highly Productive Purpose‐driven Model C...


  • <p><strong>History of Japan: From early history to the present day</strong></p> <p>Introduction to Japan's history</p> <p><strong>Are you interested in the history of Japan?</strong></p> <p><strong>Would you like to know more about the peculiarities and characteristics of each Japanese epoch?</strong></p> <p><em>"Marco Polo was the first to mention the Japanese territory of Eastern Asia around 1300 in his writings. Zipango (the medieval name for Japan in Europe) was in his mind a land covered with gold, silver and pearls. This and many other mysteries persisted until the first actual arrival of globetrotters from Europe. Japan was a distant beauty to explore.</em></p> <p><em>Today, Japan likes to present itself to the public as a unit. However, the complexity of its culture can quickly be guessed if one considers the geographically extensive area (377,835 km?) on which the country stretches. Differences in religion, language and cuisine are th...


  • <p>"Although the broad outlines of the story were familiar (as they will be to every reader) almost all the more detailed information was new to me. I thought the book was masterly in the intermeshing of the personal and the political, the quotidian and the spiritual, the psychoanalytic with the journalistic, the long-historical with the contemporary, and everywhere finding and highlighting the poetic and the aesthetic. <strong>-- <em>Neil MacGregor</em> Director of <em>Humboldt Forum</em> and former Director of <em>The British Museum</em></strong>"</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • ジャンル:書籍出版社:ロケットミュージック弊社に在庫がない場合の取り寄せ発送目安:1日〜2営業日以内校訂者:秋山紀夫/アキヤマ・トシオ解説:日本の吹奏楽の父と呼ばれる秋山紀夫先生が収集してきた「吹奏楽の記録資料集」。貴重な資料を盛りだくさん集録した吹奏楽の歴史を知れる一冊。A4版、290ページ。《内容》1 昭和の吹奏楽小史2 昭和20年以前の日本の吹奏楽事情について(目黒三策氏の回顧録から)3 音楽年鑑に記録された昭和35年から昭和53年までの吹奏楽界の記録4 昭和30年代に日本を訪問したアメリカ軍楽隊の記録5 “ムジーク・ドゥ・ラ・ギャルド・レピュブリケーヌ”初来日の記録6 日本吹奏楽指導者協会(JBA)アメリカ吹奏楽視察旅行7 オール・ジャパン高校吹奏楽団の米国独立200年祭記念パレード8 全日本吹奏楽コンクール記録9 当時のスクールバンドのステージ写真10 日本における、吹奏楽団体名簿について(全日本吹奏楽連盟加盟団体数の推移)11 武蔵野音楽大学管楽研究部の記録12 大阪市音楽団の航跡13 東京佼成ウインドオーケストラとアメリカ人指揮者との交流の記録14 JBA-ABA 合同コンベンションの記録15 APBDA(アジア・太平洋吹奏...


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>2世紀のスケールで読むと日本の実像が見える。第二次大戦から、リーマン・ショック、政権交代、東日本大震災まで、山積する問題群を位置づける。<収録内容>第3部 帝国日本—興隆から崩壊まで(つづき)(昭和恐慌とさまざまな対応戦時の日本占領下の日本—新展開と不変の構造)第4部 戦後日本と現代日本—1952‐2012(経済と社会の変容高度成長期の政治闘争と決着多極化した世界のグローバルな大国—1980年代の日本日本の「失われた20年」—1989‐20082008年以後の日本—衝撃と大災害、そして絶望と希望)<アーティスト/キャスト>A.ゴードン<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-1484732Andoru Go Don / [Cho] Moritani Fumiaki / Yaku / Nippon No 200 Nen Tokugawa Jidai Kara Gendai Made Shita / Original Title: a MODERN HISTORY of JAPAN Gencho Dai3 Han No Honyakuメディア:本/雑誌発売日:2013/04JAN:9784622076971日本の200年 徳川時代から現代まで 下 / 原タイトル:A MODERN HISTORY OF JAPAN 原著第3版の翻訳[本/雑誌] (単行本・ムック) / アンドルー・ゴードン/〔著〕 森谷文昭/訳2013/04発売


