social choice

在的天空:從星盤透析 在,做出讓生命豐饒的明智抉擇 The Inner Sky: How to Make Wiser Choices for a More Fulfilling Life【電子書籍】 史蒂芬.佛瑞斯特(Steven Forrest)Social Choice and Individual Values【電子書籍】 Kenneth Joseph ArrowInvoluntary Consent The Illusion of Choice in Japan’s Adult Video Industry【電子書籍】 Akiko TakeyamaWeapon of Choice U.S. Army Special Operations Forces in Afghanistan: Awakening the Giant, Toppling the Taliban, The Fist Campaigns, Development of the War【電子書籍】 Combat Studies InstituteMoral Choices An Introduction to Ethics【電子書籍】 Scott RaeChoice Methods and Theory on Chinese Kungfu 氣功法理精要【電子書籍】 Xiaogang WuThe Handbook of Rational Choice Social Research【電子書籍】A Primer in Social Choice Theory Revised Edition【電子書籍】 Wulf GaertnerA Biblical Hebrew to English Concordance Reflecting the choices made in a close translation for the original music【電子書籍】 Bob MacDonaldThe Choice Trump vs. Obama-Biden in U.S. Foreign Policy【電子書籍】 Walid PharesIndividual and Collective Choice and Social Welfare Essays in Honor of Nick Baigent【電子書籍】選擇的弔詭:選錯,沒 想的糟!利用期望與後悔情緒,開展最佳人生版本 The Paradox of Choice: Why More Is Less, revised edition【電子書籍】 貝瑞 史瓦茲The China Challenge: Shaping the Choices of a Rising Power【電子書籍】 Thomas J. ChristensenCycles and Social Choice The True and Unabridged Story of a Most Protean Paradox【電子書籍】 Thomas SchwartzCollective Choice and Social Welfare Expanded Edition【電子書籍】 Amartya SenTheory of Social Choice on Networks Preference, Aggregation, and Coordination【電子書籍】 Wynn C. StirlingHow Social Science Can Help Us Make Better Choices Optimal Rationality in Action【電子書籍】 Chris Brown洋書 Collective Choice and Social Welfare: An Expanded EditionThe Choice Global Domination or Global Leadership【電子書籍】 Zbigniew BrzezinskiTheories of Choice The Social Science and the Law of Decision Making【電子書籍】


  • <p>演化占星學共同創始人?當代占星大師 Steven Forrest 經典著作</p> <p>長踞美國Amazon排行榜,口碑流傳十餘載,</p> <p>經典占星系列「天空三部曲」系列作第一本,佳評登場!</p> <p>=好評推薦=</p> <p>天空為限/占星師</p> <p>占星之門安格斯/占星師</p> <p>張明薫/J&S星象研究學院講師</p> <p>蘇飛雅/占星師</p> <p>魯道夫/AOA占星學院創?人</p> <p>本書不僅提供完整的占星知識,更提點許多連執業占星師都會忽略的重要觀念</p> <p>在學習占星學之前,首先要理解──</p> <p>占星學提供的並非答案,而是問題。</p> <p>占星學提供的是一片藍圖,</p> <p>但如何在藍圖上找到方向,</p> <p>卻是我們自己的事。</p> <p>占星學只是點出事實的一根手指,</p> <p>就像其他語言一樣,只是提供一種方式,整理個人的認知順序。</p> <p>其最珍貴之處,就是能??助我們更誠實地面對自己。</p> <p>它的價?不應只是反映現實生活,</p> <p>還必須磨亮成長的刀口,</p> <p>方不負靈魂投生地球的使命。</p> <p>? 占星學的終極目的是強化一個人的自我覺知</p> <p>為了促進這?覺知,</p>...


  • <p>Kenneth Arrow's monograph "Social Choice and Individual Values" and a theorem within it created modern social choice theory, a rigorous melding of social ethics and voting theory with an economic flavor. The work culminated in what Arrow called the "General Possibility Theorem," better known thereafter as Arrow's (impossibility) theorem. The theorem states that, absent restrictions on either individual preferences or neutrality of the constitution to feasible alternatives, there exists no social choice rule that satisfies a set of plausible requirements. The result generalizes the voting paradox, which shows that majority voting may fail to yield a stable outcome.ーPrint ed.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>The popularity of pornography is predicated on the idea that those participating have given their consent. That is what allows the porn industry to dominate the media economy today, generating staggering sums of money. Looking at behind-the-scenes negotiations and abuses in Japan's adult video industry, author Akiko Takeyama challenges this pervasive notion with the idea of "involuntary consent." This phenomenon, she argues, is ubiquitous, not only in the porn industry, but in our everyday lives. And yet modern society, built on beliefs of autonomy, free choice, and equality, renders it all but invisible.</p> <p>Japan's AV industry alone generates a conservatively estimated $5 billion a year. In recent years, it has drawn public attention, and criticism, because of a series of arrests and trials of former talent agency owners and executives. This led to a report calling for a systematic investigation of the industry over the issue of "forced performance." This report has ha...


