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  • <p>"Train Your Cat Like a Pro: Master the Art of Feline Behavior with This Expert-Approved Guide!"</p> <p>"From Frisky to Fabulous: Transform Your Cat into the Best-Behaved Companion with This Training Handbook."</p> <p>"Unlock the Secrets to a Purr-fectly Trained Cat: Your Comprehensive Guide to Feline Obedience!"</p> <p>Introducing this comprehensive and quality Cat Care Training Guidebook, your go-to resource for fostering a harmonious bond with your feline friend. This expertly crafted manual is designed to transform your cat from a mischievous troublemaker to a well-behaved, contented companion.</p> <p>Inside, you'll discover a treasure trove of invaluable insights, from decoding feline behavior to proven training techniques that work for cats of all ages and personalities. With clear, step-by-step instructions and real-life examples, we demystify the art of cat training, making it accessible to cat owners of all experience levels.</p> <p>This guidebook co...


  • <p>Once you roast your own coffee you won't go back to store bought coffee. This book is a simple illustrated guide on how to roast your own coffee with an investment of $25 in equipment and 20 minutes of your time.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>This concise, approachable introduction to Khrushchev explores the innovative theme of Khrushchev as reformer, arguing that the 'bumbling' nature of those reforms only partly reflected Khrushchev's uncertainty about how to act. Swain provides a cogent account of Khrushchev's political career and of his wider role in Soviet and world politics.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>I began writing this book as a journey back in time and soon realized it was a story worth sharing with the world. After three long years of writing and reliving some very painful memories, now the book is complete for all the world to read. Writing this book was the most liberating experience for me. I learned so much about myself, and most of all, I became one with my instrument.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>In this blisteringly persuasive and piercingly intelligent book, Sheila Jeffreys argues that women live under penile imperialism, a regime in which men are assumed to have a ‘ sex right' of access to the bodies of women and girls. She reasons that the ‘ sexual revolution' that began in the 1960s unleashed an explicit male sexual liberation and that even now, under current laws and cultural mores, women do not have the right to self-determination in relation to their bodies.Sheila Jeffreys argues that the exercise of the male sex right has mainstreamed misogynist attitudes and so-called sexual freedom has meant the freedom of men to use women and children with impunity. The power dynamics of sex, rather than being eliminated, has been eroticised, supported by state regulations and structures that have further entrenched male domination. And while men' s sexual fetishisms such as BDSM and transvestism have been normalised, women now have to fight as their spaces are being erased ...


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  • <p><strong>"[This is a] novel that's both a rock-solid mystery and comments incisively about so many issues besetting Europe and the world today." ー<em>Huffington Post</em></strong></p> <p>When a young demonstrator is publicly singled out and assassinated by highly trained killers in the heart of protest-charged Athens, Chief Inspector Andreas Kaldis is convinced the killing was meant not to take out a target, but as a message. A message from whom? To whom? And why?</p> <p>Kaldis' search for answers leads him and his team to the breathtakingly beautiful island of Santorini, heralded in legend as the lost island of Atlantis, and to eavesdrop on a hush-hush gathering of Greece's top military leaders looking to come up with their own response to the overwhelming crises and uncertainties their country faces.</p> <p>Is it a <em>coup d'?tat</em>, or something else? Greece is no stranger to violence upending duly elected governments and memories of the nation's l...


  • <p>Jaime Balmes und Juan Donoso Cort?s ? die beiden wichtigsten konservativen Denker im Spanien des 19. Jahrhunderts ? versuchten aktiv im Zuge des aufkommenden Liberalismus, die Zentralit?t von Kirche und Monarchie zu bewahren, und gleichzeitig die stereotype Sichtweise Spaniens als r?ckst?ndiges und isoliertes Land zu diskreditieren. Obwohl sie ein ?hnliches Ziel verfolgten, unterschieden sich ihre Standpunkte: W?hrend Balmes' Werke einen sozial orientierten Katholizismus vorwegnahmen, stellte Donoso das Christentum als h?chstes soziales Gut dar, das mit dem modernen Liberalismus unvereinbar war. Andrea Acle-Kreysing hebt die ungel?sten Spannungen in ihren Werken hervor und zeigt, dass das spanische politische Denken eine anregende Variante ? und keine Abweichung ? der zeitgen?ssischen europ?ischen Debatten war.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページから...


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  • <p><strong>The inside story of life aboard the deadly Nazi U-Boat that sank forty-nine ships.</strong></p> <p>The history of one of World War II’s most successful submarines, U-124, is chronicled in <em>Grey Wolf, Grey Sea</em>, from its few defeats to a legion of victories. Kapitanleutnant Jochen Mohr commanded his German submarine and navigated it through the treacherous waters of one of the most destructive, savage wars the world has known.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


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  • <p>This book is an invaluable reference guide for students of literary and cultural studies which introduces over forty of the complex terms, motifs and concepts in literary and cultural theory today.</p> <p><em>Critical Keywords in Literary and Cultural Theory</em><br /> - Gives students a brief introduction to each concept together with short quotations from the work of key thinkers and critics to stimulate discussion and guide genuine comprehension<br /> - Supplies helpful glosses and annotations for each term, concept or keyword which is discussed<br /> - Offers reflective, practical questions at the end of each entry to direct the student to consider a particular aspect of the quotations and the concept they address<br /> - Provides explanatory notes and bibliographies to aid further research</p> <p>This essential volume is ideal as both a dip-in reference book and a guide to literary theory for practical classroom use.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しば...


  • <p><strong>This edition of the “brief, yet subtle and penetrating account” of the CIA includes a new prologue covering the agency’s more recent history (<em>Christian Science Monitor</em>).</strong></p> <p>Now in its third edition, Rhodri Jeffreys-Jones’s comprehensive history of the Central Intelligence Agency is widely acclaimed for its thorough and even-handed analysis. A renowned U.S. intelligence expert, Jeffreys-Jones chronicles the evolution of the agency from its beginning in 1947 to the present day. With clarity and acuity, he examines the CIA’s activities during some of the most dramatic episodes in American history, from McCarthyism to the Bay of Pigs, the assassination of John F. Kennedy, the Iran-Contra affair, and many others.</p> <p>A new prologue by the author also covers the CIA’s history from the end of the Cold War to the terror attacks of September 11th, 2001. A landmark of intelligence history since its first edition in 1989, <em>The CIA and ...


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  • <p>Churches around the world have been confronted by shame and culpability in widespread revelations of child sexual abuse. In this book, Jeffrey Driver, who has served the Australian Anglican Church as both a diocesan bishop and archbishop, explores some of the underlying cultural and theological influences that may have predisposed the possibility of abuse, as well as the defensiveness and cover-ups that sometimes followed. The first responses of most churches to the revelations of abuse were, of necessity, mostly structural and programmatic. Recognizing the institutional temptation to do only enough to settle a crisis, Jeffrey Driver calls for something different from the churches. Drawing on the imagery of Holy Saturday, he encourages a deeper journey of reflection and change, for churches and church leaders to linger reflectively in the grey spaces of loss and shame long enough to hear the voice of God addressing them through the vulnerable and the wounded once more, calling ...
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