statistical methods

Statistical Methods for Experimental Research in Education and Psychology【電子書籍】 Jimmie LeppinkStatistical Learning and Modeling in Data Analysis Methods and Applications【電子書籍】Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics, Series Number 4) PerciStatistical Methods for Spatial Planning and Monitoring【電子書籍】Permutation Statistical Methods with R【電子書籍】 Kenneth J. BerryBayesian Statistical Methods【電子書籍】 Brian J. ReichStatistical Methods in Health Disparity Research【電子書籍】 J. Sunil Raoファイナンスのための統計学 統計的アプローチによる評価と意思決定 / 原タイトル:Statistical Models and Methods for Financial Markets 本/雑誌 / TzeLeungLai/著 HaipengXing/著 松原望/訳 山村吉信/訳Spatial Analysis Along Networks Statistical and Computational Methods【電子書籍】 Atsuyuki OkabePropensity Score Analysis Statistical Methods and Applications【電子書籍】 Shenyang GuoStatistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences【電子書籍】 Daniel S. WilksStatistical Methods for Organizational Research Theory and Practice【電子書籍】 Chris DewberryHandbook of Computational Social Science, Volume 2 Data Science, Statistical Modelling, and Machine Learning Methods【電子書籍】Statistical Methods for Recommender Systems ハードカバー Agarwal,Deepak K. Chen,Bee-ChungData Science and Machine Learning Mathematical and Statistical Methods【電子書籍】 Dirk P. Kroese洋書 Fundamentals of Modern Statistical Methods: Substantially Improving Power and AccuracyTopological and Statistical Methods for Complex Data Tackling Large-Scale, High-Dimensional, and Multivariate Data Spaces【電子書籍】Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis【電子書籍】Bootstrap Methods And Their Application (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics, Series Number 1) DavisoMethods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics (Dover Books on Physics)


  • <p>This book focuses on experimental research in two disciplines that have a lot of common ground in terms of theory, experimental designs used, and methods for the analysis of experimental research data: education and psychology. Although the methods covered in this book are also frequently used in many other disciplines, including sociology and medicine, the examples in this book come from contemporary research topics in education and psychology. Various statistical packages, commercial and zero-cost Open Source ones, are used.</p> <p>The goal of this book is neither to cover all possible statistical methods out there nor to focus on a particular statistical software package. There are many excellent statistics textbooks on the market that present both basic and advanced concepts at an introductory level and/or provide a very detailed overview of options in a particular statistical software programme. This is not yet another book in that genre.</p> <p>Core theme of this ...


  • <p>The contributions gathered in this book focus on modern methods for statistical learning and modeling in data analysis and present a series of engaging real-world applications. The book covers numerous research topics, ranging from statistical inference and modeling to clustering and factorial methods, from directional data analysis to time series analysis and small area estimation. The applications reflect new analyses in a variety of fields, including medicine, finance, engineering, marketing and cyber risk.</p> <p>The book gathers selected and peer-reviewed contributions presented at the 12th Scientific Meeting of the Classification and Data Analysis Group of the Italian Statistical Society (CLADAG 2019), held in Cassino, Italy, on September 11?13, 2019. CLADAG promotes advanced methodological research in multivariate statistics with a special focus on data analysis and classification, and supports the exchange and dissemination of ideas, methodological concepts, numeric...


  • 【30日間返品保証】商品説明に誤りがある場合は、無条件で弊社送料負担で商品到着後30日間返品を承ります。ご満足のいく取引となるよう精一杯対応させていただきます。※下記に商品説明およびコンディション詳細、出荷予定・配送方法・お届けまでの期間について記載しています。ご確認の上ご購入ください。【インボイス制度対応済み】当社ではインボイス制度に対応した適格請求書発行事業者番号(通称:T番号・登録番号)を印字した納品書(明細書)を商品に同梱してお送りしております。こちらをご利用いただくことで、税務申告時や確定申告時に消費税額控除を受けることが可能になります。また、適格請求書発行事業者番号の入った領収書・請求書をご注文履歴からダウンロードして頂くこともできます(宛名はご希望のものを入力して頂けます)。■商品名■Wavelet Methods for Time Series Analysis (Cambridge Series in Statistical and Probabilistic Mathematics Series Number 4)■出版社■Cambridge University Press■著者■Percival Donald B.■発行年■2010/10/06■ISBN10■0521685087■ISBN13■9780521685085■コンディションランク■可コンディションランク説明ほぼ新品:未使...


