
The Story of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland and of the new Gospel of Interpretation【電子書籍】 Edward MaitlandTschick von Wolfgang Herrndorf: Reclam Lekt reschl ssel XL Lekt reschl ssel mit Inhaltsangabe, Interpretation, Pr fungsaufgaben mit L sungen, Lernglossar【電子書籍】 Eva-Maria ScholzCorreggio A Collection of Fifteen Pictures and a Portrait of the Painter with Introduction and Interpretation【電子書籍】 Estelle M. HurllEssential Shakespeare The Arden Guide to Text and Interpretation【電子書籍】 Dr. Pamela Bickleyタロット解釈大事典 Tarot Interpretation Encyclopedia / オラクルカード 占い カード占い 説話社 タロットカード タロット解説書 ルノルマン スピリチュアル インド占星術 宗教用品The Interpretation of Dreams INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS Sigmund FreudStructure and Interpretation of Computer Programs JavaScript Edition【電子書籍】 Harold AbelsonFrankenstein von Mary Shelley. K nigs Erl uterungen. Textanalyse und Interpretation mit ausf hrlicher Inhaltsangabe【電子書籍】 Mary ShelleyDesire and Its Interpretation: The Seminar of Jacques Lacan, Book VI DESIRE ITS INTERPRETATION BO Jacques Lacan【送料無料】 タロットの神秘と解釈 Interpretation as the mystery of tarot / オラクルカード 占い カード占い 説話社 タロットカード タロット解説書 ルノルマン スピリチュアル インド占星術 宗教用品CM3 Interpretation Remixed by CORNELIUS CORNELIUSKleiner Mann was nun Analyse / Interpretation【電子書籍】 Hans FalladaChart Interpretation Handbook: Guidelines for Understanding the Essentials of the Birth Chart CHART INTERPRETATION HANDBK Stephen ArroyoViolin Master Works Their Interpretation VIOLIN MASTER WORKS THEIR IN (Dover Books on Music: Violin) Leopold AuerBushido Explained The Japanese Samurai Code: A New Interpretation for Beginners【電子書籍】 Alexander BennettDark Tourism Practice and interpretation【電子書籍】Fortunes and Dreams A practical manual of fortune telling, divination and the interpretation of dreams, signs and omens【電子書籍】 Astra Cielo最強のモニター心電図 12名の看護師による信じられないくらい簡単な心電図の本です / 原タイトル:ECG Interpretation Made Incredibly Easy 原著第5版の翻訳 本/雑誌 (単行本 ムック) / 山下武志/監修 ダイアン M アレン/ほか著 ナンシー ベッケン/ほか著 カレン クAztecs An Interpretation【電子書籍】 Inga ClendinnenWisdom for Faithful Reading: Principles and Practices for Old Testament Interpretation WISDOM FOR FAITHFUL READING John H. Walton


  • <p>Edward Maitland's 'The Story of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland and of the new Gospel of Interpretation' provides a fascinating insight into the lives of two influential figures in the realms of spirituality and philosophy. The book explores their groundbreaking work on the interpretation of ancient texts and their development of a new spiritual philosophy. Maitland's literary style is both informative and captivating, drawing the reader into the deep philosophical discussions and spiritual revelations that shaped their lives. The book is set within the context of the late 19th century, a time of great spiritual exploration and intellectual curiosity. Maitland's meticulous research and profound insights make this book a must-read for anyone interested in esoteric spirituality and philosophical interpretation. The Story of Anna Kingsford and Edward Maitland is not just a biography, but a profound exploration of the intersection between spirituality, philosophy, and personal t...


  • <p>Reclam Lekt?reschl?ssel XL ? hier findest du alle Informationen, um dich zielsicher und schnell vorzubereiten: auf Klausur, Referat, Abitur oder Matura! Differenziert, umfassend, ?bersichtlich!</p> <ul> <li>Pr?zise Inhaltsangaben zum Einstieg in den Text</li> <li>Klare Analysen von Figuren, Aufbau, Sprache und Stil</li> <li>Zuverl?ssige Interpretationen mit pr?gnanten Textbelegen</li> <li>Informationen zu Autor:innen und historischem Kontext</li> <li>Hilfreiche Infografiken, Abbildungen und Tabellen</li> <li>Aktuelle Literatur- und Medientipps</li> <li>Pr?fungsaufgaben mit L?sungshinweisen</li> <li>Zentrale Begriffe und Definitionen als Lernglossar</li> </ul> <p>Gemeinsam klauen sie ein Auto: Maik, wohlstandsverwahrlost und ungl?cklich verliebt, und der Russe Tschick, der meistens betrunken zum Unterricht erscheint. Damit beginnt f?r die beiden Au?enseiter eine Reise durch die sommerlichen Provinzen Ostdeutschlands, so unvergesslich wie i...


