
The Number Devil: A Mathematical Adventure NUMBER DEVIL Hans Magnus EnzensbergerNew Handbook of Mathematical Psychology: Volume 1, Foundations and Methodology【電子書籍】(出版社)American Mathematical Society Fourier Analysis 1冊 978-0-8218-2172-5笑わない数学者 Mathematical goodbye/森博嗣【1000円以上送料無料】メッツDVD☆Vi Move Mathematical Aero 2【島田 厚】中上級エアロ ☆数学者を目指す君に色んな数式が描かれた壁掛け時計ブラックボードラウンドウォールクロック赤色の秒針 計算や算数がいつも身近にブラック×ホワイトQuiz Radial ROUND WALL CLOCKプレゼントやギフトに 黒板&チョークモチーフ Mathematical formulaThe Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets【電子書籍】 Simon SinghThe Mathematical Radio: Inside the Magic of Am, Fm, and Single-Sideband MATHEMATICAL RADIO Paul NahinHow to Solve It A New Aspect of Mathematical Method【電子書籍】 G. PolyaThe Principia: The Authoritative Translation and Guide Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy【電子書籍】 Sir Isaac NewtonThe Principia: The Authoritative Translation: Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy PRINCIPIA THE AUTHORITATIVE TR Isaac NewtonMathematical Methods in Physics Distributions, Hilbert Space Operators, Variational Methods, and Applications in Quantum Physics【電子書籍】 Philippe BlanchardA Mathematical Tapestry Demonstrating the Beautiful Unity of Mathematics【電子書籍】 Peter Hilton【中古】 笑わない数学者 MATHEMATICAL GOODBYE 講談社文庫/森博嗣(著者)笑わない数学者 MATHEMATICAL GOODBYE Mathematical Goodbye (講談社文庫) 森 博嗣Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Finance, Volume 2 Equity Derivatives【電子書籍】 Eric ChinA Mathematical Primer of Molecular Phylogenetics【電子書籍】 Xuhua Xia表面性状用ローパスフィルタの数理 Mathematical Principles of Low-pass filter for surface texture 近藤雄基(出版社)American Mathematical Society p-adic Analysis Compared with Real 1冊 978-0-8218-4220-1証明の楽しみ 数学を使いこなす練習をしよう 応用編 / 原タイトル:MATHEMATICAL PROOFS 本/雑誌 (単行本 ムック) / ゲアリー チャートランド/著 アルバート D ポリメニ/著 ピン チャン/著 鈴木治郎/訳


  • NUMBER DEVIL Hans Magnus Enzensberger Rotraut Susanne Berner Michael Henry Heim HENRY HOLT2000 Paperback English ISBN:9780805062991 洋書 Books for kids(児童書) Juvenile Fiction


  • <p>The field of mathematical psychology began in the 1950s and includes both psychological theorizing, in which mathematics plays a key role, and applied mathematics, motivated by substantive problems in psychology. Central to its success was the publication of the first Handbook of Mathematical Psychology in the 1960s. The psychological sciences have since expanded to include new areas of research, and significant advances have been made in both traditional psychological domains and in the applications of the computational sciences to psychology. Upholding the rigor of the first title in this field to be published, the New Handbook of Mathematical Psychology reflects the current state of the field by exploring the mathematical and computational foundations of new developments over the last half-century. This first volume focuses on select mathematical ideas, theories, and modeling approaches to form a foundational treatment of mathematical psychology.</p>画面が切り替わりますの...


  • (出版社)American Mathematical Society Fourier Analysis 1冊●著者:Duoandikoetxea, Javier.●シリーズ名:Graduate Studies in Mathematics●Vol. 29●頁数他:xviii, 222 p.●装丁:Hard●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2001/1/1


  • 著者森博嗣(著)出版社講談社発売日1999年07月ISBN9784062646147ページ数484PキーワードわらわないすうがくしやませまていかるぐつどばいMA ワラワナイスウガクシヤマセマテイカルグツドバイMA もり ひろし モリ ヒロシ9784062646147内容紹介偉大な数学者、天王寺翔蔵博士の住む「三ツ星館」。そこで開かれたパーティの席上、博士は庭にある大きなオリオン像を消してみせた。一夜あけて、再びオリオン像が現れた時、2つの死体が発見され……。犀川助教授と西之園萌絵の理系師弟コンビが館の謎と殺人事件の真相を探る。超絶の森ミステリィ第3弾。※本データはこの商品が発売された時点の情報です。


  • Vi Move Mathematical Aero 2 インストラクター : 島田 厚 ジャンル: 中上級エアロ 収録時間: 46分 ここ近年コリオグラフィーに求められるものの幅が、さらに広がってきているのではないかと感じています。コリオグラフィー作成にあたりいくつもの考え方がありますが、今回もフィットネスという定義は揺るがずに、島田あつしISM満載でお届けします! 運動となるエクササイズの提供+振り付けの楽しさ!それにブレイクダウンの斬新さや緻密性などが加わり、心踊るコリオグラフィーに完成されて行く過程を、是非とも感じ取ってください。そして一番FOCUSするのは『メソッド』です。32カウントあるいは64カウントに作り上げていく数字の組み合わせと共に、いくつもの手法を使い今押さえておきたい『メソッド』を惜しみ無くご紹介します! このDVDが皆様のバイブルの中の一つになることを願い提供致します。それでは、始めましょう! ※サンプル動画はウェブ用に画質を落としています。DVDでは高品質な映像をご覧いただけます。 <この商品はメーカー直送便にて発送いたします> ・ メッツDVD・CD以外の商品との同梱包発送対応は承っておりません。 ・ 代金引換でお支払いはご利用...