  • <p>The book aims to investigate methods and techniques for spatial statistical analysis suitable to model spatial information in support of decision systems. Over the last few years there has been a considerable interest in these tools and in the role they can play in spatial planning and environmental modelling.</p> <p>One of the earliest and most famous definition of spatial planning was “a geographical expression to the economic, social, cultural and ecological policies of society”: borrowing from this point of view, this text shows how an interdisciplinary approach is an effective way to an harmonious integration of national policies with regional and local analysis.</p> <p>A wide range of spatial models and techniques is, also, covered: spatial data mining, point processes analysis, nearest neighbor statistics and cluster detection, Fuzzy Regression model and local indicators of spatial association; all of these tools provide the policy-maker with a valuable support t...


  • <p>This book takes a unique approach to explaining permutation statistics by integrating permutation statistical methods with a wide range of classical statistical methods and associated R programs. It opens by comparing and contrasting two models of statistical inference: the classical population model espoused by J. Neyman and E.S. Pearson and the permutation model first introduced by R.A. Fisher and E.J.G. Pitman. Numerous comparisons of permutation and classical statistical methods are presented, supplemented with a variety of R scripts for ease of computation. The text follows the general outline of an introductory textbook in statistics with chapters on central tendency and variability, one-sample tests, two-sample tests, matched-pairs tests, completely-randomized analysis of variance, randomized-blocks analysis of variance, simple linear regression and correlation, and the analysis of goodness of fit and contingency.</p> <p>Unlike classical statistical methods, permutat...


  • <p><strong>Bayesian Statistical Methods</strong> provides data scientists with the foundational and computational tools needed to carry out a Bayesian analysis. This book focuses on Bayesian methods applied routinely in practice including multiple linear regression, mixed effects models and generalized linear models (GLM). The authors include many examples with complete R code and comparisons with analogous frequentist procedures.</p> <p>In addition to the basic concepts of Bayesian inferential methods, the book covers many general topics:</p> <ul> <li></li> <li>Advice on selecting prior distributions</li> <li></li> <li>Computational methods including Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)</li> <li></li> <li>Model-comparison and goodness-of-fit measures, including sensitivity to priors</li> <li></li> <li>Frequentist properties of Bayesian methods</li> </ul> <p>Case studies covering advanced topics illustrate the flexibility of the Bayesian ...


  • <p>A health disparity refers to a higher burden of illness, injury, disability, or mortality experienced by one group relative to others attributable to multiple factors including socioeconomic status, environmental factors, insufficient access to health care, individual risk factors, and behaviors and inequalities in education. These disparities may be due to many factors including age, income, and race. <em><strong>Statistical Methods in Health Disparity Research</strong></em> will focus on their estimation, ranging from classical approaches including the quantification of a disparity, to more formal modeling, to modern approaches involving more flexible computational approaches.</p> <p><strong>Features:</strong></p> <ul> <li>Presents an overview of methods and applications of health disparity estimation</li> <li>First book to synthesize research in this field in a unified statistical framework</li> <li>Covers classical approaches, and builds to mor...


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>ファイナンスの実務における数理の知識、とくに統計学の活用は増している。本書は、まず統計理論の殆どをカバーしながら、統計分析をよりよく活用するための技術的配慮にも気をくばり構成している。<収録内容>第1部 基礎的な統計的方法とファイナンスへの応用(線形回帰モデル多変量解析と尤度推定基本的投資モデルとその統計分析最尤法とベイズ推定時系列解析資産利回りのダイナミック・モデルとそのボラティリティ)第2部 計量ファイナンスにおける先進的話題(ノンパラメトリック回帰と実体実証的モデル化オプション価格とマーケットデータフィナンシャル計量経済学における多変量解析と時系列分析の進んだ方法金利市場統計的トレーディング戦略リスクマネジメントの統計的方法)<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-1945224TzeLeungLai / Cho HaipengXing / Cho Matsubara Nozomi / Yaku Yamamura Yoshinobu / Yaku / Finance No Tame No Tokei Gaku Tokei Teki Approach Niyoru Hyoka to Ishi Kettei / Original Title: Statistical Models and Methods for Financial Marketsメディア:本/雑誌重量:463g発売日:2016/05JAN:9784489...


