parliament funkentelechy

Multifarious Funk: The Evolution and Biography of George Clinton and The Parliament-Funkadelic Empire (Funkentelechy) How 039 s Your Funk 【電子書籍】 Sabrina Marie【輸入盤CD】PARLIAMENT / FUNKENTELECHY VS THE PLACEBO SYNDROME (パーラメント)Multifarious Funk: The Evolution and Biography of George Clinton and The Parliament-Funkadelic Empire (Funkentelechy) How 039 s Your Funk 【電子書籍】 Sabrina Marie【中古】 【輸入盤】Funkentelechy Vs the Placebo Syndrome/パーラメント


  • <p>While editing and preparing for publication this brilliant book by Sabrina-Marie on the extraordinary life of the living musical genius that is <strong>George Clinton</strong>, founder of the <strong>Parliament-Funkadelic empire</strong>, I began to remember and realize that I had once been a weed smoking, drug taking, alcohol drinking, no head, no backstage pass, full-fledged, dues paying, card carrying member of the Parliament-Funkadelic Nation, a true funkateer. My motherfunkin ass had danced and gotten high many times while partying and jammin’ to the music of The Parliaments, then the Funkadelics, and then Parliament-Funkadelics, through the late 60’s, all through the 70’s, and I felt that I was always, truly, standing on the verge of gettin’ it on and doing something great. I had funkafied hundreds and hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of girls while living in Boston, then Japan, South Korea, South Vietnam and even some North Vietnamese girls, then some Nort...


  • 輸入盤収録曲:(パーラメント)


  • <p>While editing and preparing for publication this brilliant book by Sabrina-Marie on the extraordinary life of the living musical genius that is <strong>George Clinton</strong>, founder of the <strong>Parliament-Funkadelic empire</strong>, I began to remember and realize that I had once been a weed smoking, drug taking, alcohol drinking, no head, no backstage pass, full-fledged, dues paying, card carrying member of the Parliament-Funkadelic Nation, a true funkateer. My motherfunkin ass had danced and gotten high many times while partying and jammin’ to the music of The Parliaments, then the Funkadelics, and then Parliament-Funkadelics, through the late 60’s, all through the 70’s, and I felt that I was always, truly, standing on the verge of gettin’ it on and doing something great. I had funkafied hundreds and hundreds and hundreds, if not thousands of girls while living in Boston, then Japan, South Korea, South Vietnam and even some North Vietnamese girls, then some Nort...


  • パーラメント販売会社/発売会社:Island/Mercury発売年月日:1990/02/21JAN:0042282450128
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