
【中古】 Quiet Corner a collection of pastoral music/(V.A.),ヴァージニア アストレイ,トティ ソレール,カルテット ファンタスティコ,Alela Diane & Ryan FrancescoThe Reformed Pastor A Discourse on the Pastoral Office【電子書籍】 Richard Baxter美濃焼 パン皿 中皿 Holland Plaza DE AGUA デ アクア Pastoral パストラル【あす楽対応】美濃焼 ミート皿 大皿 Holland Plaza DE AGUA デ アクア Pastoral パストラル【あす楽対応】美濃焼 片手スープカップ Holland Plaza DE AGUA デ アクア Pastoral パストラル【あす楽対応】Ephesians A Pastoral and Contextual Commentary【電子書籍】 Brian WintleA Pastoral Leader 039 s Handbook Strategies for Success in the Secondary School【電子書籍】 Mrs Marilyn Nathanpastoral nomad (パストラルノマド) テントサウナ サウナテント 【選べる9色】Y220 D220 H200cm サウナ 家庭用サウナ パノラマビューテント キッズスペース 防災テント 災害テント新作【67ページ日本語解説書付き】パストラル タロット Pastoral Tarot デラックスセット 図鑑 冊子付き タロットカード タロット占い 定番 人気 初心者 入門 セット ケース 収納 ポーチ ウェイト版 ウエイト版 オラクルカード 宅配便 送料無料 lulucouture 正規品Dangerous Calling Confronting the Unique Challenges of Pastoral Ministry【電子書籍】 Paul David Tripp美濃焼 ケーキ皿 中皿 Holland Plaza DE AGUA デ アクア Pastoral パストラル【あす楽対応】タロットカード 78枚 タロット占い 【 パストラル タロット Pastoral Tarot 】日本語解説書付き 正規品Bc.Pastoral 039 Innocence 039 x walkeriana var. coerulea 039 Fantasy 039 パストラル’イノセンス’Xワルケリアナ セルレア ファンタジー’pastoral nomad (パストラルノマド) テントサウナ サウナテント 【新作5面窓】【選べる9色】Y220 D220 H200cm サウナ 家庭用サウナ パノラマビューテント キッズスペース 防災テント 災害テントThe Expositor 039 s Bible: The Pastoral Epistles Insightful Biblical Commentary on the Pastoral Epistles【電子書籍】 Alfred PlummerStrategic Pastoral Counseling A Short-Term Structured Model【電子書籍】 David G. BennerThe Eclogues of Virgil Exploring rural life and nature through Virgil 039 s timeless pastoral poetry【電子書籍】 Publius Vergilius Maro【テントサウナセット】pastoral nomad (パストラルノマド) パノラマビューテント Y220 D220 H200cm 薪ストーブ ホンマ製作所 ストーブ セット テントサウナ サウナテント 家庭用サウナ 簡単設営 キッズスペース 防災テントティーポット 茶漉し付き Holland Plaza Pastoral Herbs Spice【あす楽対応】pastoral nomad 整いセット サウナテント用アクセサリー サウナテントグッツ ロウリュウーセット


  • (V.A.),ヴァージニア・アストレイ,トティ・ソレール,カルテット・ファンタスティコ,Alela Diane & Ryan Francesconi,林正樹,Ben Gortmaker,ホブソンズ・チョイス販売会社/発売会社:Quiet Corner((株)インパートメント)発売年月日:2016/03/17JAN:4532813032375


  • <p>The Reformed Pastor was a book by English Puritan church leader and theologian Richard Baxter, which he published in relation to the general ministerial efforts he promoted. Baxter provides his vision of personal pastoral ministry and calls for church ministers to take pastoral work seriously. He emphasizes the need for ministers to really know the people in their flock. Baxter explores the purpose and motivation behind the nature of pastoral work.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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この商品は パン皿 中皿 Holland Plaza DE AGUA Pastpral【あす楽対応】 ポイント 【在庫限り!最終放出!】 ショップからのメッセージ 4


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  • 商品情報 サイズ 径10.5×奥13×高さ6.5cmこの商品は 美濃焼 片手スープカップ Holland Plaza DE AGUA Pastoral【あす楽対応】 ポイント 【在庫限り!最終放出!】 ショップからのメッセージ 4


  • <p>In his letter to the Ephesian church, the apostle Paul lays before his readers God’s plan of salvation, which is to be fulfilled when all things find their rightful place in Christ. Paul draws out the practical implications of God’s purpose for the body of Christ, showing how the unity of a new humanity is revealed within it as a foretaste of the ultimate unity of all things in the Son of God. This commentary shows the relevance of Ephesians for the church in Asia today seeking to understand God’s eternal purposes in Christ, especially in the face of pluralism, suffering and injustice. The Asia Bible Commentary Series empowers Christians in Asia to read the Bible from within their respective contexts. Holistic in its approach to the text, each exposition of the biblical books combines exegesis and application. The goal is to strengthen the body of Christ in Asia by providing pastoral and contextual exposition of every book of the Bible.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお...


