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Find Time for Exercise How to Challenge Yourself and Enjoy the Benefits of Regular Exercise【電子書籍】 Mike DalesUNLEASH THE WARRIOR WITHIN: THE MEN HOME GUIDE FOR 30 MINUTES WORKOUT “Overall, Body Indoor Exercise Routine, with Stretches”【電子書籍】 MIKE ADEThe Great Foam Roller Handbook The Quick Refence Guide to Foam Roller Exercises【電子書籍】 Mike Jespersenマフラータオル 床運動(赤に白抜き文字floor exercise)※マイクロファイバー素材タオル20×110サイズ


  • <p><strong>Find Time for Exercise</strong> offers an achievable solution ? regular exercise ? to one of the biggest health issues facing the world today: physical inactivity and its consequent problems, including obesity, reduced life expectancy and a wide range of physical and mental health issues.</p> <p><strong>Part 1</strong> sets the scene by describing the worldwide scale of the problem, then focuses on the benefits of exercise and finding the inspiration to increase your own activity levels. <strong>Part 2</strong> shares the author’s own exercise challenge and how he began an unbroken eight-year streak of moving at least 5 kilometres per day ? walking, running, cycling, kayaking, canoeing or skiing. <strong>Part 3</strong> tells the personal stories of ten brave men and women who took on their own challenges to improve their health and well-being, and make positive changes in their lives. <strong>Part 4</strong> of the book looks at a range of other...


  • <p><strong>UNLEASH THE WARRIOR WITHIN: THE MEN HOME GUIDE FOR 30 MINUTES WORKOUT</strong></p> <p>Gone are the days of laborious, time-consuming workouts. Welcome to a new era of peak performance where every second counts. This guide, crafted by fitness experts, condenses the essence of effective training into a potent 30-minute routine, tailored to fit seamlessly into the rhythm of your daily life.</p> <p>"Unleash The Warrior Within" is not just a fitness guide; it's a manifesto for reclaiming your power. Witness the transformation of not just your body, but your entire way of life. Say goodbye to excuses, time constraints, and the limitations of conventional fitness programs. It's time to redefine what's possible, one 30-minute workout at a time. This guide is curated to meet needs of persons who:</p> <p>Wants to keep fit despite being busy<br /> Love to stay indoor<br /> Are introverts</p> <p>Other highlights include:</p> <p>A preset timing links that...


  • <p><strong>A multi-functional fitness tool, foam rollers can be used for stretching, myofacial release as well as, to train balance and strength.</strong></p> <p>Learn how foam rollers can be used to challenge and improve core stability, posture and strength, as well as improving range of motion, flexibility and balance. This handbook also includes a section on myofacial release.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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