popular science

自己が心にやってくる (ハヤカワ ポピュラー サイエンス) アントニオ R ダマシオRecentering Globalization Popular Culture and Japanese Transnationalism【電子書籍】 Koichi Iwabuchi暮らしのテクノロジー 20世紀ポピュラーサイエンスの神話 原克A Popular History of Ireland (Vol. 1 2) From the Earliest Period to the Emancipation of the Catholics (Complete Edition)【電子書籍】 Thomas D 039 Arcy McGeePopular Astronomy: A Series of Lectures Delivered at Ipswich【電子書籍】 George Biddell AiryGenocide, Collective Violence, and Popular Memory The Politics of Remembrance in the Twentieth Century【電子書籍】 William H. BeezleyCatholic Book of Prayers: Popular Catholic Prayers Arranged for Everyday Use CATH BK OF PRAYERS -LP Maurus FitzgeraldPopular Books on Natural Science For Practical Use in Every Household, for Readers of All Classes【電子書籍】 Aaron David BernsteinThe Butterfly Book A Popular Guide to a Knowledge of the Butterflies of North America【電子書籍】 W. J. HollandA History of Popular Culture in Japan From the Seventeenth Century to the Present【電子書籍】 Dr. E. Taylor Atkinsわかる!なるほど理科実験 (ポピュラー サイエンス) 杉山剛英The Will to Believe, and Other Essays in Popular Philosophy【電子書籍】 William JamesHegemonic Mimicry Korean Popular Culture of the Twenty-First Century【電子書籍】 Kyung Hyun KimMagic in a black box: Why Roku is Popular Tips, Tricks and Hacks【電子書籍】 Michael K EdwardsMediatized Taiwanese Mandarin Popular Culture, Masculinity, and Social Perceptions【電子書籍】 Chun-Yi PengPopular Culture, Globalization and Japan【電子書籍】The Mystical City of God: A Popular Abridgment MYSTICAL CITY OF GOD (Mystical City of God) Mary of AgredaCatholic Book of Prayers: Popular Catholic Prayers Arranged for Everyday Use CATH BK OF PRAYERS -LP Maurus FitzgeraldPopular Contention in Great Britain, 1758-1834【電子書籍】 Charles TillyIndia Through the Ages A Popular and Picturesque History of Hindustan【電子書籍】 Flora Annie Webster Steel


  • ハヤカワ・ポピュラー・サイエンス アントニオ・R・ダマシオ 山形浩生 早川書房ジコガ ココロニ ヤツテクル ダマシオ,アントニオ.アール ヤマガタ,ヒロオ 発行年月:2013年11月22日 予約締切日:2013年11月21日 ページ数:440p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784152094186 ダマシオ,アントニオ・R.(Damasio,Antonio R.)(ダマシオ,アントニオR.) 1944年、リスボン生まれの神経学者/神経科医。リスボン大学医学部で医学を学び、渡米してアイオワ大学神経学部に所属、現在はサザンカリフォルニア大学神経科学教授、同校脳創造性研究所所長、およびソーク研究所補助教授。アメリカ科学芸術アカデミーおよびアメリカ科学アカデミー医学協会会員。『自己が心にやってくるー意識ある脳の構築』は2011年にドイツのコリーネ国際図書賞未来部門を受賞している 山形浩生(ヤマガタヒロオ) 1964年東京生まれ。東京大学大学院工学系研究科都市工学科およびマサチューセッツ工科大学不動産センター修士課程修了。大手調査会社に勤務するかたわら、科学、文化、経済からコンピュータまで広範な分野での翻訳、執筆活動を行う(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたもので...


  • <p>Globalization is usually thought of as the worldwide spread of Westernーparticularly Americanーpopular culture. Yet if one nation stands out in the dissemination of pop culture in East and Southeast Asia, it is Japan. Pok?mon, anime, pop music, television dramas such as <em>Tokyo Love Story</em> and <em>Long Vacation</em>ーthe export of Japanese media and culture is big business. In <em>Recentering Globalization,</em> Koichi Iwabuchi explores how Japanese popular culture circulates in Asia. He situates the rise of Japan’s cultural power in light of decentering globalization processes and demonstrates how Japan’s extensive cultural interactions with the other parts of Asia complicate its sense of being "in but above" or "similar but superior to" the region.</p> <p>Iwabuchi has conducted extensive interviews with producers, promoters, and consumers of popular culture in Japan and East Asia. Drawing upon this research, he analyzes Japan’s "localizing" strategy of r...


