sprint jake

Summary of Sprint by Jake Knapp with John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz Includes Analysis【電子書籍】 Instaread SummariesResumen Completo - Sprint - Resolver Problemas Y Probar Nuevas Ideas En Solo Cinco Dias - Basado En El Libro De Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky Y Braden Kowitz【電子書籍】 Libros MaestrosA Joosr Guide to... Sprint by Jake Knapp with John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days【電子書籍】 JoosrSummary of Sprint by Jake Knapp with John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz Includes Analysis【電子書籍】 Instaread SummariesSprint O m todo usado no Google para testar e aplicar novas ideias em apenas cinco dias【電子書籍】 Jake KnappSprint El m todo para resolver problemas y testar nuevas ideas en solo 5 d as【電子書籍】 Jake KnappSprint: How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days SPRINT Jake KnappSprint Wie man in nur f nf Tagen neue Ideen testet und Probleme l st【電子書籍】 Jake KnappSprint the bestselling guide to solving business problems and testing new ideas the Silicon Valley way【電子書籍】 Jake Knapp【中古】SPRINT最速仕事術 / KnappJakeGuide to Jake Knapp’s et al Sprint by Instaread【電子書籍】 Instaread(取寄) ヴィンヤードヴァインズ キッズ ボーイズ ボーイズ プリンテッド サンカティ ポロ (リトル キッド) Vineyard Vines Kids boys Vineyard Vines Kids Boys Printed Sankaty Polo (Little Kid) Sailing Stripe- Jake BlueSprint How to Solve Big Problems and Test New Ideas in Just Five Days【電子書籍】 Jake Knapp【中古】SPRINT最速仕事術 / KnappJakeSprint Comment r soudre les probl mes et trouver de nouvelles id es en cinq jours【電子書籍】 Jake Knapp(取寄) ヴィンヤードヴァインズ キッズ ボーイズ ボーイズ プリンテッド サンカティ ポロ (リトル キッド) Vineyard Vines Kids boys Vineyard Vines Kids Boys Printed Sankaty Polo (Little Kid) Sailing Stripe- Jake Blue送料無料 バインヤード バインズ Vineyard Vines Kids 男の子用 ファッション 子供服 ポロシャツ Boys Printed Sankaty Polo (Little Kid) - Sailing Stripe- Jake Blue


  • <p><strong>Summary of Sprint by Jake Knapp with John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz | Includes Analysis</strong></p> <p><strong>Preview:</strong><br /> A sprint is a lightning-speed process to isolate a company’s most pressing problem and find its solution within a week. This speedy process was developed by author Jake Knapp and his co-authors in their work with Google Ventures, which invested in startups and other companies and needed to bring them to success expediently and efficiently. While the Google Ventures team became experts in this process, <em>Sprint</em> was written to share the practice with other companies that typically rely on the traditional brainstorm to generate new ideas quickly. Instead, the authors view the brainstorm as a failed concept for effecting meaningful change.</p> <p>No longer does a company need the experts from Google Ventures to come in. The process is simple enough that any company or team within a company can conduct its own s...


  • <p>RESUMEN COMPLETO: SPRINT - RESOLVER PROBLEMAS Y PROBAR NUEVAS IDEAS EN SOLO CINCO DIAS - BASADO EN EL LIBRO DE JAKE KNAPP, JOHN ZERATSKY Y BRADEN KOWITZ ?Est?s listo para potenciar tu conocimiento sobre "SPRINT"? ?Quieres aprender de manera r?pida y concisa las lecciones clave de este libro? ?Est?s preparado para procesar la informaci?n de todo un libro en tan solo una lectura de aproximadamente 20 minutos? ?Te gustar?a tener una comprensi?n m?s profunda de las t?cnicas y ejercicios del libro original? ?Entonces este libro es para ti! CONTENIDO DEL LIBRO: Obtenga Una Evaluaci?n R?pida Y Clara Del Potencial De ?xito De Sus Ideas ?C?mo Surgi? El Proceso Sprint? ?Es Entonces Un Sprint Una Herramienta De Gesti?n De Proyectos? ?En Qu? Ayudan Los Sprints Con Respecto A Las Grandes Ideas? ?Por Qu? Hay Que Definir Y Convocar A Un Equipo Diverso, Desde Lunes Por La Ma?ana? ?Se Debe Redactar Una Hoja De Ruta Y Elegir Un Objetivo, El Mismo D?a En La Tarde? ?Qu? Nos Espera En El D?a Martes...