  • <p>"Weapon of Choice" presents a history of the U.S. Army special operations forces in Afghanistan from 11 September 2001 to 15 May 2002, during America's global war on terrorism. The purpose of the book is not to resolve Army special operations doctrinal issues, to clarify or update military definitions, or to be the "definitive" history of the continuing unconventional war in Afghanistan. The purpose is to demonstrate how the war to drive the Taliban from power, help Afghan people, and assist the Afghan Interim Authority (AIA) rebuild the country afterward was successfully accomplished by majors, captains, warrant officers, and sergeants on tactical teams and aircrews at the lowest levels. Contents: Prelude to Terror Awakening the Giant "Subdue Without Fighting" Developing the SOF Campaign Top Draft Choices Committed to Middle East Exercises Civil Affairs to Islamabad, Pakistan Site Coordination With the Uzbeks at Karshi Kanabad Uncorking the Bottled Airlift Toppling the Taliban...


  • <p><strong>Outlining the distinctive elements of Christian ethics, <em>Moral Choices</em> is the standard text for college ethics courses.</strong></p> <p>Moral questions are at the core of life's most vital issues. But today, we see a breaking down of humanity’s ability to distinguish between right and wrong. After describing a seven-step procedure for thinking through ethical dilemmas, author Scott Rae uses case studies to address some of today's most challenging ethical and social issues. He guides students in thinking critically and biblically about issues, including:</p> <ul> <li>Abortion</li> <li>Euthanasia</li> <li>Capital Punishment</li> <li>Sexual Ethics</li> <li>War</li> <li>Technologies, including reproductive and genetic</li> <li>Ethics and Economics</li> <li>Creation Care and Animal Rights</li> <li>Gun-Control</li> <li>Race, Gender, and Diversity</li> <li>Immigration, Refugees, and Border Control</li> </ul>...


  • <p>本書包含三個要點:<br /> 第一、所列功法是習武、練氣或養生者修煉必達的身心健康效應層次的標志性功法,鍛煉者不一定按書本所示功法去練習,但必須達到和書中所示功法相一層次的身心質度效應。如“鬆腰”可以?是“練精化氣”功成的標記;開?混元竅是打開中宮祖竅玄關或“大丹”始結的標記;“中混元”坐功之效,是“練氣化神”之功的標記。<br /> 第二、本書為讀者配置了數量不少的氣功學基礎知識,乃是理解氣功實踐之真蒂、縮短練功進程的必備“糧草”。若能刻苦練功中?、悟這些理論,練功將勢如破竹。<br /> 第三、最後二章是對傳統和現代氣功界熱門流行話?的討論;關於“見性”的生命科學機制的討論,是著者對中國南派禪宗法要的粗略理解之作,望能起到??引玉之效。</p> <p>作者從北少林和?拳鍛煉入門,偶遇道家龍門派一師尊之教:按道家規矩,25?後要轉修?功以持強五臟。時知功夫不是拳術而是學問,即求師傳武當功夫及劍法。一學7年。此間開始教授外家拳並向民間武師盛金昌學氣功和形意拳,向尹玉章弟子張吉澎學八卦掌,王?齋弟子竇以?學意拳?術,繼又學針灸、推拿等。巧得近鄰?鑒泉弟子張潤榮(音)的?氏快、慢太極拳架之正傳二年整。在對武當、形意、太極、八卦這...


  • <p><em>The Handbook of Rational Choice Social Research</em> offers the first comprehensive overview of how the rational choice paradigm can inform empirical research within the social sciences. This landmark collection highlights successful empirical applications across a broad array of disciplines, including sociology, political science, economics, history, and psychology.</p> <p>Taking on issues ranging from financial markets and terrorism to immigration, race relations, and emotions, and a huge variety of other phenomena, rational choice proves a useful tool for theory- driven social research. Each chapter uses a rational choice framework to elaborate on testable hypotheses and then apply this to empirical research, including experimental research, survey studies, ethnographies, and historical investigations. Useful to students and scholars across the social sciences, this handbook will reinvigorate discussions about the utility and versatility of the rational choice ap...


  • <p>Processes of collective decision making are seen throughout modern society. How does a government decide on an investment strategy within the health care and educational sectors? Should a government or a community introduce measures to combat climate change and CO2 emissions, even if others choose not too? Should a country develop a nuclear capability despite the risk that other countries may follow their lead? This introductory text explores the theory of social choice. Social choice theory provides an analysis of collective decision making. The main aim of the book is to introduce students to the various methods of aggregating the preferences of all members of a given society into some social or collective preference. Written as a primer suitable for advanced undergraduates and graduates, this text will act as an important starting point for students grappling with the complexities of social choice theory. With all new chapter exercises this rigorous yet accessible primer avo...


