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El trauma visto por los ni os Despertar el milagro cotidiano de la curaci n desde la infancia hasta la adolescencia【電子書籍】 Peter A. LevineElysium A Visual History of Angelology【電子書籍】 Edward SimonBecoming Belize: A History of an Outpost of Empire Searching for Identity, 1528-1823【電子書籍】 Mavis C. Campbell【中古】 Stefano Di Battista ステファノディバティスタ / A Prima Vista 【CD】L 039 assistente del farmacista romance vittoriano, fantasmi, streghe, Scozia, amore a prima vista, Londra【電子書籍】 Sandra SookooEnfermagem Materno-Infantil Uma Vis o Biopsicossocial do Saber e Fazer do Enfermeiro na Aten o B sica de Sa de【電子書籍】 Helton Camilo TeixeiraWho Killed Tiffany Jones A Novel【電子書籍】 Mavis KayeThe Way Spring Arrives and Other Stories A Collection of Chinese Science Fiction and Fantasy in Translation from a Visionary Team of Female and Nonbinary Creators【電子書籍】 Yu Chen


  • <p>El trauma visto por los ni?os describe paso por paso la aplicaci?n pr?ctica de los "primeros auxilios emocionales" en las secuelas de heridas y traumas emocionales en los ni?os. Se ha escrito para un p?blico general e incluye cap?tulos espec?ficos que resultar?n de especial inter?s a padres, educadores y profesionales de la salud. Al comprender que el trauma engendra violencia y la violencia engendra trauma, la intenci?n de los autores es proveer informaci?n, ejemplos y actividades que romper?n el c?rculo vicioso. Los ni?os tienen la libertad de desarrollar un fuerte sentido de identidad cuando la agitaci?n interna se transforma en paz interior, preparando el camino para que sean todo lo que pueden ser. En esta gu?a completa, Peter Levine y Maggie Kline te invitan amablemente a que te unas a ellos en el sue?o colectivo de tejer una nueva tela social a trav?s de las poderosas herramientas de intervenci?n de trauma aqu? ofrecidas, para que los ni?os a trav?s del mundo puedan real...


  • <p><em><strong>Elysium: A Visual History of Angelology</strong></em> <strong>is a gloriously illustrated overview of angels across art, religion, and literature from scholar Ed Simon, writer for The Millions.</strong></p> <p>Ineffable, invisible, inscrutableーangels are enduring creatures across Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, and human experiences of the divine as mediated by spiritual emissaries are an aspect of almost every religious tradition. In popular culture, angels are often reduced to the most gauzy, sentimental, and saccharine of images: fat babies with wings and guardians with robes, halos, and harps. By contrast, in scripture whenever one of the heavenly choirs appears before a prophet or patriarch, they first declare, “Fear not!” for terror would be the most appropriate initial reaction to these otherworldly beings. Angels are often not what we’d expect, but it’s precisely in that transcendent encounter that something of the strangeness of existence...


  • This study explores the early Spanish attempts to colonize present day Belize and identifies many of the problems Spain encountered.画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • 状態可状態詳細帯付、ケースすれ中古商品のご購入について※中古商品の状態、仕様、内容等に関するお問い合わせはお受けできません※中古商品にはサイト上に記載がある場合でも、封入/外付け特典は付属いたしません>>その他注意事項(必ずご確認ください)出荷目安の詳細はこちら商品説明(こちらは新品の商品説明となります。参考として下さいませ。中古商品にはサイト上に記載がある場合でも、封入/外付け特典は付属いたしません。)故ペトルチアーニに抜擢されたイタリア生まれの才能が一気に開花した作品。特筆すべきはその豊穣なアルト&ソプラノの音色と、汲めども尽きぬフレーズのアイデアと語り口の巧みさ!出来れば爆音で浴びるように聴いてほしい。きっとその才能の凄さを体感できるはず。是非。曲目リストDisc11.スピリット・オブ・メッセンジャーズ/2.ファニー・ムーン/3.エアオバ/4.メル・アクワ/5.ブッフォ/6.アナザー・タイム/7.ダイナ/8.T・トニック/9.ミセッティーナ/10.ファースト・スマイル/11.ベンジ/12.ラッシュ・ライフ


