northern land

【国内未発売】北アイルランド代表 オフィシャル ポロシャツ ブラック【サッカー/Northern Ireland/POLO】ネコポス対応可能Constitution of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands【電子書籍】 Government of the Northern Mariana Islandsブッシュクラフトナイフ 本革シース付 【Northern Land (ノーザン ランド) エアステップ】 関市 日本製 原幸治 ハイス鋼 DLC 刃渡 125mm フルタング アウトドアナイフ アウトドア キャンプ バトニングナイフ バトニング サバイバルナイフ ナイフ 大型洋書『マイケル ケンナ写真集 Northern England 1983-1986』【CAMP HACK (キャンプハック) で紹介!】 ブッシュクラフトナイフ 本革シース付 【Northern Land (ノーザン ランド) ロッキー ブラックダイヤモンド】 関市 日本製 原幸治 VG10 刃渡 104mm フルタング コンベックス リッチライトReporting the Troubles 2: More journalists tell their stories of the Northern Ireland conflict【電子書籍】Lonely Planet Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos Northern Thailand【電子書籍】 Greg BloomReporting the Troubles 1: Journalists tell their stories of the Northern Ireland conflict【電子書籍】【ふるさと納税】SOMES ルームフレグランス LIFE IN A NORTHERN LAND リードスティック 7本 HL-01 ソメスサドル 北海道 砂川市 12260399 ソメス フレグランス 部屋 スティック ディフューザー お香 アロマ リラックス オシャレ おしゃれ国旗缶バッジ CBFG058 NORTHERN IRELAND 北アイルランド 国旗 缶バッジ フラッグ 旅行 グッズブッシュクラフトナイフ 本革シース付 【Northern Land (ノーザン ランド) バンブー】 関市 日本製 原幸治 ハイス鋼 DLC 刃渡 125mm フルタング アウトドアナイフ アウトドア キャンプ バトニングナイフ バトニング サバイバルナイフ ナイフ 大型Joint Declaration on the Question of Hong Kong The Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the Government of the People 039 s Republic of China【電子書籍】 United KingdomNo solution The Labour government and the Northern Ireland conflict, 1974 79【電子書籍】 Stuart C. AveyardMemoirs of the Confederate War for Independence (Volumes 1 2) Voyage Arrival in the States, Becoming a Member of the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia, Battles: Manassas, the Invasion of Maryland Fredericksburg, Friendship With J【電子書籍】国旗柄 ショルダーバッグ United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(イギリス) ユニオンジャック ロゴ 黒 ブラック フラッグ 旗A history of the Northern Ireland Labour Party Democratic socialism and sectarianism【電子書籍】 Aaron EdwardsFrom Northern Ireland to Afghanistan British Military Intelligence Operations, Ethics and Human Rights【電子書籍】 Jon MoranNorthern Territories, Asia-Pacific Regional Conflicts and the Aland Experience Untying the Kurillian Knot【電子書籍】【CAMP HACK (キャンプハック) で紹介!】 ブッシュクラフトナイフ 本革シース付 【Northern Land (ノーザン ランド) ロッキー ナチュラル】 関市 日本製 原幸治 VG10 刃渡 104mm フルタング コンベックス リッチライトレディース ドライTシャツ ホワイト 半袖 4.1オンス ジム トレーニング スポーツ 運動会 ドライアスレチック UVカット 紫外線遮蔽 吸水速乾 デザイン Tshirt M L 国旗 northern-ireland 北アイルランド 018527


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  • <p>The Northern Mariana Islands belong to the United States and are in the Pacific Ocean north of Papua New Guinea. The constitution document was formalized in 1986 and lays down important issues such as Personal Rights, Law and Order, Voting Rights and so on.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • 『マイケル・ケンナ写真集 Northern England』 1983?1986・パンデミック下で撮影旅行に行けなかった 2020 年にアーカイブから見つけだした、 イングランド北部で撮影した 1983年から1986年の間の作品群。 美しい風景、歴史的建造物、高い煙突、 空っぽのミル、使われなくなった運河、 取り壊し予定の住宅・・・・・・サイズ:32x25cm  言語:英語・96ページ ハードカバー・クロス装・published by NAZRAELI PRESS未開封新品です。発送は定形外郵便710円を予定しております。


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  • <p>In this follow-up to their landmark first book, Deric Henderson and Ivan Little have gathered new stories from seventy journalists who have worked in Northern Ireland during the Troubles. These contributors write powerfully about the victims they have never forgotten, the events that have never left them, and the lasting impact of working through those terrible years.</p> <p><em><strong>Reporting the Troubles 2</strong></em>, which includes contributions from a new generation of journalists, who came up in the years leading to the Good Friday Agreement, provides a compelling narrative of the last fifty years, and covers many of the key events in Northern Ireland’s troubled history, from Bloody Sunday in 1972 to the inquest into the Ballymurphy Massacre in 2021.</p> <p>Grounded in the passionate belief that good journalism and good journalists make a difference, Reporting the Troubles 2 is a profoundly moving act of remembrance and testimony.</p> <p>'I am som...