  • <p>In the real world, there are numerous and various events that occur on and alongside networks, including the occurrence of traffic accidents on highways, the location of stores alongside roads, the incidence of crime on streets and the contamination along rivers. In order to carry out analyses of those events, the researcher needs to be familiar with a range of specific techniques. Spatial Analysis Along Networks provides a practical guide to the necessary statistical techniques and their computational implementation.</p> <p>Each chapter illustrates a specific technique, from Stochastic Point Processes on a Network and Network Voronoi Diagrams, to Network K-function and Point Density Estimation Methods, and the Network Huff Model. The authors also discuss and illustrate the undertaking of the statistical tests described in a Geographical Information System (GIS) environment as well as demonstrating the user-friendly free software package SANET.</p> <p>Spatial Analysis A...


  • <p>Fully updated to reflect the most recent changes in the field, the <strong>Second Edition</strong> of <strong>Propensity Score Analysis</strong> provides an accessible, systematic review of the origins, history, and statistical foundations of propensity score analysis, illustrating how it can be used for solving evaluation and causal-inference problems. With a strong focus on practical applications, the authors explore various strategies for employing PSA, discuss the use of PSA with alternative types of data, and delineate the limitations of PSA under a variety of constraints. Unlike existing textbooks on program evaluation and causal inference, this book delves into statistical concepts, formulas, and models within the context of a robust and engaging focus on application.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p><em>Statistical Methods in the Atmospheric Sciences, Second Edition,</em> explains the latest statistical methods used to describe, analyze, test, and forecast atmospheric data. This revised and expanded text is intended to help students understand and communicate what their data sets have to say, or to make sense of the scientific literature in meteorology, climatology, and related disciplines.</p> <p>In this new edition, what was a single chapter on multivariate statistics has been expanded to a full six chapters on this important topic. Other chapters have also been revised and cover exploratory data analysis, probability distributions, hypothesis testing, statistical weather forecasting, forecast verification, and time series analysis. There is now an expanded treatment of resampling tests and key analysis techniques, an updated discussion on ensemble forecasting, and a detailed chapter on forecast verification. In addition, the book includes new sections on maximum...


  • <p>This clearly written textbook clarifies the concepts underpinning descriptive and inferential statistics in organizational research. Acting as much more than a theoretical reference tool, step-by-step it guides readers through the various key stages of successful data analysis.Covering everything from introductory descriptive statistics to advanced</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします。※切り替わらない場合は、こちら をクリックして下さい。 ※このページからは注文できません。


  • <p>The <em>Handbook of Computational Social Science</em> is a comprehensive reference source for scholars across multiple disciplines. It outlines key debates in the field, showcasing novel statistical modeling and machine learning methods, and draws from specific case studies to demonstrate the opportunities and challenges in CSS approaches.</p> <p>The Handbook is divided into two volumes written by outstanding, internationally renowned scholars in the field. This second volume focuses on foundations and advances in data science, statistical modeling, and machine learning. It covers a range of key issues, including the management of big data in terms of record linkage, streaming, and missing data. Machine learning, agent-based and statistical modeling, as well as data quality in relation to digital trace and textual data, as well as probability, non-probability, and crowdsourced samples represent further foci. The volume not only makes major contributions to the consolida...


