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  • <p>Finally! How you can confidently unlock the full potential of your new iPhone 14 and say goodbye to confusion and frustration!</p> <p>If you're a senior or a beginner, using a new iPhone can be an overwhelming experience. There are so many features and settings to navigate, not to mention the potential for technical issues and difficulties.</p> <p>That's where our Ultimate Seniors Guide comes in.</p> <p>Our comprehensive guide is specifically designed to help seniors and beginners get the most out of their iPhone 14. We address common challenges that you may face, such as navigating the complex user interface and understanding how to use Siri, the voice assistant</p> <p>Our guide also covers how to use popular apps such as Messages, FaceTime, and Safari, as well as introduce you to new apps such as Health, which can help you keep track of your health and fitness goals.</p> <p>Please check what’s inside:</p> <p>How to set up your iPhone for the first time...


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  • <h4>DELIVER THE PRESENTATION OF YOUR LIFE--AND LAUNCH YOUR CAREER</h4> <p>A nonprofit dedicated to ideas worth spreading, TED challenges the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers to give "the speech of their lives" in 18 minutes or less. The more than 14,000 talks on have been viewed over 1 billion times and include those by such luminaries as Tony Robbins, Dan Pink, and Sheryl Sandberg.</p> <p>Now you can learn how to give a TED-style talk to achieve your personal and business goals.</p> <p><em>How to Deliver a TED Talk</em> provides more than 100 invaluable tips--everything from opening with an explicit statement of audience benefits to framing your idea as an action-outcome response to a question worth asking. Whether you're presenting to an audience of 1 or 1,000, this book is an indispensable resource for any public speaker.</p> <p><em>"Not just for TED talks, it's a great book for any presentation you have to make. If you want to deeply en...


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  • <p><strong>“A thoughtful, well-organized overview from the beginning to the twilight days of this iconic airliner” by the highly regarded aviation historian (<strong><strong>Large Scale Planes</strong></strong>).</strong></p> <p>In April 1972, after six grueling years of design and development, the then Lockheed California Company (now Lockheed Martin) delivered the most technologically advanced commercial jet of its era, the L-1011 TriStar, to its first client, Eastern Airlines.</p> <p>To mark the moment, Lockheed decided to make an impressive statement about the capabilities of its new medium-to-long-range, wide-body trijet airliner. It did so in spectacular fashion. Overseen by two test pilots, a total of 115 crew members, VIPs, Lockheed employees, and selected reporters boarded a TriStar at Lockheed’s Palmdale plant in California. The subsequent 4-hour, 13-minute flight to Washington Dulles Airport was achieved with virtually no input from the two pilots in...


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  • <p>In this easy-to-use, illustrated book, Jane Simons, a leading obstetric physiotherapist, shares her passionate commitment to help women take the best care of themselves during the nine months of pregnancy.</p> <p>Pregnancy is a time when unexpected aches and pains appear. Powering through Pregnancy' will firstly show you why in clear, non-medical language with line drawings to help you understand the way the anatomy all fits together.</p> <p>Jane Simons then describes the exercises that she teaches so successfully to her pre-natal classes. She tells you how and why they're doing you good as well as when they're not suitable. Each exercise is illustrated with a photograph for easy reference. There are also break-out boxes with handy hints such as which exercises will be good in labour.</p> <p>In the final section, exercises suitable for specific pains during pregnancy, such as lower back or coccyx pain, can be referred to conveniently.</p> <p><em>Pain Free Preg...


  • <p><strong>Dvojezi?na knjiga za decu, od 2-3 godina (hrvatski ? engleski), sa audio i video zapisom</strong><br /> Lulu ne mo?e da zaspi. Sve njene pli?ane igra?ke ve? sanjaju ? morski pas, slon, mali mi?, zmaj, klokan i lavi?. ?ak i medvjedu se gotovo zatvaraju o?i...<br /> ?uj Medo, jel me uzme? sa sobom u tvoj san?<br /> Tako po?inje za Lulu jedno putovanje, koje je vodi kroz snove njezinih pli?anih igra?aka ? i na kraju u njen najljep?i san.<br /> ? S slikama za bojanje! Preko linka u knjizi mogu se preuzeti slike iz pri?e za bojanje.<br /> <strong>Bilingual children's picture book (Croatian ? English), with audio and video</strong><br /> Lulu can't fall asleep. All her cuddly toys are dreaming already ? the shark, the elephant, the little mouse, the dragon, the kangaroo, and the lion cub. Even the bear has trouble keeping his eyes open ...<br /> Hey bear, will you take me along into your dream?<br /> Thus begins a journey for Lulu that leads her throug...


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  • <p>The Malice Domestic anthology series returns with a new take on mysteries in the Agatha Christie traditionーoriginal tales with a theatrical bent! Included are:</p> <p>Preface, by Ellen Hart<br /> The Rock Star, by Frances Aylor<br /> Perfectly Awry, by Anne Louise Bannon<br /> The Ghost in Balcony B, by Michele Bazan Reed<br /> Drama-Rama Flip Flop, by Cindy Brown<br /> It’s Not O.K. Corral, by M. E. Browning<br /> Mary-Alice Imagines Her Life as a Movie, by Karen Cantwell<br /> The Ghost of Hamnet, by R. M. Chastleton<br /> When the Wind is Southerly, by Leone Ciporin<br /> Raising Cain, by Carla Coupe<br /> Death of Another Hero, by Susan Daly<br /> The Stars Are Fire, by Phillip DePoy<br /> Death Plays the Palace, by Margaret Dumas<br /> The Homicidal Understudy, by Elizabeth Elwood<br /> No Final Act, by Daryl Wood Gerber<br /> Deus Ex Machina, by B. J. Graf<br /> The Nine Deaths in Hamlet?, by A. P. Jamison<br /> Heat Wave, by Maureen...


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  • <p><strong>From gravity to black holes, special relativity to global warming, this authoritative and entertaining book from bestselling author Marcus Chown breaks down complex science into manageable chunks, explaining the one thing you really need to know to get to grips with the subject.</strong></p> <p>Rather than trying to bend your mind around all the vast and confounding details of things such as gravitational waves, electricity and black holes, wouldn’t it be easier to <strong>understand just one central concept</strong> from which everything else follows?</p> <p>If you’ve ever found yourself fascinated by the idea of <strong>quantum computing</strong> but feel a little overwhelmed by the mindblowing subject of quantum mechanics or concerned by climate change but haven’t been able to get to grips with the details of <strong>global warming</strong>, this book is for you. Let’s take <strong>atoms</strong>, for example ? what on earth are they? Well...


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