stories for boys who dare to be different

自分を信じた100人の男の子の物語 世界の変え方はひとつじゃない / 原タイトル:STORIES FOR BOYS WHO DARE TO BE DIFFERENT 本/雑誌 / ベン ブルックス/文 クイントン ウィンター/絵 芹澤恵/訳 高里ひろ/訳Stories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different 2 Even More True Tales of Amazing Boys Who Changed the World【電子書籍】 Ben BrooksStories for Boys Who Dare to be Different 2【電子書籍】 Ben BrooksStories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different True Tales of Amazing Boys Who Changed the World without Killing Dragons【電子書籍】 Ben BrooksStories for Boys who dare to be different - Vom Mut, anders zu sein【電子書籍】 Ben BrooksMore Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different - Geschichten, die dein Leben ver ndern【電子書籍】 Ben Brooks


  • ご注文前に必ずご確認ください<商品説明>きみは、どんな大人になるんだろう?今は、どんなことが好き?世の中には、もの静かだけど想像もつかないアイデアを実現した人や、情熱的で、ちょっと変わった素敵な生き方をした人なんかがたくさんいる。この本に登場する一〇〇人の中に、きみに似ただれかが見つかるかもしれないよ。<収録内容>アイ・ウェイウェア(芸術家)アフマット・ハシーム(水泳選手)アラン・チューリング(数学者)アラン・L.ハート(医師/作家)アルチュール・ランボー(詩人)イクバル・マシー(活動家)イスカ・アカデミーの男子生徒たち(学生)ウィリアム・カムクワンバ(発明家)ウィリアム・モールトン・マーストン(心理学者)ヴェドラン・スマイロヴィッチ(音楽家)〔ほか〕<商品詳細>商品番号:NEOBK-2354467Ben Burukkusu / Bun Kuin Ton Winter / E Serizawa Megumi / Yaku Daka Sato Hiro / Yaku / Jibun Wo Shinjita 100 Nin No Otokonoko No Monogatari Sekai No Kae Kata Ha Hitotsu Janai / Original Title: STORIES for BOYS WHO DARE to BE DIFFERENTメディア:本/雑誌重量:721g発売日:2019/04JAN:9784309290140自分を信じた100人の男の子の物語 ...


  • <p><strong>Boys can be anything they want to be! In this sequel to the <em>New York Times</em> bestseller <em>Stories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different</em>, Ben Brooks introduces seventy-six <em>more</em> boys and men who will inspire young readers to live boldly and true to themselves.</strong></p> <p>What do environmental activist <strong>Xiuhtezcatl Martinez</strong>, philosopher <strong>Socrates</strong>, and singer <strong>Ed Sheeran</strong> all have in common? Each of them defied expectations -- going against the grain and pursuing their dreams despite a seemingly impossible barrage of obstacles and difficulties. Their stories are incredible, as are those of tap dancer <strong>Evan Ruggiero</strong>, Pok?mon creator <strong>Satoshi Tajiri</strong>, the brave <strong>Chernobyl Divers</strong>, and the other inspirational boys who fill the pages of this extraordinary book.</p> <p>Together, their stories offer young boys the wel...


  • <p><strong>***THE FOLLOW UP TO THE AWARD-WINNING AND BESTSELLING <em>STORIES FOR BOYS WHO DARE TO BE DIFFERENT</em></strong>*******</p> <p><strong>Tom Daley, Oliver Sacks, the Jamaican Bobsled team, Amrou Al-Kadhi, Carlos Acosta... all dared to be different.</strong></p> <p>This is the follow-up to the much loved and hugely successful <em>Stories for Boys Who Dare to be Different</em>, the bestselling book that changed countless boys' lives around the world and gave them the confidence to be themselves.</p> <p>What have the footballer <strong>Kylian Mbapp?</strong>, the philosopher <strong>Socrates</strong> and the singer <strong>Ed Sheeran</strong> all got in common? All three of them defied expectations - going against the grain and pursuing their dreams - despite a seemingly impossible barrage of obstacles and difficulties. Their stories are incredible, as are those of the tap-dancer <strong>Evan Ruggiero</strong>, the Pok?mon creator...


  • <p><strong>Boys can be anything they want to be! This timely book joins and expands the gender-role conversation and gives middle-grade boys a welcome alternative message: that masculinity can mean many things.</strong></p> <p>You won't find any stories of slaying dragons or saving princesses here. In <em>Stories for Boys Who Dare to Be Different,</em> author Ben Brooks-with the help of Quinton Wintor's striking full-color illustrations-offers a welcome alternative narrative: one that celebrates introverts and innovators, sensitivity and resilience, individuality and expression.</p> <p>It's an accessible compilation of 75 famous and not-so-famous men from the past to the present day, every single one of them a rule-breaker and stereotype-smasher in his own way. Entries include Frank Ocean, Salvador Dali, Beethoven, Barack Obama, Ai Weiwei, Jesse Owens, and so many more-heroes from all walks of life and from all over the world.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばら...


  • <p><em><strong>Ausgezeichnet als "Children`s Book of the Year" beim Britischen National Book Award 2018!</strong></em><br /> <em><strong>Von Beethoven bis Obama ? 100 Jungs, die die Welt ver?ndert haben!</strong></em></p> <p>Jungs brauchen <strong>Vorbilder</strong> ? heute mehr denn je. In diesem aufw?ndig gestalteten Buch finden sie ?ber 100 ganz pers?nliche Geschichten von <strong>K?nstlern</strong>, <strong>Wissenschaftlern</strong>, <strong>Umweltaktivisten</strong>, <strong>Fu?ballern</strong>, <strong>Politikern</strong> und <strong>Entdeckern</strong> ? von gro?en und kleinen Helden aus der ganzen Welt und aus allen Epochen, die Grenzen ?berschritten haben und gegen den Strom geschwommen sind. Sie alle hatten den Mut, ihren eigenen Weg zu gehen und so ihre <strong>Tr?ume zu verwirklichen</strong>.<br /> Nach dem gro?en Erfolg von <em>Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls</em> gibt es nun endlich auch eine <strong>i...


  • <p>Was haben der Fu?baller <strong>Kylian Mbapp?</strong>, der Philosoph <strong>Sokrates</strong> und der S?nger <strong>Ed Sheeran</strong> gemeinsam? Alle drei widersetzten sich den Erwartungen der Gesellschaft - trotz scheinbar un?berwindbarer Hindernisse und Schwierigkeiten. Sie haben sich entschieden, gegen den Strom zu schwimmen und mutig ihre Tr?ume zu verfolgen. Ihre Lebensgeschichten sind unglaublich, genauso wie die all der anderen Jungs in diesem besonderen Buch.</p> <p>Nach dem gro?en Erfolg der <em>Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls</em> ein weiterer Band mit Geschichten f?r Jungs - ?ber <strong>100 ber?hmte Pers?nlichkeiten</strong>! Der Autor <em><strong>Ben Brooks</strong></em> erz?hlt von Helden, die die Welt ver?ndert haben. F?r <strong>Jungen</strong> und <strong>M?dchen</strong> zum <strong>Vorlesen</strong> und <strong>Selberlesen</strong>.</p> <p>Der Titel ist auf Antolin gelistet.</p>画面が切り替わります...
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