  • <p>To this day, Japan's modern ascendancy challenges many assumptions about world history, particularly theories regarding the rise of the west and why the modern world looks the way it does. In this engaging new history, Brett L. Walker tackles key themes regarding Japan's relationships with its minorities, state and economic development, and the uses of science and medicine. The book begins by tracing the country's early history through archaeological remains, before proceeding to explore life in the imperial court, the rise of the samurai, civil conflict, encounters with Europe, and the advent of modernity and empire. Integrating the pageantry of a unique nation's history with today's environmental concerns, Walker's vibrant and accessible new narrative then follows Japan's ascension from the ashes of World War II into the thriving nation of today. It is a history for our times, posing important questions regarding how we should situate a nation's history in an age of environme...


  • SHOWA 1926ー1939 Showa: A History of Japan Shigeru Mizuki Zack Davisson DRAWN & QUARTERLY2022 Paperback English ISBN:9781770466258 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Comics & Graphic Novels


  • <p>Spanning the 130-year period between the end of the Tokugawa Era and the end of the Cold War, this book introduces students to the formation, collapse, and rebirth of the modern Japanese state. It demonstrates how, faced with foreign threats, Japan developed a new governing structure to deal with these challenges and in turn gradually shaped its international environment. Had Japan been a self-sufficient power, like the United States, it is unlikely that external relations would have exercised such great control over the nation. And, if it were a smaller country, it may have been completely pressured from the outside and could not have influenced the global stage on its own. For better or worse therefore, this book argues, Japan was neither too large nor too small.</p> <p>Covering the major events, actors, and institutions of Japan’s modern history, the key themes discussed include:</p> <ul> <li></li> <li> <p>Building the Meiji state and Constitution.</p> </l...


  • <p>A rich, salty, and steaming bowl of noodle soup, ramen has become an international symbol of the cultural prowess of Japanese cuisine. In this highly original account of geopolitics and industrialization in Japan, George Solt traces the meteoric rise of ramen from humble fuel for the working poor to international icon of Japanese culture.</p> <p>Ramen’s popularity can be attributed to political and economic change on a global scale. Using declassified U.S. government documents and an array of Japanese sources, Solt reveals how the creation of a black market for American wheat imports during the U.S. occupation of Japan (1945?1952), the reindustrialization of Japan’s labor force during the Cold War, and the elevation of working-class foods in redefining national identity during the past two decades of economic stagnation (1990s?2000s), all contributed to the establishment of ramen as a national dish.</p> <p>This book is essential reading for scholars, students of Japanes...


  • <p><strong>This fascinating history tells the story of the people of Japan, from ancient teenage priest-queens to teeming hordes of salarymen, a nation that once sought to conquer China, yet also shut itself away for two centuries in self-imposed seclusion.</strong></p> <p>First revealed to Westerners in the chronicles of Marco Polo, Japan was a legendary faraway land defended by a fearsome Kamikaze storm and ruled by a divine sovereign. It was the terminus of the Silk Road, the furthest end of the known world, a fertile source of inspiration for European artists, and an enduring symbol of the mysterious East. In recent times, it has become a powerhouse of global industry, a nexus of popular culture, and a harbinger of post-industrial decline.</p> <p>With intelligence and wit, author Jonathan Clements blends documentary and storytelling styles to connect the past, present and future of Japan, and in broad yet detailed strokes reveals a country of paradoxes: a modern na...