  • <p>In today's fast-paced world, it's tough to find the time to read. But with Joosr guides, you can get the key insights from bestselling non-fiction titles in less than 20 minutes. Whether you want to gain knowledge on the go or find the books you'll love, Joosr's brief and accessible eBook summaries fit into your life. Find out more at joosr.com.</p> <p>When businesses develop new products or working practices, they face huge risks. They must invest time, money, and personnel in something that ultimately may not work. However, the sprint process allows you to fast-forward through traditional, inefficient working methods to discover whether it is truly worth taking a chance on the new venture.</p> <p>Sprint provides techniques that have been tried and tested in over 100 companies, from start-up to multinational business, and shows how your own business can tackle a major challenge within just five days. If starting a new project is like setting off on a voyage into unknow...


  • <p><strong>Summary of Sprint by Jake Knapp with John Zeratsky and Braden Kowitz | Includes Analysis</strong></p> <p><strong>Preview:</strong><br /> A sprint is a lightning-speed process to isolate a company’s most pressing problem and find its solution within a week. This speedy process was developed by author Jake Knapp and his co-authors in their work with Google Ventures, which invested in startups and other companies and needed to bring them to success expediently and efficiently. While the Google Ventures team became experts in this process, <em>Sprint</em> was written to share the practice with other companies that typically rely on the traditional brainstorm to generate new ideas quickly. Instead, the authors view the brainstorm as a failed concept for effecting meaningful change.</p> <p>No longer does a company need the experts from Google Ventures to come in. The process is simple enough that any company or team within a company can conduct its own s...


  • <p><strong>Como inovar? Por onde come?ar? Como formar uma boa equipe? Que forma ter? uma ideia quando for colocada em pr?tica? S?o muitas as perguntas que martelam na cabe?a de quem precisa tirar ideias do papel, mas j? existe um caminho infal?vel para responder a todas elas rapidamente: o sprint.</strong></p> <p>M?todo criado pelo designer Jake Knapp no per?odo em que ele trabalhava no Google, era usado para tudo na empresa, do aperfei?oamento do mecanismo de buscas ao Google Hangouts, com o foco em desenvolver e testar ideias em apenas cinco dias. Knapp se juntou mais tarde a Braden Kowitz e John Zeratsky no Google Ventures, bra?o da companhia dedicado ao investimento em novos neg?cios, e juntos eles conduziram e completaram mais de cem sprints em empresas de telefonia, e-commerce, sa?de, finan?as e muito mais.</p> <p>Sprint serve para equipes de todos os tamanhos, de pequenas startups at? os maiores conglomerados, e pode ser aplicado por qualquer um que tenha uma gr...


  • <p><strong>Creado por Jake Knapp, John Zeratsky y Braden Kowitz, tres socios de Google Ventures, <em>SPRINT</em> es un m?todo ?nico e infalible de 5 d?as para solventar problemas empresariales complicados y conseguir que la viabilidad de un proyecto se implante r?pidamente.</strong></p> <p><strong>Probado con ?xito en m?s de 100 ocasiones.</strong></p> <p>Tanto los emprendedores como los directivos tienen que enfrentarse todos los d?as a dilemas importantes: ?D?nde hay que poner las prioridades y por d?nde hay que empezar?, ?cu?ntas reuniones son necesarias para dar con la soluci?n m?s adecuada?</p> <p>Ahora ya disponemos de un m?todo seguro para responder a estas cuestiones cruciales: el <em><strong>Sprint</strong></em>. El dise?ador Jake Knapp cre? este proceso de cinco d?as en Google, donde los <em>sprints</em> se empleaban para todo tipo de proyectos, desde el Google Search hastaGoogle X. En Google Ventures empez? a trabajar con Braden Kowit...


