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  • <p>Embark on a Journey Through the Heart of the Financial Future</p> <p>Imagine a world where the very essence of transactions, savings, and investments are revolutionized. "The Digital Dollar Revolution: How E-Currency Shapes American Lives" offers readers an exhilarating exploration into this emerging reality. Delve deep into the profound changes e-currency brings to society, and discover how the digital dollar is reshaping the American dream.</p> <p>Step by step, the book unravels the complex web of technology, economy, and policy that forms the backbone of the digital dollar. Through insightful analysis of its history and development, you gain a robust understanding of digital versus traditional currency, and the technological innovation driving this dramatic shift. Chapter 1: Understanding the Digital Dollar illuminates the beginnings of this financial phenomenon, setting the stage for a captivating narrative.</p> <p>Chapter 2: The Digital Economy delves into the ...


  • <p>Joshua L. Chamberlain of Maine and John B. Gordon of Georgia led the Union and Confederate armies, respectively, at the formal surrender ceremony at Appomattox Courthouse, Virginia, on April 12, 1865. In one of the most dramatic and memorable moments of the Civil War, as the Confederate soldiers marched through the Union lines to stack their weapons and flags, Chamberlain, moved by the historic moment and desiring to pay honor to a valiant, defeated foe, ordered his Union soldiers to salute Gordon's Confederates. Gordon, surprised but stirred by the same emotion, immediately responded, and ordered his men to return the salute.</p> <p>Both men had volunteered for military service, feeling a strong need to fight for their respective causes. They entered military service as low level officers with no formal military training. Repeatedly, they exhibited exceptional aptitude and responsibility, rising through the ranks as they received the glowing accolades of their superiors. Y...


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  • <p>Many women become trapped in their lives while feeling hopeless and alone. They are overwhelmed by their situation that they can no longer see a way out until the pain they are suffering becomes too much and they reach the critical point of enough is enough is enough. This is the pivotal moment when they summon up their courage from deep within their soul and scream, Enough! No more. The human instinct for survival takes over, and solutions are sought to their struggle by choosing to do different. She emerges like a phoenix out of the burning ashes, stronger, bolder, and unafraid to show her brilliance to the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>A history of the Gunners told through in-depth biographies of the team’s key players on and off the pitch, from its late 19th century beginnings to today.</strong></p> <p><em>Arsenal: The Story of a Football Club in 101 Lives</em> tells the history of the team through the biographies of key individuals associated with the club from its formation in the gas-lit days of Victorian Britain through to the present day.</p> <p>From David Danskin, the Scottish mechanical engineer and footballer who was the driving force behind the team raised at Dial Square, a workshop at the Royal Arsenal in Woolwich, to Arsene Wenger, the longest-serving and most successful manager in Arsenal’s history. The in-depth stories of the charactersーplayers, managers, chairmenーhere paint a fascinating picture of how the clubーindeed, the game of football itselfーhas developed from workers playing for fun to today’s multi-million-pound business.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばら...


  • <p><strong>A history of the team as told through stories of 101 players and managers who guided it through lows and highs to success.</strong></p> <p><em>Liverpool: The Story of a Football Club in 101 Lives</em> tells the history of the Anfield club through the biographies of key individuals associated with the Merseysiders from their formation in the gas-lit days of Victorian Britain through to the present day.</p> <p>From John Houlding, the Lord Mayor of Liverpool who was the founder of the club in controversial circumstances, to their greatest manager Bill Shankly, and the great players who have worn the famous red shirt throughout its history, the in-depth stories of the charactersー players and managersーhere paint a fascinating picture of how the clubーindeed, the game of football itselfーhas developed from workers playing for fun to today’s multi-million-pound business.</p> <p><strong>“This wonderful book looks specifically at 101 men who have dominate...


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  • <p>There is a famous saying by the great Irish writer and poet, Oscar Wilde that "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go." These people who spread their influence and happiness like the brightness of sunshine on others, wherever they are, under whichever circumstances they are, are called 'The Great Personalities'. Here, we present such great men in the book, 101 Inspiring Lives with their lives, works, achievements, contributions, awards, and also the trivia and failures attached to their lives making it a unique encyclopedia of many legendary figures from across the globe. The book contains all about popular actors, such as Amitabh Bachchan, Elizabeth Taylor, Marilyn Monroe, Raj Kapoor, Shahrukh Khan, and many more. There are interesting life histories of renowned artists including names, such as Michelangelo, M.F.Hussain, Leonardo Da Vinci, etc. In addition to the above, the book also has exhaustive life histories of great entrepreneurs like G.D.Birla, J...
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