  • <p>This book by a Christian missionary Herbert W. Page aimed to present the overall picture of the religious vies in the middle of the Victorian era. The author mentions that Japan at that time had already developed strong boundaries with China and India, yet not absorbed by them. This book is an interesting read in terms of the history of religion or a study of Orient cultures and customs.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • EANコード:4537224006212■こちらの商品もオススメです ● day after tomorrow II/CD/AVCD-17189 / day after tomorrow / エイベックス・トラックス [CD] ● 一人ぼっち/CD/HKCN-50016 / 安倍なつみ, プリンちゃん / hachama [CD] ● elements(2枚組CD)/CD/AVCD-17225 / day after tomorrow / エイベックス・マーケティング・コミュニケーションズ [CD] ● day alone/CD/AVCD-17632 / day after tomorrow, misono, 五十嵐充 / エイベックス・トラックス [CD] ● DIRTY TRASHROAD/CD/POCH-1337 / DIRTY TRASHROAD / ポリドール [CD] ● never+land/CD/AVCD-23202 / misono / エイベックス・トラックス [CD] ● 生 -say-/CD/AVCD-23623 / misono / エイベックス・エンタテインメント [CD] ● primary colors/CD/AVCD-17424 / day after tomorrow / エイベックス・トラックス [CD] ● TANPOPO 1/CD/EPCE-5017 / タンポポ / ZETIMA [CD] ● LUNACY/CD/MVCH-29047 / LUNA SEA / ユニバーサルJ [CD] ● Jealousy/CD/SRCL-2001 / X / ソニー・ミュージックレコーズ [CD] ● SIAM SHADE II/CD/SRCL-3377 / SIAM SHADE / ソニー・ミュージックレコーズ [CD] ● YESTERDAY & TODAY...


  • <p><strong>"McLeod gives a list of the emperors of Japan...the first of them is Osee...the same name as that of the last King of Israel." -<em>The American Israelite, May 18, 1905</em><br /> "McLeod in his book 'Epitome of the Ancient History of Japan'...points out the agreement between the first known king of Japan, Osee, 730 B.C. and the last king of Israel who was Hosea, who died in 722 B.C." -<em>Buffalo Times, Feb. 3, 1924</em><br /> "Contains proofs of the Japanese descent from Osee, the last king of Israel." -<em>A Bibliography of the Japanese Empire (1895)</em><br /> "The descendants of a Negro race may also be seen in different parts of the country." -<em>Nicholas McLeod</em><br /> "Spent decades in Japan, wrote Japanese history as a history of the ten tribes in the Japanese isles." -<em>The Ten Lost Tribes: A World History (2009)</em><br /> "McLeod self-published several books theorizing the Japanese people were actually Israelites." -<em...


  • <p>The phenomenon of 'Cool Japan' is one of the distinctive features of global popular culture of the millennial age. <em>A History of Popular Culture in Japan</em> provides the first historical and analytical overview of popular culture in Japan from its origins in the 17th century to the present day, using it to explore broader themes of conflict, power, identity and meaning in Japanese history.</p> <p>E. Taylor Atkins shows how Japan is one of the earliest sites for the development of mass-produced, market-oriented cultural products consumed by urban middle and working classes. The best-known traditional arts and culture of Japan- no theater, monochrome ink painting, court literature, poetry and indigenous music-inhabited a world distinct from that of urban commoners, who fashioned their own expressive forms and laid the groundwork for today's 'gross national cool.' Popular culture was pivotal in the rise of Japanese nationalism, imperialism, militarism, postwar democra...


  • <p><strong>A classic of Japanese history, this book is the preeminent work on the history of Japan.</strong></p> <p>Newly revised and updated, <em>A History of Japan</em> is a single-volume, complete history of the nation of Japan. Starting in ancient Japan during its early pre-history period <em>A History of Japan</em> covers every important aspect of history and culture through feudal Japan to the post-cold War period and collapse of the Bubble Economy in the early 1990's. Recent findings shed additional light on the origins of Japanese civilization and the birth of Japanese culture.</p> <p>Also included is an in-depth analysis of the Japanese religion, arts, culture and people from the 6th century B.C.E. to the present. This contemporary classic, now updated and revised, continues to be an essential text in Japanese studies. Classic illustrations and unique pictures are dispersed throughout the book.</p> <p><strong><em>A History of Japan, Revised Edi...
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