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  • <p>This excellent report, professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction, evaluates Jimmy Doolittle's performance as an operational air commander. As one of the most well-known Airmen of the twentieth century, Doolittle is the subject of a significant number of books and articles. Despite their many virtues, these efforts have largely overlooked a very important portion of his lifeーhis command of the Eighth Air Force. This study seeks to fill that gap. It draws upon multiple sources, including the mature body of biographical literature, archival documents, and Doolittle's personal and military records.</p> <p>The study reveals that in January 1944, prior to his assumption of command of the Eighth Air Force, Doolittle lacked the administrative skills and bureaucratic experience typical of most senior officers. His legendary raid on Tokyo had, however, demonstrated his technical expertise, courage, and strong personal leadership. In evaluating Doo...


  • <p>The original edition of this work was published as a Special Study ー RESTRICTED ー by Headquarters, Army Air Forces, Office of the Assistant Chief of Air Staff, Washington, D.C., in March 1946. The study was approved by Headquarters, United States Air Forces in Europe and Headquarters, Army Air Forces. All the information in the original edition, including the title and subtitle, appears in its entirety in this reprint. It is titled as an analytical study of the operating procedures and functional organization of tactical air power as developed by the Ninth Air Force in the war of Western Europe.</p> <p>The Condensed Analysis contains a short history of the Ninth Air Force in World War II, from the build-up before the invasion of the European continent through subsequent combat operations in 1944 and 1945. More than a narrative history, the study examines the problems that Ninth experienced in conducting joint combat operations with ground forces across the rapidly moving ...


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  • <p>The OSCE's main purpose is fostering peace in the Euro- Atlantic and Eurasian spaces through a comprehensive approach to security. We believe this institution continues to play an important role in working towards this goal.</p> <p>However, our common security is under continued challenge by Russia's contempt for the international order. Trust is damaged when one country blatantly violates international law. The OSCE's crisis response capacity is critical in responding to security concerns arising when OSCE commitments are blatantly ignored, such as Russia's aggression in Ukraine and Georgia.</p> <p>Russia's invasion of Ukraine has been at the center of the OSCE's focus for four years now. I welcome your strong commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty and territorial integrity and look forward to hearing your views on this singular challenge within the OSCE region and especially your assessment of efforts to reach a solution that would restore Ukraine's full control over its...


  • <p>Here is the story of the U.S. Air Force's role in the Korean War. Despite American success in preventing the conquest of South Korea by communist North Korea, the Korean War of 1950-1953 did not satisfy Americans who expected the kind of total victory they had experienced in World War II. In that earlier, larger war, victory over Japan came after two atomic bombs destroyed the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But in Korea five years later, the United States limited itself to conventional weapons. Even after communist China entered the war, Americans put China off-limits to conventional bombing as well as nuclear bombing. Operating within these limits, the U.S. Air Force helped to repel two invasions of South Korea while securing control of the skies so decisively that other United Nations forces could fight without fear of air attack.</p> <p>Before dawn on Sunday, June 25, 1950, communist North Korea attacked South Korea, storming across the improvised border that divided ...


  • 【新着コスメ】はこちらブランドPhytoフィト商品名PhytoCyane Anti-Hair Loss Progressive Treatment (For Women)PhytoCyane Anti-Hair Loss Progressive Treatment (For Women)商品説明商品区分化粧品(海外製)内容量12x5ml/0.16oz原産国輸入者本商品は個人輸入商品のため、購入者の方が輸入者となります。広告文責株式会社 via Design050-3189-0333品番286591BEAUTY LOVER 海外コスメ 楽天市場店海外コスメのビューティラバー。お得に楽しく美しく!人気の海外ブランドから定番まで、800以上のブランド取り扱い。20,000点以上のお求め安いアイテムを取揃える世界最大級のビューティー専門店。日本未上陸・限定商品など、おすすめのトレンドをおさえた、ランキング上位の人気アイテム多数。★ 大人の願いとお悩みをサポート年齢を重ねてもずっとキレイでいたい、毎日の美容と健康をサポートする、高品質でおしゃれなケアアイテムがきっと見つかります。20代、30代、40代、50代、60代、どの年代にもぴったりのセレクションです。★ 大切な女性(妻、嫁、彼女)へのプレゼントに誕生日プレゼント、クリスマス、ホワイトデー、母の日のギフトに仲良しな女友達へのサプライズギ...


