optics hecht

Instructor 039 s Guide 5th ed Understanding Fiber Optics【電子書籍】 Jeff Hechtヘクト光学 2 / 原タイトル:Optics 原著第5版の翻訳 本/雑誌 / EUGENEHECHT/〔著〕 尾崎義治/訳 朝倉利光/訳City of Light The Story of Fiber Optics【電子書籍】 Jeff HechtSchaum 039 s Outline of Optics【電子書籍】 Eugene Hecht


  • <p>This instructor's guide is written to accompany to the fifth edition of Understanding Fiber Optics by Jeff Hecht, originally published by Pearson/Prentice-Hall in 2006 and later republished by Laser Light Press. It is being published now to help readers using the book in self-study of fiber optics, because nothing like it has been published since then. It includes answers to quiz questions and "questions to think about" in the book, and worked-out calculations for many of the problems in the book. It also include suggestions for teachers on how to present material in the book, an explanation of the structure of the book, and supplementary material including references and links available when the fifth edition of the book was published in 2006. The author has not tried to update links other than his own.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文...


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>光の性質を体系的に学ぶことができる教科書。初歩的な数学のみを前提とし、工夫された図や写真を多用して、直観的に理解しやすい構成となっている。教育に主眼を置きつつ記述の仕方を現代的にし、最新の内容を盛り込むという従来からの基本方針はそのままに、改訂版では、可能な限り説明方法を改善し、取扱い方の現代化を継続するとともに、技術の進展に合わせて内容を更新した。たとえば、光子や位相子やフーリエ解析の記述を増やし、原子干渉計を議論しメタマテリアルを扱っている。このような方針により本書は、急速に進展する光学分野への手引きにもなっている。改訂版では多数の例題を追加し、実践的理解を促す。第2巻では、光学の理解に欠かせない波動現象について、波動の重ね合せや偏光と干渉、および回折について取り上げる。<収録内容>7 波動の重ね合せ(等しい周波数をもつ波動の加算異なる周波数をもつ波動の加算 ほか)8 偏光(偏光の性質偏光子 ほか)9 干渉(一般的考察干渉の条件 ほか)10 回折(予備的考察フラウンホーファー回折 ほか)<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2373751EUGENEHECHT / [Cho] Ozaki Yoshiharu / Ya...


  • <p><em>City of Light</em> tells the story of fiber optics, tracing its transformation from 19th-century parlor trick into the foundation of our global communications network. Written for a broad audience by a journalist who has covered the field for twenty years, the book is a lively account of both the people and the ideas behind this revolutionary technology. The basic concept underlying fiber optics was first explored in the 1840s when researchers used jets of water to guide light in laboratory demonstrations. The idea caught the public eye decades later when it was used to create stunning illuminated fountains at many of the great Victorian exhibitions. The modern version of fiber optics--using flexible glass fibers to transmit light--was discovered independently five times through the first half of the century, and one of its first key applications was the endoscope, which for the first time allowed physicians to look inside the body without surgery. Endoscopes became pra...


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