lost sphere

遊戯王 SBLS-EN018 クリボール Sphere Kuriboh (英語版 1st Edition ウルトラレア) Speed Duel: Arena of Lost SoulsZephyr Spheres and the Lost Spell (Book 2)【電子書籍】 Myles B. HibbettThe Lost Desphere【電子書籍】 Neha Harpanhalli


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  • <p>Zephyr loathes her life on Earth. She wonders when she will be able to go back to the magical world of Danus and to her kingdom Crystotopia, where she is an amateur sorceress and a princess. When Zephyr's wish is fulfilled, she journeys to Danus with classmates: sarcastic Trinda Temple, energetic Brandon Longfellow, and witty Elizabeth Thompson. However, Zephyr finds that the Dark Forces have unleashed a deadly magic-sapping plague that has taken hold of Crystotopia. Including the fire wizard, Cor, the talking falcon, Scorn, and the healer, Little Herb, Zephyr sets out on a quest with her friends. Together, they seek to locate a forgotten spell capable of curing any illness, sickness, or disease before it is too late to come to Crystotopia's aid.</p> <p>Myles B. Hibbett was born on February 5,1983 and currently lives in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He is an avid fan and reader of children's fantasy. Also, Myles has been inspired to write by a love of fairytales, and he hopes...


  • <p>The land of Tahitia is no place for the weak in spirit. When Stephen and Katheryn Clayne are whisked from modern times to the wondrous world of chivalrous knights in shining armor, lovely mystical beings, and intrepid royalty, the twins are left to wonder of its very existence. After meeting the valorous and selfless Sir Humphrey, the twins soon learn that this endless fantasy may not be as it appears---a new power is rising. Led by the ruthless Count Crisito, this power turns friends to foes; loyal supporters of the noble king to callous vassals, savage in their deeds with hardly an independent thought in their minds. Above all, terrifying new evidence confirms that Crisito is already in possession of the Desphere, an invaluable object with an extraordinary power---to bestow upon the owner their greatest desire. And if he learns how to use it, evil will be unstoppable….and all will be lost as we know it. Join Stephen and Katheryn as they embark on a truly exhilarating expediti...
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