  • <p><strong>How do we see the decisions made by a translator of an ancient tongue?</strong></p> <p>This volume contains every word in the Hebrew Bible, in Hebrew and the English equivalent for each word as translated. The glosses provided are for a close translation for the Music. The sequence presented is by Hebrew stem, Hebrew word form, canonical sequence, chapter, verse, and word sequence. In principle, the entire translation can be reconstructed from this data.</p> <p>The draft agreement of the translation with itself (concord) was aided by computer assisted pattern recognition. This volume is a searchable reference book. It makes the decisions of the translator as transparent as possible. We can dig deep into the translation process and be rewarded with the treasury of this beloved text.</p> <p><em>A Biblical Hebrew to English Concordance</em> is volume 8 of the series, The Hebrew Bible and Its Music.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※...


  • <p>As a democracy, America offers its citizens a chance to change direction in both domestic and foreign policies with the election of a president or a Congress. Since 9/11, national security choices have become crucial to Americans as the country has been involved in wars overseas and terrorism has spread widely. Trump defeated ISIS, contained Iran, and brokered Middle East peace deals. The Obama administration brokered the Iran deal and partnered with the extremist Ikhwan. Do Americans want to return to the foreign policy of Obama via a Biden presidency? That’s the choice.</p> <p>“I have interviewed Professor Walid Phares for more than a decade on the most critical national security and foreign policy issues facing America as well as on his role as an advisor to President Donald Trump and many other U.S. national leaders. Dr. Phares’s books and expertise have often been predictive of world affairs. In his new book <em>The Choice</em>, he helps Americans understand the de...


  • <p>The papers in this volume explore various issues relating to theories of individual and collective choice, and theories of social welfare. The topics include individual and collective rationality, motivation and intention in economics, coercion, public goods, climate change, and voting theory. The book offers an excellent overview over latest research in these fields.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><strong>人生四千個禮拜,不?我們?次都做出漂亮的選擇。<br /> 關鍵四堂心理學,讓選擇變簡單</strong></p> <p>  ★諾貝爾獎得主康納曼:「本書證明了選擇越少,反而越好。」<br />   ★授權20國以上、goodreads萬人好評,暢銷20年心理學經典<br />   ★TED演講破除千萬人的迷思,台下遍布金融、零售、餐飲、廣告、?樂業者</p> <p>  選擇困難不是個人問題,而是社會病<br />   為了節省勞力、更便利,人類社會飛快地演進,而人類的心智演化及有限的人生,卻不足以因應過於發達的現代。我們面臨前所未有的抉擇數量、難度及成本。如果力求完美,就容易選擇疲勞。</p> <p>  有沒有一種選擇,需要?花一輩子來選?<br />   ● 一再期待能遇到條件更好的對象<br />   ● 該先去進修,還是加速累積資??<br />   ● 如何活用這24個小時?</p> <p>  小心,超量選擇正默默搬運?的時間</p> <p>  擇?所愛,愛?所選。<br />   從買一條牛仔?的過程中,發現?好就好、自在人生的祕訣。</p> <p>  心理學家史瓦茲長期研究經濟學和心理學的相互關係,他指出現代人崇尚自主,緊握?件事的決定權。這間接導致焦慮、精神...


  • <p><strong>“A standout . . . a balanced, informative, and highly intelligent guide to dealing with China.”ーFareed Zakaria</strong></p> <p>Many see China as a rival superpower to the United States and imagine the country’s rise to be a threat to U.S. leadership in Asia and beyond. Thomas J. Christensen argues against this zero-sum vision. Instead, he describes a new paradigm in which the real challenge lies in dissuading China from regional aggression while encouraging the country to contribute to the global order. Drawing on decades of scholarship and experience as a senior diplomat, Christensen offers a compelling new assessment of U.S.-China relations that is essential reading for anyone interested in the future of the globalized world.</p> <p><em>The China Challenge</em> shows why China is nowhere near powerful enough to be considered a global “peer competitor” of the United States, but it is already strong enough to destabilize East Asia and to influence econo...


  • <p>The centuries-old paradox of voting is that majorities sometimes prefer x to y, y to z, and z to x - a cycle. The discovery of the sources and consequences of such cycles, under majority rule and countless other regimes, constitutes much of the mathematical theory of voting and social choice. This book explores the big questions posed by the paradox of voting: positive questions about how to predict outcomes and explain observed stability, and normative questions about how to hold elections, how to take account of preference intensities, the relevance of social welfare to social choice, and challenges to formal 'rationality', individual and social. The overall lesson is that cycles are facts, ubiquitous, and consequential in non-obvious ways, not puzzles to be solved, much less maladies or misfortunes to be avoided or regretted.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい...