  • SPRINT Jake Knapp John Zeratsky Braden Kowitz SIMON & SCHUSTER2016 Hardcover English ISBN:9781501121746 洋書 Business & SelfーCulture(ビジネス) Business & Economics


  • <p>Unternehmer, Gr?nder und Teams stehen t?glich vor der Herausforderung: Womit soll man zuerst anfangen, worauf sich am meisten fokussieren? Und wie viele Diskussionen und Meetings sind n?tig, bevor man ganz sicher die garantiert richtige L?sung hat? Die Folge ist, dass allzu oft das Projekt auf der Stelle tritt und man ?berhaupt nicht vorw?rtskommt. Daf?r gibt es eine geniale L?sung: Sprint. Die ist ein einzigartiger, innovativer und narrensicherer Prozess, mit dem sich die h?rtesten Probleme in nur f?nf Tagen l?sen lassen - von Montag bis Freitag. Der Entwickler Jake Knapp entwarf diesen Prozess bei und f?r Google, wo er seither in allen Bereichen genutzt wird. Zusammen mit John Zeratsky und Braden Kowitz hat er dar?ber hinaus bereits mehr als 100 Sprints in Firmen aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen durchgef?hrt. Der Sprint-Prozess bietet praktische Hilfe f?r Unternehmen aller Gr??en, vom kleinen Start-up bis hin zum Fortune-100-Unternehmen. Die Methode ist auch f?r alle anderen b...


  • <p><em><strong>From three partners at Google Ventures, this is a unique and easy-to-follow five-day process for solving tough business problems and testing new ideas - proven at more than 100 companies. Sprint is a New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller.</strong></em></p> <p><strong>'<em>Sprint</em> offers a transformative formula for testing ideas that works whether you're at a startup or a large organization' - Eric Ries, author of <em>The Lean Startup</em></strong></p> <p><strong>'The genius of Jake Knapp's Sprint is its step-by-step breakdown of what it takes to solve big problems and do work that matters with speed and urgency' - <em>Beth Comstock, Vice Chair of GE</em></strong></p> <p><strong>'Game changer' - ***** Reader review</strong><br /> <strong>'Amazing book which yielded great practical results' - ***** Reader review</strong><br /> <strong>'Revolutionary' - ***** Reader review</strong></p> <p><st...


  •     SPRINT最速仕事術 単行本 の詳細 出版社: ダイヤモンド社 レーベル: 作者: KnappJake カナ: スプリントサイソクシゴトジュツ / ジェイクナップ サイズ: 単行本 ISBN: 4478066997 発売日: 2017/04/01 関連商品リンク : KnappJake ダイヤモンド社


  • <p>PLEASE NOTE: This is a companion to Jake Knapp’s & et al Sprint and NOT the original book.</p> <p>Preview:</p> <p>A sprint is a lightning-speed process to isolate a company’s most pressing problem and find its solution within a week. This speedy process was developed by author Jake Knapp and his co-authors in their work with Google Ventures, which invested in startups and other companies and needed to bring them to success expediently and efficiently.</p> <p>Inside this companion:</p> <p>Overview of the book<br /> Important People<br /> Key Insights<br /> Analysis of Key Insights</p> <p>About the Author: With Instaread, you can get the notes and insights from a book in 15 minutes or less.</p> <p>Visit our website at instaread.co.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • ■商品詳細■ブランドVineyard Vines Kids ヴィンヤードヴァインズ キッズ■商品名Vineyard Vines Kids Boys Printed Sankaty Polo (Little Kid)ボーイズ プリンテッド サンカティ ポロ (リトル キッド)■商品状態新品未使用・並行輸入品■色Sailing Stripe- Jake Blue■詳細ポリエステル/スパンデックス-洗濯機洗い可.-ペルー製.■備考(取寄) ヴィンヤードヴァインズ キッズ ボーイズ ボーイズ プリンテッド サンカティ ポロ (リトル キッド) Vineyard Vines Kids boys Vineyard Vines Kids Boys Printed Sankaty Polo (Little Kid) Sailing Stripe- Jake BlueVineyard Vines Kids ヴィンヤードヴァインズ キッズ キッズ Tシャツ シャツ インナー トップス ジュニア レファッション ブランド 大きいサイズ ビックサイズ zp-9965505