  • <p>This important report has been professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction. When Generals George C. Kenney and Ennis C. Whitehead became the two senior commanders of the US Fifth Air Force in July 1942 their work was cut out for them. The previous January, the Japanese secured the port of Rabaul in eastern New Britain. They immediately began the drive down the east coast of New Guinea with the objective of driving the Allies from Port Moresby. For the next year and a half, in some the harshest climate of World War II, the Fifth Air Force helped to reverse the tide and drive the Japanese from eastern New Guinea. This was accomplished despite the Europe-first policy and an inappropriate doctrine based on high altitude, daylight, precision bombing.<br /> Kenney and Whitehead's first task was to modify existing aircraft and develop a suitable doctrine to interdict Japanese shipping between New Britain and New Guinea. In order to suppress ship-bor...


  • <p>The Department of Defense maintains a comprehensive cyber incident handling program. This program ensures an integrated capability to continually improve the Department of Defense's ability to rapidly identify and respond to cyber incidents that adversely affect DoD information networks and information systems (ISs). It does so in a way that is consistent, repeatable, quality driven, measurable, and understood across DoD organizations. This provides requirements and methodology for establishing, operating, and maintaining a robust DoD cyber incident handling capability for routine response to events and incidents within the Department of Defense.</p> <p>CYBER INCIDENT HANDLING PROGRAM * Introduction * Roles and Responsibilities * Computer Network Defense Overview * Computer Network Defense Services * Computer Network Defense Sustainment Functions * ENCLOSURE B * CYBER INCIDENT HANDLING METHODOLOGY * Introduction * Cyber Incident Handling Process and Life Cycle * Submit Init...


  • <p>Captain Matt Rodman's book is an intriguing study of a moment in history when combat airpower played a key role in achieving victory. He expertly recounts how Fifth Air Force quickly developed new tactics and procedures that "saved the day." The perfection of low-altitude bombing, strafing, and skip bombing made differences that in hindsight are easy to recognize and quantify. Without them the Fifth would have found itself in a longer, costlier fight with an uncertain outcome. However, these new tactics hurt the enemy to the extent that the Allies eventually prevailed.</p> <p>The real value of Captain Rodman's study, however, lies not so much in his excellent retelling of significant developments in air-power as in his pushing the need for us to be flexible, adaptive, opportunistic, and entrepreneurial while safeguarding our core values and capitalizing on our core competencies. He therefore helps us take some of the uncertainty out of the largely unpredictable future by st...


  • <p>This official NASA history document - converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction - provides a comprehensive, readable history of the famous X-15 program. The introduction states: "Although it is usually heralded as the most productive flight research program ever undertaken, no serious history has been assembled to capture its design, development, operations, and lessons. This monograph is the first step towards that history. Not that a great deal has not previously been written about the X-15, because it has. But most of it has been limited to specific aspects of the program; pilot's stories, experiments, lessons-learned, etc. But with the exception of Robert S. Houston's history published by the Wright Air Development Center in 1958, and later included in the Air Force History Office's Hypersonic Revolution, no one has attempted to tell the entire story. And the WADC history is taken entirely from the Air Force perspective, with small mention of the other ...


  • <p>This excellent report has been professionally converted for accurate flowing-text e-book format reproduction. Two reports, for 2014 and 2015, provide up-to-date information and data on the work of America's Air Force Reserve.</p> <p>For the past 68 years, the Air Force Reserve has provided combat-ready forces to fly, fight and win for our nation. Today, our force consists of nearly 70,000 Citizen Airmen who provide daily operational capability, strategic depth and surge capacity. These men and women are dedicated professionals, standing ready to deploy within as little as 72 hours to defend our nation.</p> <p>Amid shrinking budgets, emerging threats and growing capability gaps, the Air Force Reserve stands ready as a hedge against risk. History has shown us there will always be another threat or disaster and we provide a cost-effective and experienced force capable of responding when needed. For example, in 2015 we performed more than 48,000 man-days in support of world...
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