  • <p>The roles and responsibilities of the pastoral leader have changed significantly in recent years. A Pastoral Leader's Handbook provides a comprehensive survey of the pastoral leader's role in secondary school in the current climate and practical guidance on how to do the job. It includes information and guidance on: becoming effective in your role as a pastoral leader; how to get the best out of your tutor team; your role in managing pupil behaviour; working with a range of external agencies; using data to raise pupil achievement; handling difficult or hard to reach parents; the impact of current research findings on how you do the job. Case studies with real examples of both good and bad practice feature throughout, so that it is easy to relate to the experiences described. Questions throughout aid personal reflection or group discussion, and summaries of recent research, references and relevant web links provide springboards to further support where needed.</p>画面が切り替...


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  • <p>After traveling the globe and speaking to thousands of churches worldwide, Paul David Tripp has discovered a serious problem within pastoral culture.</p> <p>He is not only concerned about the spiritual life of the pastor, but also with the very community of people that trains him, calls him, relates to him, and restores him if necessary.</p> <p><em>Dangerous Calling</em> reveals the truth that the culture surrounding our pastors is spiritually unhealthyーan environment that actively undermines the wellbeing and efficacy of our church leaders and thus the entire church body.</p> <p>Here is a book that both diagnoses and offers cures for issues that impact every member and church leader, and gives solid strategies for fighting the all-important war that rages in our churches today.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>In 'The Expositor's Bible: The Pastoral Epistles' by Alfred Plummer, the reader delves into a scholarly and detailed analysis of the pastoral letters of the New Testament. Plummer's literary style is marked by thorough research, insightful commentary, and clear explanations of the theological themes present in the texts. The book provides a valuable resource for students, pastors, and scholars seeking a deeper understanding of the context and content of the Pastoral Epistles, shedding light on their significance in early Christian literature. Plummer's work is situated within the tradition of biblical exegesis, offering a comprehensive study of the text and its implications for theological interpretation. His meticulous attention to detail and thoughtful analysis make this a valuable addition to any library of biblical commentaries.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下...


  • <p>Therapeutic counseling in a Christian context can be highly effective when it maintains narrowly focused goals in a time-limited setting. The details of this proven model of pastoral counseling are described in this practical guide.<br /> This second edition of Strategic Pastoral Counseling has been thoroughly revised and includes two new chapters. Benner includes helpful case studies, a new appendix on contemporary ethical issues, and updated chapter bibliographies. His study will continue to serve clergy and students well as a valued practical handbook on pastoral care and counseling.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>Publius Vergilius Maro, also known as Virgil, wrote 'The Eclogues of Virgil,' a collection of ten pastoral poems that offer insight into the joys and sorrows of rural life in ancient Rome. Virgil's lyrical and elegant style, inspired by the Greek poet Theocritus, showcases his mastery of language and imagery. The Eclogues serve as a precursor to Virgil's later epic masterpiece, 'The Aeneid,' and are considered some of the finest examples of Latin poetry. The poems explore themes of love, loss, and nature, presenting a vivid picture of the Roman countryside and its inhabitants. Virgil's choice of poetic form and meter adds to the beauty and complexity of the work, making it a timeless classic in the Western literary canon. Virgil, a renowned Roman poet, drew inspiration from the pastoral tradition of ancient Greece, seeking to capture the essence of rural life in his native Italy. His deep love for the countryside and its people shines through in 'The Eclogues,' making it a poig...


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  • 商品情報サイズHolland、Pastoral:径7.5×奥17.5×高さ11cmHerbs:径9.5×奥18×高さ10cm満水容量:約530mlこの商品は ティーポット 茶漉し付き Holland Plaza Pastoral Herbs&Spice【あす楽対応】 ポイント【在庫限り!最終放出!】 ショップからのメッセージ 納期について 4


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