life shift english

Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners 039 Success BREAKING DOWN THE WALL Margarita Espino CalderonLanguage Narratives and Shifting Multilingual Pedagogies English Teaching from the South【電子書籍】 Dr Belinda MendelowitzBreaking Down the Wall Essential Shifts for English Learners’ Success【電子書籍】 Margarita Espino Calderon海外製漫画 知育 英語 イングリッシュ アメリカ Batman 4,5,6: Zero Year Secret City / Zero Year Dark City / Graveyard Shift海外製漫画 知育 英語 イングリッシュ アメリカ


  • BREAKING DOWN THE WALL Margarita Espino Calderon Maria G. Dove Diane Staehr Fenner CORWIN PR INC2019 Paperback English ISBN:9781544342610 洋書 Family life & Comics(生活&コミック) Education


  • <p>This book challenges monoglossic ideologies, traditional language pedagogies and dominant forms of knowledge construction by foregrounding multilingual and multicultural students' language narratives, repertoires, and identities. The research is based on a sixteen-year longitudinal study of a sociolinguistics course at an English language university and the language narratives produced by the first-year education students. The study was borne out of a need to create a critically inclusive course that would engage a cohort of students from socially and linguistically diverse backgrounds in contemporary South Africa. Drawing on data from over 5,000 students who have journeyed through this course, this book shows how a narrative heteroglossic pedagogy harnesses students' multilingual strengths. A close analysis reveals complex identity work by students located in the Global South. The authors argue that decolonising language education is about reconceptualising language, reconfigu...


  • <p><strong>It was a dark and stormy night in Santa Barbara. January 19, 2017.</strong> The next day’s inauguration drumroll played on the evening news. Huddled around a table were nine Corwin authors and their publisher, who together have devoted their careers to equity in education. They couldn’t change the weather, they couldn’t heal a fractured country, but they did have the power to put their collective wisdom about EL education upon the page to ensure our multilingual learners reach their highest potential.</p> <p>Proudly, we introduce you now to the fruit of that effort: <em><strong>Breaking Down the Wall: Essential Shifts for English Learners’ Success.</strong></em></p> <p>In this first-of-a-kind collaboration, teachers and leaders, whether in small towns or large urban centers, finally have both the research and the practical strategies to take those first steps toward excellence in educating our culturally and linguistically diverse children. It’s a bo...


  • 商品情報 商品名海外製漫画 知育 英語 イングリッシュ アメリカ Batman 4,5,6: Zero Year Secret City / Zero Year Dark City / Graveyard Shift海外製漫画 知育 英語 イングリッシュ アメリカ 商品名(英語)Batman 4,5,6: Zero Year Secret City / Zero Year Dark City / Graveyard Shift 商品名(翻訳)スコット・スナイダー&グレッグ・カプロのバットマン・ボックスセット2 型番FEB170303 ブランドDC Comics 関連キーワード海外製漫画,知育,英語,イングリッシュ,アメリカ,洋書,アメコミこのようなギフトシーンにオススメです。プレゼント お誕生日 クリスマスプレゼント バレンタインデー ホワイトデー 贈り物
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