  • 20世紀ポピュラーサイエンスの神話 原克 大修館書店クラシ ノ テクノロジー ハラ,カツミ 発行年月:2007年03月 ページ数:309p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784469213102 原克(ハラカツミ) 早稲田大学教育学部教授。1954年長野県生まれ。立教大学大学院文学研究科ドイツ文学専攻博士課程中退。神戸大学国際文化学部、立教大学文学部を経て現職。2001〜2002年、ベルリン・フンボルト大学客員研究員。専門は表象文化論、ドイツ文学(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 第1部 便利のメカニズムー新しい暮らしの作法(ランチよ止まれ!君は美しいー給仕ベルトコンベヤー/労働と遊戯の弁証法ー回転寿司/物神崇拝の聖地巡礼ーショッピングカート/相互浸透のメカニズムー自動ドア/善悪の彼岸ーリモコン操縦/突然の不条理ー花粉症グッズ)/第2部 空間処理の仕組みー世界と私の位置関係(境界侵犯の使徒ーパーキングメーター/走る遊牧民ードライブイン/酔いどれ犯科帖ーアルコール検出器/道端の教室ースクールバス/ベルリンはどっちだーカーナビ(1)/自分だけの地図ーカーナビ(2)) ショッピングカート、回転寿司、カーナビなどの出現が何...


  • <p>"A Popular History of Ireland" is formatted for your eReader with a functional and detailed table of contents: Volume 1: The First Inhabitants The First Ages Christianity Preached at Tara Reign of Hugh II Kings of the Seventh Century Kings of the Eighth Century The Danish Invasion Kings of the Ninth Century Kings of the Tenth Century The Contest between the North and South State of Religion and Learning among the Irish previous to the Anglo-Norman Invasion The First Expedition of the Normans into Ireland The First Campaign of Earl Richard Siege of Dublin Henry II in Ireland Events of the Thirteenth Century The Rise of "the Red Earl" Relations of Ireland and Scotland Civil War in England Change of Dynasty in England State of Religion and Learning during the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries Irish Policy of Henry the Eighth during the Lifetime of Cardinal Wolsey First Attempts to Introduce the Protestant Reformation Parliament of 1541 The Crowns United… Volume 2: Parliament of 1...


  • <p>In this insightful work on astronomy, the writer attempts to explain how much of the fundamentals of Astronomy can be obtained with the coarsest observation with the naked eye, and that the instrumental images derived from a standard globe are sufficient for understanding the instruments in an Observatory. His main aim is to impress upon the student of Astronomy that nothing is entirely beyond his reach.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>The twentieth century has been scarred by political violence and genocide, reaching its extreme in the Holocaust. Yet, at the same time, the century has been marked by a growing commitment to human rights. This volume highlights the importance of history-of socially processed memory-in resolving the wounds left by massive state-sponsored political violence and in preventing future episodes of violence. In Genocide, Collective Violence, and Popular Memory: The Politics of Remembrance in the Twentieth Century, the editors present and discuss the many different social responses to the challenge of coming to terms with past reigns of terror and collective violence.</p> <p>Designed for undergraduate courses in political violence and revolution, this volume treats a wide variety of incidents of collective violence-from decades-long genocide to short-lived massacres. The selection of essays provides a broad range of thought-provoking case studies from Latin America, Africa, Europe...


  • CATH BK OF PRAYERS ーLP Maurus Fitzgerald CATHOLIC BOOK PUB CORP2011 Vinylーbound English ISBN:9780899429106 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion


  • <p>Aaron David Bernstein's 'Popular Books on Natural Science' is a seminal work that delves into various scientific disciplines in an accessible and engaging manner. Through clear and concise explanations, Bernstein covers topics ranging from biology to astronomy, making complex scientific concepts easily understandable to readers of all backgrounds. Written in a straightforward and informative style, this book serves as an entry point for those interested in exploring the wonders of the natural world. Bernstein's work is not only educational but also serves as a bridge between expert knowledge and popular understanding, making it a valuable contribution to the field of natural science literature. Aaron David Bernstein, a German author and scientist, was known for his commitment to public education and the popularization of science. His experiences as a naturalist and educator likely inspired him to write 'Popular Books on Natural Science', as he sought to make scientific knowledg...


