human nature lip

Guerra e Natureza Humana o paralelo entre Hobbes e Tuc dides【電子書籍】 Lu s Felipe BlancoDarwin in the Twenty-First Century: Nature, Humanity, and God DARWIN IN THE 21ST CENTURY (Studies in Science and the Humanities from the Reilly Center) Phillip R. SloanPsychology According to Shakespeare What You Can Learn about Human Nature from Shakespeare’s Great Plays【電子書籍】 Philip G. Zimbardo Ph.DStampede Theory Human Nature, Technology, and Runaway Social Realities【電子書籍】 Philip FeldmanThe Development of a Model of Human Nature that reflects Patient Presentation in General Practice【電子書籍】 Philip SharplesThe Development of a Model of Human Nature that reflects Patient Presentation in General Practice【電子書籍】 Philip SharplesDi logos sobre a natureza humana Perfectibilidade e Imperfectibilidade【電子書籍】 Luiz Felipe Pond


  • <p>O livro ? uma genealogia conceitual de dois autores do realismo pol?tico cl?ssico, Tuc?dides e Thomas Hobbes, tratando-se da recep??o das no??es de Tuc?dides, presentes em sua obra Hist?ria da Guerra do Peloponeso, pelo pensamento pol?tico de Thomas Hobbes. Aborda os conceitos de guerra, natureza humana e das fac??es, apresentadas originalmente pelo autor da antiguidade, e como suas reflex?es foram desenvolvidas pela filosofia pol?tica moderna de Hobbes. A abordagem ocorre pelo m?todo arqueol?gico - geneal?gico de Nietzsche e Foucault, na reconstitui??o dos conceitos na hist?ria das ideias pol?ticas. ? uma adapta??o da disserta??o de mestrado em ci?ncia pol?tica. Visa contribuir para a reflex?o te?rica sobre a natureza dos conflitos violentos entre grupos humanos, suas causas gerais e suas tend?ncias. Assim, n?o se trata apenas de um exerc?cio de erudi??o sobre as guerras no mundo antigo ou na Europa do s?culo XVII, e sim da reflex?o te?rica das causas gerais da guerra, que afl...


  • DARWIN IN THE 21ST CENTURY Studies in Science and the Humanities from the Reilly Center Phillip R. Sloan UNIV OF NOTRE DAME2015 Paperback English ISBN:9780268041472 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Science


  • <p>William Shakespeare has undergone psychological analyses ever since Freud diagnosed Hamlet with an Oedipus complex. But now, two psychologists propose to turn the tables by telling how Shakespeare himself understood human behavior and the innermost workings of the human mind. <em>Psychology According to Shakespeare: What You Can Learn About Human Nature From Shakespeare's Great Plays</em>, is an interdisciplinary project that bridges psychological science and literature, bringing together for the first time in one volume, the breadth and depth of The Bard’s knowledge of love, jealousy, dreams, betrayal, revenge, and the lust for power and position.</p> <p>Even today, there is no better depiction of a psychopath than Richard III, no more poignant portrayal of dementia than King Lear, nor a more unforgettable illustration of obsessive-compulsive disorder than Lady Macbeth’s attempts to wash away the damned blood spot. What has not been revealed before, however, are the ma...


  • <p><em>Stampede Theory: Human Nature, Technology, and Runaway Social Realities</em> explores the biological, evolutionary and technological systems that drive troubling patterns of behavior among groups while also proposing actions to combat harm. The book discusses different ways that living beings coordinate and how the emergence of communication technologies has changed behaviors. As the problem of echo chambers and misinformation grows, it is crucial to understand underlying causes and provide solutionsーthis book does just that by pulling from multiple fields to produce a coherent story about how social realities are created and how they can create resilient communities or reinforce damaging beliefs.</p> <p>This interdisciplinary approach rests on three primary pillars: 1) How information systems affect the distribution of ideas, information, influence and belief; 2. Technology-mediated communication between individuals and groups, from stories pressed into clay table...


  • <p>The essence of general practice is the provision of personal medicine and personal care. There is though no satisfactory model of the nature of being a person ? of human nature ? as this presents in general practice.</p> <p>This book develops such a model, a model that offers explanation of the everyday presentations of interaction between body and mind, explanation of the occurrence of medically unexplained symptoms, and explanation as to how mental disturbances, including the major mental disorders, can naturally come to occur.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>The essence of general practice is the provision of personal medicine and personal care. There is though no satisfactory model of the nature of being a person ? of human nature ? as this presents in general practice.</p> <p>This book develops such a model, a model that offers explanation of the everyday presentations of interaction between body and mind, explanation of the occurrence of medically unexplained symptoms, and explanation as to how mental disturbances, including the major mental disorders, can naturally come to occur.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Di?logos sobre a Natureza Humana ? o novo livro do professor Luiz Felipe Pond?, onde ele apresenta di?logos com os grandes pensadores ocidentais, como Plat?o, Santo Agostinho, Freud, etc., a fim de tentar mapear uma profunda an?lise sobre a natureza humana e sua capacidade de ser perfect?vel ou imperfectivel. Mas o que ? perfectibilidade e imperfectibilidade no olhar filos?fico? Perfectibilidade n?o ? abordada aqui no sentido de dom?nio da t?cnica, como, por exemplo, tornar-se um grande expert em medicina. A perfectibilidade est? intimamente associada ? no??o de evolu??o e desenvolvimento cont?nuo do indiv?duo, ou da humanidade como um todo; n?o se trata de uma evolu??o no sentido adaptativo, darwinista, mas da capacidade de aperfei?oar ou melhorar algo ou algu?m. A ideia ? que, por meio da educa??o, do conhecimento, da moralidade, os indiv?duos e a sociedade podem melhorar e atingir estados cada vez mais elevados de perfei??o, mesmo que tal estado ideal possa nunca ser plename...
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