  • <p>Fascetta pubblicitaria</p> <p><em>Quando il destino chiama, puoi scappare o restare e combattere per ci? che hai sempre desiderato. In ogni caso, non avrai altra scelta che cambiare.</em></p> <p>La signora Ava Southerly, assistente farmacista e vedova, vive nella paura. ? diventata un'esperta nel nascondersi per tenere le sue premonizioni sotto controllo. Nel 1885, cose come le streghe non esistono pi?, poco importa quali siano le sue origini. Se non mette in gioco il suo cuore, i suoi poteri soprannaturali resteranno latenti e le persone che ama non soffriranno, ma desidera ardentemente essere accettata e amata.</p> <p>Douglas Wallace, medico americano e discendente di un cacciatore di streghe scozzese, ? a Londra per tenere una serie di conferenze sui progressi delle pi? moderne tecniche mediche. Quando incrocia di sfuggita lo sguardo di una bellissima giovane dai capelli biondi attraverso la vetrina di un ristorante, si sente irresistibilmente spinto a seguir...


  • <p>? com imensa satisfa??o que os organizadores apresentam a presente obra "Enfermagem Materno-Infantil: Uma Vis?o Biopsicossocial do Saber e Fazer do Enfermeiro na Aten??o B?sica de Sa?de". Este livro ? resultado da discuss?o e reflex?o durante a disciplina de Projeto Integrador (PI) Materno-Infantil ministrado no Curso de Gradua??o em Enfermagem do Centro Universit?rio S?o Lucas localizado no Munic?pio de Porto Velho/RO, juntamente com os alunos no semestre de 2021.1. Seus saberes s?o fruto de pesquisas e encontros remotos s?ncronos e ass?ncronos visando trazer uma vis?o e olhar frente a pr?tica do enfermeiro no Sistema ?nico de Sa?de (SUS) atrav?s da Aten??o B?sica de Sa?de. O campo da enfermagem materna-infantil permite ao enfermeiro durante e ap?s o pr?-natal de baixo risco acompanhar n?o somente a gestante, mas tamb?m a crian?a e posteriormente os adolescentes por meio da Consulta de Enfermagem, aproximando o enfermeiro a real necessidade e particularidades da sua clientela ...


  • <p>There's a $10,000 reward for solving the crime -- It could be yours!</p> <p>The sensational killings that have rocked the seemingly untouchable world of international jet-setters and powerful glitterati appear to be unrelated -- but former police detective Kim Carlyle senses there's a thread connecting them all. After one of Kim's clients, celebrated chanteuse Tiffany Jones, is slain backstage during a performance at the Apollo Theater, the savvy and beautiful Carlyle pieces together the clues. And what she discovers is a scheme whose complexity, dare and danger were beyond her wildest imaginings.</p> <p>Interactive reading at its most exciting, <em>Who Killed Tiffany Jones?</em> is a page-turning thriller packed with international intrigue, celebrity-based characters, faraway, exotic locales -- and a chance for a clever reader to cash in on the mystery!</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わら...


  • <p><strong>An Oprah Daily Top 25 Fantasy Book of 2022</strong></p> <p><strong>From an award-winning team of authors, editors, and translators</strong> <strong>comes a groundbreaking short story collection that explores the expanse of Chinese science fiction and fantasy.</strong></p> <p>In <em>The Way Spring Arrives and Other Stories</em>, you can dine at a restaurant at the end of the universe, cultivate to immortality in the high mountains, watch roses perform Shakespeare, or arrive at the island of the gods on the backs of giant fish to ensure that the world can bloom.</p> <p>Written, edited, and translated by a female and nonbinary team, these stories have never before been published in English and represent both the richly complicated past and the vivid future of Chinese science fiction and fantasy.</p> <p>Time travel to a winter's day on the West Lake, explore the very boundaries of death itself, and meet old gods and new heroes in this stunnin...
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