  • <p>In 'The Butterfly Book' by W. J. Holland, readers are introduced to a comprehensive guide on the study of butterflies. Written in a scholarly and detailed manner, the book delves into the scientific classification, anatomy, behavior, and habitat of various butterfly species. Holland's meticulous attention to detail and engaging writing style make this book a valuable resource for both amateur butterfly enthusiasts and seasoned lepidopterists. The book also includes beautifully illustrated plates depicting the colorful and diverse world of butterflies, adding a visual element to the wealth of information presented. Holland's work is a classic in the field of entomology and continues to be referenced by researchers and scholars in the study of butterflies. His passion for the subject is evident throughout the book, making it a must-read for anyone interested in the natural world and the fascinating creatures that inhabit it.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※...


  • <p>The phenomenon of 'Cool Japan' is one of the distinctive features of global popular culture of the millennial age. <em>A History of Popular Culture in Japan</em> provides the first historical and analytical overview of popular culture in Japan from its origins in the 17th century to the present day, using it to explore broader themes of conflict, power, identity and meaning in Japanese history.</p> <p>E. Taylor Atkins shows how Japan is one of the earliest sites for the development of mass-produced, market-oriented cultural products consumed by urban middle and working classes. The best-known traditional arts and culture of Japan- no theater, monochrome ink painting, court literature, poetry and indigenous music-inhabited a world distinct from that of urban commoners, who fashioned their own expressive forms and laid the groundwork for today's 'gross national cool.' Popular culture was pivotal in the rise of Japanese nationalism, imperialism, militarism, postwar democra...


  • ポピュラー・サイエンス 杉山剛英 裳華房ワカル ナルホド リカ ジッケン スギヤマ,ヨシヒデ 発行年月:2006年07月 ページ数:153p サイズ:単行本 ISBN:9784785387754 杉山剛英(スギヤマヨシヒデ) 1978年北海道北見北斗高等学校卒。1982年静岡大学理学部化学科卒。北海道鵡川高等学校教諭。1988年北海道札幌篠路高等学校教諭。1996年北海道札幌星園高等学校教諭。2000年北海道教育大学札幌校非常勤講師兼務。2001年北海道札幌旭丘高等学校教諭。1984年度内田洋行パソコンソフトコンテスト特別賞(元素記号マスター他)。1997年度内田洋行全国教職員発明考案入選(音源定位実験器)。1999年度東レ理科教育賞本賞(高校生物・音源定位実験)、同本賞(高校地学・写真によるヘール・ポップ彗星軌道図作成実習)。2005年度日本化学会・化学教育有功賞。北海道高等学校理科研究会マルチメディア研究委員会代表、アルケミストの会会員、日本化学会教育会員(本データはこの書籍が刊行された当時に掲載されていたものです) 1 物質が見せる変化(中和で生成する塩を見る/状態変化の不思議を見る/色変化色々 ほか)/2 物質が持つ性質(BeeーSpiを使う速度・加速度測定/ガ...


  • <p>In the book "The Will to Believe," James discusses the interrelationships of belief, will, and intellect. He examines such questions as to how we believe, how our intellectual considerations influence our beliefs, or whether the thought can be irrational. He compares chance versus determinism, free will versus fate, and pluralism versus monism. James also writes about psychical research, Hegelianism, and Spencer's philosophy.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>In <em>Hegemonic Mimicry</em>, Kyung Hyun Kim considers the recent global success of Korean popular cultureーthe Korean wave of pop music, cinema, and television, which is also known as hallyuーfrom a transnational and transcultural perspective. Using the concept of mimicry to think through hallyu's adaptation of American sensibilities and genres, he shows how the commercialization of Korean popular culture has upended the familiar dynamic of major-to-minor cultural influence, enabling hallyu to become a dominant global cultural phenomenon. At the same time, its worldwide popularity has rendered its Koreanness opaque. Kim argues that Korean cultural subjectivity over the past two decades is one steeped in ethnic rather than national identity. Explaining how South Korea leaped over the linguistic and cultural walls surrounding a supposedly “minor” culture to achieve global ascendance, Kim positions K-pop, Korean cinema and television serials, and even electronics as transfor...


