mortal kombat 11 ultimate switch

【クーポン配布中】 Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate (PS4) (輸入版)


  • UK PSN store account may be required for any online featuresThe Definitive mk11 experience! Take control of earthrealm's protectors in the game's two critically acclaimed time-bending story campaigns as they race to stop kronika from rewinding time and rebooting history. Friendships are tested and new alliances forged in the battle to save all of existence. mk11 ultimate features the complete character roster including new additions rain mileena & Rambo. Mortal Kombat 11 showcases every amusing friendship gory Fatality and soul-crushing Fatal blow like never before. You'll be so close to the fight you can feel it! includes Mortal Kombat 11 Kombat Pack 1 mk11: aftermath & Kombat Pack 2.
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