  • <p>In 'Correggio' by Estelle M. Hurll, the author delves into the life and works of the Italian Renaissance painter, Antonio Allegri da Correggio. Hurll's detailed analysis of Correggio's innovative techniques in perspective, chiaroscuro, and foreshortening provides readers with a deeper understanding of his unique artistic style. The book explores the influences of Correggio's predecessors and contemporaries, shedding light on the cultural and artistic context of the period. Hurll's scholarly approach to examining Correggio's masterpieces offers readers a comprehensive insight into the artist's contributions to the Renaissance art movement. With meticulous attention to detail, Hurll provides a richly informative narrative that brings Correggio's art to life on the page. Estelle M. Hurll, an esteemed art historian and author, brings her expertise to 'Correggio' through extensive research and analysis. Her passion for Renaissance art and dedication to uncovering the intricacies of ...


  • <p>An introductory critical study for first year undergraduates which bridges the gap between A Level and university study. The book offers an accessible overview of key critical perspectives, early modern contexts, and methods of close reading, as well as screen and stage performances spanning several decades. Organised around the discussion of fourteen major plays, it introduces readers to the diverse theoretical approaches typical of today's English studies. This is a go-to resource that can be consulted thematically or by individual play or genre.</p> <p>Critical approaches can overwhelm students who are daunted by the quantity and complexity of current scholarship; Bickley and Stevens are experienced teachers at both A and university level and are thus uniquely qualified to show how a mix of critical ideas can be used to inform ways of thinking about a play.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらな...


  • ■タロット解釈大事典 - Tarot Interpretation Encyclopediaの詳細 ブランド説話社ページ数536ページサイズ 2.5X15X21初版 2009/11/20ISBN 9784916217752おことわり本の裏表紙にある価格表示には消費税が記されていない場合や定価金額が書かれたものがございますが、消費税の増税にともない冊子や雑誌等の印刷物には、本体価格に消費税がかかります。あらかじめご了承下さい。 備考商品サイズ約2.50cm x 15cm x 21cm 約662g アーティスト、俳優松村 潔配送についてあす楽について■2枚セットで読み解く 本書はタロットカードの中で、大アルカナ(「愚者」や「恋人」「世界」などメジャーな カード)を2枚セットで読み解くための事典です。 タロット占いは、初めはタロットカードの1枚引きから慣れ親しみ、やがて2枚、3枚 と枚数を増やし、多数枚を用いた複雑なスプレッド(展開図)を楽しむことが一般的な流 れといえます。例えば、代表的なスプレッドである「ケルト十字」は、合計で10枚もの タロットを使用することになります。当然、カードを置く場所それぞれに意味するものが ありますが、実践では「過去と現在がどのようにつながっているのか」とか「相手と周囲 の環境はど...


  • INTERPRETATION OF DREAMS Sigmund Freud James Strachey James Strachey BASIC BOOKS2010 Paperback English ISBN:9780465019779 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Psychology


  • <p><strong>A new version of the classic and widely used text adapted for the JavaScript programming language.</strong></p> <p>Since the publication of its first edition in 1984 and its second edition in 1996, <em>Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs</em> (<em>SICP</em>) has influenced computer science curricula around the world. Widely adopted as a textbook, the book has its origins in a popular entry-level computer science course taught by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman at MIT. <em>SICP</em> introduces the reader to central ideas of computation by establishing a series of mental models for computation. Earlier editions used the programming language Scheme in their program examples. This new version of the second edition has been adapted for JavaScript.</p> <p>The first three chapters of <em>SICP</em> cover programming concepts that are common to all modern high-level programming languages. Chapters four and five, which used Scheme t...