  • <p>Many people may not want the hassle of paying more for cable or satellite and still having the picture quality be bad because of solar interruption. Service is also expensive. Rokus offer an alternative because they aren’t affected by solar flares and service does not have to be expensive. Roku users have a choice of what monthly channels they will subscribe to. With a large number of channels, Roku users can get some local channels and enjoy movies from channel providers, such as Netflix, Blockbuster at Home, Hulu Plus, and more. While Roku users may have to pay a small monthly fee for service, watching using a Roku is cheaper than paying a cable company.</p> <p>There are also many tricks you can do with your Roku, including being able to treat your Roku like a DVR, even if you do not have a DVR box. Do you want to turn out TV into a stereo or check your email while in front of your television? All you need to do these things is have a code and download some channels to yo...


  • <p>This book explores how language ideologies have emerged for gangtaiqiang through a combination of indexical and ideological processes in televised media. Gangtaiqiang (Hong Kong-Taiwan accent), a socially recognizable form of mediatized Taiwanese Mandarin, has become a stereotype for many Chinese mainlanders who have little real-life interaction with Taiwanese people. Using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, the author examines how Chinese millennials perceive gangtaiqiang by focusing on the following questions: 1) the role of televised media in the formation of language attitudes, and 2) how shifting gender ideologies are performed and embodied such attitudes. This book presents empirical evidence to argue that gangtaiqiang should, in fact, be conceptualized as a mediatized variety of Mandarin, rather than the actual speech of people in Hong Kong or Taiwan. The analyses in this book point to an emerging realignment among the Chinese towards gangtaiqiang, a variety t...


  • <p>Japanese popular culture is constantly evolving in the face of internal and external influence. <em>Popular Culture, Globalization and Japan</em> examines this evolution from a new and challenging perspective by focusing on the movements of popular culture into and out of Japan.</p> <p>Taking a multidisciplinary approach, the book argues that a key factor behind the changing nature of Japanese popular culture lies in its engagement with globalization. Essays from a team of leading international scholars illustrate this crucial interaction between the flows of Japanese popular culture and the constant development of globalization. Drawing on rich empirical content, this book looks at Japanese popular culture as it traverses international borders flowing out through such forms as manga consumption in New Zealand and flowing in through such forms as foreigners writing about Japan in Japanese and how American influences affected the formation of Japan’s gay identity.</p> ...


  • MYSTICAL CITY OF GOD Mystical City of God Mary of Agreda TAN BOOKS & PUBL2012 Paperback English ISBN:9780895550705 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion


  • CATH BK OF PRAYERS ーLP Maurus Fitzgerald CATHOLIC BOOK PUB CORP2005 Imitation Leather English ISBN:9780899429243 洋書 Social Science(社会科学) Religion


  • <p>'A rich and thoughtful book.' History 'A magnificent empirical resource accompanied by a subtle and powerful framework of interpretation...It is not often that historical scholarship is so effectively harnessed to the sociological imagination.' American Journal of Sociology 'This is a masterpiece of social movement analysis by an author at the peak of his analytical powers making full use of one of the most extensive evidence files available.' Mobilization Between 1750 and 1840 ordinary British people abandoned such time-honored forms of protest as collective seizures of grain, the sacking of buildings, public humiliation, and physical abuse in favor of marches, petition drives, public meetings, and other sanctioned routines of social movement politics. The change created - for the first time anywhere - mass participation in national politics. Charles Tilly is the first to address the depth and significance of the transformations in popular collective action during this period....


  • <p>'India Through the Ages: A Popular and Picturesque History of Hindustan' by Flora Annie Webster Steel is a fascinating look at the history of India, from its ancient times to the 19th century. This book provides an easy-to-read overview of the origins of modern India and delves into the country's rich and diverse past. From the Vedic times and the Epics, to the Great Mauryas and the Dark Ages, this book takes readers on a journey through India's incredible history.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。
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