  • <p><strong>Lonely Planet's <em>Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos & Northern Thailand</em></strong> is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you. Visit Chiang Mai, the cultural capital of northern Thailand, discover a secret beach on Cambodia's Koh Rong, or loosen up in Ho Chi Minh City; all with your trusted travel companion. Get to the heart of Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos & Northern Thailand and begin your journey now!</p> <p>Inside <strong>Lonely Planet's <em>Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos & Northern Thailand</em></strong>Travel Guide:</p> <p><strong>Up-to-date information -</strong> all businesses were rechecked before publication to ensure they are still open after 2020’s COVID-19 outbreak</p> <p><strong>NEW pull-out, passport-size 'Just Landed' card</strong> with wi-fi, ATM and transport info - all you need for a smooth journey from airport to hotel</p> <p><strong>Improved planning...


  • <p>In some ways, I didn’t ? don’t ? want to remember any of it. Which is not to say that one ever forgets. I don’t know any journalist who worked through the Troubles, with its relentless cycle of murders and doorstepping the homes of the dead and funerals and yet more murders, who isn’t haunted from time to time by being an eyewitness to evil, to heartache and, yes, to courage too.</p> <p><strong>GAIL WALKER</strong>, editor, <em>Belfast Telegraph</em></p> <p>In <em>Reporting the Troubles</em> sixty-eight renowned journalists tell their stories of working in Northern Ireland during the Troubles ? the victims that they have never forgotten, the events that have never left them, and the lasting impact of the experience of working through those years.</p> <p>The result is a compelling account of one of the most turbulent periods in recent history, told by the journalists who reported on it. Beginning in 1968 with an eyewitness report of the day that civil rig...


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  • <p>The Sino-British Joint Declaration is a treaty between the governments of the United Kingdom and China signed in 1984 setting the conditions in which Hong Kong was to be transferred to Chinese control and for the governance of the territory after 1 July 1997. Hong Kong had been a colony of the British Empire since 1842 after the First Opium War and its territory was expanded on two occasions; first in 1860 with the addition of Kowloon Peninsula and Stonecutters Island, and again in 1898 when Britain obtained a 99-year lease for the New Territories. The date of the handover in 1997 marked the end of this lease.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Utilising a wide range of archival correspondence and diaries, this monograph reconstructs the 1974-79 Labour government's policies in Northern Ireland. It covers the collapse of power-sharing in May 1974, the secret dialogue with the Provisional IRA during the 1975 ceasefire, the acquiescence of Labour ministers in continuing indefinite direct rule from Westminster, efforts to mitigate conflict through industrial investment, a major shift in security policy emphasizing the police over the army, the adaptation of republicans to the threat of these new measures and their own adoption of a 'Long War' strategy. In so doing, it sheds light on the challenges faced by British ministers, civil servants, soldiers and policemen and the reasons why the conflict lasted so long. It will be a key text for researchers and students of both British and Northern Irish politics.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場...


  • <p>"Borcke's book is one that no student of Confederate history will forget."ーDouglas Southall Freeman. Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence is one of the best account of the American Civil War written from the Confederate point of view. The book was written by Heros Von Borcke, a Prussian cavalry officer, who served in service in the cavalry of the army of Northern Virginia. The Memoirs follow his service that begun in the spring of 1862. He was a direct witness and a participant of many great battles of the American Civil War (Seven Pines, the Seven Days, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Brandy Station). Borcke's participation in the war ended in the early part of the Gettysburg campaign, when he was wounded.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>This book is the first definitive history of the Northern Ireland Labour Party (NILP), a unique political force which drew its support from Protestants and Catholics and became electorally viable despite deep-seated ethnic, religious and national divisions. Formed in 1924 and disbanded in 1987, the NILP succeeded in returning several of its members to the locally-based Northern Ireland parliament in 1925?29 and 1958?72 and polled some 100,000 votes in both the 1964 and the 1970 British general elections. As British Labour’s ‘sister’ party in the province from the late 1920s until the late 1970s, the NILP could rely on substantive fraternal and organisational support at critical junctures in its history. Despite its political successes the NILP’s significance has been downplayed by historians, partly because of the lack of empirical evidence and partly to reinforce the simplistic view of Northern Ireland as the site of the most protracted sectarian conflict in modern Europe.</p...


  • <p>Moran concentrates on three aims: to provide an overview of British military intelligence operations in the last 30 years which concentrates on operational not strategic intelligence; to examine the debates over ethics and effectiveness that have followed these operations; and to examine the increasing attempts to place military intelligence under the same type of regulation that police and security intelligence operations have been subject to. As such, he provides a timely overview of intelligence effectiveness and ethics in this area of heightened interest and relevance in terms of the recent UK deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan, and in the light of the UK Strategic Defence Review. This book is not a philosophical discussion of military ethics; nor is it a study of operations alone. In the light of experiences from Northern Ireland to Afghanistan, it examines the debates over effectiveness which have surrounded British military intelligence activities whilst tying these deb...


  • <p>This volume is the fruit of an international collaborative study, which considers the ?land islands settlement in northern Europe as a resolution model for the major Asia-Pacific regional conflicts that derived from the post-World War II disposition of Japan, with particular focus on the territorial dispute between Japan and Russia, the Northern Territories/Southern Kuriles problem.</p> <p>The contributors provide analysis of the ?land settlement, the Japan-Russia territorial dispute and ?land-inspired solution ideas by experts from all over the world, including government officials, scholars and military specialists.</p> <p><em>Northern Territories, Asia-Pacific Regional Conflicts and the Aland Experience</em> will be of interest to advanced undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as academics working in Asian studies, politics, international relations, conflict resolution and security studies.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入...


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