  • <p>K?nigs Erl?uterung Spezial zu Mary Shelley: Frankenstein - Textanalyse und Interpretation mit ausf?hrlicher Inhaltsangabe und Abituraufgaben. In einem Band bieten dir die neuen K?nigs Erl?uterungen Spezial alles, was du zur Vorbereitung auf Referat, Klausur, Abitur oder Matura ben?tigst. Das spart dir l?stiges Recherchieren und kostet weniger Zeit zur Vorbereitung. Alle wichtigen Infos zur Interpretation. - von der ausf?hrlichen Inhaltsangabe ?ber Aufbau, Personenkonstellation, Stil und Sprache bis zu Interpretationsans?tzen ... sowohl kurz als auch ausf?hrlich. - Die Schnell?bersicht fasst alle wesentlichen Infos zu Werk und Autor und Analyse zusammen. - Die Kapitelzusammenfassungen zeigen dir das Wichtigste eines Kapitels im ?berblick - ideal auch zum Wiederholen. ... und klar strukturiert. - Ein zweifarbiges Layout hilft dir Wesentliches einfacher und schneller zu erfassen. - Die Randspalte mit Schl?sselbegriffen erm?glichen dir eine bessere Orientierung. - Klar strukturiert...


  • DESIRE & ITS INTERPRETATION BO Jacques Lacan Bruce Fink POLITY PR2021 Paperback Book VI English ISBN:9781509500284 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Psychology


  • ■タロットの神秘と解釈 - Interpretation as the mystery of tarotの詳細 ブランド説話社ページ数755ページサイズ 21.5 X 15.6 X 4.5cm初版 2018/8/3ISBN-10 4906828477ISBN-13 978-4906828470おことわり本の裏表紙にある価格表示には消費税が記されていない場合や定価金額が書かれたものがございますが、消費税の増税にともない冊子や雑誌等の印刷物には、本体価格に消費税がかかります。あらかじめご了承下さい。 備考商品サイズ約21.50cm x 15.60cm x 4.50cm 約1194g アーティスト、俳優松村 潔(まつむら・きよし) アーティスト:スレーシュ・ワドカール(Suresh Wadkar):ボーカルあす楽について■松村流タロットカードの完全解説 本書はタロットカード研究の大家として知られる著者が長年の思考実験を経て生み出された、松村流タロットカードの完全解説書です。 本書では、アレハンドロ・ホドロフスキーの『タロットの宇宙』と著者の試論と哲学を比較しつつ、タロットカード1枚1枚を丁寧に掘り下げていきます。 第1章では大アルカナ22枚、第2章では小アルカナ56枚の各カードに描かれた象意や思想背景を、エニアグラム、チャクラ、神秘思想主義、禅の十牛図、グルジェフ、...


  • CORNELIUSシーエムスリー インタープリテーション リミックスド バイ コーネリアス コーネリアス 発売日:2009年05月13日 予約締切日:2009年05月06日 CM3 INTERPRETATION REMIXED BY CORNELIUS JAN:4943674087532 WPCLー10658 (株)ワーナーミュージック・ジャパン (株)ワーナーミュージック・ジャパン [Disc1] 『CM3 Interpretation Remixed by CORNELIUS』/CD アーティスト:CORNELIUS 曲目タイトル:  1. Chronograph [5:53]  2. I'd Rather Dance With You [3:15]  3. Banquet [3:41]  4. You Feel Right [4:31]  5. Twilight [3:52]  6. Universal Speech [2:52]  7. Call Me Super Bad [6:02]  8. Everything Needs Love feat.BoA [6:08]  9. Moon Over Bourbon Street [3:33]  10. War & Peace [5:16]  11. One [5:07]  12. Ekot [6:04] CD JーPOP ロック・ソウル