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  • <p><strong>From bestselling author of <em>Fermat's Last Theorem</em>, a must-have for number lovers and <em>Simpsons</em> fans</strong></p> <p><strong>'An entertaining picture of the insanely high-minded nature of the Simpsons' writers'</strong> <em>Sunday Times</em><br /> ***'***<strong>A valuable, entertaining book that, above all, celebrates a supremely funny, sophisticated show'</strong> <em>Financial Times</em></p> <p>You may have watched hundreds of episodes of <em>The Simpsons</em> (and its sister show <em>Futurama</em>) without ever realising that they contain enough maths to form an entire university course.</p> <p>In <em>The Simpsons and Their Mathematical Secrets</em>,Simon Singh explains how the brilliant writers, some of the mathematicians, have smuggled in mathematical jokes throughout the cartoon's twenty-five year history, exploring everything from to Mersenne primes, from Euler's equation to the unsolved riddle...


  • MATHEMATICAL RADIO Paul Nahin Andrew Simoson PRINCETON UNIV PR2024 Hardcover English ISBN:9780691235318 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Technology


  • <p>A perennial bestseller by eminent mathematician G. Polya, <em>How to Solve It</em> will show anyone in any field how to think straight.</p> <p>In lucid and appealing prose, Polya reveals how the mathematical method of demonstrating a proof or finding an unknown can be of help in attacking any problem that can be "reasoned" out--from building a bridge to winning a game of anagrams. Generations of readers have relished Polya's deft--indeed, brilliant--instructions on stripping away irrelevancies and going straight to the heart of the problem.</p> <p>In this best-selling classic, George P?lya revealed how the mathematical method of demonstrating a proof or finding an unknown can be of help in attacking any problem that can be "reasoned" out--from building a bridge to winning a game of anagrams. Generations of readers have relished P?lya's deft instructions on stripping away irrelevancies and going straight to the heart of a problem. <em>How to Solve It</em> popular...


  • <p>In his monumental 1687 work, <em>Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica</em>, known familiarly as the <em>Principia</em>, Isaac Newton laid out in mathematical terms the principles of time, force, and motion that have guided the development of modern physical science. Even after more than three centuries and the revolutions of Einsteinian relativity and quantum mechanics, Newtonian physics continues to account for many of the phenomena of the observed world, and Newtonian celestial dynamics is used to determine the orbits of our space vehicles.</p> <p>This authoritative, modern translation by I. Bernard Cohen and Anne Whitman, the first in more than 285 years, is based on the 1726 edition, the final revised version approved by Newton; it includes extracts from the earlier editions, corrects errors found in earlier versions, and replaces archaic English with contemporary prose and up-to-date mathematical forms.</p> <p>Newton's principles describe accelerati...


  • PRINCIPIA THE AUTHORITATIVE TR Isaac Newton I. Bernard Cohen Anne Whitman UNIV OF CALIFORNIA PR2016 Paperback English ISBN:9780520290747 洋書 Computers & Science(コンピューター&科学) Science


  • <p>The second edition of this textbook presents the basic mathematical knowledge and skills that are needed for courses on modern theoretical physics, such as those on quantum mechanics, classical and quantum field theory, and related areas. The authors stress that learning mathematical physics is not a passive process and include numerous detailed proofs, examples, and over 200 exercises, as well as hints linking mathematical concepts and results to the relevant physical concepts and theories. All of the material from the first edition has been updated, and five new chapters have been added on such topics as distributions, Hilbert space operators, and variational methods.</p> <p>The text is divided into three parts:</p> <p>- Part I: A brief introduction to (Schwartz) distribution theory. Elements from the theories of ultra distributions and (Fourier) hyperfunctions are given in addition to some deeper results for Schwartz distributions, thus providing a rather comprehensi...


  • <p>This easy-to-read 2010 book demonstrates how a simple geometric idea reveals fascinating connections and results in number theory, the mathematics of polyhedra, combinatorial geometry, and group theory. Using a systematic paper-folding procedure it is possible to construct a regular polygon with any number of sides. This remarkable algorithm has led to interesting proofs of certain results in number theory, has been used to answer combinatorial questions involving partitions of space, and has enabled the authors to obtain the formula for the volume of a regular tetrahedron in around three steps, using nothing more complicated than basic arithmetic and the most elementary plane geometry. All of these ideas, and more, reveal the beauty of mathematics and the interconnectedness of its various branches. Detailed instructions, including clear illustrations, enable the reader to gain hands-on experience constructing these models and to discover for themselves the patterns and relatio...