  • <p><strong>Nobel Prize winner Amartya Sen's first great book, now reissued in a fully revised and expanded second edition</strong></p> <p>'Can the values which individual members of society attach to different alternatives be aggregated into values for society as a whole, in a way that is both fair and theoretically sound? Is the majority principle a workable rule for making decisions? How should income inequality be measured? When and how can we compare the distribution of welfare in different societies?'</p> <p>These questions, from the citation by the Swedish Academy of Sciences when Amartya Sen was awarded the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics, refer to his work in <em>Collective Choice and Social Welfare</em>, the most important of all his early books. Originally published in 1970, this classic work in welfare economics has been recognized for its ground-breaking role in integrating economics and ethics, and for its influence in opening up new areas of researc...


  • <p>Classical social choice theory relies heavily on the assumption that all individuals have fixed preference orderings. This highly original book presents a new theory of social preferences that explicitly accounts for important social phenomena such as coordination, compromise, negotiation and altruism. Drawing on cybernetics and network theory, it extends classical social choice theory by constructing a framework that allows for dynamic preferences that are modulated by the situation-dependent social influence that they exert on each other. In this way the book shows how members of a social network may modulate their preferences to account for social context. This important expansion of social choice theory will be of interest to readers in a wide variety of disciplines, including economists and political scientists concerned with choice theory as well as computer scientists and engineers working on network theory.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は...


  • <p>In a world beset with problems, how can we encourage people to act differently? It seems almost daily that new studies emerge telling us how human action is causing planetary degradation, how changes to our diets could lead to us living longer healthier lives, or that financially we are in danger of returning to the debt related crises of the previous decade. At the same time how many of us adjust our behaviour in response to such information?;</p> <p>In this new book Professor Chris Brown explores people’s reactions to Optimal Rational Positions: propositions that set out requirements for change. For example the need to reduce carbon emissions to minimize the impacts of climate change is an Optimal Rational Position; as is the need to engage in 30 minutes of exercise a day, to eat more healthily or to drink less alcohol. It seems obvious that we should want to pursue Optimal Rational Positions because they espouse the types of behaviours that will enable us to live healthi...


  • *** We ship internationally, so do not use a package forwarding service. We cannot ship to a package forwarding company address because of the Japanese customs regulation. If it is shipped and customs office does not let the package go, we do not make a refund. 【注意事項】 *** 特に注意してください。 *** ・個人ではない法人・団体名義での購入はできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 ・お名前にカタカナが入っている場合法人である可能性が高いため当店システムから自動保留します。カタカナで記載が必要な場合はカタカナ変わりローマ字で記載してください。 ・お名前またはご住所が法人・団体名義(XX株式会社等)、商店名などを含めている場合、または電話番号が個人のものではない場合、税関から法人名義でみなされますのでご注意ください。 ・転送サービス会社への発送もできません。この場合税関で滅却されてもお客様負担になりますので御了承願います。 *** ・注文後品切れや価格変動でキャンセルされる場合がございますので予めご了承願います。 ・当店でご購入された商品は、原則として、「個...


  • <p>The overwhelming reality of our time is this: In the opening years of the 21st century, the United States finds itself not only the most powerful nation on earth but the most powerful nation that has ever existed. Given the contradictory roles America plays in the world, we are fated to be the catalyst for either a new global community or for global chaos. If we don't lead, Zbigniew Brzezinski contends, rather than merely dominate by force, we could face worldwide hostility much like the regional hostility now confronting Israel. Brzezinski argues for a more complex and sophisticated view of our global role than much of our media and political leadership are willing to entertain. We are the world's policeman, but we have to be seen as a fair one. We are entitled to a higher level of security than other nations (because we assume greater risks), but we are also the proponent of essential freedoms. We are uniquely powerful, but our homeland is uniquely -and chronically-vulnerable...


  • <p>Choice is a key concept of our time. It is a foundational mechanism for every legal order in societies that are, politically, constituted as democracies and, economically, built on the market mechanism. Thus, choice can be understood as an atomic structure that grounds core societal processes. In recent years, however, the debate over the right way to theorize choice - for example, as a rational or a behavioral type of decision making - has intensified. This collection provides an in-depth discussion of the promises and perils of specific types of theories of choice. It shows how the selection of a specific theory of choice can make a difference for concrete legal questions, in particular in the regulation of the digital economy or in choosing between market, firm, or network. In its first part, the volume provides an accessible overview of the current debates about rational versus behavioral approaches to theories of choice. The remainder of the book structures the vast landsc...
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