  • <p><strong>Learn the unique five-day process developed inside Google Venturesーand proven at thousands of companiesーfor solving tough problems quickly.</strong></p> <p>Business leaders face important questions every day: Where should you focus your effort, and how do you start? What will your idea look like in real life? How many discussions does it take to arrive at the right solution? Now there’s a surefire way to get the answers you need: the Design Sprint, created at Google by Jake Knapp.</p> <p>In a Design Sprint, you take a small team, clear your schedules for a week, and rapidly progress from problem, to prototype, to tested solution using the step-by-step, five-day process in this book. It’s like looking into the future to see how customers will respond to your new product, service, or campaignーbefore you invest all the time and expense of creating it.</p> <p>A practical guide to answering critical business questions, <em>Sprint</em> is a book for tea...


  •     SPRINT最速仕事術 単行本 の詳細 アイデアの発案から問題点の発見、解決、検証まで、すべてを全力疾走(スプリント)で行い、たった5日ですごいものを生み出すグーグル式仕事術を紹介する。スプリントに必要な項目を網羅したチェックリスト、FAQも収録。 カテゴリ: 中古本 ジャンル: ビジネス 企業・経営 出版社: ダイヤモンド社 レーベル: 作者: KnappJake カナ: スプリントサイソクシゴトジュツ / ジェイクナップ サイズ: 単行本 ISBN: 4478066997 発売日: 2017/04/01 関連商品リンク : KnappJake ダイヤモンド社


  • <p>Chaque jour, les entrepreneurs et les responsables de projets doivent r?pondre ? des questions cruciales : sur quoi concentrer vos efforts, et par o? commencer ? Que donnera votre id?e dans la vraie vie ? Est-ce que le projet r?pond aux attentes des clients ?</p> <p>Il existe ? pr?sent une m?thode ?prouv?e pour trouver des r?ponses. D?velopp?e par trois cadres de Google, la m?thode Sprint a ?t? mise en oeuvre avec succ?s lors des d?veloppements de plus d'une centaine de projets, dont Gmail, Google X ou Chrome.</p> <p>L'id?e est simple : une petite ?quipe, un probl?me ? r?soudre, et un processus serr? qui permet d'aboutir ? un test consommateur en cinq jours. Pas de th?orie, les acteurs du projet sont tout de suite dans l'action, et mis dans les meilleurs conditions pour donner le meilleur d'eux-m?mes.</p> <p><strong>Cette m?thode s'adresse aux ?quipes de toutes tailles, de la start-up naissante aux groupes internationaux. Elle est utile pour toute personne qui sou...


  • ■商品詳細■ブランドVineyard Vines Kids ヴィンヤードヴァインズ キッズ■商品名Vineyard Vines Kids Boys Printed Sankaty Polo (Little Kid)ボーイズ プリンテッド サンカティ ポロ (リトル キッド)■商品状態新品未使用・並行輸入品■色Sailing Stripe- Jake Blue■詳細ポリエステル/スパンデックス-洗濯機洗い可.-ペルー製.■備考(取寄) ヴィンヤードヴァインズ キッズ ボーイズ ボーイズ プリンテッド サンカティ ポロ (リトル キッド) Vineyard Vines Kids boys Vineyard Vines Kids Boys Printed Sankaty Polo (Little Kid) Sailing Stripe- Jake BlueVineyard Vines Kids ヴィンヤードヴァインズ キッズ キッズ Tシャツ シャツ インナー トップス ジュニア レファッション ブランド 大きいサイズ ビックサイズ zp-9965505


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