  • 森博嗣(著者)販売会社/発売会社:講談社/ 発売年月日:1999/07/14JAN:9784062646147


  • Mathematical Goodbye 講談社文庫 森 博嗣 講談社ワラワナイスウガクシャマスマティカルグッドバイMATHEMATICALGOODBYE モリ ヒロシ 発行年月:1999年07月 ページ数:486p サイズ:文庫 ISBN:9784062646147 偉大な数学者、天王寺翔蔵博士の住む「三ツ星館」。そこで開かれたパーティの席上、博士は庭にある大きなオリオン像を消してみせた。一夜あけて、再びオリオン像が現れた時、2つの死体が発見され…。犀川助教授と西之園萌絵の理系師弟コンビが館の謎と殺人事件の真相を探る。超絶の森ミステリィ第3弾。 本 小説・エッセイ 日本の小説 著者名・ま行 文庫 小説・エッセイ


  • <p><strong>Detailed guidance on the mathematics behind equity derivatives</strong></p> <p><em>Problems and Solutions in Mathematical Finance Volume II</em> is an innovative reference for quantitative practitioners and students, providing guidance through a range of mathematical problems encountered in the finance industry. This volume focuses solely on equity derivatives problems, beginning with basic problems in derivatives securities before moving on to more advanced applications, including the construction of volatility surfaces to price exotic options. By providing a methodology for solving theoretical and practical problems, whilst explaining the limitations of financial models, this book helps readers to develop the skills they need to advance their careers. The text covers a wide range of derivatives pricing, such as European, American, Asian, Barrier and other exotic options. Extensive appendices provide a summary of important formulae from calculus, theory of ...


  • <p>This volume, <em>A Mathematical Primer of Molecular Phylogenetics</em>, offers a unique perspective on a number of phylogenetic issues that have not been covered in detail in previous publications. The volume provides sufficient mathematical background for young mathematicians and computational scientists, as well as mathematically inclined biology students, to make a smooth entry into the expanding field of molecular phylogenetics. The book will also provide sufficient details for researchers in phylogenetics to understand the workings of existing software packages used.</p> <p>The volume offers comprehensive but detailed numerical illustrations to render difficult mathematical and computational concepts in molecular phylogenetics accessible to a variety of readers with different academic background.</p> <p>The text includes examples of solved problems after each chapter, which will be particularly helpful for fourth-year undergraduates, postgraduates, and postdoct...


  • Mathematical Principles of Lowーpass filter for surface texture 近藤雄基 沼田宗敏 リフレ出版/東京図書出版ヒョウゲンセイジョウヨウローパスフィルタノスウリ コンドウユウキ ヌマダムネトシ 発行年月:2023年03月22日 予約締切日:2023年03月02日 ページ数:150p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784866416380 近藤雄基(コンドウユウキ) 法政大学理工学部機械工学科助手を経て第一工科大学工学部情報電子システム工学科専任講師、博士(情報科学)、専門は機械計測、画像処理、人工知能。精密工学会広報・情報部会広報委員 沼田宗敏(ヌマダムネトシ) 中京大学工学部機械システム工学科教授、博士(工学)、専門は機械計測。名古屋市科学館企画調査委員、名古屋市立大学非常勤講師、中京大学人工知能高等研究所副所長などを歴任 吉田一朗(ヨシダイチロウ) 法政大学理工学部機械工学科教授、博士(工学)。専門は計測工学、データサイエンス、画像処理、表面性状・表面粗さ解析。ISO/TC213国内委員、日本代表エキスパート、JIS原案作成委員、精密工学会理事、会誌編集委員長(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 1 基本編(ローパスフィル...


  • (出版社)American Mathematical Society p-adic Analysis Compared with Real 1冊●著者:Katok, S.●シリーズ名:Student Mathematical Library●Vol. 37●頁数他:xiii., 152 p.●装丁:Paper●出版社:American Mathematical Society●発行日:2007/1/1


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明><収録内容>第0章 数学を扱う第11章 数論の証明第12章 微積分の証明第13章 群論の証明第14章 環論の証明第15章 線形代数の証明第16章 位相の証明<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-1631583Geari Chart Land / Cho Arubato D Poly Meni / Cho Pin Chan / Cho Suzuki Jiro / Yaku / Shomei No Tanoshimi Sugaku Wo Tsukaikonasu Renshu Wo Shiyo Oyo Hen / Original Title: MATHEMATICAL PROOFSメディア:本/雑誌重量:340g発売日:2014/02JAN:9784621066195証明の楽しみ 数学を使いこなす練習をしよう 応用編 / 原タイトル:MATHEMATICAL PROOFS[本/雑誌] (単行本・ムック) / ゲアリー・チャートランド/著 アルバート・D・ポリメニ/著 ピン・チャン/著 鈴木治郎/訳2014/02発売
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