  • <p>K?nigs Erl?uterungen ? Textanalyse und Interpretation mit ausf?hrlicher Inhaltsangabe und Abituraufgaben In einem Band bieten dir die neuen K?nigs Erl?uterungen alles, was du zur Vorbereitung auf Referat, Klausur, Abitur oder Matura ben?tigst. Das spart Zeit bei der Vorbereitung! Alle wichtigen Infos zur Interpretation. - von der ausf?hrlichen Inhaltsangabe ?ber Aufbau, Personenkonstellation, Stil und Sprache bis zu Interpretationsans?tzen - plus 4 Abituraufgaben mit Musterl?sungen und 2 weitere zum kostenlosen Download . sowohl kurz als auch ausf?hrlich. - Die Schnell?bersicht fasst alle wesentlichen Infos zu Werk und Autor und Analyse zusammen. - Die Kapitelzusammenfassungen zeigen dir das Wichtigste eines Kapitels im ?berblick ? ideal auch zum Wiederholen. - Das Stichwortregister erm?glicht dir schnelles Finden wichtiger Textstellen. . und klar strukturiert. - Ein zweifarbiges Layout hilft dir Wesentliches einfacher und schneller zu erfassen. - Die Randspalte mit Schl?sselbe...


  • CHART INTERPRETATION HANDBK Stephen Arroyo CRCS PUB2004 Paperback English ISBN:9780916360498 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Body, Mind & Spirit


  • VIOLIN MASTER WORKS & THEIR IN Dover Books on Music: Violin Leopold Auer Frederick H. Martens DOVER PUBN INC2012 Paperback English ISBN:9780486499116 洋書 Art & Entertainment(芸術&エンターテインメント) Music


  • <p><strong>This seminal work by historian Alexander Bennett presents a broad overview of the Japanese "Way of the Warrior" as it is expressed in scores of classical Japanese texts written by famous Samurai themselves.</strong></p> <p>Bennett's analysis of these writings shows that the essential meaning of Bushido, the Samurai's code of conduct and ethics, evolved significantly over time--from the 12th century when the warrior class was elevated to become an elite group, to the 19th century when the Samurai class was suddenly disbanded.</p> <p><em>Bushido Explained</em> takes a visual approach to presenting important concepts and terminology, helping readers easily navigate the complex world of the Samurai. The text is written in a highly accessible style, with sidebars presenting interesting concepts, facts and important Samurai figures who were central to Bushido's evolution. The different types of Bushido--which vary by region, time period and Samurai rank--are p...


  • <p>Dark Tourism, as well as other terms such as Thanatourism and Grief Tourism, has been much discussed in the past two decades. This volume provides a comprehensive exploration of the subject from the point of view of both practice - how Dark Tourism is performed, what practical and physical considerations exist on site - and interpretation - how Dark Tourism is understood, including issues pertaining to ethics, community involvement and motivation. It showcases a wide range of examples, drawing on the expertise of academics with management and consultancy experience, as well as those from within the social sciences and humanities. Contributors discuss the historical development of Dark Tourism, including its earlier incarnations across Europe, but they also consider its future as a strand within academic discourse, as well as its role within tourism development. Case studies include holocaust sites in Germany, as well as analysis of the legacy of war in places such as the Channe...


  • <p>Astra Cielo's 'Fortunes and Dreams' is a captivating novel that delves into the intricacies of fate, dreams, and the human experience. Set in a mystical world where fortunes can be read and dreams can reveal hidden truths, the book blends elements of fantasy and magical realism with profound insights into the nature of destiny. Cielo's lyrical prose and vivid imagery immerse readers in a richly imagined landscape where the line between reality and illusion blurs, inviting contemplation on the power of belief and the choices that shape our lives. Drawing on themes of interconnectedness and the pursuit of truth, 'Fortunes and Dreams' offers a thought-provoking exploration of the human psyche and the mysteries that lie beyond the boundaries of the known. Astra Cielo's deep understanding of the human condition and her skillful storytelling make 'Fortunes and Dreams' a must-read for any fan of philosophical fiction and enchanting tales.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち...


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  • <p>In 1521, the city of Tenochtitlan, magnificent centre of the Aztec empire, fell to the Spaniards and their Indian allies. Inga Clendinnen's account of the Aztecs recreates the culture of that city in its last unthreatened years. It provides a vividly dramatic analysis of Aztec ceremony as performance art, binding the key experiences and concerns of social existence in the late imperial city to the mannered violence of their ritual killings.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • WISDOM FOR FAITHFUL READING John H. Walton IVP ACADEMIC2023 Paperback English ISBN:9781514004876 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion
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