  • 【30日間返品保証】商品説明に誤りがある場合は、無条件で弊社送料負担で商品到着後30日間返品を承ります。ご満足のいく取引となるよう精一杯対応させていただきます。※下記に商品説明およびコンディション詳細、出荷予定・配送方法・お届けまでの期間について記載しています。ご確認の上ご購入ください。【インボイス制度対応済み】当社ではインボイス制度に対応した適格請求書発行事業者番号(通称:T番号・登録番号)を印字した納品書(明細書)を商品に同梱してお送りしております。こちらをご利用いただくことで、税務申告時や確定申告時に消費税額控除を受けることが可能になります。また、適格請求書発行事業者番号の入った領収書・請求書をご注文履歴からダウンロードして頂くこともできます(宛名はご希望のものを入力して頂けます)。■商品名■Statistical Methods for Recommender Systems [ハードカバー] Agarwal Deepak K.; Chen Bee-Chung■出版社■Cambridge University Press■著者■Agarwal Deepak K.■発行年■2016/02/24■ISBN10■1107036070■ISBN13■9781107036079■コンディションランク■良いコンディションランク説明ほぼ新品:未使用に近い状態の商品非常に良...


  • <p>"This textbook is a well-rounded, rigorous, and informative work presenting the mathematics behind modern machine learning techniques. It hits all the right notes: the choice of topics is up-to-date and perfect for a course on data science for mathematics students at the advanced undergraduate or early graduate level. This book fills a sorely-needed gap in the existing literature by not sacrificing depth for breadth, presenting proofs of major theorems and subsequent derivations, as well as providing a copious amount of Python code. I only wish a book like this had been around when I first began my journey!" <strong>-Nicholas Hoell, University of Toronto</strong></p> <p><em>"This is a well-written book that provides a deeper dive into data-scientific methods than many introductory texts. The writing is clear, and the text logically builds up regularization, classification, and decision trees. Compared to its probable competitors, it carves out a unique niche.</em> ...


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  • <p>This book contains papers presented at the Workshop on the Analysis of Large-scale, High-Dimensional, and Multi-Variate Data Using Topology and Statistics, held in Le Barp, France, June 2013. It features the work of some of the most prominent and recognized leaders in the field who examine challenges as well as detail solutions to the analysis of extreme scale data.</p> <p>The book presents new methods that leverage the mutual strengths of both topological and statistical techniques to support the management, analysis, and visualization of complex data. It covers both theory and application and provides readers with an overview of important key concepts and the latest research trends.</p> <p>Coverage in the book includes multi-variate and/or high-dimensional analysis techniques, feature-based statistical methods, combinatorial algorithms, scalable statistics algorithms, scalar and vector field topology, and multi-scale representations. In addition, the book details algo...


  • <p><em>Statistical Models and Methods for Reliability and Survival Analysis</em> brings together contributions by specialists in statistical theory as they discuss their applications providing up-to-date developments in methods used in survival analysis, statistical goodness of fit, stochastic processes for system reliability, amongst others. Many of these are related to the work of Professor M. Nikulin in statistics over the past 30 years. The authors gather together various contributions with a broad array of techniques and results, divided into three parts - Statistical Models and Methods, Statistical Models and Methods in Survival Analysis, and Reliability and Maintenance.</p> <p>The book is intended for researchers interested in statistical methodology and models useful in survival analysis, system reliability and statistical testing for censored and non-censored data.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。 ※ご購入は、楽天kobo商品ページからお願いします...


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  • 【30日間返品保証】商品説明に誤りがある場合は、無条件で弊社送料負担で商品到着後30日間返品を承ります。ご満足のいく取引となるよう精一杯対応させていただきます。※下記に商品説明およびコンディション詳細、出荷予定・配送方法・お届けまでの期間について記載しています。ご確認の上ご購入ください。【インボイス制度対応済み】当社ではインボイス制度に対応した適格請求書発行事業者番号(通称:T番号・登録番号)を印字した納品書(明細書)を商品に同梱してお送りしております。こちらをご利用いただくことで、税務申告時や確定申告時に消費税額控除を受けることが可能になります。また、適格請求書発行事業者番号の入った領収書・請求書をご注文履歴からダウンロードして頂くこともできます(宛名はご希望のものを入力して頂けます)。■商品名■Methods of Quantum Field Theory in Statistical Physics (Dover Books on Physics)■出版社■Dover Publications■著者■Abrikosov A. A.■発行年■1975/10/01■ISBN10■0486632288■ISBN13■9780486632285■コンディションランク■非常に良いコンディションランク説明ほぼ新品:未使用に近い状態の商品非常に良い:傷や汚れが少な...
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