remastered. ps4

(送料無料)(PS4)DARK SOULS REMASTERED(ダークソウルリマスタード)(新品)Gear Club Unlimited 2 - Ultimate Edition (PS4)Crisis Core: FFVII Reunion PS4


  • PS4用標準価格:5184フロム・ソフトウェア(2018年5月24日発売)●商品概要2011年に発売された『DARK SOULS』は、ダンジョン探索の緊張感、敵と遭遇したときの恐怖、新しい発見による喜びなど、RPGが本来持っている根本的な面白さと、高い達成感につながるゲームデザインで、世界中のプレイヤーから高い評価をいただいた作品です。2018年に発売となる『DARK SOULS REMASTERED』は、そのオリジナル版『DARK SOULS』を最新のゲーム機向けにリマスターしたものです。すでにプレイされた方もそうでない方も、この機会にぜひ、絶望と希望のダークファンタジーをお楽しみください。●グラフィックリマスター版ではフルHDに対応。発見の喜びに満ちた探索と、手に汗握る戦闘を、最新のハードウェア向けに最適化したグラフィックでお楽しみいただけます。●オンラインマルチプレイオリジナル版で最大4人までだったオンラインマルチプレイのプレイヤー人数が、リマスター版では最大6人に増加します。さらに知人とマッチングしやすくなる「合言葉マッチング」機能の実装で、より多彩なマルチプレイ体験が可能になります。●ストーリー古い時代世界はまだ分かたれず、霧に覆われ灰色の岩と大樹...


  • Gear Club Unlimited 2 - Ultimate Edition (PS4) Drive legendary vehicles in a huge game area with rich & diverse environments with remastered graphics for an intense experience! After 3-years of success on Nintendo Switch, Gear Club Unlimited 2 comes roaring onto PlayStation, only for hardened drivers! With the pedal to the metal, race along more than 1800 miles of tracks that await you! On the mountainside, through a nature park, in the middle of the desert or along the coast, defend your position in more than 250 races, with championships, exhibition races and Grand Prixs. Gear Club Unlimited 2, the reference arcade racing game on Nintendo Switch, is making a big entrance on PlayStation. Find all the Gear Club Unlimited 2 content and discover new driving experiments: on simple roads & on tracks, for speed and endurance challenges… but always with prestigious vehicles! It's up to you to dominate the races and settle your supremacy over your opponents! Embark the Porsche Series and d...


  • Crisis Core: FFVII Reunion PS4 Remaster of the original CRISIS CORE ?FINAL FANTASY VII-, featuring a complete HD graphics overhaul, a remastered soundtrack, a reimagined UI, and an updated combat system. The story begins seven years before the events of FINAL FANTASY VII (1997) and follows Zack Fair, a young and ambitious Shinra SOLDIER operative. Zack is tasked with tracking down a missing SOLDIER 1st Class operative named Genesis Rhapsodos. But as his adventure unfolds, he discovers the dark secrets of Shinra’s experiments and the monsters they create. The game features a number of characters from the FINAL FANTASY VII franchise such as Cloud, Sephiroth, Aerith and others. CRISIS CORE ?FINAL FANTASY VII? REUNION is a remaster of the original CRISIS CORE ?FINAL FANTASY VII-, featuring a complete HD graphics overhaul, a remastered soundtrack, a reimagined UI, and an updated combat system. The story begins seven years before the events of FINAL FANTASY VII (1997) and follows Zack Fai...
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