introduction to modern optics

Introduction to Modern Optics (Dover Books on Physics) ペーパーバック Fowles, Grant R.Introduction to Modern Optics INTRO TO MODERN OPTICS 2/E (Dover Books on Physics) Grant R. Fowles(出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Introduction to Modern Optics. 1冊 978-0-486-65957-2Introduction to Modern Optics【電子書籍】 Grant R. Fowles


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  • INTRO TO MODERN OPTICS 2/E Dover Books on Physics Grant R. Fowles DOVER PUBN INC1989 Paperback English ISBN:9780486659572 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Science


  • (出版社)Dover Publications, Inc. Introduction to Modern Optics. 1冊●著者:Fowles, Grant R.●和文:現代光学入門●頁数他:viii, 328 p.●装丁:Paper●版次:2nd ed.●出版社:Dover Publications, Inc.●発行日:1989/1/1


  • <p>This incisive text provides a basic undergraduate-level course in modern optics for students in physics, technology and engineering. The first half of the book deals with classical physical optics; the second principally with the quantum nature of light. Chapters 1 and 2 treat the propagation of light waves, including the concepts of phase and group velocities, and the vectorial nature of light. Chapter 3 applies the concepts of partial coherence and coherence length to the study of interference, and Chapter 4 takes up multiple-beam interference and includes Fabry-Perot interferometry and multilayer-film theory. Diffraction and holography are the subjects of Chapter 5, and the propagation of light in material media (including crystal and nonlinear optics) are central to Chapter 6. Chapters 7 and 8 introduce the quantum theory of light and elementary optical spectra, and Chapter 9 explores the theory of light amplification and lasers. Chapter 10 briefly outlines ray optics in or...
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